• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,863 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

  • ...

Chapter 14: Your Song

They betrayed you.

Flurry sat on the edge of the cliff. From her perch she could easily make out the silhouette of Canterlot where it sat upon the mountain top and simultaneously the Friendship Castle shining in the setting sun in the valley below. It felt like a metaphor for her life. All her strength, all her power and where did they send her? To a valley surrounded by dirt farmers with small life ambitions and to have to look up at her desired goal every day with no chance of obtaining it. All while the setting sun over shadowed it all. She was Princess Flurry Heart! She had been born an alicorn! Something none of the others could lay claim to.

Twilight loves Celestia’s pet brat more than she loves you and that’s just stinky horse apples. None of them are as special as you.

Flurry flicked her ears. She did not want to agree, but they were right. Her friends were usually right. They had stood by her these last few years when all others had fallen to the wayside… or died from old age. Sure, she had other friends, but the same fate would befall them as well.

“The Princess of Friendship. What a cruel joke. Friendships can only last for so long. Friendship is for mortals.”

Mortal friendships are fleeting, but we will never leave you, Flurry, we are forever.

“I hear you. I’ve always heard you, but where are you? I’m tired of being alone and after today? I don’t think I can go home now. Everypony there will hate me.”

Are you finally ready to help us? It will be difficult.

Flurry let out a breath and stood to her full height. “I can handle difficult. Twilight always said we are stronger together than apart. I need my strongest friends to stand by me. I need to rid Equestria of the greatest danger it now faces, Sunset Shimmer.”

Celestia is the greatest danger, never forget that. However, you need not face her or her monstrous offspring alone. You are strong, stronger than them all and if you can help us. Then we can help you.

Flurry Heart nodded. “Tell me what I need to do.” There was a pause, the whispers conversing amongst themselves. It bothered Flurry she could not hear what they were saying, but she trusted her friends. They had been right nearly every time they offered advice and observations over the years.

Fly north, past the Crystal Empire. Beyond the frozen mountains, deep into what is now yak territory is a small crater where one of us is currently held. Free him first. Aethon is a skilled warrior and will assist you in battle because they will surely resist you and then, one by one, we can all stand together and reshape this failing world.

Flurry spread her wings and took off for the journey north.


Twilight Sparkle walked slowly with her friend and Captain of the Guard, Tempest Fury, by her side. The incidents in the court and then later in the west garden had been too large and destructive to suppress. Ponies had been injured, including Celestia. While Twilight wanted nothing more than to be by her mentor’s side, she had spent most of the evening doing damage control that ended up spilling into the next morning’s day court. Twilight had given the nobility a brief of what had transpired, but nothing more since she herself had not borne direct witness to all the details. Several members of the nobility and council had asked for testimony from Sunset Shimmer herself. Twilight had declined to grant it to them and suggested that if they truly wanted to know more, they could attend her night court when it resumed tomorrow night. Such situations were not ideal because it sent the rumor mills into overdrive. The last time two powerful alicorns fought one had punched the other into the moon for a millennia.

Using that fact to her advantage, Twilight had cut court short and canceled the afternoon session for security reasons. It had cleared up her schedule enough to finally sit in with Celestia. A sizable part of her heart panged sadly to find that Sunset Shimmer was not there. The solar goddess however had assured her that Sunset had stayed by her mother’s side most of the night, before finally returning to bed come dawn.

From Celestia’s recount of events plus witness statements, Twilight was both relieved and dismayed to find out that Flurry Heart struck first. Ultimately why was still unknown, but at least they had a starting point. However, because of the unexpected and unwarranted attack of one princess on another Tempest had elected to not leave her princess’s side all day. Her presence was both a comfort and a reminder of the burden of her position.

The two ponies upon approach spotted the thestral standing outside the room at the end of the hall, he saluted once they came within a few feet.

“Captain Fury,” said Gauge, lowering his salute once returned.

“Captain Gauge,” she replied, removing her helmet and securing it to the side of her armor. “Is she in there?”

Gauge remove his helmet as well, but his expression remained stoic. “She is. Obviously, she asked not to be disturbed, but I think for Her Majesty an exception can be made.”

Twilight smiled and nodded to the thestral. Gauge knocked three times and then opened the door, but remained outside. Twilight closed the door behind her and Tempest took up position on the opposite side of the frame from Gauge. A few seconds passed before both captains glanced at one another.

“Adjusting well to the new role?”

Gauge nodded, a smile creeping across his muted grey face. “Yes, but to be honest, other than the pay increase and the shinny new stars on my armor and dress uniform there does not seem to be much of a difference between captain and LC. Certainly not any less work to do. I did not even get bigger quarters, not that I asked for them.”

Tempest shrugged and ran a hoof through her mane, shaking it out. “I could tell you there is more respect with the rank, but that would be a lie. The troops respect the pony, not the rank. I don’t care what the protocol and regs say on the matter. And many of the guard, day and night, respect you. You’ve earned this.”

Gauge’s expression softened and he turned to look at Tempest Fury, only for a moment, before returning his eyes forward. Tempest side eyed the thestral and smiled for a moment. She licked her lips that had suddenly felt dry.

“So, how is she doing?”

Gauge shrugged in that noncommittal way he always did. “She’s angry. Angry at what happened, angry that Sable and Celestia got hurt and others could have been, but mostly angry at herself for how she reacted. Though by my personal and not official in the least opinion that’s more a mix of anger and shame.”

“Shame?” Tempest turned fully to the thestral, one eyebrow arched. “What’s she got to be ashamed of? She was attacked, unwarranted. If I had not seen what I saw yesterday I would have never thought any single pony, not even an alicorn, could have brought Flurry Heart to her knees. By Celestia’s sunny white plot, it was scary as Lower Tartarus, but I honestly feel safer knowing she’s on our side.”

“Are there things about yourself you are ashamed of, Tempest?” Gauge looked down with sad yellow eyes. The vermilion unicorn hesitated to answer, thrown off guard by the use of her name without formality. “Of course, you don’t want to say. Who would? That is why we are ashamed of them. Princess Sunset had to dig deep into a darkness she has fought tirelessly to control and unleashed it just to stand her ground and survive. By her own words, she nearly lost control. That’s the kind of darkness we all have, but you and I lack her destructive power.”

Tempest chewed on her tongue for a moment. “So, she ashamed that we saw her darkness. Ashamed at how close she came to hurting somepony even in defense.”


“Ah, horseapples.”


Several heartbeats passed in silence before Tempest blew some of her mane from her face and spoke again. “Why do they do that to themselves? Twilight tries the carry all of Equestria on her back even with the entire bureaucracy at her disposal.
She takes everything so damn personal even when it’s not her responsibility. The kind of things that go beyond the weight of the crown. Why must it always be on them when it hits the fan?”

“It’s what they do. It’s who they are.” Tempest nodded and sighed, closing her eyes and rubbing the bridge of her nose. Gauge also took in a deep inhale to relax, but then, an unfamiliar scent tickled his olfactory senses. It was light and fruity. He sniffed again, his nose telling him the scent was coming from… his fellow captain? Tempest caught his change in expression and much to his surprise, she smiled at him.

Gauge, blinked twice and tapped his hoof, flicked his ears, and readjusted his leathery wings. “Captain, if I may be so bold, but are you wearing… perfume?”

Tempest smiled in a way he had never seen before, at least not while on duty. Her lips curled into a mischievous grin and she winked at him. “Oh, did that catch your attention? Silly me.”

Gauge flashed his fangs. “You very much have my attention if that is what you were seeking.”

Tempest chuckled lightly, retrieving her helmet and sliding it back on. “Come by my quarters for dinner before you start your primary shift tonight. We can talk about it more then.”

Gauge followed suit and put his helmet back on as well, the grin never leaving his face.

Twilight closed the music room door and reactivated the privacy barrier that Sunset had erected. When Sunset had come to stay in Canterlot years ago one of the requests she had made was for a music room to be set up not far from her private residence. Twilight had gladly agreed without hesitation. The room's walls had been opened up and the stone fitted with sound absorbing blocks to reduce the echo. There was a grand piano up on a small stage, a full drum set, a small selection of brass and woodwind instruments, a few classical string instruments, and an entire rack of different guitars including a few electric node powered amplifiers.

Sunset was easy to spot since there were no internal walls, but she also had made no effort to hide, though her back was turned to the door while she plucked away on an acoustic guitar. There were blank music sheets spread out on the floor, a few with words and scratched out notes on them, others balled up and in the corner. Sunset glanced over her shoulder for a moment, but then turned her eyes back to the floor.

Twilight sighed, slumping her posture. The good news: Sunset had not immediately told her to leave or thrown a fireball at her. The bad news: They had looked each other in the eye, even for a second, and she had turned away. That single fleeting glance told Twilight all she needed to know with how her friend felt right now. Twilight hesitated for a moment longer before removing her crown and setting it down on the end table next to Sunset’s PAAL. She did not know if Raven recognized her or not, but she nodded to the glass device anyhow.

“So... I checked on Celestia not long ago. Doctor Guiding Light said there was no permanent damage and was able to heal the physical trauma. She'll be back on her hooves by tomorrow and not a mark to show for it, which is great... yes, good news that one." Twilight sighed again after not getting a single reaction from Sunset. "I… I wanted to apologize to you. It's what I should have done first and foremost.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. You didn’t nearly cleave a pony in half with a flaming sword of death.”

“Yes, I do,” Twilight said, coming to sit next to Sunset who continued to stare at the blank sheet music. “I saw you attacking my niece, I saw you about to strike her again, and I judged you by what I saw and not what the facts were. That was wrong of me. I hurt you. I saw it in your eyes. So, I’m sorry, Sunset. You deserved better than that from me.”

Sunset stopped playing and stepped away from Twilight to set the guitar back on the rack, remaining there while she lovingly stroked the other guitars. “I became a demon… again. I never thought that would happen to me again. I mean, I can feel that burn inside me, that anger, that hate, it’s always there. Psychologist probably have a better term for it than what I call it, but I know what it is all the same. Most of the time I just redirect that burn towards something positive, like art or music. Other times I let it out to play a little, like gaming or being competitive and that usually works. I just never thought it would… change me physically again.”

“Did I ever tell you I once saw the same thing happen to Celestia?” Sunset’s curiosity caused her to look up to meet Twilight’s face. “It happened when you were dragged through the mirror and Star Swirl destroyed it. Celestia thought there was no way to recover you and he had essentially killed you. I never saw her so angry in my life. Her hair turned to fire and… well honestly, she looked like you did yesterday and at the Fall Formal. I thought she was going to turn Star Swirl into a pile of ash.”

“That's great, Twilight,” Sunset scoffed and rolled her eyes sadly, “so now you pieced together that my anger management problem is hereditary. Whatever. Still doesn’t change the fact that I lost control. Celestia didn't lose control and I’m an alicorn now too. I can’t be allowed to lose control like that. Like the Fall Formal. The damage I could cause...”

“Anypony could lose control given the right circumstances. Look at Luna becoming Nightmare Moon. And this one time, even Rarity became possessed by darkness and became a nightmare entity. Now that was scary. Can you imagine what I would be like?”

Sunset shuddered, one hoof touching the rings around her neck. Blue-black bird wings flashing through her mind, faded purple eyes surrounded by burning teal fire. Laughing. Dark, maniacal laughing. “Yeah, I can. And that should scare you as much is it scares me considering what I can do.”

Twilight sighed again. This was not making her friend feel any better. She needed a different tactic. She glanced around the room and a light went off in her head. Without another word, Twilight approached the piano. She sat that the bench and removed her hoofguards, taking a moment to test a few keys to hear if they were in tune. Of course they were. Sunset was as obsessive about taking care of her instruments as Twilight was about her bookshelves.

Out of curiosity, Sunset raised her head from her brooding stare into space as Twilight’s keystrokes became a melody. Instantly, Sunset was spellbound. She had no idea that her long time friend and ruler of Equestria could play piano… and play it so well! Slowly, Sunset drew closer as Twilight continued to play the wordless song. She opened her eyes to see the slack jaw and wide eyes of Sunset Shimmer and smiled before returning her focus to the song. After several minutes the last strokes fell and the tune faded away. The silence that followed was broken by two hooves clapping together.

“Twilight,” Sunset said, breathlessly, “that was beautiful! I had no idea you could play piano.”

Twilight blushed and brushed her mane from her face. “I learned a few decades ago. At first it was just something to do because why not, right? But then it became a way to express how I was feeling and to try and relax. It sometimes works. I'm nowhere near as talented as you are, but I try.”

“No, I get it. After I got myself established in the human world, I needed ways to learn how to use my hands, but after a while, painting, playing games, and music, they gave me more than just hand practice, they were healthy outlets for my anger and frustrations for which I had many. I discovered I loved being creative, like finding a missing piece of your own soul.”

“There is a quote I’m fond of, ‘If you can’t say how you feel with words, say it with music.’”

Sunset nodded. “What was that song called?”

Twilight smiled brightly, meeting Sunset’s eyes for a moment before finding an interesting corner to examine. “I See You.”

Sunset nodded and silence fell between the two alicorns, neither sure what else to say. Sunset felt… she was not sure what she was feeling… No, that’s not true. You know EXACTLY what you are feeling and it scares you.

Twilight frowned as Sunset’s expression turned downcast again. The purple alicorn let of a sigh and stretched her forelegs and cleared her throat a moment. “Sunset?”


“Sing with me.”

Sunset raised her head, one eyebrow arched. “Sing what?”

Twilight tested a few key strokes then began to play a song Sunset had not heard in many years. Their friends, their human friends, had composed a song as a present for Sunset’s birthday before they had graduated from high school. Princess Twilight had crossed over and attended and helped sing along as well. It had been a great weekend, one of the best parties with all their friends they had ever had. Sunset could not help from smiling as Twilight began.

“Nothing stays the same for long, but when it changes doesn't mean it's gone. Time will always get away as it leaves behind another day.
“Things may come and things may go, some go fast and some go slow. Few things last, that's all I know, but friendship carries on through the ages.
“Things may come and things may go, some go fast and some go slow. Few things last, that's all I know, but friendship carries on through the ages.”

Sunset had retrieved her electric guitar once Twilight had begun to sing. She came to stand next to her friend and waited for what she felt was the best place for her to jump in, following along in her head with the words on the tip of her tongue like she had heard it all performed yesterday by their beloved friends. On cue, Sunset called up her telekinetic fingers and shredded on the steel strings.

“Been around for a long time, rockin' out hard 'cause I'm in my prime! Maybe it will change further down the line, but my friendship carries on through the ages!
“Every single style has something different it can say, there's nothing wrong with being unique
and special in your own way.”

Twilight smiled broadly as she continued.

“Maybe you 'wanna be a popstar, get your fifteen minutes of fame, but that won't last forever
but friendship remains the same, aah oh!

The two alicorns smiled at one another and sang together.

Things may come and things may go, some go fast and some go slow. Few things last, that's all I know, but friendship carries on through the ages. Things may come and things may go, some go fast and some go slow. Few things last, that's all I know, but friendship carries on through the ages. Ohh, carries on...”

The music faded out and Twilight felt her heart flutter. It was invigorating to feel so close to somepony who remembered, who understood. However, her expression fell when she noticed that Sunset was still staring down at the ground, guitar still in hoof. Was she crying? Did the song dredge up bad memories?


The goldenrod alicorn began to play again. A hard, powerful guitar solo that eased back after a few seconds and Sunset began to sing again.

“Power… was all I desired, but all that grew inside me was a darkness I acquired. When I began to fall and I lost the path ahead, that's when your friendship found me and it lifted me instead!
“Like the phoenix burning bright in the sky, I'll show there's another side to me you can't deny.
I may not know what the future holds, but hear me when I say, that my past does not define me
'cause my past is not today.”

Twilight watched as her friend played the song. She had heard it one other time before, but if felt different this time. She could feel Sunset pouring all of herself into the notes and words, the song about her rebirth and how their friends and especially how Twilight had reached out to Sunset in her darkest moment and pulled her from that pit, both physically and metaphorically. Twilight felt like in this moment, the song was dedicated to her and it made her body tingle and her heart swell while she watched on silently. She knew what was happening inside and gladly embraced it.

“Ambition, is what I believed would be the only way to set me free. But when it disappeared and I found myself alone, that's when you came and guided me and it felt like I was home!
“Like the phoenix burning bright in the sky, I'll show there's another side to me you can't deny!
I may not know what the future holds, but hear me when I say, that my past does not define me
'cause my past is not todaaaaaaay!”

Sunset held her pose for several seconds while the final notes from the guitar faded out. Slowly, Twilight approached Sunset, reaching out with a hesitant, shaky hoof to her friend. Sunset let the hoof touch her face and nuzzled into it while she sniffled a bit.

“I’ve tried so hard, Twilight, so damn hard to be a better person, a better pony.”

“You are.” Twilight hesitated, her throat parched, her lips dry and needing moisture and then some. “You are one of the most amazing, talented, intelligent… beautiful ponies I have ever had the privilege of spending time with and getting to know. You’ve come so far from when we first met and I am proud to call you my best friend. Equestria… my world is a better place with you in it.”

Raven, who had been listening like she always did, chose that moment to light up and began to play a song loud enough that it could not be ignored. Both ponies looked to the device still sitting on the end table. Sunset smirked and chuckled while Twilight just looked on with a quirky expression. With only a moment’s hesitation, Sunset’s horn lit up and moved the chairs from the sitting area out of the way to clear a space. She then trotted over to the space and turned back to Twilight and bowed slightly while extending a hoof.

“May I have this dance?”

Twilight blushed furiously, fumbling like a filly again. “I, I don’t know this song, are there steps to learn? Would I be able to dance? Who is supposed to lead? I’m… I’m taller than you!”

Sunset rolled her eyes and shook her extended hoof again, beckoning Twilight to her. “It’s okay, just let me lead and do what feels right.”

Twilight’s reluctance crumbled and she stepped up to Sunset. She yelped a squeak when Sunset pulled her close and began to lead while the song played what sounded like a mix between rock and samba dance. After a minute of spins and steps where Twilight felt herself pressed into Sunset she began to relax and get into the beat of the music. The guitar solo hit and they freestyled their dances. Twilight was mesmerized at how fluid Sunset’s moves were, how she slid and shook, her body moving to the beat and rhythm. It was graceful, erotic, and Twilight nearly stopped her wild missteps and awkward moves just to watch Sunset shake her body.

As the song drew to a close, Sunset pulled her friend close and dipped her, head nearly touching the floor. She pulled Twilight back up and they panted while remaining within inches from one another. Slowly, Twilight felt her face drawing closer to Sunset’s whose eyes were already half closed.

“Sunset… I…”

Sunset dodged Twilight’s lips and instead nuzzled her friend’s cheek with her own. Twilight swallowed her slight disappointment, but still relished the warm, intimate contact. Their horns slid along one another and Sunset sent a small surge of energy from hers to Twilight’s. The purple alicorn gasped at the sudden and unexpected tingle that quickly traveled down her spine and tickled every part of her body to the tip of her tail. Twilight smiled and sent her own loving surge back and was pleased to hear Sunset gasp and moan slightly in response.

“Twi,” Sunset’s face twisted for a moment. “No, I called her Twi. You’re not the same. I shouldn’t call you that.”

Twilight kept her cheek pressed into Sunset’s, reveling in the pomegranate scent of her mane. “You can call me Twily when it’s just us, if you like. My family use to call me that. Cadence is the only one left who says it now and… I miss hearing it. It was always used as a term of endearment.”

Sunset smiled and nodded. “Twily it is.”

“Can… I still call you Sunny? Or would that be too much?”

“No, I’ve always liked it. I like hearing you say it.”

Twilight took in another deep inhale of Sunset’s mane, nuzzling her ear. Her voice just above a whisper because anything louder would shatter the moment like a dream. “I… I don’t want to… I think… slow, yes. We should take things slow, as slow as you need. I don’t want to confuse you. I know how I feel for you… I know this is a crush. Part of me thinks this is wrong, that I’m just taking advantage of you. But, but a bigger part of me feels so good right now. I like this, I want this… I… we want to make sure this… is real chemistry and not just loneliness and hormones.”

Sunset smiled, her eyes remaining closed, just listening to the rapidly beating heart of the pony next to her. Feeling Twilight’s breath tickle her fur and ear setting her neurons ablaze. “I know… I… I feel it too and I’m scared too, Twily. I have so many feelings warring inside me like a chemical concoction about to boil over. I… I honestly never thought I would feel this again.”

Twilight stepped back so she could gaze into Sunset’s gorgeous teal eyes. “There is already so much going on, if this is too much...”

Sunset gently pressed a hoof to Twilight’s lips. “Shhh, it’s okay, Twily.”

Twilight nodded, nuzzling the hoof. “Thank you. It’s been so long since I felt this close to anypony.”

Sunset smirked and giggled. “Ohhhh, now you’ve piqued my curiosity. Who was your last colt or marefriend? Was it Flash Sentry?”

Twilight stammered and coughed for a moment, which made Sunset giggle more. “No, it was not Flash Sentry, pony Flash I mean! We did date for a bit, but it never went anywhere. Oh! Did you know who he DID end up marrying though? Tempest Shadow! He’s Tempest Fury’s great grandfather.”

“Really? Huh. That’s cool and interesting, but you know you are deflecting, right?”

“Oh, come on! Isn’t it a relationship faux pas to talk about past special someponies?”

Sunset’s grin grew mischievous, she nuzzled Twilight once again rubbing their horns together intimately. Twilight knew her resistance was crumbling however. “Ohhhh, are we in a relationship now? I don’t remember signing any paperwork on the subject. Besides, I thought we were going slow?”

Twilight sighed, but the smile remained on her blushing face. “Do you want me to draw up a contract? I love paperwork so you know I’ll do it.”

Sunset giggled and continued to nuzzle her.

“Oh, fine. His name was Summer Starrise and he was an astronomer. He was very nice and intelligent and polite. We dated secretly for about four months and then publicly for another six, but we both became too engrossed in our work not long after that and Summer wanted nothing to do with high society and political theater. The break up was on good terms and mutual. That was probably thirty years ago. I think he retired to Vanhoover. I haven’t written to him in a few years now.” Sunset nodded and raised a hoof to stroked the side of Twilight’s face and neck. Twilight happily nuzzled the hoof and began to draw her muzzle closer to Sunset’s once more when a scroll appeared before them in a burst of green flame.

Sunset yelped and jumped back. Twilight blinked a few times as she processed what just happened. She levitated the fallen scroll and opened it, quietly mumbling to herself while she read the words.

“It’s from Spike. Apparently Flurry Heart never came home yesterday or today. He heard about the fight, because everypony has heard about it by now.”

Sunset sighed. “Of course they have.”

“Flurry’s friends asked Spike to send the letter. They are worried she might be in trouble or worse.”

Sunset’s memory suddenly flashed to the moment she touched Flurry’s mind and saw… she was not entirely sure what she saw. “Um, yeah. They may have a good reason to worry. I think something might be influencing her.”

Author's Note:

Good Evening! I hope everyone is well and healthy.

We are now about 3 and half weeks out from Christmas and hopefully I will keep up with the pace I have maintained even though this is the time of year that work for me goes into overdrive. They call it Peak Season in the shipping biz.

So part of this scene was born from the music video Friendship Through the Ages where we see Princess Twilight playing a piano even though logically she was still not good with her hands, but I just loved the mental visual of it I had to have her learn piano.

And yes, your eyes did not deceive you, Tempest was hitting on Gauge. Also, because it was asked, yes, Tempest is taller than Gauge, not by a lot, but she is.

Things are going to start developing faster now that we are getting into the meat of the story so get ready!

Questions? Comments?