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Season 1: Episode 6 - The Constant Sleeper

Author's Note:

Going to be trying a new format for the chapters for the time being. Let me know if you like it in the comments of the next chapter.

In order to make up for the lack of rain, a big storm was planned for Ponyville and this led to Rarity getting chastized by Applejack for wanting to fancy everything as well as being called out on her dislike of getting dirty.

This did also make the duo have to take shelter in the Golden Oak's Library. Which prompted Twilight to try and turn it into a sleepover.

Yet, as she started searching for a book, Spike came down stairs. "Twilight, I think there's another one of those talking hamsters in the upstairs bedroom." Spike said.

"Wait...what?" Twilight asked.

"Wait for us." Applejack said.

The trio of mares plus the one dragon soon encountered a sleeping hamster upstairs next to Spike's bed. "Who is this?" Twilight asked.

The sleeping hamster was still snoozing about. That's when Maxwell and Sandy showed up. "Hey did you kn--" Maxwell started but noticed the sleeping hamster. "...Snoozer?" Maxwell asked.

"Oh, so that's this guy's name?" Twilight asked.

"To be honest, that's just what we've been calling him." Sandy said.

"He just showed up in the clubhouse one day and constantly sleeps." Maxwell said.

"This wooden floor is very relaxing to sleep on..." Snoozer said.

"...He doesn't sound asleep to me." Applejack said.

"They did say he constantly sleeps, not that he always sleeps." Rarity said.

Applejack got ready to argue. "That is a very distinct difference, you have to admit." Twilgiht said.

Applejack let go of her argument. "...Point taken."

"Arguing is not great to begin with. Causes so much yelling..." Snoozer said.

"...He's not wrong..." Applejack said.

"I wish others wouldn't argue and learn to accept others for who they are. We all have our likes and dislikes. Understanding those would help make the world a better place." Snoozer said before he let off a big yawn and went back to sleep. Sort of. He had never once opened his eyes.

"...Shoot. He's got a point. Ah'm sorry for not being considerate of what yer about Rarity." Applejack said.

"I should apologize for not taking your advice about the branches Applejack." Rarity said. "Plus, since we're stuck here, we should be respectful to Twilight and indulge her with a sleepover."

Spike looked on as the three mares went to downstairs. "...Is it just me, or did your sleeping friend just prevent a massive blowup from happening tonight?" Spike asked.

"Snoozer's like that." Maxwell said.

"You get used to it." Sandy said.

The next day, the rest of the ham-hams had come to see Snoozer at the library. "Wow, I didn't think Snoozer would wide up here." Hamtaro said.

"I haven't had much luck making a new clubhouse from scratch. It's much harder then it sounded." Boss said.

"Why don't you just live in the Library with Twilgiht?" Rarity asked.

"Wait what?" Twilight asked.

"Sorry to say this, but we can't stay here." Hamtaro said. "But actually, Pepper's almost done planting those sunflower seeds to grow sunflowers around Sweet Apple Acres."

"Yep. Hey, here's a thought: Why don't Panda and Boss team up to build a little hamster shed over near the farm? That would give us a hamster location here." Pepper said.

"Team up with Panda huh? Not a bad idea." Boss said.

"When it comes to construction, leave me to it!" Panda said.

Boss and Panda soon left. "That was honestly smoother then I expected it to be." Sparkle said. "At least a lot of you know what your willing to do." She said.

"Something up Sparkle?" Hamtaro asked.

"Yeah...yeah you could say that." Sparkle said before leaving.

"Hey, did I say something wrong?" Hamtaro asked.

"No you didn't. I think Sparkle is starting to realize that she has no direction here in Equestria." Bijou said.

"Heke?" Hamtaro was confused.

"What's the deal with her anways?" Applejack asked. "She's like if Rarity became super snobbish and stuff. Err, no offense Rarity."

"None taken, because honestly, that is an accurate statement. It's like looking at what you could become if you lose sight of yourself." Rarity said. "That's a wakeup call if I've ever needed one. From now on, I'll try to become a lot more considerate towards others."

"Actually, Sparkle used to be an actress. Yes, they had actor hamsters back in our world." Stan said.

"Specifically, she came from america. They have this place where movies are made called Hollywood there." Hamtaro said.

"Oh, we have something like that: Manehatten." Rarity said.

"Oh? Does it have a lot of famous movie stars and produce a lot of movies?" Hamtaro asked.

"...On second thought, this Hollywood sounds like if Manehatten and Canterlot had a child. And I can't begin to imagine what that would be like." Rarity said.

"Isn't Canterlot where the nobility is though?" Applejack asked.

"That's why I said it'd be as if Manehatten and Canterlot had a child." Rarity said.

"She means that it'd be as if you married the concept of Manehatten and the nobility of Canterlot." Twilight clarified.

"...Okay yeah, that WOULD be something ah would appreciate we never try to imagine." Applejack said.

"But since there's nothing fully like Hollywood here, I bet Sparkle's now feeling lost on what she can do. It's like if you mastered a skill, then suddenly lost the capability to do that skill. It'd be like learning how to walk, and then getting bound to wheelchair for the rest of your life." Maxwell said.

"So, then being an actress would be Sparkle's special talent then?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah something like that." Stan said.

"But she can't really be an actress here in this world can she?" Twilight asked.

"Not really. I doubt this world would let her do that." Stan said.

"...Huh." Twilight said.

"Seriously, what am I going to do?" Sparkle asked, sitting on the fountain. "I'm lost and confused." She said.

"Hey, aren't you one of those hamsters?" Applejack's younger sister Apple Bloom approuched Sparkle.

"Oh. Your Apple Bloom right? Nice to meet you. I'm Sparkle. Sorry if I seem a bit down. I'm just lost." Sparkle said. "Back in my world, I used to be an actress. But now that I'm stuck here, I can't do that anymore."

"So, yer basically trying to find what yer special talent is? Have ya ever tried doing something besides being an Actress?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Not really. But what would you know about trying to find special talent?" Sparkle asked.

"Because ah don't have ma cutie mark yet." Apple Bloom said.

"Oh. Those things that appear when you discover your special talent." Sparkle said. "...Huh. Guess your a seeker of trying to find where you fit in in this world yourself." Sparkle said.

"Yeah. Guess ya can relate to that, can't you?" Apple Bloom asked.

"...Yeah. Hey, here's a thought..." Sparkle said before she suddenly climbed up on Apple Bloom's Back. "You and me, let's find out where we fit into the wider world of Equestria together. What do you say?" Sparkle asked.

Apple Bloom smiled. "Yeah. That sounds great. Let's do this!" She said. "Ah don't know if Hamsters can get cutie marks, but finding what yer good at is important."

"I really like your attitude Apple Bloom. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship!" Sparkle said.

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