• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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The Game


A pulse of light.


Rainbow Dash landed on soft grass. She felt this... because all of her senses had suddenly, inexplicably returned to her.

"... ... ...!!!" Her eyes flashed open. She inhaled, filling a pair of healthy, aching lungs. "Guhhhhhhhh!" She rolled over, stretching her limbs, then curling back up. The mare squeaked with fright, feeling her chest.

There was no hole... no wound.

No blood.

"Mrmmmff... gkkt... h-huh?" Her eyes flew open again. She blinked several times.

She heard the rustling of leaves... tall grass... babbling brooks.

A very familiar smell wafted across her muzzle, full of flowers... hay... and apples.

"What... where...?" Rainbow sat up, limbs wobbling. She tilted her head up to see mountains looming in the distance. On one particular peak, a very familiar structure loomed. "Canterlot... Castle?"

She heard the groaning of a windmill.

"...?" Tilting her head to the west, she saw the unmistakable outline of Ponyville against a starry sky.

The mare blinked, her muzzle agape. She gazed down at her numb body. The entirety of Romulus' inflicted wound was gone. It didn't even tingle.

She sat there in total silence. Then—as her wits returned—her brow furrowed. The hair on the back of her neck stood up. She clenched her teeth as hotter and hotter breaths filtered out of her curling, growling muzzle.

"Rrrrrrgh..." She spun towards the statue on her right. "Lancie?!" Her ears folded back as she shouted: "What the buck?! I told you to—"

Without looking, the statue raised his talons and—


Flash! A potted plant materialized in Rainbow's grip, its drooping pastel petals glowing in the moonlight.

Rainbow gasped, suddenly cradling the object. Her ears perked up, and she gazed at the inexplicable flora in disbelief. "This... th-this..." She gulped. "...Iced Lavender?" The pegasus shook her head. "But.. but I-I don't understand. Lancie..." She turned towards him, her muzzle blank. "...how? The shards—"

"I didn't need them," he droned, his back to her. "I never needed them. Ever. Not a single piece." With a shuddering sigh, he snapped his talon again.


Two more potted plants of the same extinct flower appeared next to Rainbow.

She looked at them all, eyes twitching. Then she looked at her friend. "Lancie...?"

"My name is not Lancie," he declared. It was anything but triumphant. The wind blew softly at his furry mane and goatee—which is how Rainbow first realized he was no longer made of stone. A very complex creature sat in front of her. He was still a pint-sized thing, but in place of a stone gray body she saw a complex patchwork arrangement of fur, skin, hair, and scales. A set of blue and purple wings drooped at his side as he stared out onto the windswept plains bordering Ponyville. "As a matter of fact, my little pony, I go by the title of 'Discord.' Or at least I once did. It made sense to me at one time—the senselessness. But now?" He slowly shook his head. "I'm tired of this..."

Rainbow hugged the flower to her chest, shaking her head in confusion. "Tired of what?"

"The game," he muttered. "And it was a very lame one from the beginning. Oh, don't get me wrong, you played along nicely at first. But then, with each round that we took it further, you just kept acting... more and more selfless and heroic. It was all very nauseating, or at least that's what I initially thought. But then, with time, you just... kept surprising me and surprising me. Such warmth... and indomitable vigor, for a mortal. I don't even recall at which point I forgot the purpose of the game altogether. It was so fun... so stimulating. I was in it just to see how far you would go... to what extent you would throw yourself into harm's way. And all for what? A freckled sunrise you could never allow yourself through a simple, ordinary gesture? Games are supposed to be fun, Rainbow, but you don't even have the decency to claim that anymore, do you? And now... now the cost is far too great to play along, and me? I'm just tired from all of the confusion. Because... b-because I just don't get it, Sparky... Rainbow." He shook, exhaling limply. "I don't... don't get it... I don't get you."

Rainbow swallowed a lump down her throat. "Lancie, you're scaring me..."

"I told you... my name is Discord." He turned towards her. Red pupils hung in sad seas of yellow. "And there's a lot you don't know about me." His nostrils flared while his fuzzy ears drooped. "And I'm quite sick of hiding it from you..."

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