• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,190 Views, 10,238 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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588 - Prisoner of Love

“I don’t know if I can go do this.”

Staring down at the sink as she leaned on the bathroom counter, Drafty’s voice was barely audible to her ears. Had there been anyone else in there with her, she was sure they wouldn’t have been able to hear her at all. Not with how loud the music was playing right outside, the heavy bass and synthesized tones that dance clubs were famous for only slightly muffled by the walls.

But inside her head, Kara heard her loud and clear. Of course you can, sweetheart. Don’t you want Lex to love you?

“I do,” she replied immediately. “Of course I do. But this is…” She couldn’t finish, lifting her head to gaze at herself in the dirty mirror. The filth on the glass marred her reflection in a way that seemed horribly appropriate for what the goddess was asking of her. “If he ever finds out I did this…him or Cloudy or anypony…I’ll never be able to look them in the eye again.”

They won’t find out, purred the goddess, her voice confident and reassuring. Everyone who knows you is a continent away, and you haven’t told any of the ponies waiting for you outside your real name. Everything you do tonight will be our little secret.

“I know, I just…” For a moment Drafty floundered, biting her lip as she closed her eyes, trying to quell the rush of trepidation washing over her. “I just wish you could tell me how this will make Lex love me,” she pleaded.

Sweetheart, we’ve talked about this, sighed Kara, somehow managing to keep her voice gentle and compassionate despite the exasperation Drafty was sure had to be there. The bond that allows gods to channel our power to mortals is one of faith. Doubts like this are why I’m not able to grant you any spells.

Drafty flinched at that, knowing that despite her kindly tone, the goddess had just rebuked her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “You keep trying to help me and all I do is complain.”

Oh, my poor Drafty, cooed Kara. I just want you to have all the love you’re entitled to, rather than ending up like that miserable stallion you spoke with before, pining over a romance that never had a chance to blossom.

The mention of Pocket Square made Thermal Draft’s ears fold back, keenly cognizant of the parallels between herself and the earth stallion whom she’d spoken to only a few hours ago. Just like her, Pocket Square had – despite having a special somepony, or special somegriff in his case – fallen for a selfless stranger who, when disaster had struck and things were at their bleakest, had showed up out of nowhere to save everyone. No matter that the mournful stallion hadn’t said anything about having developed feelings for Long Road; as someone who was pining after a love that was increasingly looking unattainable, Drafty had been able to recognize a kindred spirit. The difference was that she, thanks to Kara, still had a chance to be with both of her beloveds, something Pocket Square would never be able to do.

Reaching into her purse, Drafty pulled out the melted hilt that Pocket Square had given her. The earth stallion had insisted that she take it with her, saying that Long Road’s lady love would surely want it back. But Drafty couldn’t shake the notion that he’d wanted it gone, as though the keepsake had become unbearable for how it reminded him of what might have been.

“I don’t want to live like that,” she murmured, staring at the twisted lump of metal. “I don’t want to regret not following my heart.”

That’s my girl, cheered Kara. Now, get back out there. Those stallions are waiting for you.

Nodding, Drafty took a deep breath, straightening up as she brushed her mane back and gave the mirror a quick smile. Satisfied that the mare looking back at her was a party girl who only cared about having fun, she trotted – no, she strutted, making sure to put extra sway in her hips – out of the bathroom.

Immediately, the music blared louder, the decibels reaching a level that could be felt as much as heard. The visuals were no less frenetic, as colored lights flickered on and off with in no distinguishable pattern, mingling with the haze created by the smoke machines as ponies jumped, shook, swayed, and twisted on the dance floor. But Drafty paid no attention to the ponies around her, heading back toward the group she’d been chatting up before she’d excused herself to go freshen up.

Clustered around a table were a group of stallions, laughing and tossing back drinks. A mixture of pegasi, earth ponies, and unicorns, they were all around her own age, ranging from late teens to early twenties. More notable than that was how each of them was an exceptional specimen of vigor, having physiques that ranged from “strapping” all the way through “ripped.” But then, that was to be expected of the Trottingham Tacklers, the city’s premiere hoofball stars.

Catching the eye of the admittedly handsome young pegasus stallion who was the team’s wide receiver, Drafty gave him her most seductive smile, and the goddess murmured praise as he immediately turned to nudge his buddies and nod in her direction. “Hey boys,” she purred as she climbed over the lap of the cornerback – making sure that her dress, a too-tight little black number that she’d deliberately changed into before coming here, rode up scandalously high as a result – and sat herself down between the receiver and the linebacker, wriggling a little as she did. “Did you miss me?”

“We were starting to get a little lonely without you here, Kara,” snickered an earth colt who she knew was the team’s center, calling her by the name she’d given them earlier. That had been the goddess’s idea, and if any of the Tacklers had thought it sounded odd, they’d kept that opinion to themselves. Of course, with how she’d been acting all night, she suspected that her name was the last thing on their minds now. “We were almost ready to start looking for someone else to keep us company.”

“Aw, you didn’t think that all this was worth waiting for?” she pouted, reclining more as she traced a hoof up over her body, making sure to let it linger between her thighs for just a moment, her mock-sadness fading into a sultry smile. “I guess I’ll just need to do a better job convincing you I’m worth it, then.”

“How’re you gonna do that?” guffawed the cornerback she’d flashed before, clearly not the brightest of the bunch.

But under the silent tutelage of the goddess, Drafty refrained from rolling her eyes, instead picking up a flute glass of something and kicking it back. Holding the liquor in her mouth, she shimmied up from where she’d parked herself, working her way back over to the cornerback, every motion lithe and exaggerated, until she’d crawled into his lap and was straddling him. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to his, her tongue snaking out and pressing against his mouth demandingly. He didn’t resist, and instead closed his eyes and let out a pleased grunt as she slowly let the contents of her mouth flow into his. It was only when he’d swallowed it all, leaving him flushed and panting, that she leaned back, giving him her sexiest grin. “Like that.”

All around her the Tacklers whooped and hoof-bumped at the wanton display, eyes locked onto her, with the team’s center giving an overwrought huff. “I thought that was supposed to be for me.”

“Oh, don’t worry,” giggled Drafty. “I’ve got something special in mind for you…” Standing up again, she reached out with her wings, caressing both cheeks as she leaned in closer to him, stopping when her face was barely half-an-inch away from his. “But you’ll have to follow me out on the dance floor to get it.”

That’s right, encouraged the goddess as Drafty led the eager stallion into the throng of bodies. Arouse them. Entice them. Make them want you until they can’t think about anything else.

Drafty knew how to play the flirt, briefly recalling when she and Cloudy had done so in order to tease the combination to the bank vault out of that repulsive little butterball, Piggy. But she pushed the memory of her girlfriend away as she made herself discard her inhibitions, letting the lights and sounds and sensations drown out everything else. When she felt the stallion she’d led on grab her tail and tug her backward, she didn’t fight it, pressing her backside against his waist as she looked over her shoulder at him with hooded eyes and a not-so-silent moan.

Become the object of their every fantasy, their every desire. Abandon the parts of you that don’t feed their passions, and they’ll want you more. Change yourself into what they yearn for, until their need for you overwhelms everything else.

She was back at the table now, lying down across the laps of three stallions sitting side by side. Twisting languidly, she made small motions with her muzzle, wing, and back leg, causing each of them to grunt and squirm, biting their lip and groaning. She felt like a living sex toy – recalling how Aria had once said that was the only way she’d ever be with Lex – but she shoved that thought away, looking over to wink at her audience. Around her the rest of the Tacklers watched, wide-eyed, and even several of the ponies around them were staring, unable to tear themselves away from the debauchery as she openly fondled three guys right in front of them.

The more you promise them, the more they’ll surrender. Reason. Morals. Promises. Consequences. All sacrifices that they offer you, desperate for the pleasure you’re giving them.

The night air was cool as she led them back to her place, the chateau on the outskirts of town. None of the stallions could seem to go more than a few feet without touching her, hooves tracing her mane, her wings, her legs, and more intimate areas of her body. Each time she leaned into the touch, a whimper escaping her lips as she pressed herself against the probing hooves and eager lips and swishing tails…but only for a moment before she pulled away, her attention flitting between each of them without stopping, driving them to be bolder and bolder as they all sought to keep her focused on them.

When their restraint is gone, and they have nothing left to offer, then they’ll give you the only thing that they have left: themselves. Their bodies. Their vigor. Their love. Accept it as your due and take it all.

They practically burst through the entrance of the estate, Drafty falling over as the stallions gathered around her, peeling her dress off and flinging her purse away. Immediately, one stallion climbed on top of her, shoving his companions away with a snarl as he positioned himself between her hind legs. Another one, unable to wait, grabbed her head in his hooves and crouched over her. The others were just as impatient, surrounding her as they made use of her hooves, her wings, and even her tail. Those that were left out saw to their own pleasure, never taking their eyes off of her as their excitement mounted.

Their lust is submission. Their sex is worship. Make them say your name – my name – and beg for my favor!

Drafty gave herself over to the stallions completely. Time ceased to have meaning as they moved around her and against her and inside her, their movements growing more and more frenzied. All around her she could hear them groaning the name of the goddess, dimly recalling that she’d told them to say it, and the press of bodies became absolutely frantic as muscles spasmed and breaths caught in throats.

For a single moment everything seemed to go still, as if everyone had stopped moving, stopped grunting, even stopped breathing in unison. Then Drafty felt a sudden rush of ecstasy – so intense that it was almost painful – shoot through her, causing her back to arch and her body to convulse and her voice to rise in a wail as her senses deserted her. All around her she could hear the stallions crying out in response, as though her release had been their signal, and she could feel wet warmth flowing over her inside and out. The sensation was impossible to process, and all she could think about as her consciousness fled was that it hurt so wonderfully…

The voice of the goddess followed her down into darkness.

Well done, sweetheart. Now you’re truly one of my children.

When Drafty came to, she was lying on the floor of another bathroom.

The return to consciousness was slow, her memories of last night coming back in bits and pieces, having to fight to make themselves known through the throbbing ache that was assaulting her. Not simply between her legs or under her tail, everything was sore, from her back to her hooves and even her eyes, causing her to wince as sunlight filtered in through a nearby window. It was only after several seconds of squeezing them shut that she cracked them open again, recognizing the stately washroom in the chateau where she was staying.

That’s right, she recalled blearily as she sat up. Kara told me to go out, and I met those guys at the club. I flirted with them all night, and brought them back here, and then we… The memory of what had happened next made her wince. At least the goddess had been true to her word about no one finding out, since the old lady who kept this place up was deaf as a post and slept like the dead. Now she just needed to find something to ease how uncomfortable she felt, turning toward the medicine cabinet-

Yelping, Drafty lurched backward, reflexively trying to avoid the monster she’d just caught sight of. For a moment she laid there on the floor of the bathroom, her heart hammering in her chest from the glimpse she’d gotten of the black thing, her wings buzzing as they twitched, making her-


Twisting her head around, Drafty’s eyes widened as she beheld the featherless, transparent wings sprouting from her back. Her back, which was covered in a black carapace rather than brown fur. Her tail was some sort of translucent membrane. And on her flank…her cutie mark was still there, the stylized lines that formed and upward-directed gust of wind standing out clearly against the rest of her. But the rest of her…

Shaking, Drafty slowly climbed back to her hooves. She knew what she’d see this time, but she still had to confirm it. Had to prove that this was actually happening.

Standing up, Drafty looked into the bathroom mirror, and screamed at what she saw.

And in the mirror, the changeling that she’d become screamed back at her.

Author's Note:

Drafty puts her faith in Kara, carrying out an erotic rite at the goddess's direction, and reaps the reward for it!

What will she do now?

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