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Season 2: Episode 14 - Hearts & Hooves Day; Harmony Style!

Pre-A/N: Yep. I'm going there. You can't stop me. Long-time followers would know I love adding this ship into my stories whenever I can. If there's one MLP:FiM ship you can expect to see from me the most out of all the ships I put into my stories, it's the one featured in this episode.

Hearts & Hooves Day was tomorrow, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were at their clubhouse making something for Miss Cheerilee. "Oh, Miss Cheerilee's going to love this." Scootaloo said.

"Yeah. We really knocked this out of the park." Apple Bloom said.

"This is going to be so good." Sweetie Belle said. "Thanks for assisting us Sparkle."

"Hey it's no problem. For a teacher like Miss Cheerilee, I'm willing to help you with this project." Sparkle said.

That's when Harmony suddenly flew right in through the Window. "Ah, hello there. You are the Cutie Mark Crusaders consisting of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Sparkle, correct?" Harmony asked.

"...That's not a costume?!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"Wow. Way to add insult to injury fate." Scootaloo said.

Sparkle actually jumped over to Scootaloo and slapped her. "How dare you talk that way to Miss Harmony." Sparkle said.

"Ow...." Scootaloo said.

"I actually came here because I could really use your help with a situation. And with tomorrow being Hearts & Hooves day, it's the perfect time to ask for a favor." Harmony said.

"Wow, you really want us to help you?" Apple Bloom asked.

"But of course. You three are perfect for what I have in mind. So long as you don't mind playing the parts of some villains for a day. And this is very important business." Harmony said.

"...You mean, I'm going to get to dip into my actress background to help Miss Harmony?! Th-this is like the ULTIMATE dream of any hamster ever!" Sparkle said.

"If Sparkle's obviously excited about this, sure, we'll help you. So, why exactly do you need us to act like Villians on Hearts & Hooves Day?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'm so very glad you asked~" Harmony said.

The very next day...things started to get crazy, as somehow, the CMC had seemingly gone evil, and started trying to ruin Hearts & Hooves Day.

"Wh-what the heck? What's going on?" Twilight asked.

"Wh-why are they doing this?" Flash Sentry asked.

"Ah, Twilight & Flash Sentry. I was hoping I'd run into the two of you." Harmony said. "I honestly couldn't tell you what happened, but for some strange reason, the CMC have decided that they wanted to mess with Hearts & Hooves Day this year. And while I could stop them myself, I was hoping the two of you would personally deal with this."

"Well, that shouldn't be a problem; I'll just grab my friends and--"

"Uh Twilight?" Flash Sentry interrupted Twilght.

"...What is it Flash?" Twilight asked. But then she noticed that Applejack was stuck in a barrel of dried apple sauce, Rainbow Dash was somehow glued to a cloud, Fluttershy was too scared to move from where she was, Rarity's make up was a total mess making her fully busy cleaning herself up, and Pinkie Pie was...well, she was basically fully unhappy and bailing like there was no tomorrow from the destroyed decorations.

...Wow, next time I decide to ask the Cutie Mark Crusaders with help getting two ponies to fall in love with each other through a quest to defeat evil, I'll give them more specific instructions rather than leave them to their own devices... Harmony thought to herself.

"Why am I not surprised honestly?" Twilight asked. "Looks like it's up to the two of us then Flash. We can rescue my friends from their woes later." She said.

After a montage of Twilgiht and Flash chasing the CMC all over Ponyville, and working together to stop them from messing things up even more, the CMC were finally captured.

"Well, this is probably going to take forever to clean up. I hope you four are happy with yourselves." Twilight said.

"Honestly, the only good thing that happened today was the fact I got to help Twilight stop you." Flash Sentry said.

"...Well, I won't lie, it was very great to work with Flash Sentry that way." Twilight said. "So, yeah, I think we're going to work very well with each other in the future." All of a sudden, Twilight kissed Flash Sentry on the cheeck.

"And that's exactly what I love to hear and see." Harmony said, suddenly flying to land on top of the CMC.

"...Wait, what?" Both Twilight and Flash Sentry asked, confused.

"I have to hand it to these four; they did a better job then I thought they would." Harmony said.

"...Wait you mean..." Flash was flabbargasted.

"Yep. I put them up to this. I may be an Angel Hamster, but sometimes, there are extreme measures I'm willing to take to get two very obvious ponies who need to fall in love with each other to do so." Harmony said.

"So...does that mean everything else was planned too?!" Twilight asked.

"Oh no. I simply told them to be villians for today to get you two to fall in love with each other. Everything else they did on their own accord under my orders." Harmony said.

"Honestly, it was kind of fun, even if we're going to possibly endure some punishements from it." Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah, but, it was awesome all the same. So worth it." Scootaloo said.

"What more can I add to this? Plus, the musical number I came up with was also original too~" Sweetie Belle said.

"I certainly had my time using my actress background to help Miss Harmony." Sparkle said.

"That's the second time that's gotten brought up. Why do Hamsters look up to Harmony like this?" Twilight asked.

"Hello, I'm basically an angel of love. I'm practically worshiped like a goddess to these Hamsters. Sound familiar?" Harmony asked.

Twilight had no comment to that. Because she realized just how similar Princess Celestia is to Harmony. And both are even worshiped like a goddess to their kin.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Harmony said after a while.

"These four are still helping fix everything they ruined. But...I'm not sure if we should even punish you. If we even can." Flash Sentry said.

"You can't. My boss would be the only one who can, and if he was going to, he'd have shown up by now, and chastized me about what I did. The very fact that he's let this one slide, means he's allowing me a free pass considering I'm only doing my job in the end." Harmony said.

"...Honestly, I don't know what's more shocking about this whole ordeal: The fact that Harmony's boss, whoever that is, is willing to let her get off scott free for the trouble the CMC caused; or the fact that Harmony's plan actually worked in the end?" Flash Sentry asked.

"I was just thinking the same thing, honestly." Twilight said.

Though what really surprised the new couple, was the fact that somehow Fancy Pants, Soarin, and Caramel were in the area, and they had helped out Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack accordingly.

Author's Note:

For clarification on the last line, Fancy Pants is the one who helped Rarity with her makeup; Soarin helped Rainbow Dash out from being glued to the cloud; and Caramel got Applejack out of the applesauce barrel.

Regardless, that does it for today's episodes, see you all on Friday for more Hamtaro goodness~

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