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Season 2: Episode 2 - Hamster Harmony Part 2

With some manovoring in helping Bijou pick out some great beauty projects, he began to really make sure she felt really safe around him, being sure to be his usual crismatic and usual self.

And it didn't take long, for a flood of memories to hit Bijou like a ton of bricks. "What the...what happened? Hamtaro, did Discord just...steal my memories of you?" Bijou asked.

"I think so. And I'm going to go ahead and guess he's done it to the others." Hamtaro said. "I simply reminded you of who I am, and that seemed to have worked. It reminded you of the love you have for me. Meaning Discord only stole the memories of every ham's minds, but not anything from their souls. That's going to be key."

"I'll help the best I can then. Discord's going to learn that he's messed with the wrong hamster." Bijou said.

Discord meanwhile was observing this. "Hmm...that's odd...I thought I buried everything really well. The chaos magic I put on these hamsters should be impossible to break." He said. "Bah. No matter. I'm sure it's just a fluke. Hamtaro only succeded because Bijou's love was too great to be permanetly buried. No way Hamtaro will succeed any further."

Unfortunatley for Discord, he was betting on the wrong horse. With each hamster, Hamtaro was mostly just being his usual self, and did everything he could do in being himself to remind each and every hamster of their surpressed memories.

With Cappy, Hamtaro had tried on hats together with him.

With Oxnard, Hamtaro helped him collect huge sunflower seeds, and even helped him find the lost personal one Oxnard always kept around, reminding Oxnard of their friendship.

The list went on and on and on. "I...I don't understand...how...how is this..." Discord said. "There's...there's just no way...no way Hamtaro could really relate this well to all these hamsters..."

Hamtaro had ultimately arrived at the last hamster to restore: Sparkle, the one from hollywood. Hamtaro know that this one wouldn't be easy. But, he had to give it a go all the same. He wouldn't give up on any hamster, not even Sparkle.

Bijou knew that there was the off chance Sparkle would give Hamtaro a thank you kiss after this, because she knew Sparkle's own crush on Hamtaro. But whether she does it or not, will be for fate to decide. And Bijou would be okay with Sparkle taking a kiss on Hamtaro, just this once.

But thankfully, Bijou's fears went unfounded: Once Sparkle had her memory restored, she looked almost...humbled.

"Geez...that Discord really messed me up huh? Probably was betting I'd do something that would've made Bijou really, really mad at me or something." Sparkle said. "But, joke's on him: I've lost my chance with you, Hamtaro. Besides, hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders made me realize something: There's no way I could ever hope to replace Bijou, seeing as she's always had her eyes on you first. And that's okay." She said. "So, yeah. I'm not going to do something that I've lost my chance at. And it was a chance I never had to begin with. Bijou saw you first, and I should respect that."

"That's...very mature of you Sparkle. I honestly never expected that." Hamtaro said.

"Besides, I need to really see where my talents lie now before I try looking for love again. Maybe this time, I'll actually go beyond just some crush." Sparkle said. "From here on out, I'm a new Sparkle. And even though the Cutie Mark Crusaders helped a lot with that, that wouldn't have been possible without you, Hamtaro." She said. "So...just keep being you. Your fine the way you are. And there's not a single creature in the world who can change you."


"Tingly. Didn't know you could do small shock theropy. You could make a career out of that." Hamtaro said.

"...What?! Okay, this time for real." Discord tried again.

"Seriously, I'm not joking. Maybe you should drop the chaos stick and do shock massages or something." Hamtaro said.

"Why isn't this working?!" Discord exclaimed before trying again.

"Maybe I should figure out how to pay you after we get done here. What currency do you take?" Hamtaro asked.

"I...I don't understand..." Discord was breaking down. "My chaos powers always work the way I want them to, so why? Why aren't they working? How come they won't work?!" Discord exclaimed.

"You don't get it yet, do you Discord? Do you really want to know why your chaos powers aren't working on Hamtaro?" Sparkle asked. "Because trust me, your not going to like it."

"What? What am I missing?" Discord asked.

"Hamtaro already IS his most basic self. That's just how he is." Sparkle said.

"Wait, I don't understand that logic. Run that by me slowly?" Bijou asked.

"Oh come on Bijou girl, don't tell me you don't see it?" Sparkle asked. "Tell me exactly: Why do you love Hamtaro so much?"

"Well that's because of how headstrong, chrismatic, and willing to help others he is." Bijou said.

"Mmmhmm. And Oxnard, why do you consider Hamtaro your best friend?" Sparkle asked.

"Well...if I'm honest, he's headstrong, chrismatic, and willing to help others. But that's what Bijou just said." Oxnard said.

"And if we're being honest, similar situation with me." Stan said.

"Me too." Sandy said.

The ham hams began to cause some sort of choras.

"...I really don't see how this is...wait..." Bijou suddenly went wide eyed.

"Yeah. This is just who Hamtaro is. He's always been that way, that's what I meant when I said there's no being in existance that could change him, because he's just too pure." Sparkle said. "Why do you think I got a crush on him huh? It's the exact same reason. Everyone's reason is the same, becuase Hamtaro doesn't need to be anyone else. He's perfect just the way he is."

"What...you...you mean he's...." Discord said. He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe what that meant.

"Yeah. Hamtaro's already chaotic enough as it stands. He can't be swayed to chaos, because he's already chaotic enough. That's just how he is." Sparkle said.

"But...but that means..." Discord said.

"You lose Discord. Game over." Sparkle said.

"Well this is not what I expected to happen..." Celestia said. Discord had just teleported the hamsters back to the castle and the elements were usable again. And, what's more, Discord was just...off to find a place to make into his personal space to let loose without being anywhere near Hamtaro.

"Guess there are something even chaos can't touch." Rainbow Dash said. "Because they sure as heck couldn't touch Hamtaro."

"Although I wasn't joking when I told Discord he should take up shock massages. He'd be good at them." Hamtaro said.

Bijou just wrapped her arms around Hamtaro. "Never change Hamtaro. Never change." Bijou said.

"DOES NOBODY LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SAID HE CAN'T CHANGE?!" Sparkle exclaimed. "Oh what the heck, maybe I should just drop it. After all, if there's one thing to learn from everything, it's to just be yourself, and your friendships will be plentiful and marry."

"Honestly, I couldn't have put that better myself." Twilight said.

Author's Note:

While I could've very easily wrote out each and every moment that Hamtaro would use to essentially do what Twilight did in cannon, that would've easily passed 2,000 words, and that's where things get to the point where it's next to impossible to catch every single last spelling & grammar I make along the way. And fate knows I'd miss several. I wanted the season 2 premier to be as error free as possible, so I limited myself.

Besides, montages are nothing new to MLP, though they are usually accompanied by musical numbers. I...didn't really have one I could've made up on the spot just for this occasion especially since I have next to zero musical talent. I did the best I could with what skills I did have, so I hope people will forgive that I essentially skipped a montage.

Also, you may think that making it so Discord's attempt to turn Hamtaro into his most basic self failing because Hamtaro is already his most basic self is a cop-out/deus-ex-machina. First off, this is the world of MLP:FiM; deus-ex-machinas happen ALL the time in that show, have you ever even seen an episode if your even bothered by me putting one in the season 2 premier? And second off, it would actually make more sense that Hamtaro was able to beat Discord at his game just by being himself, because that's how he gets such a stable friend group in the actual show is just by being a headstrong and charismatic hamster that's willing to help others where needed. His sense of adventure to discover the wonders of the world is just icing on the cake at that point.

There's a reason why I latched onto the Hamtaro anime so easily: A lot of the episodes revolve around the ham hams usually going on some adventure, something usually goes wrong in the process, and they all work together to get out of whatever mess they got into. And from what I do remember, 90% of the time, it's Hamtaro who comes up with whatever solution the ham hams end up using. It's no wonder the anime's named after it's main protagonist in that case. And this is just who Hamtaro is. It's why Bijou has such a crush on him, and why Sparkle ALSO gets one later on when she gets introduced. Sure Sparkle isn't as much of a main character like most of the other hams; being mostly regulated to the occasional occurrence; but that's why I made her become a fourth CMC member in a world where her actress talent turns out to not be her real talent and thus becoming an anti-Diamond Tiara in a sense. In some ways, Diamond Tiara comes off like how Sparkle does, but Sparkle is fully aware that she needs to stop being the way she was before being isekia'd into the MLP:FiM world and become a better hamster. So, making her be a fourth CMC member who knows how Diamond Tiara thinks and is able to be a foil to the filly's shenanigans just made way too much sense. Plus, it'll give me an excuse to make episodes where Diamond Tiara is more then just some background character later. Because seriously, after her reform, Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon essentially become cameo characters and have no speaking lines. And by making Sparkle a glimpse as to how a nice Diamond Tiara could work, so that once Diamond Tiara gets her redemption, it'll be easy for me to lump the rich fillies into later episodes as more than just cameo roles rather easily.

Even if Sparkle isn't all that rich, she is a celebrity from the Hamtaro universe, so she still thinks like a rich person since Celebrealities are also often some of the richest people on the planet. So keeping Sparkle as a former celebrity works wonders, because the mindset of a celbrity and a rich person aren't too dissimilar. Plus, it'll make it that much easier for Diamond Tiara to stand up to her mother's teachings later on when the CMC get their cutie marks, because Sparkle is essentially an image of who Diamond Tiara could become once free from her mother's influence.

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