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Season 2: Episode 1 - Hamster Harmony Part 1

Author's Note:

I get to have fun with the season 2 premier~

Boss was just walking around the Canterlot Guardens and looking at the various statues around the garden. "So many statues. That Princess Celestia must have paid a fortune for them all to be made." He said before he suddenly came across a statue with many cracks around it. "Oh but, this one looks like it's about to break from all the time it's been out here. I should go inform the Princess. And maybe I'll at least earn some favor with the other ham hams..." Boss said.

Suddenly, the statue suddenly broke apart, but a creature very much resembling the statue appeared. "Free at last! And boy, does it feel good!" The creature said.

"Wh-who are you? Where did you come from?" Boss asked.

"Hmm....do you want the answer to the first question first, or the second question first?" The creature asked. "I'm just messing with you, Boss. Who I am is Discord. Where I'm from is a dimension from very far away." He answered.

"Wait, how do you know my name?" Boss asked. "And why do you look so much like the statue that just crumbled apart?" He asked.

"The answer to both your questions is actually simple: See, what you thought was just a simple statue, was actually an imprisoned beast by who you call Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Because of them, I was trapped as a statue for trying to spread chaos across the glob to where there would be nothing but chaos. But just because I was a statue doesn't mean I didn't hear a peep of what was going on." Discord said.

"So...you know everything then..." Boss said. "Well, I hope you realize that too much chaos can get boring, so I can understand why you were trapped for causing so much. Still, at least your just an exception rather then the norm."

"Am I?" Discord asked, and then snapped his fingers. Before Boss could say anything else, he was bombarded with thousands of voices all at once, and essentially showed that yes, hamsters could do a fetal position too. Even if it looked really weird. Discord snapped his figures again, and the voices stopped.

"Wh-what did you just do?" Boss asked.

"I used my chaos magic to enable you to hear all the voices of the others that were turned to stone. So, what does that say about your precious Princess Celestia now?" Discord asked.

"You know what? Your crazy. And your even crazier if you think you have a remote chance of doing anything." Boss said.

"But being crazy is fun. And I'm going to enjoy playing games with the elements of harmony." Discord said.

"It's not them that you'll have to worry about." Boss said.

"Please, I can run circles around the Ham Hams any day of the week." Discord said.

"Look, no offense, but despite knowing that Hamtaro is the most reliable hamster ever, that won't help you." Boss said. "Because there's a reason why all his ideas are the best ideas. I'm not afraid to admit it, but I wouldn't even be alive if Hamtaro hadn't helped me out of more then a handful of jams. Whatever your planning, it'll be no different." Boss then left.

"...We'll just see about that..." Discord said.

"Whose this Discord guy?" Hamtaro asked.

"A creature who was bent on world domination through the use of his chaos magic. Boss had been there in the garden when he escaped his stone prison, which allowed me ample time to put a magic spell on the elements of harmony to prevent them from being stolen." Princess Celestia said. "But it seems this time, Discord wants to challenge the hamsters directly in a game to determine the fate of equestria."

"You mean that spirit of chaos is betting all of equestria with some hamsters?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Indeed. He wants to see if they are just as advertised. And unfortunately, this is apparently not up for debate: the elements of Harmony have been mysteriously rendered unusable until the fate of equestria has been decided." Princess Celestia said.

"Which means that you ponies can't interfere." Discord said, suddenly taking the form of one of the nearby pane widnows. "Only the hamsters can play my game. Anyone else will result in me winning by default." Discord said.

"Oh yeah? We'll play your little game Discord. We ham hams never back down from anything." Bijou said.

"I wonder if you'll even be able to win my game. But, since your willing to play, here we go~" Discord said, suddenly properly appearing before teleporting away with the hamsters.

"Hey, where'd they go?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Hamtaro got up from some kind of grass field. "Huh? Where are the other ham hams?" Hamtaro asked.

"Oh they are scattered about this pocket deminsion I've created specifically for this game. The rules are simple Hamtaro: You must navigate this pocket deminsion, find your fellow ham hams, and get them to agree to work together with you in defeating me. And here's the big one: You must be sure to grab EVERY single member of your group before challenging me, for if you miss even one, then that's considered a loss. I'm very curious on if you'll even be able to do what I'm asking of you. Good luck~" Discord said.

"Tch. Discord doesn't know the others as well as he thinks he does." Hamtaro said. He quickly found Bijou at some kind of beauty salon. "Huh? Bijou? What are you doing here?" Hamtaro asked.

"Hmm? Why wouldn't I be here? This place helps my beauty." Bijou said. "...Though, who are you again? I can't seem to remember..." Bijou said.

...It was at that moment, Hamtaro realized that Discord really did know the ham hams. Because he had erased their memories, and reduced them to their basic selves.

However, this sort of thing has never stopped Hamtaro before. As much as I gotta give you props for this, Discord, there's one factor you'll never account for: Me. Watch out Discord, Hamtaro's leading this charge!

To Be Continued

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