• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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As the sun set across the glossy faces of the Manehattan skyline, Lancie stood on the window sill to Rainbow Dash's guest room, staring down at a thick line of equines growing even thicker in steady droves. Carriages and taxis rolled up by the minute, dropping off fancily dressed attendees to a splash of flickering cameras.

After a whistling sound, the small statue turned and glanced back at the mare seated on the bed. “Now this is what I call a happenin' party! I bet a hundred bits it'll only go for an hour before somepony spikes the punch.”

“Nnnrgh...” Rainbow fidgeted with the sleeves of her slinky blue dress. “That'll probably improve things.”

“Heh... and just what do you care?” Lancie smirked. “We both know Photo isn't serving cider.”

“This isn't the... t-time or the place... guh...” At last, Rainbow shoved her hoof through a final sleeve. She winced, bending and flexing her forelimb at the joint. A slight tingling sensation ran across her limb. “Mmmf... great.”

“What, you're actually looking forward to this party?”

“It's not that, Lancie,” Rainbow sighed. “I'm like you. I just can't wait for Photo to open the vault so we can grab what we need and get out of here. It's just... mmmff...”

“What?” Lancie hopped down with a shrug and shuffled towards her. “Don't tell me you're getting cold hooves!”

“No. Not exactly.” Rainbow chewed on her lip as she glanced down at her legs dangling off the bed's side. “I just can't stop thinking about Photo. I mean... she's been through a lot, y'know? And she's putting so much stock in this evening.”

“Well, if it's gonna shove all the glitz in her glamour, then why knock it?”

“That's just the thing. I don't think this is gonna do for her what she wants it to,” Rainbow says. “Seems like a lot of forced, unnecessary hope. I mean, when tomorrow rolls around, she'll still be sick and her two colts are still gonna have to face a future where their mother's gone.”

“Well, if you ask me, it seems like a real hardcore lesson in throwing all of your eggs into one pie-in-the-sky basket!”

Rainbow glanced down at Lancie.

Lancie glanced up at Rainbow.

In a grumbling tone, Rainbow said, “We are totally our own worst enemies.” She gulped. “I never thought I'd get to see it from the outside looking in.”

“Not exactly popcorn material.” Lancie raised a stone eyebrow. “Is it?”

“Phweeeee...” Rainbow exhaled, hopping down onto the floor with a slight grimace.

“You holding up okay, Sparky?”

“Not looking forward to the dayum heels again,” Rainbow grunted as she trotted over to where twin pairs of dress shoes waited. “If I had known that I'd someday spend an entire week actually getting used to putting on dresses...”

“Hey, that's one less blister from achieving the bucket list!”

“This isn't exactly one of my life's aspirations, Lancie.”

“Isn't it, though?” Lancie smirked. “For somepony at least? Hmmm?

Rainbow froze in place.

Lancie rolled his eyes. “Oh. Lemme guess. Struck a nerve.”

“No. And yet... yes.” Rainbow gulped. “What... wh-what I wouldn't give to be the sweetheart for Applejack. To be somepony for her to love on. To act and be and...” Her lips turned rosy. “...even wear whatever would make her happy.” A gulp. “And... th-that's kind of happened here, hasn't it? I mean—like—I became Photo Finish's friggin' doll.”

“Easy there, Sparky.” Lancie folded his stone arms with a smirk. “I'm pretty sure she knows which side of the fence she was born to graze.”

“Pffft! Don't even joke. It's totally not like that.” Rainbow stared at the lacy sleeve around her hoof. “And yet... she cares so much about me. In her own, weird way. And... I-I don't even feel a thing...”

Lancie squinted at her.

She went on, “I-I guess for all of the friggin' weight I put on being loved and adored, when push comes to shove... I-I don't really have it in end me to know what to do when it actually happens.”

“Pffft. I think it's rather simple.” Lancie smirked bitterly. “It's not the pony you've been expecting.”

“I know that,” Rainbow said. She sighed... then sighed harder. “Just like I know... deep down inside...” Her lips lingered, and the edges of her eyes grew moist. “...th-that no matter what I want... no matter what I do...” She hesitated, grimacing. “...she won't l-love me like I love her.”


Commotion rose through the door as party planners began preparations for the first round of guests. Thumping music began playing through the walls of the place.

Lancie cleared his throat. “Things are just getting started...”

Ahem...” Rainbow wiped her eyes dry with a forelimb. “Right. Gotta get my game-face on, even if it's covered in... mmff... cosmetic gunk.”

“And you know, Sparky...” Lancie fiddled with his talons. “About Wonderfreckles—”

“Save it,” Rainbow grunted as she slipped the shoes on and headed for the door. “All that matters is that I find a way to keep making her happy. So long as she's on cloud nine...” A deep breath. “...then that's all that matters.” She opened the door to flashing lights and thunderous noise. “Now, make sure you blend in to the background for the rest of the night.”

“Hey! You can count on me!” Lancie saluted. “Background Statue!”

“Now there's a forgettable monicker.”

“Not very likely.” A stone smirk. “Go get 'em, Sparky.”

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