• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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The Many Mad Faces of Lunacy

After the last loved one's voice faded from the enchanted moon spell, Pinkie, Twilight, and Rarity all huddled together in a hyperactive bubble full of sobs and giggles. They held hooves, chatting a mile-per-second about all the things their family members had shared. Stories about cutie marks and song concerts and alligator feedings spun and spun, until there were more smiles than tears, and the ghostly gaggle laughed heartily into the cool night air.

Rainbow trotted far away from all of this—at least as far away as her anchorage to the mares would allow. She turned and looked over her shoulder, staring at them. Gradually, her ears folded, and she bit her lip in a pensive manner.

“... ... ...Rainbow Dash.”

Ahem...” Rainbow ripped her gaze from the trio and glanced skyward. “Sorry, Luna. I'm... uh... I'm here.”

“I'm afraid there isn't much time. Let me start out by saying that Spike and I fully intend to spread the word to Fluttershy's and Applejack's families.”

“Wise move,” Rainbow said. “I doubt there'd be any luck corking the bottle in after a big family chat session like that.” She smirked. “Plus, they deserve to know.”

“Again, prior to this, we had no intention of—”

“—stringing their hopes along. I got it.” She took a deep breath. “Now, before it's too late... uhm... about that info from Cadance in Ward...”

There was a brief pause.


“I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. But the last twenty-four hours just hasn't been enough time to—”

“So there's no news on what Sturke learned from Endrax.” Rainbow sighed. “Figured as much.”

“Spike has gotten very little sleep. He anguishes over his inability to transcribe the information any faster.”

“Well, I can't blame the lil' guy.” Rainbow blinked at herself. “...the lil' big guy. Whatever.” She shrugged. “He's got a month to figure stuff out.”

“Then you feel as I do?

“What? That it'll take me at least another moon cycle to get to the edge?”


“Your Highness, with the way Verlax has hyped everything along the horizon in front of me...” Rainbow's nostrils flared as she gazed out over the moonlight cloudbeds. “...I'd be surprised if it didn't take twenty moon cycles.”

“With so few Seeds left between where you are and the dark side, it would be a wonder if you survived that long.”

“Exactly,” Rainbow grumbled, glancing over her shoulder once more. “Which... is why I gotta p-pick up the pace. I'm already suffering dizzy spells like an anorexic rhino.”

“Do you know how far you are from the next beacon?”

“Yeah, I kinda sorta figured that out earlier today,” Rainbow said, gazing forward again. “The Desperadoes told me of a place not that far from here called 'the Quade.' It's a series of rocks and shoals that almost make up two slender islands. In between these bluffs, a bunch of monks called Luminards have built their home.”

“And the next beacon is situated somewhere there?”

“That's where Yaerfaerda seems to be pointing me, yeah.”

“Splendid. We all have faith in you, Rainbow Dash. I trust that you shall find Fluttershy with very little difficulty.”

“Hrmmm...” Rainbow tongued the inside of her mouth. “Though, in the grand scheme of things, if it was Fluttershy's job to be the Austraeoh and find me, I somehow doubt that she will be up for the challenge.”

“How do you mean?”

“Simply that... that...” Rainbow Dash winced. She brought a hoof up, lifting the weight of the pendant around her neck. “Luna, remember... r-remember when you once told me about the stuff you had done in the past?”

“I would ask for specifics, Rainbow Dash, but I fear that we haven't enough time for that. My past encompasses a great deal of subtext.”

“I'm talking about... y'know... the tough decisions you had to make in the past. Hardcore stuff.” She clenched her jaw. “Stuff that took you years and years to forgive yourself for.”


“Princess Luna?” Rainbow blinked, her gaze tilting skyward. “Princess Luna, are you there?”

The voice crackled this time, nearly dissipating: “As always.”

“I know I've run this topic into the ground many times,” Rainbow muttered. “After all, Ledomare and Xona were no walks in the park. And Darkstine and Silvadel weren't easy.” She gnashed her teeth. “I... I even had to do a lot of pretty rough stuff in Val Roa, come to think of it. I'm pretty sure all those goblin thugs had mothers once...”

“You've encountered innumerable obstacles, and you've had to overcome them in outlandish ways befitting an immortal,” Princess Luna said bluntly. “It's not always something to be proud of, but it's certainly something that can be lived with. I do believe you and I can finally relate in this manner, Rainbow Dash, in more ways than one. For that, you have my limitless confidence.”

“And I'm glad for that.” Rainbow exhaled. “...but can I expect the confidence of others?”

“Surely your friends believe in you, Rainbow Dash.”

“They only believe in part of me.”

“... ... ...then perhaps the issue lies in sharing more than just that small part.”

Rainbow hung her head with a sigh.

“Rainbow Dash...” Luna's voice vanished momentarily, then returned in a clear, deep tone: “This world is a complex one, and a dangerous one. It does not matter whether the plane we exist on is in a perpetual state of living or dying. At one point or another, the cold and endless night shall consume us. There are two important things that matter: that which we are able to secure for ourselves in the brief time allotted, and that which we can promise to the ponies who will come to dwell within our shadow. Balancing this and the equal opportunity of all living things is far from a perfect act—but it is still a necessary one. The part of the world that you were born into has been a truly peaceful and harmonic one, but Equestria only got to that place because Celestia and I had to dispense with several intolerant creatures, and oftentimes with very little grace or mercy. The Siren Sisters, King Sombra, Discord—none of them were capable of peaceful coexistence, and so we removed them from this domain just as we drove back the chaos from the sunlit realm.

“So, in the end, you acknowledge that the world is at peace because you weren't always completely peaceful,” Rainbow remarked.

“In a manner of speaking, yes.”

“Then...” Rainbow hesitated, bit her lip, but ultimately blurted: “What makes you and Celestia so different from Verlax?”

There was silence.

Then: “You have spoken with great length with Verlax, yes?”

“Uh huh... back in Shoggoth.”

“I take it she still does not possess a very good opinion of alicorns.”

Rainbow couldn't help but smirk slightly. “That's something of an understatement.”

“Has she given you cause to doubt us?”

Rainbow shuddered. “She's given me reasons to doubt myself.”

“A natural reaction to having held discourse with the most crafty and cunning Divine to have ever flown the skies of this world.” Luna's breath grew firm. “There is merit to Verlax's opinion of Celestia and myself. With our royal stance on harmony, we must truly come across as quite obtuse. However, I do believe the Frosted Matriarch is quick to mistake charisma for hypocrisy.”

“Your Highnes...?”

“A very strange kingdom this Rohbredden must be: an island continent populated by six mortal tribes, ruled over by an ageless dragon who was born with a complex that sees all perishable life as infectious microbes. It's a very lofty perspective—until the eyes that bear it belong to a soul who is also doomed to perish, as all Divines like Verlax and Axan now are due to this chaos-saturated plane. Even Sturke first reacted to us with great disapproval and disdain, until time and negotiation smoothed out her xenophobia, giving way to an enlightened perspective that anticipates both the glory and tragedy of the end of days.”

“Yeah, well, Verlax came about all that a different way,” Rainbow Dash said. “She says that, long ago, she flew after Endrax and then had a vision in pure chaos. And that's how she somehow came to know about the Austraeoh and the Sundering and all that other crazy Urohringr stuff.” She gulped. “Now she's determined that she's 'helping me' in some fashion. Heck, I think she even caused the Grand Choke and built Rohbreddenite civilization from the ground up just to gimme some sort of pyschotic springboard!”

“Rainbow Dash, do you mean to suggest that the Grand Choke—the great Blight that separates the upper surface of this realm—was a total fabrication of the Divine of Frost?”

“Yeah? I guess?” Rainbow shuddered. “I dunno. I mean... that's how she made it sound. Plus... like... she also said she wasn't always the Divine of Frost.”

“Oh? Did she, now?

“Yeah. She... uh... she says that she became that after her search for Endrax. It was... like... part of her whole new draconian career change or some crap... back when she went full-Urohringrpheliac n'stuff.”

“I see...” Luna's voice faded and recoalesced. “Rainbow Dash, what kind of a creature—immortal or not—reinvents herself in order to support a singular idea... an idea that was given birth to out of a mad emotional search for a sister lost forever to the void?”

“A... desperate creature?” Rainbow blinked. She winced. “A mad one?”

“Just because she does not have a lunatic exterior does not mean that Verlax is sane. She is dying—after all. But, unlike the rest of us, Divines feel the tug of death far greater. It's a horrible consequence of such a damnably long life. Trust me. I am quite aware of this sensation.”

Rainbow Dash winced. “I'm sorry, Your Highness.”

“Do not be sorry, Rainbow Dash. However... I do suggest you be cautious. A Martriarch who founds an entire civilization for a purpose other than the population's best interests is a Queen who lies in everything she says or does to her subjects. Without a foundation of sincerity, then there is nothing that she can do—emotional or logical or otherwise—that stands to be trusted. And if the six tribes of Rohbredden—whom she's sworn to protect—cannot expect to get the truth from her, how much more can you hope to gain from her words... no matter how ardent, passionate, or foreboding?”

“Yeah... I... I get it...”

“Celestia and I have made many mistakes in the past, Rainbow Dash,” Luna said. “But at least we've been truthful to our subjects about them, and honesty is as much an Element of Harmony as Loyalty. One cannot stand without the other. To attempt salvaging a future for this world is folly without respecting such a balance, and that will be Verlaxion's downfall in time: to drown in the panic and disdain of her own betrayed subjects.”

“I can totally believe that. But... but Princess Luna...” Rainbow Dash fidgeted where she stood. “At the same time... nuttier than Nevlamas or not... Verlax is thinking about more than just harmony and chaos. Sure, her rule might collapse, and Rohbredden with it. But what about the plane? What about this piece of Urohringr that's been lost since the Sundering? If...” She seethed, as if the pendant around her neck had become a hot brand. “...if a little madness and panic is all that's needed to restore something that's broken, then... then isn't that worth it, ya think?” She shivered, hugging herself. Still, the words came out: “To put the jigsaws of the big picture back together again?”


“Princess Luna?”

More silence.

“Princess L—” Rainbow's eyes flashed red-on-yellow. She sat in place, blinking, then glanced down at her pendant.

The silver glow of Luna's enchantment had vanished completely. The window of communication had finally passed.

With a sighing slump, Rainbow Dash hung her head.

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