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Season 1: Episode 4 - Showmare VS. Hamsters

"Magic show? Wow." Hamtaro said. He was looking at a poster with Bijou and the other Ham-Hams.

"I think this will be something great to see. Don't you agree, Hamtaro?" Bijou asked.

"Sure. We can all go see this show." Hamtaro said.

"But...the tickets cost money. Even by picking up all the gold coins we came across, we only have enough for...two tickets." Maxwell said.

"Wait, let me see that." Boss said, before checking the listed price. "...Huh. He's right. We'd only have enough for two."

"Wait, we're hamsters. Can we even buy things?" Dexter asked.

"You can now. Courtesy of the Princesses." Twilight suddenly interupted them by presenting them with several signed documents. "Princess Celestia has officially signed off on making you Equestria's newest residents, and that you can buy things provided you have the funds to do so." She added. "But I figured I'd celebrate, and bought you all tickets to tonight's performance myself alongside all my friends."

"Gosh, do you even have that much money?" Bijou asked.

"I may have had a lot saved up from being Princess Celestia's student." Twilight admitted.

However, it quickly turned out that the hamsters could see this Trixie mare's fake magic. So, they started to make Trixie's show go haywire especially after Trixie had turned Rarity's hair green.

So, they ham-hams decided to teach the faker a lesson in boasting, and they did so by making Trixie's show go south in a hurry. Though the rest of the audience had no idea that this was not what Trixie had planned for, and instead, laughed at the expense of Trixie.

However, the mare took to the laughing the wrong way, and just fled the stage after so many failures. "...Seriously? I better go check on her." Twilight said.

However, two colts were not laughing, and instead were planning something. They were snips and snails. "Hey Snails, do you think we should get a Ursa Major for The Great and Powerful Trixie to fight to stop all the laughing?" Snips asked.

"I agree, let's do that." Snails said.

Twilight soon approuched the stage couch of Trixie Lunamoon. "Um, excuse me?" Twilight spoke up.

"Go away...your most likely just here to laugh at Trixie some more." Trixie said.

"I just wanted to say that, what happened wasn't your fault." Twilight said.

"Oh please! Trixie knows enough to know what happened was not magically done. So, someone sabotaged Trixie." Trixie said.

"Yeah. I know. I'm guessing the Ham-Hams got a little out of hand with what they were doing." Twilight said.

That had caused Trixie to open the door. "Ham-hams?" Trixie asked.

"Yes. Have you not heard the news about the talking hamsters in Equestria? They pretty much live here in Ponyville." Twilight said.

"Trixie has not been the loop about any recent news as Trixie left manehatten several weeks ago and has not reached a town until today." Trixie said.

Twilight raised an eyebrow before noticing Trixie's stagecoach did not have wheels. "...Why does your stagecoach not have wheels on it?" Twilight asked.

"Trixie does not trust wheels. One broke on her once when she had bought it brand new from a store. Trixie will not trust wheels ever again." Trixie said.

"Must've been a con-artist that ripped you off. Still, what happend to your show tonight...that was because you were boasting and I doubt the Ham-Hams took kindly to you messing with one of my friends." Twilight said.

"Oh. The grandstanding thing..." Trixie said. "Full disclosure: That's not the real Trixie. But she's never really been able to open up about her true self towards any pony else."

"That's kind of sad, really." Twilight said.

Suddenly, Snips and Snails started running her way. "RUN; IT'S AN ANGRY URSA MAJOR!" The two colts exclaimed.

"WHAT?! Those dimwits. That was just some fake story I made up to entertain children." Trixie said. Suddenly a large blue bear creature stepped on and destroyed Trixie's stagecoach. "MY STAGECOACH!" Trixie yelled out.

Twilight acting fast, quickly used her magic to calm the bear creature down and saved the town from it's wrath. "Phew...that took a lot more magic then I care to admit." Twilight said.

"Y-you just stopped an Ursa Major." Trixie said.

"Actually, that was not an Ursa Major." Twilight said.

"It wasn't?" Snips asked.

"Nope. That was an Ursa Minor. A baby. It was only rampaging because some pony woke it up." Twilight said.

"We-we just wanted to stop the town from laughing at The Great and Powerful Trixie so much." Snails said.

"THAT WAS JUST A STAGE PERSONA YOU DOLTS! Can't children tell fantasy from reality anymore?" Trixie asked. She realized she just revealed that to the entire town. "...Oh..."

But she was not met with laughter, almost sympathy. "So, what are you going to do now that your stagecoach is gone?" Twilight ended up breaking the silence.

"Trixie supposes she will be stuck here until it's repaired." Trixie said.

"Well it thankfully won't be forever." Twilight said.

A bit later, Trixie did meet with the Ham-Hams who did apologize for what they did, and Trixie forgave them since it has allowed the showmare to allow her true self to shine through a little.

Author's Note:

There's still a second chapter upload for this story that'll be made and published shortly, so, don't you dare go anywhere folks.

Also, a common trait I've seen with Trixie is how much she hates wheels, but this was never really cannon. But I decided to figure out a way to make a cannon reason for this fan-interpretation.

Additionally, again, for the record, I never once enjoyed Trixie being a villain character. Magic Duel will be a huge AU for this story, but trust me: What I have planned for that will more then make up for this.

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