• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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An Offer That Couldn't Be Refused

"Well, I have to admit one thing," Lancie said, balancing on Rainbow's shoulder. He folded his granite arms as he stared at the camp full of cretins. "They're organized."

The two watched as the henchstallions, unicorns, and diamond dogs shuffled back and forth across the clearing, collecting various weapons and setting up supplies. Every now and then, a good few of them turned to sneer in Rainbow's direction. All the while, Romulus stood perched on a bent, burnt tree, keeping a watchful eye on the mangy company.

Lancie bore a fanged smirk and looked directly at Rainbow. "Or at least as 'organized' as a bunch of rabid baboons can be."

Rainbow's eyes fell on Sunset Shimmer. She watched as the unicorn placed several pink crystals in the dirt, setting them equally apart from one another.

"Ahem..." Lancie leaned against Rainbow's skull in a casual pose. "That was a joke, Sparky. Y'know. Funny. 'Ha-ha.'"

"Mmmhmmm..." Rainbow Dash hummed, eyes narrowing as she watched Sunset move from one crystal to another, enchanting each shard after another with a faint red glow.

"I figured a modicum of humor would be advantageous," Lancie added with a shrug. "I mean, seeing as we're about to fling our collective skulls at a big flying rock full of pony-burning dragons with only crazed rodents and mouth-foaming psychopaths to call allies."

Rainbow's lips parted: "She's setting up a teleportation spell."

"Whozzawhut?" Lancie blinked.

Rainbow pointed at Sunset. "Miss Wheels-N-Deals. Our arch nemesis from Dredgemane."

"Aye. I remember that arc." Lancie rubbed his stone skull. "What about her?"

"It's not her so much as the thing she's doing," Rainbow said. "I've seen Twilight do this sort of eggheaded experiment before when she needs to teleport something long distance. I'm talking about stuff bigger than Spike can send with his flame breath."

"Okaaaaaaaaay..." Lancie gestured. "And you're leading this where, exactly?"

"Those crystals..." Rainbow pointed again. "Sunset needs them to make a circle, and then she can teleport stuff to and from another circle of the stones that she's got located elsewhere."

"You mean... like back in Equestria?"


"Hmmmff... boring magic is so... boring," Lancie groaned. "Predictable too."

"Speak for yourself," Rainbow said, blinking. "All this time, I've been wondering just how Romulus and Sunset got this far out."

"I just figured they trailed you."

"Yeah... but to bring the whole gang with them?" Rainbow shuddered. "With this sort of magic, they could zap Top Dog, Flim and Flam, and the rest of the jerks anywhere. At anytime."

"Are you thinking about how we'll get into Big Boss' castle?"

"No." Rainbow shook her head with a frown. "I'm thinking about my friends back in Ponyville, actually."

"Ah..." Lancie nodded. "And ouch. If they trailed you here, then no doubt they know where all your bestest of best buds live." He cleared his throat. "Including a certain Duchess of Freckles."

Rainbow Dash's nostrils flared. "When all of this is said and done, there's no guarantee that they'll keep to any bargain whatsoever."

"Then why did you bargain with them?"

"Because I still gotta save Apple Bloom," Rainbow said. "I'm just now coming to terms with the cost. Right now... none of my friends are going to be safe... ever."

"Well... I guess you have quite the dilemma on your hooves, Sparky," Lancie said. "Do you save Apple Bloom's life? Or everypony else's?"

Rainbow sensed an orange shape in her peripheral. She glanced over, and a pair of emerald eyes stared back, cold and steely. "...I save everypony."


"I save Apple Bloom... and my friends."

"Uhm... how, exactly?" Lancie waved a talon. "Considering how deep we are in this mess, somepony is gonna get hurt."

"You're right. They are," Rainbow said.

"Huh?" Lancie blinked.

Before he could say anything else, the crystals lit up.

"Shhhh...!" Rainbow pointed. "She's summoning."

"Yes, but what?"

FLASH! All of the crystals lit up.

Sunset collapsed on her belly, wincing as her injured horn sizzled. Nevertheless, she and the other thugs looked up to see an even larger group of criminals gathered. The thick group stepped out of the circle—henchstallions and diamond dogs alike. In the very center of the criminal gang, surrounded by heavily muscled body-guards, was a thick, thick stallion with a bulging belly and a well-pressed suit. He took a puff on his cigar and glared across the way, his thin eyes eventually landing on Rainbow Dash.

The mare clenched her jaws. "Don Canter..."

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