• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,820 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Now That's More Like It

"Rainbowwww...!" Gilda squealed. She looked beneath them while she clutched the pegasus' tail for dear life.

"I know!" Rainbow hissed, eyes tearing as the Wind Chalice propelled them towards the upper lengths of the crystalline trunk.

"He's coming after us and he's meaty and loud!"

"I know I know!" Rainbow hollered, aiming towards a sliver of dim skylight high above. She skirted past wooden platforms, threaded through groups of flying griffons, and narrowly avoided colliding with a chariot or two. "Could they have built this thing any taller?!"

"Actually, dweeb, according to old history books, it was planted—"

"RHETORICAL!" Rainbow hugged the goblet tight and spun the two with rapid speed.

Gilda yelped as the two sailed narrowly through an exit and out into the open air above the stalk. Meanwhile...

"RAAAAUGH!" Fibb slammed into the hole, but his shoulders stopped him in place. "RRRRRGH!" Sneering and slobbering, her rammed his muscles repeatedly into the cracking, crumbling exit. WHAM! WHUD! THUD! "THAT! CUP! BELONGS! IN! BEAKSPACE! YAAAAAAAAUGH!" At last, he broke through—CRKKKKK!—filling the air with loose shards of crystalline material.

Griffons gasped and darted out of the way as Rainbow Dash and Gilda shot out at the summit's level. They took one look behind them and saw a pale mountain of a griffon inbound.

"Luna poop!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"If we split up, maybe we can confuse him!" Gilda exclaimed.

"Yeah, right!" Rainbow snarled. "That'd just be turning a main course into two appetizers!"

"For real, Rainbow Derp!" Gilda frowned. "Blast me with your wings—"

"Ohhhh... you mean—?"

"You get what I'm saying?"

"But then what?!"

"Meet at the lower boughs!" Gilda hollered, letting go of Rainbow's tail. "We'll try and confuse him through the branches!"

A squawking monstrosity came within talon's reach of her, hollering: "ONE TENDERIZED NUGGET, COMING UP!"

"Ah jeez!" Rainbow pivoted to face Gilda and flapped her wings. The ruby studs of the Chalice sparkled. FWOOOOOOSH! A violent gale sent Gilda sailing off like a bullet. She shot safely past Fibb and dove for the branches below.

"WAIT!" Fibb glanced all around, hawkeyes twitching. "WHERE DID THE TENDER MORSEL GO?!"

"She took the drive thru..." Rainbow Dash dove with the aid of the Chalice's speed. "Zoop!"

"GRRRRRRRRR!" Fibb plummeted after her with a sonic clap of displaced air. "GET BACK HERE YOU BLUE LITTLE BLOOD PACKET!"

Rainbow panted and panted, eyes squinting. The branches of the lower tree zoomed past her with frightening swiftness. She found herself having to perform her dodges and strafes seconds in advance in order to avoid a pulverising death against the crystalline boughs.

"Celestia on a bike!" she sputtered. "I never thought I'd live to see the day when fast would be too fast!"


Lance stuck his head out briefly. "Well, if that isn't music to my ears."

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash looked behind her. Her eyes went wide. "Holy cow!" her voice cracked. "How could he possibly be catching up?!"

The granite statue shrugged. "The harder they fall."

"GRRRRRRRR!" Fibb plummeted hard. He reached a talon out and effortlessly ripped a thick crystal twig off its branch. He held the thing up like a massive club. "BATTER UPPPPP!" He hollered, eyes seeing red.

A shadow darted between them.

Rainbow gasped—

"HAAAA!" Gilda mounted his backside. She stuck two talons into her mouth, then crammed them into both of Fibb's ears. "Double Wet Willie for you, asswipe!"

"AAAAAAAUGH!" Fibb struggled and fought to shake her body off. "NOOOO! THOSE ARE THE WORST OF WILLIES!"

"Uhhhhh... Sparky?" Lancie pointed past her.

"What?!" Rainbow looked, then gasped to see the ground coming up fast.

"Hey Dash!" Gilda hollered from where she rode Fibb's shoulders like a bucking bronco. "Remember that one time we played keepaway with the punks in Flight Camp!"


"Alley—" Gilda held her talons out.

Rainbow tossed the Wind Chalice up. "—oop!"

Gilda caught the magical goblet, kicked off Fibb's body, and flapped her wings down. "Gnnngh!"

FWOOOOOOSH! The magical wind propelled Fibb's already speeding body like a torpedo straight downward.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIEEE!" Fibb flailed. He was oblivious to Rainbow Dash as the mare vaulted off his body and launched herself up to Gilda, where a waiting talon grabbed her to safety.

Gilda and Rainbow flew upwards together. They looked down in time to see a flash of energy emitted from where Fibb's titanic body made contact with the earth's surface.


"Oooooh..." Gilda's beak clattered. "That's gonna leave a mark."

Rainbow nodded. "No kidding."

"On Governor Grouse's medical bill, I mean. Pffft-bwahahaha!"

"Gilda. Now's not the time for—" Rainbow looked up, eyes reflecting an angry flock.

"There they are!" A member of Fibb's posse shouted, backed up by over four dozen surly griffons. "Get them!"

"Show's not over yet!" Rainbow hollered.

"Quick!" Gilda handed her the Chalice and held on tight. "I'll tell you where to go!"

"Why me?!"

"Because you're the better flier, idiot!"


"Just flap your wings already!"

"Right!" Rainbow sailed westward as the flock dove after them. "Flapping!"

Down below, Fibb struggled and struggled to dislodge his skull from the fresh fissure in the earth. As his posse flew swiftly overhead, he finally succeeded, plopping back on his feline haunches.

"GUHHH! NO FAIR! SOFT HOOVES CHEATED!" Just then, his metal helmet crackled to dusty filaments over his bald skull. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he slammed and kicked at the ground with his talons. "RAAAAAAAAUGH! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT, GRAMPS!"

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