• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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The Big Dayum Rust Caper, Three

“Reckon you and Dubya-Cee can exit out the way you came,” Bard said, leaning on the edge of the balcony. Sunlight glittered off the canal waters below the rustic hotel. “Assumin' the water hasn't drown y'all out by then.”

“No... no no no...” Echo grumbled, pacing about. He rubbed his forelimbs together and gritted his fanged teeth. “The flood will have summoned every Syndicate thug from all corners of the damn platform. They'll be filling the lower districts. Mmmm... they'll spot Rainbow and the griffon exiting in an instant.” He sneered, rubbing his neck. “Grkkk... c-could really use with some coral right about now, Theams.”

“Stay with us, old chap,” Theanim said, his brow furrowed. “We need your head in the game.”

“Pffft...” Echo rolled his slitted eyes. “Just my friggin' luck.”

“Could we ascend to the top three levels?” Rainbow remarked, glancing at the others. “Join Bard and Echo in flying out of this place?”

“Probably not the best idea, darlin',” Bard said. “As much as I'd like to lead the charge, I'm gonna be tasked with getting' Echo out of there in one piece. If he gets caught, then everythang 'bout this heist goes south... er... you know what I mean.”

Wildcard gestured with both talons.

Shhh! Not so loud!” Bard waved a hoof. “Ya dun have to explain every dayum thang that comes out my muzzle!”

Wildcard sighed.

“Then how else can we get out of there?” Rainbow asked. “I'm all for Bard and Echo making a clean break, but Wildcard and I will be the ones with the Syndicate's fortune at this point!”

“Hmmm...” Theanim rubbed his chin in thought. “...no doubt the flood waters will have risen quite dramatically by this particular moment.” He blinked, then looked at Echo. “Did you say that the Syndicate has a method for dealing with inclement interior flooding?”

“If I answer that, will you gimme something to smoke?”


The sarosian grumbled. “Of course they have a method for draining the floodwaters,” Echo muttered. “This is Rust. Every tower with a large foundation's got one.”

“Could you be more specific?” Rainbow asked. “We need details.”

“There are pressure pipes that open to the lateral chambers along the north and south sides of the bottom three floors,” Echo explained. “They're manually operated via a series of levers and valves, so that way they don't open accidentally.”

“Lemme guess...” Rainbow cocked her head to the side. “They drain out to the seawater that makes up the bulk of Rust?”

“And, if you must know—yes—they are quite thick,” Echo said. “Pony sized. But...”

“...but what?”

Echo's eyes narrowed. “They're no kiddy slides, Frutical. The pumps attached to these things practically shoot water out at over seventy miles per hour. It's the only way the Syndicate can properly save their asses from a complete flood.”

“Sounds like fun!” Bard said with an awkward smirk.

“And then...” Echo frowned. “...you have nearly fifty feet of vertical space to swim before you even come close to breaking the surface of the water. And that's if you can find a patch of breathable air beneath the surrounding platform.”

Wildcard leaned forward, gesturing with his talons.

Bard spoke for him: “'Just how far is it to the nearest canal?'”

“Hell if I know,” Echo grumbled. “You think I've done something as suicidal as this? Pffft...”

“He's right,” Theanim said, glancing at the others. “It's hardly a safe venture... and that's not even taking into account the fact that you'll be several thousand bits worth of coinage heavier.”

“We won't really be carrying thousands and thousands of coins...” Rainbow gulped. “... ... ...right?

“Oh, Verlaxion's Sleet, no!” Theanim remarked. “It'll be enchanted platinum bars, most likely.” He and Echo shared a nod. “This region's most treasured metal.”

“I don't suppose the 'enchanted' part will make them lighter...” Rainbow smiled tiredly. “...huh?”

Theanim shook his head. “I'm afraid it's just to maintain the purity of the material and keep it counterfeit proof.”

“Well...” Rainbow shuffled around. “Mark one sin off the Syndicate's bucket list.” He looked at Wildcard with a sigh. “What do you think, murky? You up for a crazy epic swim?”

Wildcard shrugged.

“Heheheh...” Bard leaned in, resting a hoof on the griffon's shoulder. “You dun know what Dubya-Cee and I are capable of! We once had to outrun a stampedin' herd of hydras swimmin' upstream a three-mile long stretch of rapids!”

Wildcard held up five metal digits.

“Make that five miles!” Bard shrugged. “Granted, we was usin' a surgically extracted hydralisk bladder as a floatation device.” He exhaled. “Whew... that was a dayum strange contract...”

“Whatever,” Echo grunted. “If you can use the pressure pipes to exit the building, then that'll truly throw the Syndicate bastards for a loop.”

“Why, cuz nopony's tried it before?” Rainbow asked.

“None that's lived.”

Rainbow blinked.

“As for Mister Hat and me—”

Bard stepped forward. “We'll skedaddle as soon as I find us a window of opportunity,” Bard said. “And, if need-be, I'll provide y'all an eye in the sky!”

“Not advisable,” Theanim said, raising a hoof. “They'll definitely have figured out by then that something is up with the bounty contract. They'll connect what's happening downstairs to Mr. Bard.” His blue eyes hardened. “And once they realize that their precious money is gone...”

“Right.” Rainbow nodded, then looked at Bard. “You'd better make yourself scarce, big guy. Meet up at the rendezvous place.”

Wildcard gestured emphatically.

Bard's eyes darted from him to the others. “'Just where are we fixin' to rendezvous anyhow?'”

“We could all make a swift exit on the Midnight Dreary!” Theanim said with a cheerful grin. “It's a small, unassuming yacht! Surely nopony would put two and two together!”

“What, are you stupid, Theams?!” Echo's fangs glinted. “Of course they'll catch us if we make an exit on that thing!”

“Erm...” Theanim blinked. “How do you figure, old chap?”

“You think the Syndicate pays the local guards to check every boat in and out cuz they're friggin' anal?” Echo shook his head. “No, they suspect ponies of having the balls to do what we're about to do everyday. However, as ever, they don't count on such robbers of being smart. If we wanna be dumb, then we'll get caught. They'll just go down the list of every boat written as docked or undocked and they'll find the one that is missing and they'll castrate every unlucky bastard inside.” He pointed. “And you can bet the dockworkers will commit bloody murder if they see us trying to make off with their current source of dirty income!”

“Then...” Theanim adjusted his goggles, staring out the hotel balcony. “...erm... perhaps if I made a head start south on the Midnight Dreary and the rest of you caught up once I was out of visual range of the city?”

“That's gonna be super hard,” Rainbow Dash said. “Bard will be carrying Echo and Wildcard and I will be carrying tons of metal valuables.” She shook her head. “We'd be dead in the air long before we'd be dead in the water.”

“And I've seen your boat, Theams,” Echo said with a grimacing expression. “That half-assed piece of junk couldn't outrun your own shit floating downstream, much less a spitload of butthurt Syndicate thugs.”

“Well then, reckon we're gonna need some faster means of skedaddlin',” Bard said, adjusting his hat. “And it ain't like we can clone eight tiny Dubya-Cee's and have 'em pull a sled for us.” A lion's tail slapped his skull, and he smirked. “Yer welcome.”

“We could try bribing a local with a fast ship to smuggle us to Shoggoth,” Echo said. “But... I doubt we'll find anypony not greedy enough to refuse ratting us out. Also, there are no boats fast enough to outrun the Syndicates' fleet.”

“They how 'bout we jack one of their boats?!” Bard said with a shrug.

“And then what?” Theanim Mane remarked. “Attempt to outcruise the rest of their vessels? They'll combine their fuel sources and outmatch us within a day.” He sighed. “Echo's right. There simply is no credible means of making our way safely to Shoggoth. And until we figure that out, then the rest of our plans might as well be a farce!”

Rainbow Dash blinked. She leaned her ear towards a pocket of air to her left. After a few seconds, she smirked. “Way to go, egghead...”

Wildcard and Bard exchanged glances.

“Excuse you?” Bard stammered. He pointed at his companion. “Careful with the egg-puns around Dubya-Cee here. His kind is awful sensitive.”

Rainbow stood up. “I figured out our way out of here.”

“Oh?” Theanim glanced up. “And just what is that?”

“Examine yer friggin' goggles, Doc!” Rainbow's voice cracked. “'Cuz it's right under our muzzles!”

“The Arrowfish?!” Bard remarked.

He, Wildcard, and Rainbow Dash stood casually on the edge of a platform, overlooking the drydocks where a gigantic magic-powered trimaran slowly floated into its station.

“Yeah!” Rainbow nodded, glancing at the other two. “You mean you've never heard of it?”

“Well... shoot... 'course we've heard of it!” Bard adjusted his hat. “Just... we never done fancied ourselves usin' it... on account of havin' to keep a low profile n'all.”

“Yeah, well, it's our best, most awesomest ticket out of here—!” Rainbow flinched, immediately gnashing her teeth. “I know it's not good grammar! Twilight, give it a rest! Ahem.”

“Uhhhhh—” Bard opened his muzzle.

“When the Doc and I first arrived in Rust, the Mark One was just taking off for its trip. Now it's the Mark Two's turn. And guess what! It's a one way glide straight to Shoggoth! Apparently the thing is unicorn-powered or whatnot. That means it's—hooves down—the fastest dang form of transporation in all of the ocean! Never mind just west of Rohbredden!”

“Hell's bells...” Bard nodded at Wildcard. “She's right.”

“Of course I am!” She smirked. “We hit the Syndicate's HQ, we meet up here at the drydocks, we throw ourselves on board—and we ride this thing to freedom! The local Boss can't possibly catch up with us!”

“Hmmm...” Bard rubbed his chin, gazing at the vessel and its glowing keels.

Wildcard tapped the stallion's chin. When Bard looked over, the griffon gestured.

“Dubya-Cee's got a point.” Bard looked at Rainbow Dash. “When's it gonna cast off next?”

“Erm...” Rainbow bit her lip, fidgeting slightly. “The Mark Two is set to leave... around s-six pm this afternoon.” She gulped. “I already checked.”

Wildcard grimaced slightly.

Bard took his hat off, fanned himself, then took a deep breath. “Whelp...” He slapped his article back on, smirking. “...a job's best done when there's no procrastinatin' before it or after it.” He leaned lazily against the railing and winked Wildcard's way. “I say we do it! Get this shiet over with!”

“So...” Rainbow leaned forward. “...you're in?”

“Honey, we was in the moment we realized how hard you could take us to the woodshed,” Bard drawled. “Now, we've faced some crazy tough thangs in the past... but all within reason.” He and Wildcard shared a knowing glance. “And while this may be a tad bit impulsive, t'ain't much harder than jobs we've busted our flanks over in the past. Plus...” He tilted his hat back and smiled. “...the pay may be the best we've had in a while. And we could certainly use some fancier food on our plates.”

Wildcard offered a swift salute.

“Good.” Rainbow exhaled. “Then the first step is buying us some tickets on board the Mark Two.”

“What...” Bard chuckled. “Ya mean we can't just stow away?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “We're out to throw a wrench into the Northern Hoof. This Arrowfish is taking us to our only safe destination. Best not to make a reason to tick off the Southern Hoof or—heck—Princess Camellia right off the bat, ya feel me?”

“Eeyup. I feel ya...” With a tired groan, Bard leaned forward, dusting himself off. “Well then... if ya wanna go 'bout this all honest like, then yer gonna have to fork it over.”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash blinked. “Fork what over?”

“The bits, of course,” Bard said. “What, ya think that ridin' the Arrowfish to Shoggoth is free?” He whistled and shook his head. “Them's about five hundred bits per seat, darlin'.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash went pale. She flinched, then glanced aside. “Twilight... will ya catch Rarity next time? Gosh...”

“Er...” Bard cocked his head aside. “Beg yer pardon?”

“I... didn't exactly consider that,” Rainbow Dash said, shuddering. “I... uh... I don't suppose we could use some of the stuff we'll have yoinked from the Syndicate's Vault... eheheheh...?”

Wildcard rolled his goggled eyes.

“This is somethin' we're gonna need to settle well ahead of time, Missy,” Bard said. “If we wanna hop on board that there Arrowfishy and make ourselves scared, then we gotta plan it to the last second, or else the Syndicate will have time to stop us.” He shrugged. “But dun look at Dubya-Cee and me! Pfft! We ain't got the bits! Why the Hell else do ya think we was luggin' yer bat-buddy around yesterday?”

“I have no friggin' clue how to whip up... five hundred times...” Rainbow squirmed, then widened her eyes. “Thirty-five hundred bits in eight hours!”

Wildcard gestured curiously.

“Erm... twenty-five hundred bits,” Bard corrected. “Last time I checked, there was only five of us makin' this trip.”

“Oh. Yeah.” Rainbow face-hoofed with a sigh. “Right.”

“Still, that's an awful lot,” Bard said. “Perhaps yer scientific friend has some on him.”

“Huh?” Rainbow looked up. “Doc?”

“Well... he seems the dandy sort,” Bard said. “All that foppery must spring from somethin' golden.”

“Eheheh... he's rich... but not that rich.”

Bard and Wildcard smirked at each other, then back at the pegasus. “Are ya sure about that, darlin'?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “Oh...” She winced, her ears folding back. “Ah jeez...”

“Somethin' the matter?”

“No, not really. Just...” She pawed at the platform, sighing. “...didn't think I'd be losing another friend this quickly...”

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