• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Too Long; Did Not Moon Speak

“As a matter of fact, yes, I am responsible for the tide,” Princess Luna's voice said. “As well as the changing phases of the moon and the realm of dreams... well, at least within the vicinity of Equestria.”

“Sacré Bleu!” Sinrar gratuitously exclaimed. “A maiden of the night who can even see into a pony's dreams!” His yellow eyes narrowed. “You must know about me and the underwater field of luminescent coffee coasters, oui?”

The air above Rainbow Dash's pendant glimmered silently in the moonlight, and then: “Negatory. As I had previously stated, my dreamspells do not reach beyond the central portion of the continent upon which my sister and I dwell. However, I am quite accustomed to innumerable visions, some plain and others alarming. I doubt anything you could envision in your sleep would be of much surprise to one of my age and experience—”

“Because the world is in short supply of coffee coaster enthusiasts, and the way I see it, if one pony has a collection of such ill-sought items, then it's surely fine so long as it isn't harming any other pony.” The Professor coughed, fidgeting a bit as he positioned his weight on his cane. “...even if that collection is... n-numbering in over three hundred.” He blushed slightly. “All arranged according to thickness of cork surfacing.”

All was silent, save for the flapping of Rainbow's wings and the distant roar of the surf.

“Indeed. You have... nothing to be ashamed of, Mister—”

Professor Sinrar!” The stallion snarled, readjusting his beret. “I don't care if you're powerful enough of a vixen to give Verlaxion's legacy a run for the money, but I'll throw my cane so far it will hit you in your tiara if you so much as mess up my title one more time!”

“I whole-heartedly acknowledge the sincerity of your position, and I apologize if I caused any offense.” The air went silent again. A few seconds later, everyone could hear the undeniable sound of Princess Luna clearing her throat, followed by: “Rainbow Dash... I... presume that you and your recent... c-companions are fully impressed by your connections with Equestria by now?”

“Uhhhhhhhhh...” Rainbow Dash looked past a visibly-wincing Twilight. Nick and Sinrar stood breathlessly at the edge of a gazebo beneath them. “You guys good?”

“Yeah.” Nick wheezed, still pale and trembling. “Gooder than good.”

“Dr. Dude?”

“I have so many questions to ask about immortality, distant cultures, the outer reaches of this universe—”

Rainbow smiled into the air. “Yeah, Your Majesty! We're good!”

“Very well then. Spike and I have compiled a comprehensive report. I think it would behoove us to go over what we've learned... albeit in a private conversation.”

“Oh. Totally. I'm down for that.” Rainbow turned to look at Twilight. “You down for that, Twi?”

“He... th-threatened... to hit Luna in the Tiara...” Twilight quietly whimpered.

“Twilight's down for that too, Luna.”

“Good. Shall we proceed?

“Bangarang.” Rainbow smirked, then turned one last time to face Sinrar and Nick. “Hey, guys. It's been fun. Stalk you tomorrow, perhaps?” She leaned her head to the side. “I'll totally chat you two up about the west end of the plane and all that jazz. And perhaps—after comparing notes—you can help me figure out where to find the other 'Five Seeds?'”

“Oh, most certainly...” Sinrar nodded with a blank expression. “A demain.”

“What he said,” Nick slurred.

“Righto. Have a good night's sleep.” That said, she darted straight up like a blue comet. “Zoop!” Twilight blurred after her.

Sinrar exhaled, brushing his wirey orange bangs back beneath his beret. “And to think... I would live through three tsunamis to witness something this spectaculaire.” He shook his head with a wrinkly smile. “This 'Equestria' has sent us an angel, non?”

“'Princess Luna.' Hmmmmm...” Nick rubbed his chin in thought. “I'm guessing, since she's not a 'Queen,' that means she's single?” THWACK! “Ow!”

Spike's voice rang across the clouds. “Rainbow Dash, do you remember learning about 'Harmonic Acclimation?'”

Before Rainbow could even respond, Twilight blurted: “Harmonic Acclimation!” She grinned wide. “That's the Alicorn terminology for what happened to us! With the Elements—I mean... as in how they transferred their power and essences to the six of us.”

Rainbow stared lethargically at the unicorn.

Twilight blushed slightly, floating backwards with her forelimbs folded. “S-sorry. Celestia taught me all about it shortly after Luna was freed from Nightmare Moon.”

“...Rainbow Dash?” Spike's voice rang again.

“Eh-ahem...” Rainbow gazed up at the full moon. “I kinda remember it, Spike. But—thanks to Twilight here, I was filled in either way.”

“Then perhaps you might know about Harmonic Unification?”

Twilight said, “That's the hypothetical scenario in which the essences of the Six Elements are absorbed into the mortal population of the world.” She blinked, ears twitching. “But... of c-course... it never even came close to happening. Not like... ahem... it could in our lifetimes.”

“Again, Twilight,” Rainbow droned. “She's batting two for two.”

“Well, Luna suggested we scour the Canterlot Archives about this topic. Book writing—after all—began long before most of the alicorns who had settled on this plane died off. Back then... uhhh... Celestia and Luna were pretty young, and some things just commit to memory better on paper than in a Princess' head.”

“Spike is quite right, Rainbow Dash, Twilight,” Luna's voice spoke up. “Even if I hadn't been encumbered with a thousand years of evil possession, I shudder to say that not all details easily present themselves to my waking mind.”

“But... y'know...” Rainbow's brow furrowed. “Did you discover anything?”

“That we did!” Spike's voice gleefully said. “According to the ancient Alicorns, the Elements of Harmony were brought over with them to this world from the Harmonic Plains.”

“Like all essences that come from the Harmonic Plains, the Elements can never perish,” Luna said. “Celestia and myself—although born immortal—are bound to succumb to death so long as we dwell beyond the reach of the Plains. This is the fate that our relatives who came here suffered. They chose to sacrifice their eternal existences in order to maintain harmony in this pocket of chaotic space.”

“That was very noble of the two of you,” Twilight said, smiling delicately. “I've always admired Celestia for such courage and selflessness. The same goes for you, Luna.” She noted at Rainbow.

Rainbow said, “Twilight says she thinks that's pretty dope!” While the unicorn face-hoofed, she continued: “But the Elements were destroyed! I saw it happen! Spike saw it happen!”

“You're right, Rainbow,” Spike said. “All of the Elements were destroyed... all but one...”

Twilight gasped. “The Element of Loyalty!”

Rainbow brushed a hoof over her necklace. “So... uh... so what does that matter, exactly?”

“Simply that fate would not have allowed for all six to be destroyed,” Luna said. “Despite Harmonic Acclimation, Harmonic Unification must inevitably happen. To accomplish this, the Essences of the Five destroyed Elements had to go somewhere.”

“Into your pendant, Rainbow...” Twilight stammered.

“So... like... into the Element of Loyalty?” Rainbow remarked, blinking.


“Wait a second, Luna, are you telling me that... that this isn't just Loyalty anymore?” Rainbow's voice cracked. “What I'm actually wearing is all Six Elements around my neck?!”

“It... is a great deal more difficult to explain than that, my little pony.”

Spike spoke up: “When the Elements... uh... blew up... they were no longer empowered by themselves alone. Because of Harmonic Acclimation, their energy was shared by the Bearers.”

“You mean me and my friends.”

“Right. And since the Elements could not be destroyed...”

“The souls of my friends...” Rainbow blinked. “...Twilight. Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie. Rarity...” She fumbled to speak the next three syllables.

“They had to go somewhere, Rainbow Dash,” Luna's voice said. “And there was one vessel nearby... a vessel contained in two halves.”

Rainbow gulped. “The Element of Loyalty... and me

“Rainbow...” Spike's voice spoke up, although in a grave tone. “Do you remember what you did to Discord right after what happened to your friends?

Twilight shuddered, gazing down at the starlit cloudtops below.

Rainbow sighed. “...are you gonna ask me next if I think that water is wet, Spike?”

“For serious, Rainbow. How is it—do you think—that you on your lonesome were capable of turning Discord to stone?

“I dunno... I just...” The pegasus shrugged. “...figured I was really really pissed off.”

“The Elements were needed to imprison him back in stone again. So how could the Element of Loyalty have accomplished that on its lonesome?

Rainbow bit her lip. “Unless... it wasn't just the Element of Loyalty?”

“You see where we're going with this? The Elements couldn't die. When you put on the Element of Loyalty, you became the bearer of all of them... and they all became part of you.”

“But... if the Elements can't be destroyed... and—cuz of Harmonic Acclimation—the bearers are attached to them...”

“The souls of your dear friends live on, Rainbow,” Luna said. “At least, that is what we've concluded after our studies.”

“Can it really be true...?” Twilight murmured.

“But... but...” Rainbow grimaced. “How can that even make sense?! Why haven't I seen them all this time?! Why have they disappeared on me?!”

“There are a lot of things that do not make sense, child,” Luna said. “Perhaps you might recall how terribly shocked my sister and I were when we witnessed the self-destruction that the Harmonic Spell had wrought on your fellow companions in Ponyville.”

Rainbow exhaled heavily, gazing aside. “Yeah. I... remember some things...”

“That day was a terrible tragedy that we will never forget. However... it has always struck us as innately peculiar. There is nothing in our written records that can explain why any artifacts carried here from the Harmonic Plain would do such a destructive thing.” Luna's voice paused to breath. “Unless...

Twilight's ears perked up.

“Unless...?” Rainbow leaned forward. “Unless what?”

“You encountered Twilight Sparkle—even rejuvenated her from spectral limbo—on account of pursuing and making contact with the so-called 'Yaerfaerda' symbol, yes?

“Right.” Rainbow nodded. “The beacon in the Tower brought her back... pr-pretty much.”

“Rainbow Dash, when Celestia and I came across this plane—along with our equals—none of us had any concept of mortality, much less the devices of this realm that you have single-hoofedly discovered through your adventurous travels. It would appear that there is more to this 'Urohringr' than even an immortal lifetime of observation can discern. There is reason to believe that the Elements of Harmony—grown to function in a specific way along the Harmonic Plains—might, in fact, have a different function here in this world. Perhaps even a greater function.”

“A greater function?” Rainbow's muzzle scrunched. “Like what?”

“That is a very good question indeed. It is no secret to you that this world is dying.”

Rainbow nodded, gazing aside at Twilight. “Nor is it a secret to Axan...”

“Mortals such as yourself may not be capable of perceiving it, but this realm has been headed to ruin for a very long time. If it's true that this plane is a severed part of a greater whole, than that might explain its rapid expiration. There is intelligence and creativity at work in this realm's underlying foundation. If one were to compare the world to—say—a living organism, then while it stands to perish... it may also have a means to heal itself.”

“And... a-and...” Rainbow tilted her head aside to Twilight.

The unicorn thought aloud: “Harmony is what it's chosen to fix itself...”

Rainbow gazed up. “You mean that Harmony is Urohringr's repair kit, Luna?!?”

“That's a crude way of putting it. Quite possibly.”

“Then... wh-what does it have to do with us?” Rainbow pointed at herself and Twilight. “Me and the spirit of my friends, that is...?”

Spike spoke up: “Rainbow, think about it. Imagine, for a moment, that this plane is a machine... an intelligent machine. And imagine that it's built to fix itself in the event that it goes kablooie.”

“Or if a bunch of evil prehistoric pegasi rip it apart,” Rainbow muttered.

“Whatever. Let's say that this machine has zeroed in on the most powerful energy source situated on the whole plain... even if it's an energy source that wasn't there before.”

“The Elements of Harmony,” Twilight said.

“Luna and I think that what the world needs at this point—separated so far from all of its other pieces—is the Elements of Harmony.”

“And what does... er... the 'world' intend to do with them?”

“I... I don't really know. But Rainbow... think... if the forces at work with Urohringr want the Elements to do something, then they can't grab the Elements on their own. They gotta empower something to gather them together.”

Rainbow exhaled. “Austraeoh...” She gulped. “But... but why friggin' destroy the Elements in the first place?!”

“It is all speculatory at this point, Rainbow,” Luna said. “But, assuming that the fate of Austraeoh is indeed to reunite the Elements—the very same Elements that you currently possess in essence—then, in accordance with the ancient alicorn texts, there is only one means through which to manifest their power and return to the original point of Harmonic Acclimation.”

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. “The Harmonic Prism...”


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