• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Just Laugh And Make Them Disappear

“So, lemme get this straight...” Bard paced atop the scaley backside of the Ultimo. The dim glow of the setting sun reflected off his squinting eyes. Meanwhile, a flock of seagulls followed the swift path of the sea serpent, serenading everypony from above. “It's all just one piece of a circle... and then there are many circles... and all of 'em join together to make up a big floatin' tube in space?”

Rarity and Twilight looked at Rainbow.

“Erm... that's more or less it,” Rainbow Dash said. “Just twenty-four hours ago, I would have told you that Urohringr was just one circle. But... b-but if I'm to believe all the stuff that I learned down there when we ran into... uhhh... the frost golems, then it turns out there are many of them. Or—at least—Verlax believes that to be the case.”

“And they all join up to make this big heapin' thang in space?”

“More... or less, yeah.”

“Well, who built the dayum things?”

“I dunno.”

“And just why did it break apart?”

Rainbow gulped. “I dunno.”

“Did Verlax say that you were destined to put the pieces back together?” Twilight asked.

Rainbow replied, “Yeah, but then she went on and on about how they're destined to fall apart all the same.” She twisted her muzzle into a bitter frown. “Guess what?” she droned, “The Divine of Frost is a little loopy. Who'dathunk it?”

“Huh?” Bard turned to blink at her.

Rainbow blushed slightly. “Oh. My bad.” She pointed at the space in front of her. “I was talking to Twilight Sparkle just now.”

Bard rubbed his stubbled chin, then pointed across Ultimo's empty scales. “Twilight Sparkle... Rarity... and Ponky Pie.”

“Close enough,” Rainbow said with a grin.

“Friends who you thought was given the zap, but instead were sleepin' all ghost-like—only to be woken up by the ruby flames deep inside the world's metal basement,” Bard muttered.

“Heeeeey...” Rainbow nodded. “You catch on fast!”

“Reckon it's a lot harder keepin' a firm grip once it's all been caught.”

Rainbow winced slightly. “Look... dude... I... uh... I-I know it's a lot of super crazy stuff to take in.” She gulped. “The Doc took an extra long time to even remotely believe me. And don't get me started on Professor Sinrar and Nick. So... y'know...” She brushed her bangs back and sighed. “If you think it's all a buncha bull, I'm not gonna blame you.”

“Darlin', take a look around us.” Bard gestured left and right. He spoke above the constant cries of obnoxious seagulls. “We're squattin' on a big ol' monster shark swimmin' northeast after havin' done tangled with a buncha psycho thugs in an underwater fishpony palace.” He smirked, adjusting the brim of his hat. “If you must know—I've lived far too dayum long to assume we live in a borin' world.”

“So you do believe me?”

“Well...” Bard sighed, leaning back and folding his forelimbs. “It's just that... there's so dang much to take in. Can't say I rightly envy ya, darlin'. From the sound of thangs, it seems like you've been heavin' an awful lot on yer shoulders!”

Rainbow Dash shuddered. “That's putting it lightly.”

“SO!” Pinkie burst out of Ultimo's dorsal fin, grinning in Rainbow's face.

“Gah!” Rainbow fell back, flinching.

That's why you've been so stiff and wonky since I woke up!” Pinkie cartwheeled through the air and came to a stop behind Rainbow Dash. “Well, Auntie Pinkie has the perfect remedy for the case of the stiffwonkies! Her very own panted cotton candy soft back massage!” She flung her hooves forward, only for them to phase directly through Rainbow's tummy. “Awwwwwwwww...” Pinkie Pie pouted. “How can I roll the stiffwonkies away if I can't even use my hoofsies?”

“Lemme guess...” Bard arched an eyebrow. “Ghost friends?”

Rainbow gulped, summoning a nervous smile. “Hey, look, even I have to get used to stuff, okay?”

“All things considered, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash has carried on magnificently,” Rarity told Pinkie. “Even you would be remarkably changed if you endured so many terrible months without the comfort of your best friends.”

“I know! But...” Pinkie nevertheless pouted in Rainbow's direction, her eyes glossy and sad. “The Rainbow I know doesn't let anything bring her down! If there's a problem, she can fly loopty-loops around it lightning quick! Zip! Zwiiip! Zooom! Hehe! And if that's not enough to fix it... there's always the sonic rainboom!” Pinkie hopped on her feet, took a galloping start, and threw herself towards Ultimo's left side.

“Pinkie! Wait—!” Twilight could only wince.

“Nyeeeeeeeeeeuuuuur—” Pinkie glided through the air until she slammed into the translucent lavender barrier. “KAPOWWW!” She ricocheted back, plummeted through Ultimo's body, and slowly floated back up while pumping her hooves. “Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!” She hissed and exhaled, imitating a cheering crowd. “Heehee! Bye bye baddies!”

“Pinkie Pie!” Rarity groaned, rolling her eyes. “Honestly!”

“She's... not altogether inaccurate,” Rainbow Dash said, smirking. “I've solved a lot of problems this far from home by just—y'know—throwing my wings into it.”

“Heehee!” Pinkie somesaulted into a standing position and grinned. “There's the Dashie I know!” She winked. “No problem's so tough that she can't solve it without awesomeness and a dash of harmony!”

Rainbow's smile broke slightly. She struggled to keep her lips curved. “Yes... well... ahem...” She glanced to the side, and the distant yellow streak of Yaerfaerda brought a tremble to her shoulders. “You know me, Pinkie. Never wanting to b-back down from a challenge. Eheh...”

“Are ya talkin' to them right now?” Bard asked, leaning forward.

“No,” Rainbow droned. “I'm practicing for a one-pony comedy act.”

“Rainbow...” Twilight chided.

Rainbow sighed. Swallowing, she turned to smile calmly at Bard. “Yes. As a matter of fact, I was just being complimented by Pinkie Pie.”

“She's the one you fetched just now, right?” Bard asked.

“Uh huh.”

“And... Twilight's the unicorn?”

One of the unicorns.” Rainbow turned to wink at the marefriend in question. “She's the Element of Magic, whereas Pinkie's the Element of Laughter.”

“Tell Bard that we're very, very grateful for the Desperadoes' assistance,” Twilight Sparkle said, smiling. “We couldn't have gotten Pinkie if it weren't for him and Mr. Wildcard.”

Rainbow looked at Bard. “She says 'thanks for helping me get Pinkie Pie' n'stuff.”

“Shoot. She sounds like a nice pony.”

“Uh huh.”

“And the third one—Rarity—what exactly is her elephant?”

Element,” Rainbow said hoarsely. “Ahem. She's all about Generosity.”

“So she had a stone like yers, huh?” Bard pointed. “That shiny thing you never fancy takin' from yer neck?”

“They all did. Rarity's was a bunch of diamonds.” Rainbow turned to look at the ghostly fashionista. “Just like her cutie mark.”

“Mmmm... yes.” Rarity smiled. “And do tell Bard that his politeness is only outmatched by his strapping handsomeness.”

“Euugh...” Rainbow facehoofed. “Dang it, Rarity.”

“What?” Bard blinked. “Does she not like us talkin' about her keister?”

“No, infact...” Rainbow rolled her eyes and glanced limply at the stallion. “She seems to totally dig you.”

“Rainbow!” Rarity hissed, her cheeks aflame. “That is not at all what I said!”

“Actually,” Twilight droned. “It kinda sorta is.”

Pinkie Pie giggled.

“Mmmmm... yes, well...” Rarity leaned back, fanning herself and glancing coyly aside. “It was all so very easy to say before... erm... b-before he could find out about it.”

“Take it with a grain of salt, dude,” Rainbow Dash said to Bard. “She's a super sappy seamstress who loves dressmaking, dainty etiquette, and all that other fru-fru stuff.”

“Y'all dun say.” Bard smirked, scratching his neck. “I dun suppose Rarity has a sister somewhere who's—y'know—not a half-dead spook.”

“She has a sister, alright.” Rainbow fidgeted. “But dude, she's like, ten... no.” Rainbow froze, eyes darting around. “...make that eleven and a half.”

“Ew and still ew,” Bard nearly retched, backtrotting across Ultimo. “Dangit. Forget I said anythang.”

“I will. Can't say the same about Rarity.”

“Eugh...” Bard shivered from head to toe. He glanced back at the pegasus. “Is there ever a time when they ain't listenin' to everythang we say and do?”

“I've... uhm... kept my distance whenever you, Wildcard, or the Doc had to use the bathroom.”

“I reckon some thanks is in order,” Bard said. “Though, from the sense I'm gettin', we truly did hop in and help out at the right time... huh?”

“Oh, dude, you have no idea!” Rainbow exclaimed, nodding vehemently. “I mean, sure, we butted heads at first, but if it weren't for you guys I wouldn't have gotten the leverage to enter Shoggoth to begin with!”

“But I thought Camellia was what got us in.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean!” She squatted down on folded limbs, sighing. “Up in Rust, on board the Arrowfish, deep in the siren sepulchers...” She shook her head, smiling softly. “I really couldn't have done all of that on my own and kept sane. You two being there by my side made a huge difference. Believe me. I mean, I care for my friends and all, but they can only do so much to help out in their condition.”

“Wait...” Bard cocked his head to the side, squinting. “When we was deep sea divin' down below the waves... they done helped you navigate us a way to the sepulchers, didn't they?”

“Uhm... pretty much, yeah.” Rainbow nodded. “That was mostly Rarity's doing, seeing as she can detect the shape and construction of solid objects—such as the seabed. Twilight's keen on sensing magical stuff, and Pinkie Pie, well...” Rainbow looked over.

“Hey guys!” Pinkie pie squatted like a pastel feline, waving at Twilight and Rarity. “Watch this! C'mon! Watch!” She then tilted her head back and opened her muzzle wide. Her tail twitched, and not long after a seagull pooped directly above, its fecal matter falling straight down into Pinkie's mouth and phasing through her body. “Mmmmm!” She pretend-swallowed and licked her lips. “Tastes like caramel!”

“Eeeeeeugh!” Rarity covered her eyes and muzzle while Twilight giggled. “Pinkieeeee.”

“Hehehehe-snkkk!” Pinkie giggle-snorted, rolling over and hugging herself.

“Yeaaaaaaah...” Rainbow turned to smile at Bard, her cheeks rosy. “I'm still trying to figure her out. Funny, 'cuz that was just par for the course back when she wasn't... y'know... undead.”

“And these extra senses of theirs...” Bard thought aloud. He gestured in the general direction of the setting sun. “...they helped back in Rust, didn't they? I mean... when you suddenly turned out to be the world's best darn vault-stealer. That was all them, wasn't it?”

“Pretty much, yeah.” Rainbow nodded. “They've helped me through a lot of scrapes these last few weeks. And not just me.”

“Well, whaddya know?” Bard leaned back, smirking. “Suddenly, it kinda sorta does make a lick of sense! What do you say to that, Dubya-Cee? Reckon it wasn't just Rainbow alone who saved yer feathery hide.”

All was silent and still.

Bard's muzzle twisted. He turned around. “Dubya...?”

Wildcard simply stood there, stroking his beak with a thoughtful pair of metal digits.

“Hey! Mofo!” Bard swatted him, making his goggles rattle. “Dun be a rude pigeon! I ain't used to ya bein' all silent-like! Whaddya got to say about all of this?”

Wildcard gulped. He glanced nervously at Rainbow, then gestured with his talons.

Bard “listened,” blinking. “Uhhhhh...” He leaned back, squinting. “What do ya mean 'You gotsta think about it?' Dude, the evidence is all here! Well... half here!” He gestured at Rainbow. “I know her 'ghost friend' stuff is a mighty tall tale, but how else are ya gonna explain how she was able to get us through those crazy messes one after another?”

Wildcard sighed and gestured again.

“Pffft! Yeah, well, 'think about it' out loud, ya nincompoop!” Bard turned to grin apologetically at Rainbow. “Dun mind Dubya-Cee. In exchange for all his badassitude, he done fetched himself the brain of an ostrich.”

Wildcard's beak nostrils flared and his metal-and-flesh talons blurred.

“What it means, ya dummy, is that the Verlaxion we know in lurve is up to no good and Rainbow Dash is the only one who can stop her!”

“I'm not here to stop Verlax,” Rainbow Dash said firmly.

Bard did a double-take while Wildcard looked on. “Yer not?” His muzzle hung agape. “But... but all that crazy stuff she launched at us deep down in Shoggoth—!”

“I've been put through crazy stuff before by powerful baddies even worse than her,” Rainbow Dash said. “In fact... I...” She fidgeted, eyes darting back and forth. “...I-I'm not even sure she is a baddie.”

“What?” Rarity gasped.

“Rainbow Dash...” Twilight murmured, blinking incredulously.

“Uh... wh-what I mean is... is...” Rainbow bit her lip, fidgeting. The yellow beacon pulsed in her peripheral vision, and she hugged herself before the shivers could rebound. “...Wildcard has a pretty good reason to sit on the fence.” She gulped and looked up at Bard. “Things might sound cut and dry to you. Heck, they sure look that way to me. But... but if there's one thing I've learned about this world in all of my crazy journeys—it's that nothing is ever... ever simple.”

“What's not simple about all of this, darling?” Rarity remarked, blinking. “Verlax sees in you a pony who can change this ancient world, and she wants a piece of the pie.”

“Yeah, but who ever heard of someone who wanted to bake a pie just to smash it to bits?!” Rainbow remarked.

“Heeheehee!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “I sure do!”

“Pinkie, we were being metaphoric—” Twilight said.

“I used to bake pies for pie-throwing contests all the time!” Pinkie grinned from ear to ear. “They're super-duper fun! I even went so far as to make them extra-crispy and tasty! Cuz you never know how much of that might end up in a pony's mouth! I mean... you are aiming for the face, silly!”

“So... uhhh...” Rainbow glanced at Wildcard and Bard, then back at Pinkie. “...you're saying that Verlax wants to fill Urohringr with baked goods and toss it into ponies faces?”

“Duaaaaaaaah!” Pinkie grinned wide. “Why, that would be the most awesome pie-throwing contest that ever awesome'd!”

“Unnngh...” Rainbow shook her head, chuckling slightly. “Pinkie...”

“Seriously! Who doesn't like pie throwing? Even a big grumpy angsty dragon pony who likes to put all her sweets in the freezer has gotta love getting messy from time to time!”

“Pinkie, I don't think—” Rainbow began.

“Hey! Remember that time when we were throwing a party for Princess Celestia in Sugarcube Corner?” Pinkie hopped in place. “I even tossed a pie into my own face! Heeheehee! You remember that?”

“... ... ...” Rainbow blinked. “Uhhh... no. I... uh... I-I guess I was too busy—”

“Messing with the royal guards! Heehee! I remember!” Pinkie tilted forward and walked on her hooves. “You were all: 'Blblblblblblblbbbb!' With your tongue all hanging out! Wowwee-zowwee! I wish I had thought of that!”

“Heheheh...” Rainbow sighed, shaking her head. “Come on, Pinkie. I could never top you.”

“Are you kidding me?!?” Pinkie squealed.

“Girls, can we please get back on the topic of—” Twilight started, only to have a dainty hoof pull her gently back.

“Shhhhh...” Rarity whispered, smiling warmly at the scene. “Let them be.”

Twilight blinked as she and Rarity floated back.

“You were always showing me new ways to do pranks, Dashie!” Pinkie hopped around. “Like—remember the time we painted all of Applejack's apples? Like... all of them?!”

“Er... yeah. Heheh... I remember that.”

“You always... alwayssss performed the best pranks on AJ! Heeheehee! It's like you knew just how to push her buttons!”

“Y-yeah...” Rainbow cleared her throat. “Imagine that.” Her brow furrowed. “Still... it's nothing like the one time you scared Spike so bad he got the hiccups.”

“But I couldn't have done that without you!”

“Still, it was your idea.”

“Heehee! It was a good idea, wasn't it?”

“Heheh... yeah...”

“Hey!” Pinkie grinned. “Remember the time I tried making that one dragon laugh by wearing the balloons and scuba flippers?”

“Uhhhhh...” Rainbow grimaced. “He nearly squashed you to a pulp, Pinkie. That wasn't much of a prank.”

“Yeah! But he sure did pull a fast one on me!”


“Heeheehee! Oooh! Oooh!” Pinkie hopped in place. “Gilda and the dribble glass! Gilda and the dribble glass! Whew! I never thought I'd live to see a griffon breathe fire like a dragon!”

“Hahahahaha...” Rainbow giggled. She rested her smiling head sideways on her curled forelimbs, gazing at Pinkie. “Face it. She totally deserved all that crud that happened to her.”

“Awwww... but that's not very nice!”

She wasn't very nice! But that didn't stop me from pulling pranks on Gilda, even before you met her. Did you know I once shaved off the furry end of her tail and convinced her that an eagle bit off the tip in her sleep?”

“Ha HAH! No way!”

“Hehe... yes way! She went to a doctor and had a full physical and everything just to check. She never forgave me.”

“Did I ever tell you about the one time I switched Mayor Mare's bifocals with a completely different prescription?” Pinkie Pie suppressed a snorting giggle. “Turns out, she wore them on the day that she was signing off new city ordinances! We almost had a full year of embargoes on acorns! Hehe... acorns!

“Hahahaha!” Rainbow hugged herself, quivering all over.

“But nothing beats the year I convinced my younger sisters that Maud was made out of rocks! One morning, I dumped a bunch of gravel outside their bedroom door and I was all—'Inkie! Blinkie! Omigosh, look! Maud fell out of the attic!'

“Snkkkt—No friggin' way! Hahahaha!” Rainbow slapped the ground—only to remember it was Ultimo's scales. She winced from a loud groaning sound. “Crud! Hahaha!”

“Heehee...” Pinkie Pie's eyes sparkled as she nevertheless continued. “Mom and Dad grounded me for a month after they found Inkie and Blinkie cradling a jar of pebbles and crying!”


“Hehe! And nowadays, whenever Maud goes up into the attic to grab Hearth's Warming decorations, I always shout 'Have a good trip!'”


“Hehe—keep yourself together!”


“Don't fall apart at the seams, Maudie!”

Rainbow Dash giggled and giggled. She buried her muzzle into her forelimbs. Her warbling voice changed pitch, dipping lower and lower. All too soon, the laughter melted into something looser... wetter...

“...?” Pinkie tilted her head to the side. “Dashie...?”

Rainbow laughed... laughed... and sobbed. “...I love you.” She raised her head, and her eyes were clenched shut, trailing tears over gnashing teeth. “I love you all s-so much...” She sniffled, hugging herself tighter. “You have no idea how much I've m-missed... all th-these months I've... I've missed this...” She swallowed a lump down her throat and curled up tighter. Her breath came out in shuddering bursts. “And yet to h-have you back... to have you all back...” She hissed through her teeth. A flash of red and yellow issued beneath quivering lids. “It was worth it. It was all worth it.” Once again, a whimpering tone: “I just... j-just wish I could have done it sooner...” She squeaked, crying foalishly. “I'm sorry. I'm s-so sorry I couldn't bring you all b-back sooner...”

The mare shivered in a little blue ball on the back of the sea monster. The cries of seagulls retreated into the air as the world around them grew dark.

From a distance, Bard and Wildcard watched. Tilting the brim of his hat forward, Bard slowly turned about and strolled towards the other side of the dorsel fin. His griffon friend stood in place, gazing upon the scene stoically.

Padding over on soft hooves, Pinkie squatted her ghostly self down beside the pegasus. She leaned forward until her muzzle was nearly touching with Rainbow's. “Hey...”

Rainbow shook and shivered, her face awash with tears.

Pinkie bore a warm smile. “Psssst... hey. Silly filly.”

Rainbow sniffled. She squinted her puffy eyes open.

Pinkie gazed lovingly. “Looks like you haven't forgotten how to laugh, Dashie.” She leaned her head softly to the side. “So maybe you brought us back sooner than you think. Huh?”

Rainbow gulped, then bore a weak smile. “Yeah... m-maybe...”

“When was the last time you got some shuteye, Dashie?”

Rainbow clenched her teeth shut. She buried her muzzle once again in her forelimbs. “Just... b-been too stressed to do anything...”


“Anything but move.” Rainbow gulped. “This stupid big world just won't quit...”

“Welllllll...” Pinkie sing-songed: “Looks like a big shark guppy is doing all the moving for us now, so... how about it?”

Rainbow shook... shuddered.

“Y'know what Granny Pie used to do when I was having trouble counting sheep?”

“Yeah...” Rainbow nodded, her breaths growing soft... softer. “You told me all the time.”

“Uh huh!” Pinkie grinned, teeth glinting. “So how 'bout it?”

Rainbow said nothing... not even the hint of a protest.

Pinkie laid down across from her, leaning in until her muzzle was practically within nuzzling distance. Quietly—but with no less a melody to her voice—she hummed: “When I was a littly filly and the sun was going down...”

As the seconds rolled by, Rainbow Dash's shuddering figure relaxed. The sun sank into the west horizon, drenching the oceans in shadow. One by one, the stars broke out, illuminating a soft smile across the pegasus' drowsy lips.

“...the darkness and the shadows—they would always make me frown...”

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