• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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253 - Unequal and Opposite Reaction

β€œYour Majesty, this is most irregular!”

Luna smiled at the outburst, trying to make the expression seem kind instead of amused, not wanting her sister’s steward to think she was laughing at him. Still, it was difficult to keep from chuckling at his antics; the degree to which the old unicorn became flustered at even the slightest deviation from β€œroyal propriety” – as he was fond of saying – was so over-the-top as to be funny. It was enough to make her wonder if her sister kept him employed purely for his entertainment value, though only briefly; she knew Celestia would consider such a thing to be mean-spirited. Even so, Luna couldn’t help but appreciate the steward’s inadvertent comedy routine…it served to distract her from thinking about the dream she’d just witnessed. β€œI appreciate your concern, but I doubt my sister will mind my stopping in to see her, even if it is the middle of the night. She is awake, after all.”

β€œThat’s quite preposterous!” blustered the old stallion, before seeming to remember who he was talking to. β€œEr, Your Majesty,” he finished lamely. But a moment later he recovered his poise, trying again. β€œPrincess Celestia retired several hours ago!” he insisted, punctuating his statement with a firm nod, nose in the air.

β€œAnd yet she wasn’t in the dream realm,” replied Luna easily, continuing past the steward as she strode down the hallway that led to her sister’s chambers. β€œTherefore, she must be awake.”

β€œN-no doubt she’s answering nature’s call!” yelled the flustered stallion, rushing forward and planting himself directly in Luna’s path. β€œShe’ll almost certainly have returned to bed by the time you arrive, and waking her after she’s just gotten back to sleep would be-”

β€œMost irregular?” interjected Luna, giving another slight smile as she came to a stop. Despite her expression, she was finding the other pony’s antics less and less funny.

β€œβ€¦I was going to say β€˜imprudent,’” harrumphed the stallion. β€œBut it amounts to the same thing. I’m sure if you return to your chambers, you’ll be able to find Princess Celestia in the dream realm very shortly, and then you’ll be able to converse with her without interrupting her sleep.”

β€œAnd yet, my sister’s personal steward is awake and still in his uniform, despite it being past midnight.” Luna’s rebuttal wasn’t unkind, but it made the old unicorn go rigid all the same, sweat beading on his forehead. β€œSo clearly, Celestia is not only awake, but has been for some time and likely will remain so for at least a little while, yes?”

β€œEr…I…that is…”

Seeing that no clear answer was forthcoming, Luna moved around the steward, who this time made no move to follow her. She was glad for that, as her good humor at how flustered he was had fled now that she knew for certain something was happening. But the fact that something had kept her sister up well past her normal bedtime wasn’t what made Luna anxious; it was that the timing of whatever was going on with Celestia didn’t feel coincidental…not when it was happening on the very same night that she’d just seen one of the worst dreams she could remember one of their little ponies ever experiencing.

Even now, remembering it sent a shudder down her spine. Bad enough that poor mare had been terrified, but the words of her dream-monster had been ominous in their implications. It had said, in its horribly distorted voice, that β€œit’s gonna happen again,” which had been what set the pony to screaming. While Luna knew it wasn’t a certainty, that suggested that she had gone through some sort of horrific incident in the real world, which was worrisome to consider. But not nearly as worrisome as what Luna had realized shortly after the dream had ended.

The monster in that pony’s dream had called her β€œNosey.”

It had taken Luna a few minutes to remember where she knew that name from, but she’d felt her blood run cold once she had. Nosey Newsy had been the pony who’d written the article in the Canterlot Chronicle about Lex Legis – the pony who had King Sombra’s powers, and almost as much ambition – fighting a dragon outside of Tall Tale. That article, along with Luna having found out that Lex had become Tall Tale’s mayor, had been enough to prompt her and Celestia to invite the paper’s editor over to see if he’d had any additional information. He hadn’t, and the two of them had let the issue drop. Now, Luna was wondering if they’d made a serious mistake. It might all just be a coincidence. Nosey might simply have a highly active imagination that was running wild. There’s no proof that this has anything to do with Lex Legis. But her instincts said otherwise.

Luna hadn’t been there when Lex had made his first appearance in Canterlot. She’d heard secondhoof about his having declared himself in rebellion against the Crown. But she’d been present when he’d returned a short time later, during which Twilight Sparkle had personally brokered a deal between the dour unicorn and the princesses wherein Lex would go and manage Vanhoover, one of Equestria’s most distant – and, from what Luna had heard, most damaged – cities. Both Twilight and Celestia had felt that doing so would appease Lex’s ambition while nurturing his apparent desire to help, hopefully while giving him a chance to learn friendship in the process.

Luna, however, had been far less certain about the whole thing. While Twilight had vouched for his ideas looking good on paper, the impetus behind those ideas concerned Luna far more. Even overlooking the fact that he’d grafted King Sombra’s horn onto himself, Lex had radiated bitterness and resentment. His demeanor had come across as somepony who not only felt underappreciated, but was angry about it and wanted to punish those he felt were responsible.

It had been like looking at herself just before she’d become Nightmare Moon.

The comparison had been unsettling enough to push her to try and enter his dreams that same evening, in hope of understanding and perhaps even soothing whatever misfortune had brought Lex to his current state. But to her distress, his dreams had been closed off to her. Finding out that he had subsequently taken over Tall Tale had done little to ease her anxiety, and now this latest development with Nosey…it was all too much to ignore. At the very least, we should send somepony to look in on him, she decided. Hopefully Celestia would feel the same way; perhaps that was the reason she was awake long after she should have turned in.

Striding up to the door to Celestia’s suite – which, she noted, had light spilling out from under it – Luna knocked on it, not waiting for an answer before pushing it open. β€œSister? I’m sorry to intrude but I-, OH!” All of her thoughts fled Luna’s mind in an instant at who she saw in her sister’s sitting room. On the far wall, Celestia was looking at her as she rose from a comfortable chair. Across from her was…the phrase β€œgentlecolt caller” floated through Luna’s mind for some reason, but she knew that was far too ridiculous a term for a visitor of this magnitude.

Sitting opposite her sister was an alicorn. An alicorn stallion. With six wings!

β€œPrincess Luna, I presume?” Celestia’s guest also rose to all fours, crossing the room to greet her and giving her a deep bow when he stood before her. β€œPrincess Celestia has spoken of you in the highest regard. I am honored to find myself in the presence of someone who has not only done so much for her people, but has found the strength and the wisdom to walk the path of redemption after falling from grace. Even across the boundless cosmos, figures of such inspiration are too rare a treasure.”

β€œβ€¦uh, thanks.” Still struggling to process what was going on, Luna couldn’t bring herself to think of anything else to say. The stallion’s voice was mellifluous, with a deep pitch and rich timbre that matched his stature, equaling Celestia in height and with a horn to match, and made his praise – which sounded entirely sincere, lacking even the faintest trace of sarcasm or mockery – sound all the more melodious to her ears. Part of her idly noted that the rest of him looked as good as he sounded, with a silver coat that all but glistened in the light, a mane of matching gold, and eyes that shined like topazes. Each of his wings (she couldn’t stop herself from counting them again, unable to believe how many he had) was pure white, though she couldn’t see if any other parts of him were as well; the rest of his body was completely hidden from the neck down, save for his golden-hued tail, beneath a gleaming suit of armor that seemed as though it had just been polished, shining magnificently.

Hearing Celestia’s giggle drew Luna back to herself, and she turned her eyes to her sister, silently asking for an explanation. Nodding slightly, Celestia stepped forward, grinning. β€œLuna, allow me to introduce Mihr, a β€˜solar angel’ from…I’m sorry, where was it again?” she asked, turning her gaze back to their guest.

β€œClarion,” he replied as he rose smoothly to his hooves. β€œThe third realm of Heaven.”

β€œI see…” replied Luna, though that couldn’t have been further from the truth. Even so, her surprise was ebbing enough that she managed to recover some of her poise, offering a bow in return. β€œThen, although my sister has no doubt already done so, please allow me welcome you to Equestria, Mihr. I hope-”

β€œYour Majesty!” The voice of Celestia’s steward came from behind her, and when Luna glanced back she saw that he was red-faced and giving her sister a remorseful look. β€œMy deepest apologies! I know you said you wanted nopony to know about your guest, but I simply didn’t have the authority to turn Princess Luna away!” His horn glowed as he slid an envelope out of a pocket. β€œPlease allow me to offer you my resignation, so that I might wash away the stain of this disgra-”

β€œIt’s quite alright,” interjected Celestia, her horn glowing as she took hold of the envelope and pushed it back towards the old unicorn. β€œI’d actually intended to summon Luna earlier and lost track of the time, so really you did me a favor by letting her come here.” She smiled warmly, though Luna could detect the hint of amusement in her expression. β€œI insist that you stay on.”

β€œIf…if Your Majesty wishes it so, then I cannot object,” answered the steward shakily. Tucking the envelope back in his pocket, he stepped backward, horn lightening as he took hold of the door handle. β€œI’ll see to it that no further interruptions occur.” He didn’t wait for a reply as he closed the door, unable to stop himself from stealing a glance at the alicorn stallion before it clicked shut.

Once it was closed, Celestia gave a soft laugh, raising a hoof in front of her mouth as she looked at Mihr and Luna. β€œAt least once a month, something will happen that will drive him to offer me his resignation. I really should tell him that he doesn’t need to keep doing that.”

β€œBut then you’d miss out on his one-stallion show?” offered Luna with a smile of her own. The steward’s antics had managed to overcome her remaining surprise, and she moved to another chair to sit down, Celestia and Mihr doing the same, though the angel waited until both sisters were seated before doing the same.

Celestia shot her sister a knowing grin before turning back to the matter at hoof. β€œMihr was just telling me about what brought him to Equestria.”

β€œIndeed.” The alien alicorn nodded at Celestia before turning to Luna. β€œBarely a day ago, I was alerted to an attack on the Threshold, the first realm of Heaven. An weapon of great power and great evil found its way to our shores, and when my brethren went to confront it before it could harm the residents there, it slew them.” His voice was somber then, closing his eyes and lowering his head in silent testament to the fallen.

β€œThat’s horrible,” offered Luna. β€œI’m so sorry for your loss.”

Mihr gave her a thin smile then. β€œI am grateful for your words, though it pains me to say that they were not the only ones to have given the last full measure of their devotion. More angels and archons went to confront this evil device, and all of them fell. By the time I was made aware of the conflict and was able to make my way to the front, a great number of lives had been lost.” His expression turned grave as he spoke next. β€œBut now I fear that Equestria might be in similar danger.”

Luna’s eyes widened. β€œWhat?!”

Celestia spoke up next. β€œMihr was just telling me that he fought this weapon, which he said was a scythe that could move on its own, and fought it to a draw. When it realized it couldn’t win, it escaped.”

β€œAnd came to this world,” continued Mihr. β€œI was able to follow it here, but to my shame lost track of it.” He spread a wing then, looking back at it mournfully. β€œIt seems this world wishes its residents to adopt equine forms. The transformation caught me by surprise, and in my foolishness I allowed this evil to escape.”

For a moment Luna’s brow furrowed, not sure what he meant by β€œtransformation,” but that wasn’t important right now. β€œDo you know which way it went?”

β€œWhen you arrived, he was just telling me that it flew west, toward some mountains.”

Celestia’s answer came with a knowing look, and Luna felt a chill go down her spine. β€œThe Unicorn Mountains.” It wasn’t a question; that was the only mountain range in the western portion of the continent. And beyond them… β€œTall Tale and Vanhoover.”

Mihr cocked his head. β€œIs there a significance to those places?”

β€œI’m afraid so,” nodded Luna grimly, before turning to look at Celestia. β€œAnd it relates to why I came to see you, Sister.”

The next half-hour was spent with Luna telling Celestia what she’d seen in Nosey’s dream, and both princesses informing Mihr about Lex Legis and the deal they’d reached with him. When it was over, the angel was frowning deeply. β€œThe creature from Nosey’s dream sounds like a bdellavritra, also known as a belier devil. They forcibly possess mortals and use their victims as a disguise while they work to corrupt others. If one of them is here now, then your realm is in graver danger than I thought, especially if it is somehow working with the artifact that attacked the Threshold.”

β€œOr with Lex,” added Luna.

β€œWe don’t know that,” cautioned Celestia. β€œRight now we don’t even know if this β€˜belier devil’ is really here or not, let alone what it might be connected to.”

Mihr shook his head. β€œI fear that your sister is more likely to be correct. A belier devil will not overlook a mortal of notable ability within its sphere of influence. If Lex Legis comes to the creature’s attention, it will react to him in one of three ways: as a victim to be corrupted, an enemy to be destroyed, or a potential collaborator to be used until he is no longer convenient. The third option,” he added, β€œalways culminates in the first or second.”

A heavy silence fell then. But it only lasted for a moment before Luna rose to her hooves, Mihr immediately following suit. β€œWe need to go to Vanhoover,” she declared, looking at Celestia.

β€œI agree.” Standing, the larger princess looked at their guest. β€œMihr, will you accompany us?”

But the six-winged stallion shook his head. β€œAlas, I cannot. The way of Heaven is not to fight mortals’ battles for them, but to help them help themselves. I could only join a battle in this realm under very specific circumstances.”

Celestia was clearly not expecting that answer, and was already opening her mouth when Luna beat her to the punch. β€œBut I thought you came here in order to continue fighting that scythe that attacked you?”

β€œOn the contrary, I followed the weapon here so that I could ascertain its destination and give due warning to the champions of that realm that an artifact of evil was among them.” He smiled at them then, and the expression was apologetic. β€œAnd now, I have. With my duty complete, I am obligated to return to Heaven and report to my superiors what has transpired here.”

β€œThen at least allow us to thank you before you go.” Celestia smiled warmly at the angel. β€œYour warning might have saved us all.”

Mihr returned her smile with one of equal radiance. β€œIt is I who should be thanking you. I spent only a short time moving among the mortals of this world, disguised as one of them while I sought out those best suited to facing the dark forces seeking to menace them. But in that time, I saw a people whose innocence and purity are akin to the choirs of virtuous souls that populate my realm. Though I have no doubt that the radiance in your hearts will carry you through this trial, I will offer my prayers to the myriad gods of goodness that the two of you will succeed. Until then, you have a friend in Heaven.” His horn began to glow as he finished speaking, and without another word he was gone, vanishing instantly.

Luna hesitated for only a moment, turning to the door as she started thinking out loud. β€œWe should tell your steward to get us on the next train to Vanhoover. I know the railroads are closed down, but they’ll let us through if we tell them-, Sister? Are you listening?”

β€œHm?” Celestia looked up from where she’d been staring at the space where Mihr had been. β€œAh, yes, of course.”

Despite everything that had just happened, the corners of Luna’s mouth turned up. β€œAre you certain? Your β€˜radiant heart’ doesn’t seem to be in it.”

β€œStop it,” chuckled Celestia, making a shooing motion with one hoof. β€œHurry up and call the steward.” Her voice turned teasing as she spoke again. β€œYou’re interrupting my beauty rest.”

β€œYou’re blushing, you know,” taunted Luna, throwing the door open and calling for the old unicorn before her sister had a chance to respond. Although it was a shame to cut off their banter so soon, since Luna knew it helped them both to deal with the enormity of everything they’d just been told, it had to be done. If the threat was as dire as Mihr had told them, then every second counted.

It was time to go pay Vanhoover, and Lex Legis, a visit.

Author's Note:

Turning our attention back to the Royal Sisters, we start to see some of the fallout from Lex's battle with Xiriel!

Will this help to speed up Vanhoover's recovery, or are things about to take a turn for the worse?

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