• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,190 Views, 10,238 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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422 - Such Sweet Sorrow

“…I see.”

Sonata waited for Lex to say something else, but no further response came. Instead, he turned and started walking in the direction of River’s manor, directly away from where the last of the hot air balloons were boarding. Feeling her heart sink, Sonata broke into a gallop, moving directly into his path and forcing him to stop. “Lex! C’mon, don’t be like that! Go say goodbye to her!”

A dark look crossed his face then, but didn’t turn into a big swirling shadow and go right through her, which she tried to take as an encouraging sign. “We spoke earlier.”

The bitterness in his voice made Sonata wince, her ears folding back. “Look, she told me what happened,” she admitted quietly, wondering if that would set him off. But other than narrowing his eyes a little, he didn’t respond except to stare at her. Telling herself again that any response that didn’t involve him storming off was an accomplishment, she kept going. “I was talking to her before I came to get you just now, and she brought it up. Lex, she feels terrible about what she said.”

He raised a brow, his stony expression thawing just a little. “She regrets her decision to terminate our relationship?”

Although he’d tried to hide it, Sonata could clearly hear the hope in his words, and it made her feel even worse than if he’d said something nasty and awful. “No, I mean she feels bad about how she told you. That she, like, ranted and raved and stuff.”

She could see the disappointment in his eyes, watching as his face twisted into an ugly mask of hurt and anger. “Then there’s no longer any obligation for me to be concerned about her feelings,” he spat coldly, moving past her and walking towards River’s mansion again. “That’s what it means to sever a connection with someone.”

“So that’s it?” Despite how frustrated she felt at how he was acting, Sonata knew better than to get upset. Lashing out at Lex would only make him dig his hooves in. Besides, she’d seen him do this before, when she’d begged him to take her back after she’d broken up with him back in Tall Tale. It was just as awful to see him do it to someone else now as it had been to be on the receiving end of it then. But fortunately, she’d learned what to say to snap him out of it. “You don’t love her anymore?”

The words caused Lex to whirl in place, eyes flashing green and purple as he turned to confront her. “OF COURSE I STILL LOVE HER!” he bellowed, before regaining just enough self-control that his next words came out as a hiss rather than a scream. “But that doesn’t matter to her, does it?! She’d rather go back to that pathetic, pitiful little life that she carved out for herself in Canterlot than stay here with me! With us!” The last word was punctuated by a jagged stalagmite of black crystal punching up out of the ground behind him.

Despite the intimidating display, Sonata sighed. This wasn’t the reaction she’d been hoping for, but at least he was being honest now. “Nosey loves you too, Lex. That’s why you shouldn’t let her leave like this. If you stay all mad and don’t tell her goodbye, you’ll totes regret it later.”

Her advice earned her a bitter look from him. “I expected you, of all ponies, to be more upset about this. Aria told you how badly she was wounded when you abandoned her back on Everglow, and now you’re willing to sit back and let Nosey do the same thing to us?” His lip curled in a mocking sneer. “But I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. I know how casual you can be about ending relationships.”

That comment left Sonata utterly speechless, unable to believe what he’d just said. She tried to remind herself that he was seriously upset, that he was still engaging with her rather than just walking away. But even so, to say something so awful, and when she was trying to help him…

Seconds passed, but Lex didn’t walk his statement back, simply standing there with that cruel smirk on his lips. Finally, Sonata composed herself. Closing her eyes, she let out a deep breath before opening them again, walking toward Lex until she was right in front of him.

Then she slapped him across the face.

Whatever magic he was using to protect himself kicked in just before the blow landed, stealing the force from her swing at the same time as it hardened his body, leaving him completely unharmed. But she had the satisfaction of seeing his eyes widen in surprise, the green and purple light guttering out. Getting angry at Lex might not make things better, but that didn’t mean she had to let him walk all over her either.

“I’m totes heartbroken that Nosey’s leaving,” she said softly, looking him right in the eye as she did. “And I know that you are too. That’s why I wanted to help you out, because I figured if I couldn’t do anything about how much I was hurting, I could least do something about how much you were. And I thought maybe if I did, you’d want to do the same for me.” She took another slow breath, fighting down the urge to cry. “But I guess I was wrong.”

Then it was her turn to move past him and walk in the direction of River’s manor. She held her breath as she did so, hoping against hope that Lex wouldn’t just let her walk away. As much as he knew he hated apologizing, she also knew that he was capable of saying that he was sorry, even if he didn’t actually say it out loud. If only he’d do it now…!

But only silence followed her as she trudged back toward River’s place.

Lex watched Sonata leave, trying to choke down the overwhelming resentment he felt for her, for Nosey, and for everypony else in the entire world at that moment.

The unfairness of it all galled him. He had no doubt that Sonata, the melodramatic little nag, would hold this exchange against him despite the fact that he’d done absolutely nothing wrong. If anything, he was the aggrieved party here; Nosey was leaving him, leaving all of them, and Sonata thought it was important that he make sure that Nosey didn’t feel too bad about it?! What kind of sense did that make?! Acrimony was what she deserved for abandoning them like this! Sonata’s suggesting otherwise was not only insane, it was utterly callous, making a mockery of how hurt he felt. And then she had the utter nerve to claim that she was just trying to make him feel better.

Those thoughts and a thousand others like them surged through his mind – alongside the hateful recriminations from the rogue part of his consciousness – as he watched Sonata retreat, the lengthening shadows cast by the recent sunset making her disappear from view in short order. Fortunately he wouldn’t have to see her for a while once she set out on his errand tomorrow morning. He still needed to give her further instructions on what to do before then, but that was no matter; he could easily write them down and have Feather Duster give them to her on his behalf. Maybe once Sonata had left she’d think about how uncaring she’d been-


The voice made his head whip around, cursing himself for his carelessness. Since he hadn’t seen fit to use his dark magic to enhance his vision, the same shadows that had obscured Sonata when she’d stalked off had also concealed Nosey’s approach. Now the bespectacled mare was within a stone’s throw of him, tentatively moving closer. “I’m sorry,” she murmured awkwardly. “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. I just…I heard you yelling, before, and I wanted to see if everything was alri-”

“Have a safe trip home, Miss Newsy.” The words were as bilious as Lex could make them, and he took no small amount of spiteful satisfaction in seeing her flinch. His only regret was that he couldn’t turn his back on her and make a point of walking away, since the only place he had to go now that the train station had been destroyed was River’s manor. But going back there now would make it look like he was chasing after Sonata, and Lex would rip the barbed wire from his leg with his teeth before he’d do that.

But despite how clearly he’d dismissed her, Nosey didn’t move. Quite the opposite, she managed a thin smile. “I didn’t get a chance to tell you,” she began conversationally. “I got in touch with a photographer for Cloudsdale’s newspaper. We’d never actually met before today, but we knew each other by reputation, and she’s willing to let me use her guestroom for a few days. I should be back in Canterlot in a few-”

“I don’t care,” interrupted Lex. If she was dragging this out because she wanted some sort of absolution from him, she was going to be disappointed. “You’ve made your decision, now live with it.”

He half-hoped that would send her running off in tears. It would be what she deserved, certainly. But although her ears folded back and her lip quivered, she didn’t break down. Instead, she slowly walked over to him. Lex braced himself for another slap, but when Nosey got within leg’s reach of him, she did something he didn’t expect.

She hugged him.

“I wish I could be like you,” she whimpered, burying her face in his neck. “You. Sonata. Aria. You’ve all lost so much and still managed to keep going. To stay true to yourselves. But I can’t. I don’t have your strength. I’m sorry.”

Lex had been about to shove her away, but the sorrowful confession kept him from moving. The words pierced through all of his anger and resentment and hurt, reaching down to the deepest level of what he was feeling and letting it bubble to the surface, the words coming to his lips unbidden. “…you should never have had to try.”

And just like that he wasn’t angry anymore. Instead all he felt was sad, and guilty, and so very, very tired. Slowly, hesitantly, he reached a leg up and hugged Nosey back. He felt a silent sob go through her as he did, making her body shudder before she hugged him tighter. Had she always felt so small and fragile?

“Promise me you’ll make up with Sonata, okay?” she sniffled. “I can’t bear the thought of you guys fighting because of me.”

“I promise.” At that moment he would have said anything to make her feel better.

She relaxed against him, and several seconds passed before she straightened up, ending their embrace. Taking a breath, she plastered a smile onto her face, adjusting her glasses. “I’ll make sure that all of Equestria knows the good you’re doing here. After what happened with the princesses, there’s probably going to be a lot of bad press about you going around, but you can count on me to make sure that everypony gets the real truth. Besides,” she added after a moment, “I know you’ll do something else amazing really soon, and I’ll have to come back to report on it. So it’s not like this is goodbye…”

“Nosey, I…” Seeing her falter, and knowing that she had to go, Lex searched for something to say. Something that would make her feel even a little better. But unlike a moment ago, nothing came to him, and he was left trying to string together the best sentiment that he could, with no idea how appropriate it was. “…I hope that you’ll be happy in Canterlot.”

She smiled at him again, sadly this time, and he had the distinct impression that he’d said the wrong thing. But then it was too late, as a loud cough came from the operator of the final hot air balloon, causing Nosey to look over and wave before turning back to him for the last time. “Take care, Lex.”

She didn’t wait for an answer before she turned and galloped away, leaving him watching as she climbed into the basket of the balloon.

Leaving him watching as it rose into the air.

Leaving him watching as it passed out of sight.

It was only when Cloudsdale drifted back east, the city passing carefully between two of the mountains and moving out of view, that he finally turned around and headed back toward River’s manor. To find Sonata and fix the mess he’d made with her. But he knew that in his dreams, that night and for many nights to come, he’d be right back there, watching as one of the ponies he loved ceased to be a part of his life.

Goodbye, Nosey.

Author's Note:

Nosey leaves Vanhoover, and Lex, Sonata, and everypony else, behind.

But is this the end of her role in the story?

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