• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Long Distance Is the Hardest Distance

“Well... that about does it for supplies!” Nick grunted, slapping down the last of several crates. Night had fallen over the east port of Kihutaja, and the misty air above them was penetrated by golden swaths from the three surrounding lighthouses. A series of lanterns flickered along the marina's docks, illuminating the exterior and interior of the Swan Song. “Thanks to the old codger's wily haggling tactics, we've won ourselves rations, rope, and even a pretty snazzy mane.”

“Took you long enough to gather all that bull hockey together, dipstick,” Sinrar rasped. He paced along the outer deck of the trimaran's central compartment. “Meanwhile, I'm sweeping up a mountain of dust and dead feathers from your beloved dinghy here!”

“Hey... give her a break!” Nick shrugged. “She's been hanging out here on her lonesome for years. All of that time without my close attention and I'm pleasantly surprised she still stays afloat! Heheh...” He instantly winced, blushing as he looked Rainbow's way. “Not... that you g-guys have anything to be afraid of, or something. She's totally seaworthy. Even airworthy!”

Sinrar gave him a double-take in the lanternlight. “Airworthy?”

“Well, Professor, the swells out there can get... uh... pretty steep. And when this baby gets a full wind...” He gestured forward with his hoof. “Fwoooooosssssh! Y'know?”

“Mrmmff...” Sinrar adjusted his beret with a frown. “Fast and stupid. Just like you.”

“Heehee... thanks—Heeeey!” Nick frowned.

“What I wanna know is this...” Rainbow hovered lower beside the mast with Twilight floating alongside her. “If Dr. Dude had so many ancient coins on him—”

Have, ya ignorant harpy!” Sinrar spat. “What?!” He folded his forelimbs with a huff. “You think I would have dealt my entire card in one go?! Hah! I know these waters like the back of my hoof! Odds are we're gonna have to bribe our way past more coral-huffers if we wanna get anywhere!”

“So... like...” Rainbow squinted at him. “...why didn't we use the coins to buy us a slightly less cramped boat?”

“Well...” Sinrar leaned back, scratching his chin. “If you aren't the mare with the velvet tongue.” He grunted. “Do you want to attract that much attention or waste that much time getting to the First Seed?”

Twilight glanced aside at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow sighed, her ears folding back. “You have a point.”

“I do... don't I?” Sinrar smirked. “And just what... or who might an adventurer from the west be wanting to avoid attracting?”

Rainbow's lips parted. She avoided the old stallion's gaze, fidgeting in midair.

“The Swan Song isn't 'cramped,'” Nick muttered, pouting. “It's just built to be cozy.”

Twilight leaned in. “We could shove off anytime, I'm guessing.”

Rainbow cleared her throat, turning away from Sinrar. “So... uh... how soon will she be ready?”

Nick shrugged. “I could get her ready in less than three hours. But... do you really want to set sail at night? I wouldn't.”

“For once, the little larva has a point,” Sinrar wheezed.

“Well, that's just as well.” Rainbow nodded at Twilight, then at the two stallions. “I sorta... have somepony to talk to for one final evening anyways.”

“Ah, but of course.” Sinrar leaned back on his cane, smirking. “Any chance we might be able to entertain the Princess' delightful and wise company yet again, harpy?”

“Eenope!” Rainbow Dash shot straight up. “See ya guys in a few hours. Try not to fall into the drink in your sleep.”

“Heehee!” Twilight waved as she was dragged skyward after Rainbow. “Bye bye!”

“They can't hear you, Twilight.”

“But they heard you!”


Sinrar watched until Rainbow Dash flew out of sight.

“Hrmmfff... I wonder if I should really be throwing myself bollocks deep into the ocean on a whim of a nutcase,” Sinrar grumbled.

“I dunno...” Nick brushed his bangs back and smiled aside at Sinrar, eyes sparkling. “In a way, I think she's... charming.”

“You would think that, ya rudder humper. Now help me find the lavatory.”


“This little skimmer of yours has a place to do business, doesn't it?”

“Funny that you should ask.” Nick picked up one of three containers from his stack of supplies. “Which bucket do you want? They... uh... they only had two sizes. Eheh.”

“Awwwwwwwwwww phooie.”

“Simply put, Rainbow Dash, we have no choice but to await your next report,” Princess Celestia's voice rang through the night air. “From what Luna and Spike have told me, you're about to embark on a most daunting voyage.”

“That... uh... that remains to be seen, Your Highness,” Rainbow Dash said. She perched on the top of the port's centermost lighthouse. Between each blinding swath of light, she gazed out at the distant speck of Yaerfaerda. She sharply inhaled the salt air and continued, “As cruel as it sounds, I don't plan to take these guys any farther than I can throw them.”


“They're not exactly seasoned Ledomaritans or battle-hardened Xonans,” Rainbow Dash said in a dull tone. “I... shudder to think what too much excitement might do to them. Especially the old guy.”

“But they seem very helpful,” Twilight said. “Not to mention willing to help us out! If you ask me... heheh... I think they just need an excuse for adventure.”

Rainbow smirked. “Twilight has a good point. These two wouldn't have tagged along if they weren't up for the challenge.”

“Then they volunteered on their own?” Princess Luna's voice inquired.

“Yup! Well...” Rainbow winced slightly. “The younger one needed... eh... a little bit of encouragement.”

Twilight giggled.

“Well, Rainbow,” Spike spoke, “So long as they've got you hanging out with them, then I'm sure there's nothing to worry about.”

“Oh, I'm not worried,” Rainbow said, lying back in a lazy lean as she smirked over at Twilight. “Just a bit twitchy.”

Twilight winked.

“All in all, we're just about ready to set sail! Nick's got the boat almost fully prepared, and Professor Sinrar is antsy to start navigating our way there. We should be able to make it to the first Seed with no problem. It's just the trip itself that might take a while. Whatev's.” Rainbow shrugged. “Anything's gotta be a walk in the park after the friggin' Choke.”

“And after you have reached the First Point of Interest, Rainbow,” Luna said, “Then what?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I guess Twilight and I will have to take it from there. I... uh... I think we'll know pretty sure right away if there's any point to what Luna and Spike have proposed.”

“I believe in you, Rainbow Dash,” Spike said. “You and Twilight can bring the girls back! I just know it!”

“Heh... let's just hope you're right, dude.”

The air was silent for a while.

“It would seem as if there is very little left to discuss,” Celestia's voice calmly said. “At least in regards to your next venture.”

“Yeah. I guess.” Rainbow scratched her head, glancing aside at Twilight. “Plenty of time to catch up, though, am I right? I mean... I've told Twilight plenty, but I'm pretty sure the girl's dying to hear from your mouths just how Equestria's been fairing since I took off for the horizon.”

“Yes! Please!” Twilight gulped, leaning forward from where she drifted. “I mean... tell them, Rainbow! I wanna hear all about home!”

“Heh... Twilight's repeating everything I just said,” Rainbow stated. “In her usual egghead way.”


“Heheheheh...” When Rainbow was done chuckling, she suddenly how silent everything was on the Princesses' end. “Luna? Celestia?” She gulped. “Your Majesties? Everything cool?”

“... … … well, we had mulled it over, collectively, Rainbow Dash...”

Twilight blinked, looking concerned.

Rainbow's brow furrowed. “Mulled what over, Princess Luna?”

“At first, two evenings ago, we were all doubtful that Twilight Sparkle had truly manifested before you. I was doubtful. But after the evidence you've provided—and Spike's and my sister Celestia's gentle insistence—I eventually accepted the most recent turn of events. So, with Celestia's blessing, I sent an entourage to Manehattan as swiftly as I could.”

“Manehattan?” Rainbow made a face.

“It was where they had both chosen to move to after the tragedy a year and a half ago, you see.”

“Who... who are we talking about, Princess?” Rainbow asked, exchanging blank expressions with Twilight.

“Do stand by.” Luna's voice grew distant, muttering something as if from a million miles and a room away. Then, after an awkward pause, a pair of voices shuffled up, shuddering to speak:


“Twily, precious, are you really there?”

Twilight Sparkle gasped sharply. She flung a pair of lavender hooves over her muzzle as pupils shrank. The ghostly unicorn shivered all over.

“We... we came as soon as we heard. At first... we didn't know what to believe. Princess Luna tells us that we won't be able to hear your voice... but... but th-that you can hear ours...”

“And we just want to tell you, first and foremost, that we love you. That we miss you. And that we're with you every step of the way.”

Rainbow Dash gaped at Twilight.

By now, Twilight had completely melted. Tears poured from her eyes, and she hiccuped to speak: “I hear you! I hear you loud and clear! And... oh goddess...” She wiped her cheek, shuddering. “I'm... I'm alive! I'm alive and I love you both, Mom! D-dad! I've never stopped loving you!” Her twitching eyes met Rainbow's.

Rainbow smirked. With a warm tone, she spoke into the air, “Twilight says she's alive and she loves you both, Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle. She never stopped loving you.”

“And... and we're gonna get me back! Someway, somehow, we're g-gonna get us all back!”

“We're gonna get Twilight back to you. One way or another.”

“I love you...” Twilight sobbed. Laughed. Laughed and sobbed. “I love you so... so much. Don't... don't worry.”

“She loves you and tells you not to worry.”

“Everything's going to work out... one way or another!”

“Everything will work out...”

The breaths on the other line shuddered.

“Oh Twily, somewhere... somehow... deep inside... we knew...”

“St-stay strong, our little Princess! We believe in you! And we believe in Rainbow Dash!”

Twilight struggled and struggled to keep her muzzle dry, but kept failing. Despite her emotional wreckage, she eventually found an even breath.

Rainbow sighed through a smile. She gazed up at the stars, then spoke, “Luna... we still have lots of time. This... this doesn't have to end anytime soon, does it?”

“Not even in the slightest. Spike?”

“Hey, Twilight. I know you're listening. Your Mom and Dad wanted to... y'know... fill you in on stuff. Stuff that's happened while you and Rainbow have been away. Think you're up for it?”

Twilight could scarcely squeak. With a wet smile, she simply nodded her head faster and faster.

“Heh...” Rainbow leaned back with a proud grin. “She's all ears. Let 'er rip.”

“Okay... Uhm... first off... Twily... your Brother. Shining?”

“You won't believe this, but he's married. The wedding happened about a year ago in Canterlot Castle. You'll never guessed who he's betrothed to.”

“Who... wh-who... who...?” Twilight hyperventilated.

“None other than Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!”

“Princess Cadance, Twilight! You remember her, don't you?”

Rainbow looked at Twilight.

Twilight scanned the heavens with her eyes. Her lips pursed. At last, she shrieked in a girlish tone. “Omigosh! Cadance! Cadance! Cadance! My foalsitter!” She clapped her hooves, her grinning face turning red. “Squeee! Oh Goddess, Shining had a crush on her for forever!”

Rainbow tilted her head. “Twilight remembers, folks. But still...” She arched an eyebrow. “A foalsitter?”

“Well, they were originally going to spend their honeymoon in Dream Valley, but some strange events started unfolding in the frozen north. So Cadance and your brother Shining took it upon themselves to investigate. I was a bit worried at the time, but then I realized that your brother is at his best when he's staunchly defending the security of our nation.”

“Plus, he now has the most beautiful wife in the world by his side.”

“Let me explain it, dear. Anyways... Shining and Cadance take a train to the Frozen North, and you'll never guess what they found...”

Rainbow Dash spent the whole time gazing at Twilight.

The unicorn leaned forward, her face plastered with a jubilant smile, and as the words of her parents rolled on, she nodded and nodded... and that grin grew wider and wider until the tears were no more.

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