• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,863 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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Chapter 2: The Dream Within

9 lunar cycles into the current 30 moon cycle of the Lunar Lock mirror.

Sunset Shimmer tapped her pen a few times against the desk. It should not have been running out of ink already, but was not working as well as it should have. Maybe somepony had been borrowing it when she was not looking. A few circle scribbles on some loose parchment that had lyrics and musical notes on it and the pen was working again.

So, what do you think?

I think it’s an excellent idea! Without looking at all the technical hurdles I think you and the princess are on to something amazing. Given that you should be able to augment the crystals with signal enchantment locks and magical power sources you will bypass decades of trial and error humans had to go through for long distance communication. Not to mention the environmental cost we paid for having to lay miles and miles of copper wire around the world.

Well, spellcasters have had scry potions spells for quite some time, but it came to me the other day wishing that I had my phone that pegasi and earth ponies don’t have easy access to something so basic. Communication! Heck, not even all unicorns can afford how much it cost to brew some of those potions. And fewer still have access to a dragon to use their fire matter-transformation spell to send letters. But crystals? We have an entire empire next door that can grow those babies like corn! If what you said about the signature resonation is true we will be able to connect all of Equestria in a big, rock shaped cellphone network in less than a decade.

Of course it’s true, I would never lie to you. And I know math and geology like I know your backside.

Sunset grinned, her heart skipping a few beats. It had been months since her wife had talked flirty to her and Sunset was as horny as she was lonely, missing Twilight desperately so. At least she would have good dreams tonight servicing herself instead of whimpering pathetically while reaching for a familiar body that was not there.

Ohhh, I love it when you talk dirty and science.

Well, geology can get pretty dirty. I have to admit, all this talking about rock hard crystals that are probably phallus shaped is getting me hot and bothered. All I hear is your voice whispering naughty promises in my ears while your hands work their magic… I miss you, Sunny.

I miss you terribly, babe. But at least we are making the most of this time apart and not just moping. We are both being productive, making the lives around us better, right?

There was a notable pause in the written conversation that made Sunset wish the crystal communication resonator was working so she could hear her wife’s voice. Sure, technically, Princess Twilight sounded the same as her Twilight, but they were two distinct individuals. Sunset could have been blindfolded and never mistaken the two of them. She knew the loneliness was probably worse for Twilight. All Twi had were lots old photos and videos and all that was going to do was make her feel more lonely and sad. Sunset touched the ring hanging from her neck.


Sorry, I drifted off for a moment there. In fact, I think I’m going to head to bed. I love you, Sunny.

I love you eternally, Twi.

The hour was late, near midnight according to the clock on the desk. Sunset stood and stretched. She was tired, but not tired enough for bed yet. On Earth, in cases like these if her muse was being quiet Sunset would play video games or go for a motorcycle ride until she felt fatigued enough to fall asleep. Her cutie mark may have been sun shaped, but Sunset had always been more of a night owl for as long as she could remember. The daughter of the princess of the sun absolutely hated getting up for sunrise.

Sunset made her way to the nearest open balcony and stepped up on the railing. Since Equestria lacked motorcycles and video games, Sunset chose to do the next best thing to clear her mind. Go for a flight. She let herself fall backwards off the rail, falling for a few seconds before snapping her wings open.

The feeling of the cool air rushing through her mane, feeling the currents and changes in the air through her wings, it was nothing short of euphoric. Riding was exhilarating. Leaning into corners, twisting the throttle, feeling the engine vibrate and excite her very core. Flying with her own goddess given wings was all that and more, simply breathtaking.

Sunset ignited her wings as she pushed through several tight banking turns, feeling the blood rush to different parts of her body. It had been years since she had pushed herself so hard physically, but it still felt good. Perhaps she needed to start a workout regimen with the guard so as to not get out of shape? Maybe some weapons training as well? Good stress relief if nothing else. Sunset smirked, Tempest would likely not be opposed to the idea of smacking her around under controlled practice safeties.

Sunset skimmed her hoof over the mountain river then flapped to climb. She tucked her wings and spun in a few barrel rolls, heading back towards Canterlot castle. Technically, the palace was a ‘no-fly zone’ but both the Solar and Lunar guard had gotten accustom to Sunset’s flights of fancy. Not to mention there were not too many alicorns in the world and only one who usually set herself on fire while flying. The first time did, however cause quite a stir among the citizens of the capital.

A beckoning feeling drew Sunset to Luna’s tower and she landed softly on the balcony outcrop of the top floor of the watchtower. Four thestrals snapped to attention, their black iron spears at the ready. Sunset smiled disarmingly, but they did not lower their weapons.

“Mistress Luna is not to be disturbed while she is dream walking except for emergencies.”

“I understand, I just… actually, I don’t know why I came this way. Maybe I just swung by to say hi, but if she’s busy I will leave her be.”

“Actually, dear niece, I summoned you.” The Lunar Guards snapped to attention and resumed their positions about the open air tower. “I felt the power of your presence even from the dream world. So, I sent a small beckoning spell your way and it called to you like an itch that needed to be scratched. Interesting. I thought I had felt it before, but this time it was much stronger and I had no doubt. Are you in emotional turmoil?”

“No, actually I feel pretty good. Just got done chatting with my wife so my emotions are probably running a little high. Just needed a flight. I get like that sometimes.”

Luna nodded sagely. During the day or when entertaining guest, Luna often came off as bombastic or overdramatic. Probably because she enjoyed it without the repercussions her crown used to carry. But at night, in her element, working her magic as the protector of dreams even in her semi-retirement, Luna acted completely different. She was quiet, collective, and more Celestia-like than Sunset dared to point out.

“Sit with me a moment, niece.” Sunset did so. “I would like to try something if you would allow it.”

“Which is?”

“I would like to take you on a dream walk.”

Sunset gaped. Dream walking was ancient and dangerous magic that even Celestia had been unable to master without her sister’s guidance. The only books on the subject were under lock and key in the restricted section, cataloged primarily by a chronicler named Primrose Gala who had been researching the subject on the power of dreams and on the minds of ponies. Primrose had discovered without a doubt that Nightmare Moon was real and even while trapped had the ability to see into the dreams of ponies and even manipulate them.

The information and books had been suppressed and for good reason. It was hard enough for most stressed out adults to get a good night’s sleep. If they knew they could be manipulated in their dreams no one would go to bed by choice. The only reason Sunset knew about it was from her brief escapade through the restricted section with Princess Twilight while trying to find information on the Memory Stone.

Long story short, if a pony had the power to enter another pony’s dreams then they could also manipulate them when their mental defenses were down and that was rarely for the betterment of all. If one was twisted enough you could literally drive a pony insane to the point of suicidal just by subtly messing with their dreams.

“That’s some powerful magic, I’m not sure even I could handle something like that.”

Luna waved dismissively. "Nonsense, you are my niece, of my blood and more so, I sense something kindred in you. Celestia found my teaching attempts none to her liking, then following my exile she lacked both my guidance and the time to do so. I also tried to teach Twilight how to dream walk, but her mind was far too analytical for the chaotic whimsy that often accompanies the world of dreams. It’s not just about knowing the spells, one has to have the presence, the resonance to walk the path of dreams. Even an alicorn as powerful as Princess Flurry Heart could not safely navigate the dreamscape without causing damage to herself or those around her. You, I believe, are the right balance of powerful and empathetic. You could do this. I can guide you.”

Sunset shrugged. “Well, I’m never opposed to learning new magic, but take it easy on me. I’ve read that the dream mindscape is as fragile as it is dangerous.”

“Oh, it very much is so. Like a castle of glass, the mindscape of dreams is where we are at our most vulnerable. Few have the fortitude to properly defend themselves while sleeping without defensive spells already in place. For the rest, it is like leaving all the gates to said castle wide open while one sleeps in the center of it surrounded by piles of gold. Ponies are at my mercy and dreams turned to nightmares are nothing short of terror weapons.

“Since that costly mistake I made so long ago I have dedicated my life to ensuring that no pony has to suffer through the night at another’s expense, not while I can protect them or guide them through. Understand, niece, that I am trusting you with this knowledge and how to use it as both a sign of respect and because I believe you may have been born with the gift to crossover as easily as I was.”

Sunset let out a long breath, but how could she say no to such an opportunity. Plus, the chance to see Luna in action was beyond impossible to resist. Sunset approached the center of the tower and sat next to her aunt. Luna closed her eyes and glowing threads of power extruded from her horn and enwrapped Sunset’s.

The feeling was similar to what Sunset remembered her geode empath power felt like only more intense because she could feel EVERYPONY at once. They were just whispers, most of them sweet and quiet, but some had a darker, muddy tinge to them. It was almost overwhelming, but Sunset relaxed and let the whispers flow around her. She did not need to guide or intervene on good dreams and the darker ones felt wrong, oily, dirty, and not the fun kind of dirty.

Darker thoughts. Fear, shame, greed, hate, the emotions tasted like acid in Sunset’s mouth making the hairs on her skin stand up and crawl. Thankfully, there were only a few of them throughout all of Equestria. Millions of quiet, calm sleeping minds with a few troublesome spots here and there. Sunset felt strangely voyeuristic as she walked, catching intimate glimpses here and there as Luna examined a few closely. Something caused Luna’s ears to twitch and she pulled Sunset along the trail made of stardust.

“Here, a mare who desperately fears for her sick foal. Unhealthy, dangerous levels of fear. This could lead to self harm or harm to the child. This is where I come in.” Sunset felt more than watch as Luna reached out and whispered sweet words of kindness into a cloud like approximation of the mare’s head. The oily blackness that had surrounded the pony’s dream body faded and she slipped deeper into the calm river, her light blending in with the background like the others.

Luna turned to another spot on the star filled path and drew out another cloud like face, this one a filly who was probably not even in the double digits of age. She beckoned Sunset forward as she examined the dream that was becoming a nightmare.

“From what I can skim, her name is Maple Sugarsweet. She had a fight with her best friend and is worried she will lose them forever. This is a very common and simple fear, but for some, like Twilight, such anxiety can induce dreadful and vivid nightmares.” Luna pause, looking up at Sunset. “Go on, niece, you know how to set her mind at ease.”

Sunset shifted a bit, scratching one foreleg with the other. “I don’t know her, how can I possibly help?”

“You were a mother of two fillies, you have exemplified empathy, and everything you need to know is right here in her dream. Time moves differently in the dreamscape. You have the time to examine her life as a whole if you so choose, but I would not recommend it. It becomes exhausting diving into so many lives. After all, you are still awake and need rest as well.”

Sunset nodded. She carefully took the cloud head in her hooves and peered down through the shape and could see what the poor filly was scared of. Her imagination getting away from her as she dreamed of her friend, her family, even the family cat abandoning her at the train station for being a bad friend. Sunset touched her horn to the cloud surface just as Luna had done and was drawn into the dream.

Sunset was now standing on the platform next to the crying yellow filly with bright blue mane. The dream ponies ignored her like NPCs in a game, going about their automated business. Sunset sat down next to Maple Sugarsweet and pulled her close to her barrel and wrapped a warm wing around her just like Celestia sometimes did when she was that age. The filly ceased crying and looked up at Sunset with awe.

“Who… who are you?”

“I’m Sunset Shimmer, I'm Princess Luna's niece. I heard you crying in your dream and came to help. Tell me what happened?” The filly was about to start crying again and Sunset reached down and nuzzled her while pulling her closer with her wing.

Maple smiled at the feeling of warmth and relaxed. “I had a fight with my friend Rosey. She said she didn’t want to be my friend anymore and ran home. I didn’t mean to make her cry! I just wanted her to share the swing!”

“Shhhh,” Sunset gently placed a hoof to the filly’s trembling lips, “it’s okay. When my girls were little, Aurora didn’t always want to share with her little sister, Sunna. They usually got along, but sometimes fillies say mean things when they are angry, but they don’t mean it. So, I want you to think about the good times you have had with Rosey and tomorrow, you apologize and so will she and you will both realize how much you love being friends and no swing can break that up.”

Maple smiled up and Sunset. She had forgotten how much she loved it when a child looked up at her with wonder and awe as if she were a shining goddess. Maple gave Sunset one last hug before the nightmare faded and soon so did the filly. Sunset blinked a few times and found herself standing again next to Luna who sported a satisfied smile of approval.

“Well done. You see? Nothing to it. And the fact that you have not lost my connection means I was correct. This power comes naturally to you as well. With training you could guard the dreams of ponies without my help.”

Sunset examined her hoof, remembering what her hand had looked like. She then noticed that her mane moved on its own just like the other princesses. It was most likely only because she was in the dream realm, but it looked nice. “Thanks. I think part of it might be because I’m not starting from scratch. In addition to being your niece, I also use to be able to see into the minds of others with the power of a geode artifact I once had.”

Luna gave a sagely nod again. “A story worthy of telling over cocoa by the fire. As my mother use to be proud of saying, ‘everything happens for a reason’ or something along those lines. It’s difficult to properly quote somepony that has been gone for over two thousand years.”

Sunset nodded as they continued to walk along the star filled path.


13 lunar cycles into current 30 moon cycle of Lunar Lock mirror

Sunset lowered the enchanted etching tools she had been using on the chunk of crystal that was secured by vise gripped into place. After a moment, the glowing runes and numbers stabilized and merged with the polished mineral rock. Sunset let out the breath she had been holding and stepped back while lifting the goggles to the top of her head. If Twi could see her now, she would probably tackle Sunset to the floor and begin to…

Sunset was suddenly blushing furiously, trying to look anywhere else but at her two lab partners. “Ahem, yes, WHEW! That seemed to have worked! You were right about the needing more quartz in the composition to stabilize the spell resonance.”

“Thank you!” Princess Twilight beamed, lifting her own goggles. “I had a hunch the crystals we were experimenting with were too fragile to handle the amount of runework you were trying to encrypt.”

Sunset nodded, unable to keep the smile from her face at the sight of a giddy Twilight Sparkle. The princess dressed in a lab coat made specially to accommodate her size and wings walked around the table where two blue crystals sat secured, glowing faintly in their center matrix.

While Twilight had certainly matured and settled into the role as leader of Equestria with all the grace and poise that the weight of the crown demanded it was comforting to Sunset to see that her best friend was still in there under all the regalia and royal duties and could get excited by pet projects that let her step away for a time, let her proverbial hair down. Sunset knew the princess felt the same way, having told her just this morning how excited she was to have a lab partner to indulge with while skipping in place like a school filly at the science fair.

Spike had taken slight offense to the comment, reminding Sunset that he was the ‘number one assistant’ while crossing his impressive bulky arms and glaring daggers. Sunset knew he was joking, mostly. Still, it was unwise to argue with a dragon, especially one that was a good head and a half taller than her and could bend a pony into a pretzel if he was mad enough.

Not that he would. Spike was still a sweetheart even after all these years, but only to those that truly knew him. As the friendship liaison between Queen Ember and Equestria, sometimes it was necessary to remind both sides that he was still a dragon and needed to butt heads to prove it. It was mostly political chest thumping, but a necessary one to dragons. Especially after Flurry Heart had accidentally sparked a political incident with the Dragon Lands not long after being granted the title as the new Princess of Friendship.

On the bright side of the debacle Spike had impressed Smolder enough that she had finally agreed to marry him after many years of trying to win her affection. Sunset smiled, she had heard it had been one heck of a wild party of a wedding and was sorry she had missed it.

Twilight levitated her list and crossed off ‘stabilize crystals.’ “Okay, if all our calculations are correct these two crystals should be connected in a manner identical to the journals creating near instantaneous, two way communication. The vibration rune should allow the voice of one pony to be heard by another like ordinary sound. Phase one is to of course test that connection over three exponentially expanding distances. If they work as predicted we can move on to phase two of connecting them to a third and forth crystal to begin attempting multi call networking as well as testing the privacy wards that were included.”

“If this works safely we can get crystals to all the families across Equestria regardless of distance or terrain,” Sunset said excitedly. “Ponies will be able to stay connected or call for help instantly. As long as the caller has the frequency number of the crystal they are trying to reach they will not just get a letter or telegraph, but actually talk and hear the other pony on the line and not have to be a unicorn to make the magic work.”

Spike blinked. “What line?”

“It’s a figure of human speech, an old one. Even my cellphone did not have an actual ‘line’ anymore.”

“This will revolutionize the modernization of Equestria and maybe beyond.” Twilight unfastened one crystal and began shaking it. “Energy matrix stability is holding… not too heavy to carry in a saddlebag, although it still takes up quite a bit of room.”

“We can worry about making compact sized units later. I figure for these first attempts we just stick with the house units. Even if this works, we are a long way away from rolling this out to every corner of Equestria.” Sunset took her crystal in her magic and stashed it into a saddlebag. “Okay, princess, I’ll teleport to the city limits then teleport and fly to Cloudsdale, and finally make my way out towards the Foal Mountains East of here. After that we send one to the Crystal Empire and really test the range of these.”

“You know, when it’s just us, you don’t have to call me ‘princess’.”

Sunset, balked for a moment, blinking a few times. “Oh! Sorry, Twilight, I guess it’s just a force of habit since the only times I really get to see you is when I have to book time in court with Isabella or I get dragged to an official function. Even then it’s hard to get more than three words out to you before somepony is bending your ear or dragging you away.”

Twilight frowned for a moment, before giving Sunset a friendly hug. “I’m sorry too. My life is not always my own anymore. I knew what I was getting into when Celestia and Luna handed me the keys to the kingdom, but sometimes... It’s just… I miss this, just being a little pony with a book by my side and a science project on my mind. My friends, my family… the good old days. Just…” Twilight took a breath, bringing her hoof in and letting it out. “let me have my little moments of nostalgia with my best friend and call me by my name like we use to.”

Sunset smiled, wrapping herself in the black velvet cloak. “Sure thing, Twilight.” With one last wink to the purple alicorn Sunset disappeared in a flash of teleportation magic and found herself standing at the mountain path gates by the train station. A few ponies turned to the unexpected appearance of what appeared to nothing more than a tall, talented unicorn mare. Sunset had managed to keep her existence to Equestria as a whole downplayed, having only had to reveal her wings to some of the nobility and dignitaries who wanted to see if the rumors were true that there was another alicorn in Canterlot. Of course, all they really had to do was stay up late and maybe they might catch a glimpse of the mystery alicorn on a joy flight.

Since the first incident upon her arrival, Sunset had made it clear to her mother that she was not going to be a political tool and the price of personal time in the grand game was Celestia’s cake at dinner. Petty? Absolutely. But Sunset had no desire to be directly involved in the halls of power and fully intended to either return to Earth with her wife or drag Twi to Equestria kicking and screaming. There was no way she was going to spend another thirty moons without Twi again. How Celestia had gone years between visits to her beloved for centuries was unfathomable to Sunset. The goldenrod alicorn shook her head to clear the mental image of Twi sprawled on a bed in sheer underwear and focused on the task at hand… er, hoof.

“Okay, let’s get started.”

“Sunset?” said Celestia as she entered the laboratory tower. Twilight and Spike looked up from the crystal and called out to Celestia. The white alicorn strolled up to the table of various tools and runework spell books. “Is this that communication project the two of you were talking about a few months ago?”

“Yes! Oh, and thank you for handling day court while we finished up our phase one testing. Sunset will activate her crystal at any moment and if it works this crystal will begin to glow and we will be able to speak with her through it.” Twilight paused, looked at Spike and Celestia then floated over two more pairs of goggles and placed them on their heads, pulling hers down as well. “Or, it will explode… again.”


“It’s okay!” Twilight dismissed with a wave of her hoof. “We had protective gear and the burns to Sunset’s fur already healed over. We laughed about it over ice cream. It’s all part of the scientific process!”

Celestia took a step back. “Oh, my.”

The crystal in the lab began to glow a minute later and carefully, Twilight touched a hoof to the runes and numbers that were glowing above one facet of the crystal. There was a small pop sound followed by, was that ponies talking in the distance?


“Twilight!” Sunset said excitedly. “It worked! Sorry about the delay. After I activated the runes I, you know, ran off behind a box. I didn’t want to risk damaging my cloak.”

“This is fantastic! I mean there is a little bit of static, we may need to refine the signal frequency or come up with some sort of background noise filter, but it WORKS!”


“Congratulations, both of you.”


“Hello, little sun. I finished with petitions early and had time before the dinner meeting with the merchant’s guild. I thought I would stop in and say hello.”

Sunset chuckled. “Well, if you want to listen to history being made just wait. I’m about to take this crystal to Cloudsdale and then to the top of the Foal Mountains.”

“Do you want to take an escort with you? If you travel to Cloudsdale you will have to take your cloak off unless you take a chariot,” said Celestia.

Sunset pondered on it a moment. An enchanted chariot was not inconspicuous either and would travel slower than she could under her own power. “I’ll risk it, this is too important to wait for an escort.”

Celestia looked to Twilight who was dancing in place like a school filly after too much sugar. She could not help but smile at her two former students working together, it was the reality of a dream she had not thought about in many, many decades.

“Okay, cutting the connection. Will call back as soon as I get to Cloudsdale.”

Thirty minutes later, the crystal in the lab began to glow again and Twilight eagerly touched the familiar runes. “Helloooo from Canterlot castle!”

Sunset laughed. “And helloooo from Cloudsdale!” The two alicorn mares laughed and cheered while Celestia and Spike clapped at their success. “Wow, the reception is actually pretty good up here. Considering it doesn’t use broadcast antennas that’s a little weird, I wonder if it’s atmospheric? Air pressure on the crystal?”

“Ahem, Your Highnesses?” Twilight and Celestia both turned to find a female griffon in a white business tunic top standing at the door. Her primary feathers were a chocolate brown with several layers of a blued black raven feathers. She eyed them both with unforgiving amber gold eyes under a scrutinizing brow ridge.

“Isa! Come here and say hi to Sunset! She’s in Cloudsdale right now!” Twilight pulled her personal assistant into the room and placed her next to the table. Isabella looked at the crystal and sighed.

“Hello, Sunset,” the griffon said in her cultured, traditional Canterlot accent, “I need to collect at least one of these princesses to sit in on the merchant’s guild dinner meeting.”

“Pffft!” Sunset replied with all the professionalism of a five year old. “Make them wait! We are making history here! Long distance, instant communication across Equestria without dragon fire, potion spells, or expensive linked journals. Wouldn’t you like to know if this keeps working all the way to Griffonstone? I know you have family there.”

“While that is impressive, Lady Sunset, one cannot simply blow off the merchant’s guild without there being repercussions.”

“Then tell them we are testing on a new communication device that will be worth a fortune to the company that will be able to mass produce the crystals to our specifications, quickly and affordable to ponies everywhere.”

Isabella was about to retort when she brought her talon back to her beak and tapped. “That’s… not actually a terrible idea. For once.”

“For once?”

Isabella glared at the crystal as if Sunset could see her. “When asked by Lord Regal Brewer to pass on to you an invitation to his soiree you told me I should reply by shoving a rather sizable object into a decidedly uncomfortable orifice. Or has that moment slipped your mind?”

“No, I did say that, but only because Brewer kept trying to set me up a date with his son even after I told him I’m married.”

“You have to understand that they have never seen or met your spouse so members of elite society automatically assume if somepony says, ‘I am married’ without evidence then surely they are lying or are playing the hard to get game.”

“That doesn’t make any sense! Whatever happened to no means no? Twilight! Back me up in this one!”

“I don’t agree with it either.”

“Thank you!”

Isabella sighed and turned to leave. “I will be back in forty-five minutes to collect Celestia or Twilight, preferably both. I suggest having some sort of presentation in mind to smooth over the guild leaders. They will no doubt still find the tardiness offensive even if they benefit in the end.”

“You know, I just remembered my wife needs me to make dinner tonight! Smolder will probably also need a foot massage after a long day overseeing the School of Friendship.”

Twilight sighed, but waved him on before playfully whispering, “traitor.” Spike gave Twilight one last hug before leaving the lab as well.

“Okay, one last distance test for the day. And good thing, I’m starting to get hungry.” The crystal returned to its resting subtle glow.

Once alone, Twilight turned to Celestia and wrapped her hooves around her mentor’s neck. “Thank you for this. I needed this more than you realize.”

Celestia returned the hug, adding her wings to the embrace. It had been easier to envelope Twilight when she had not been as tall as Celestia. Nevertheless, it still felt good to both teacher and student. “You are quite welcome. I know better than any other creature the daily difficulties you face and the need for such personal outlets.”

“Yes, but not just that. Thank you for asking Sunset Shimmer to stay here even if only for a while. I love Spike like the little brother he is, and I am grateful that you and Luna are staying in Canterlot to help me, but I had forgotten how much I needed a close friend who gets me and my… me-ness every day. Somepony who doesn’t just see the crown and wings.”

“I think you should give most of that thanks to Sunset.”

Twilight fidgeted, eyes downcast. “She came for you, not me. She sacrificed a lot to spend thirty moons here and I don’t want to make things between us… awkward.”

Celestia suspected what Twilight was saying and feeling. Risking the outburst of denial, Celestia said, “Sunset loves you. She just loves the other Twilight more.”

“I know. And I am eternally happy for them and at the same time… envious of what they have. My last relationship… well no reason to get into that now. I have a presentation to prepare.”

Celestia nodded. “Tell me how I can help.”

Author's Note:

Luna is best at being the cool aunt. I thought about this months ago when I was working on Incarnate about the similarities of Sunset when compared to Celestia and Luna. In addition to the fact that Sunset has the same eye color as Luna her Geode powered Empathy is only a stone throw different from how Luna has the power to enter dreams and help ponies. And we finally got to meet Isabella. She's fun and snarks like pro.

Anyhow, see you next week *spoiler* Bring your crash helmets.