• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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I'd Ship It, With Mana Engines(!)

The Mark Two was a great deal longer than Rainbow Dash had anticipated. From a cursory glance while she was outside the craft, she assumed that most of the vessel was a thick outer hull with supporting lateral struts to connect the four major segments—but very little else. It turned out that the interior of the ship was, indeed, quite spacious in some areas and very intricate in others. Several compartments and corridors branched out from the central chamber that led from stern to bow. Most of these junctions led to cargo holds bearing all manners of goods and supplies, locked away by the various trade organizations desperate to ship them from one major port to another.

Rainbow had to guess that the hull was built out of a metal alloy that was far more durable than any of the vehicles she had witnessed in Ledomare, Alafreo, or Val Roa. While the Rohbreddenite mastery of magic was nominal, their knack for armor—she imagined—was a great deal more advanced. Had a ship been built with an outer hull this thin in Ledomare or Xona, it would surely have shattered upon contact with the ocean's tense, rippling surface. Half of her wondered what the Rohbredden engineers would do with the western continents' gift for magic, and the other half of her shuddered. Hard.

As it turned out, there wasn't much distance left to traverse towards the bow. At a distance situated approximately two thirds the length of the vessel, the ship's interior was cut off from all passengers. Beyond this, Rainbow Dash imagined, was the ship's bridge and control center. It certainly was up to Rainbow's guess, for several thick doors blocked off the passage from both sight and sound, and such partitions were guarded by able-bodied ponies in uniform—the first ponies Rainbow had seen aside from her companions since she first threw herself on board the vessel. She swiftly trotted out of sight before any of the stallions could glance twice at her haggard features.

In forcing herself to take a spontaneous detour, Rainbow Dash found herself wandering from port to starboard. This was made possible by one of three major corridors bridging the support struts between the Mark Two's four large sections. The Arrowfish was indeed very much like a gigantic four-part trimaran, and a lonesome part of her being positively knew that Nick would be beside himself with drool-worthy admiration. She likewise imagined Booster Spice, Props, and even Pilate sharing a mutual respect for the craftponyship.

The mare sighed. Her experiences—voluminous as they may have been—gave her an appreciation of things she never once thought she'd respect. If nothing else, she admired the nature of things through the ghostly recollections of others' personalities... personalities that she would never again share company with. It was growing more and more increasingly difficult to separate her wealth of knowledge from her fountain of memories—and most of them colored in far more melancholic colors than she wished to admit.

It was with a queer burst of joy and reverie—then—that Rainbow realized just how much more she had reacquired in that same period of time.

“You girls enjoying the tour?” Rainbow mused, struggling to contain the smile across her muzzle.

Rarity and Twilight Sparkle were oblivious, instead admiring the sights and sounds around them.

“My my yes,” Rarity cooed. “This is a far more luxurious ship than I imagine!”

“And so curiously engineered!” Twilight stammered. “Rarity... just... just what's holding all of this together?”

“Mmmmm... a strong yet flexible metal. Titanium, I suspect, but with some aluminum alloys and steel reinforcements. The interior web-work of the cross sections are quite remarkable. Almost reminds me of cross-stitching, only with tense metal filaments... erm... if that makes any sense.”

Gosh...” Twilight exhaled, drifting along with Rainbow Dash while the pegasus led them back towards the stern of the vessel, navigating one of the compartments situated closer to starboard. “Rarity, what I wouldn't give to have your architectural sensitivity right about now.”

“It's far more complicated than that, darling.”

“Well, you don't make it sound so!” Twilight's voice cracked. “If you must know, the magic being used to power this vessel is so... so simple and minimal! It's absolutely astounding! Almost makes you wonder why Equestrian scientists haven't bothered to construct something like this back home!”

“I'm more apt to ponder precisely why we were given the disparate senses we currently possess,” Rarity mused. “You're the scientist amongst us, Twilight. Surely you would benefit from extra sensitivity to metals in addition to magics,” she said. “Not to 'rub it in,' as t'were, but I'd much rather have a dress-detector built into my horn.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow dryly chuckled, drawing a few curious glances from a group of passengers she shuffled past. “Because that would have been super useful to me back there in Rust.”

“Rainbow has a point, Rarity,” Twilight said, smiling. “You truly should pat yourself on the back. We wouldn't have made it out of Revan's Stronghold if it weren't for your abilities navigating us through that ugly platform.”

“And Wildcard would be a dead duck,” Rainbow added.

Rarity fluffed her mane while phasing through a bulkhead. “Well, I must admit, it all came to me rather suddenly.” Her pale brow furrowed. “Do you ever wonder if there's a far grander purpose to our sensitivities and the intricacies thereof?”

“I dwell on it all the time,” Twilight said. “Considering that the flames of the machine world are what allowed Rainbow Dash to salvage you and me in the first place, it would seem as if we were meant to have the inexplicable gifts of extra sensory perception given to us.”

“Not like they're friggin' out of place or nothing,” Rainbow said.

“I beg your pardon?” Twilight remarked.

“Well, Twilight, darling, you've always have been a prodigy at magic,” Rarity said. She placed a hoof over her chest in mid-glide. “I've always had a horn for finding rare and precious jewels. It's how I got my cutie mark, after all.”

“Very true,” Twilight said with a nod. She smiled at Rainbow. “It almost makes you wonder what Pinkie Pie will bring to the table... if anything.”

Rainbow paused, looked behind her, and squinted at the shimmering fuchsia beacon of Yaerfaerda far below the bow of the vessel. “Mrmmmfff... I seriously doubt the Machine World's gonna throw phantom cakes and party streamers at us.”

“Oh, but wouldn't that be delightful?” Rarity giggled. “Maybe Rohbredden proper will be a continent full of soiree's!”

“Meh. I don't think Verlax is some sort of Party Queen,” Rainbow grumbled, passing a last bulkhead and emerging upon a heated compartment full of steam and noise. “Why, hello, there.”

“Oooooh...” Twilight rubbed her aching horn. “The magic in the air just shot up by three hundred percent.”

“Is... is that a bad thing?!” Rarity remarked, blinking.

“No, it just means... that...” Twilight blinked, then gestured at Rainbow. “Trot a little further! Please!”

“But what if—like—the crew doesn't want me to?”

“Like that ever stopped you before!” Twilight hissed. “Now move!”

Rainbow sighed, shuffling forward until she met the edge of a catwalk overlooking a broad compartment full of red lights and condensation. “There, you happy?”

“So... very... fascinating,” Twilight murmured, on the verge of drooling. She drifted forward as far as the invisible barrier to Rainbow's anchorage would allow.

There—a half-floor below them—stood an array of turbines housing all manner of multicolored crystals. Situated alongside these engines were unicorns, half of which were seated in custom-built chairs that faced the turbines. With meditative expressions, these ponies aimed their horns at the contraptions, empowering them with natural waves of concentrated mana. The devices churned and spun from within, channeling energy into the thrusters positioned at the very stern of the vessel. This process was maintained at a constant rate, and the unicorns all took turns at the task, shuffling in and out of the chairs with mechanical precision. The ones on break relaxed, talking amicably with one another, even managing a meal or two before it was their turn to take a chair again.

“All in all, it's just like ponies back home taking turns rowing oars,” Twilight remarked. “Only on such a large and concentrated scale.” She sighed, cheeks rosy. “It's so refreshing to see a well-maintained industry.”

“Not to mention an innocent one,” Rainbow muttered.

Rarity peered at her. “What do you mean by that, darling?”

“Well...” Rainbow squirmed slightly. “It's just that—in all the places I've been to—stuff this cool was... very uncool.” She gulped. “In that it was used to make weapons... y'know... for war and murder.” Her nostrils flared as she glanced at the bulkheads looming over the steamy compartment. “I'm sure both Hooves of the Syndicate have a lot to do with how the Arrowfish system operates, but... but for the most part this is all built for trade and commerce. I see no guns or harpoons or the makings for explosives. It's... it's just refreshing for me, I guess. I dunno.”

Twilight gazed softly at Rainbow Dash. “It's going to get a whole lot cleaner, Rainbow Dash, you'll see.” She smiled calmly. “Once we get to Shoggoth, we'll get the locals to wash their hooves clean of the Syndicate... all of the Syndicate.”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow sighed, running a hoof through her mane. “Not by myself, I won't.”

“Precisely, darling!” Rarity smiled. “Twilight and I will be with you every step—or pony paddle—of the way!”

“Not exactly what I meant, but awesome nonetheless...” Rainbow glanced down at the engineers on break yet again. The unicorns were enjoying fine morsels of bread and fruit. Squinting, Rainbow turned to see a crew member trotting in from the lengthy corridor behind. “Uhhh... excuse me?”

The stallion looked over. “Yes, ma'am? Are you lost?”

“Er... not quite. I was just curious, dude...” She trotted over, bearing a casual smile. “...is there a mess hall on board?”

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