• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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The First and Final Lesson

Rainbow flew back from the blow.


She landed hard on the desert floor. Rubbing her throbbing cheek, she looked straight up with wide eyes.

Listing stood above her, gritting her teeth. "We are not going to the LPPD. And that is final."

Rainbow's muzzle hung agape. "You hit me...?" Her eyes narrowed.

"You weren't making any sense," Listing said. "I have to keep you from making a stupid decision. Just like I always did back in Cloudsdale." Her teeth glinted in the blossoming starlight. "Just like I saved you from those punks in the alley a few days ago."

Rainbow's brow furrowed. "You hit me..."

"You think like a child, booger. I'm surprised you've lasted so long without me." She shrugged her shoulders and trotted towards the petite mare on the ground. "But don't worry. Stick by my side from now on, and I'll keep you safe—"

THWOOOSH! Rainbow rocketed towards her.

Listing barely had time to gasp before her muzzle was being put to better use spitting up blood. WHACK! THWACK! Two uppercuts in a row sent her reeling. Before she could catch a breath—a savage knee impacted her chest. WHUMP! Followed by a pair of drop-kicking limbs to her spine. THUD! And a swift boot to the flank. WHAP!

After what amounted to six seconds of pain, Listing somersaulted into a boulder—where she landed dizzy and upside down. Once the flashing stars faded, she saw Rainbow Dash hovering above her with her hooves on her hips.

"Mrmmmff..." Listing gargled her own juices, squinting out a freshly bruised eyelid. "Who... h-how...?!"

"I could be more numb than a Manehattan cadaver and still I would be strong enough to take out trash like you!" Rainbow snarled. "But you wouldn't know that, would you, Listing?! You don't know anything! You just mouth off and mouth off and when that horse hockey doesn't go your way, you just aim your hooves and hope that some poor, self-hating soul bends to your moronic will."


"I am not 'booger!'" Rainbow snarled. "The name's Rainbow Dash! The fastest flier in all of Cloudsdale, Ponyville, and Equestria put together! I'm an Element of Harmony... the inventor of the Sonic Rainboom... and the very embodiment of awesome."

Listing snarled, getting up. "Now you listen here—" A blue hoof clamped over her lips.

"Shut up!"

Listing paled, trembling.

"You hit me?!" Rainbow glared down at her. "I don't know what's sadder... the fact that you think that such a thing can healthily work or that—for so long—I actually let it happen." Her nostrils flared. "I'm not the same feeble pony you scooped up years ago, Listing—all because her dad died and she was so dang desperate for love... even from the cruddiest of cruddy sources imaginable." Her frown mixed with a devilish smirk. "I have done things... and seen things that you can't possibly imagine. I've single-hoofedly vanquished a mountain buffalo cave from a cyclops and a basilisk. I've freed hundreds of deer prisoners from a diamond dog lair. I've flown from horizon to horizon with a chaos lord... outflown the mightiest griffon... outwitted the Manehattan mafia... survived dragons and cave spiders and friggin' steam tanks. I've even been tossed through Death's Door itself and come back to brag about it!"

That expression melted back into a scowl as she leaned forward, glaring Listing down.

"And I survived all of that without you. But you can't possibly be expected to know that. Truth be told, you really don't know anything that isn't within reach of your four mangy hooves. I would pity that if it weren't for the fact that I know you, Listing. And guess what? You're not nearly as bad as you were when I finally had the gall to leave you. In fact, you're even worse!"

Rainbow Dash leaned back, wings flapping harder as she lifted up in the desert night.

"So... y'know what? It's over, Listing. Not just the hate... but the guilt as well. Cuz you're not worth it. You never were. Once upon a time, one of us was willing to let go. Spoiler alert: it wasn't you. I'm too awesome for this sort of crud. I always was. As for you? Well... good luck finding another pony you can punch into loving you. Although, at this point, I bet it's going to amount to punching stone, 'cuz all that's left to love you is dirt. And... well I can live with that. I wish you half as much luck... 'cuz you're going to have to live with that too. La-dee-freakin'-da."

And with that said, Rainbow Dash turned tail...

...and glided towards the distant horizon with ease. Her blue figure disappeared among the stars.

This left Listing Breeze with the impossible task of scanning the dark horizon for even a shred of Rainbow's shadow.


She breathed.


She hyperventilated.

"You come back here, you little shit!"

The anger was short lived, replaced with breathless desperation.

"I mean it! You come back! You... you're n-nothing without me!"

Listing shook, shivered. Her feathers were everywhere as she spun, reeled...

"Please... c-come back! Rrrgghhh... don't... don't d-do this!"

Panting. Shivering. Screaming.

"I'm sick of being alone! You... mmmmm... blue bitch bastard!"

"I'm sick of it!!!"

From a distance...

...Listing Breeze's cracking voice echoed.

Rainbow Dash heard every single word. And she was fine with it.

With a calm breath, she spread her wings. The feathers caught a brisk wind, and it carried her further and further away into the stars.

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