• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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756 - The Hammer Falls

Solvei, the ground! Freeze the ground!

Yes, Master!

Not hesitating, Solvei lowered her jaws as she breathed out again, calling upon the ice magic she’d received as a result of bonding with her master. Knowing without being told that he’d meant for her to create a slippery patch of ice beneath White Wraith’s hooves, she had the satisfaction of watching the gangly stallion snarl as he struggled to keep his legs under him, no longer able to move so easily.

The ice elemental that Akna had summoned, however, had no such problems. It was with grim satisfaction that Solvei watched as the frozen giant lifted a leg and brought it down in a heavy stomp. White Wraith managed to scramble out of the way of the blow, but wasn’t able to completely keep his balance in doing so, swearing under his breath as he fell to his knees.

But just as Solvei allowed herself a smile from seeing their enemy put on the defensive, White Wraith swung Breakdown again.

The hammer arced upward in a tight swing, coming down to strike the ground hard.

The last time he’d done that, when the guard captain had been posturing in an attempt to frighten them off, the impact had been heavy enough that Solvei had needed to actively keep her balance despite being twenty feet distant from the stallion. This time, the blow was much stronger, hitting the ground with such intensity that the ice that Solvei had laid down immediately shattered, reduced to particles in an instant.

But Solvei had no time to marvel at the destructive power of the pony’s hammer, grimacing as she hit the ground, thrown off her paws by how much the earth beneath her was shuddering from Breakdown’s strike. Nor was she the only one, as Akna’s ice elemental wobbled and then collapsed.

The giant immediately moved to right itself, rising up without hesitation. But that was enough of an opening for White Wraith, bringing Breakdown around to impact the icy behemoth directly in the chest.

If Akna’s ice elemental had been a creature of flesh and blood, the strike would have been immediately fatal, collapsing its entire torso inward. As it was, the goliath didn’t seem to notice that its entire midsection had just been crushed, raising its fists as it stood up again, White Wraith already bringing Breakdown back into a ready position.

That was when Akna muttered something in her own language, and a snowstorm enveloped her elemental and White Wraith both.

Solvei had just enough time to feel confused – with both combatants completely obscured from sight by the sudden blizzard, it would be that much more difficult to target White Wraith – before she felt a sudden rush of emotion from her master. The sudden sense of exultation that came from him then lasted only for a moment, but given that she could see him casting a spell, it was clear to her that he had some plan which involved keeping White Wraith out of sight.

A second later, Lex finished casting his spell...and nothing happened.

Solvei’s earlier confusion returned in an instant; she’d been certain that her master had been about to unleash some sort of unstoppable spell that would immediately lay the hammer-wielding pony out. She had seen him do just that during that horrible vision, when he’d struck down those winged unicorns one after another. But now there was no visible effect-

Solvei, I need you to distract White Wraith. Reinforce your armor and move in. You should be able to take a few hits before you’re in serious jeopardy.

Unable to help herself, Solvei felt her tail start to wag. Yes, Master!

Normally, the prospect of fighting such a dangerous enemy – one who could shatter a large chunk of her armor in a single blow – would have filled her with grim determination. Now, however, she found her heart soaring. That he was confident in her ability to stand against someone so powerful, trusting in her ability to protect not only herself but also him and his plans, made a powerful sense of affirmation well up in her.

I promise, I won’t let him near you again! she vowed over their telepathic link, her eyes glowing as she focused on repairing her armor; it would take only a moment for the black crystals to regrow, filling in the breach that Breakdown’s last strike had caused. Even then, she was already padding forward; she couldn’t see exactly where White Wraith was in the driving gale, but she’d hunted in snowstorms plenty of times in her youth. If she could get close enough to catch his scent-

“TARGET THE STALLION,” thundered White Wraith’s voice from inside the driving sleet, followed by a crunch that could only be the sound of his hammer impacting the ice elemental again, “AND FIRE AT WILL!”

For the briefest instant, Solvei wasn’t sure who he was talking to. Then the sound of crossbows being readied made her eyes widen as she looked up at the wall, where the guards were pointing their weapons toward Lex.

MASTER! NO! Her eyes changing back to normal as she abandoned all thoughts of repairing her armor, Solvei instead concentrated on her ice magic with everything she had.

The value of being creative with what her ice magic could do was a lesson that Solvei had learned in the minutes before her death, when she’d created a ramp of ice underneath Grisela in order to dump the winter hag into the tangle of burning vines that Sissel had created. The inspiration for that had come from the wall of ice that Grisela had created to save herself from being blown into the poison fog that had been the byproduct of the magical duel between Lex and Sissel. This time, though, Solvei didn’t bother trying to come up with a variation on a theme, instead copying the winter hag directly.

The wall of ice that she conjured rose up in front of the guards lining the wall just as they opened fire, a chorus of surprised cries accompanying the sounds bolts harmlessly impacting the barrier.

The relieved gasp that burst forth from Solvei’s lungs then almost made her collapse, but the feeling lasted only a moment: although the wall was tall enough – barely – to block the guards on the wall from targeting Lex, it was only a few dozen feet wide. It wouldn’t take them very long to move past its edges and target him again.

Master, I stopped those guards’ first volley, but I won’t be able to do that again! relayed Solvei telepathically, unable to hide her nervousness. Creating that much ice at once had required her to dip into the reservoir of power she’d gained along with her ice magic. While she could produce relatively mild uses of supernatural cold without limit, her ability to enhance them was sharply limited, being able to do so only a few times a day. Prior to this, she’d used most of her reserves charging up her breath weapon against White Wraith – having almost nothing to show for it, since he’d shrugged off most of the damage – and now she had nothing left to create another wall.

Across from her, Lex was already casting another spell. It’s fine, Solvei. Stick to the plan, and this should be over before they can reload, reposition themselves, and fire again.

R-right. Turning her thoughts back toward the gap in her armor, Solvei focused on repairing-

Another heavy crunch came from within the snowstorm then, and a moment later White Wraith surged out from the edge of it, coming to a stop beyond the boundary of the localized blizzard. Glancing back over his shoulder, his lip curled as he took in the sight of the ice wall blocking the entrance to Eigengrau, the guards on the wall scrambling to move past its edges. “Useless, every single one of them,” he spat.

Then he turned and charged directly toward Lex.

A rush of panic surged through Solvei then. The course of the fighting had placed her and Lex on opposite sides of where White Wraith had been battling Akna’s elemental. The result was that his rush toward the unicorn was taking him directly away from her...and with how fast he was moving, the short distance to his target, and how far back Solvei was, she knew she’d never be able to catch him before he got to Lex.

And if what had happened before was any indication, White Wraith wouldn’t let her master teleport her to his side.

“Akna!” screeched Solvei as she ran for all she was worth, despite knowing it was futile. “Use it now!”

The adlet didn’t need to be told twice.

For all that Akna had fretted and complained about her attire, there had been one article of clothing she hadn’t had any trouble with. It wasn’t even really clothing, being more of an accessory than anything else, and while the adlet had been nervous about wearing it, she’d nevertheless obeyed when Lex had told her to put it on. “Anyone who looks at you and Solvei will expect you to fight with cold magic,” he’d explained. “They won’t anticipate you using fire.”

And as Akna pulled a bead off of Bolverk’s necklace – the one where each of the decorations was a fireball waiting to be thrown – and threw it, Solvei fervently hoped that Lex had been right.

An instant later, her faith in her master was proven correct as a conflagration exploded around White Wraith, the stallion screaming in pain as the flames scorched his body.

But he didn’t stop his headlong rush toward Lex.

Nor did Lex stop casting his spell.

Her heart pounding in her chest, Akna watched as the distance between the two ponies shrunk. White Wraith was barely fifteen feet from Lex now, bringing Breakdown up in preparation for a swing, and this time Lex couldn’t set himself to receive the blow, being too busy making the proper gestures for whatever it was he was casting. Ten feet now, the hammer raising higher. Five feet.

Lex stopped chanting, rearing up as he reached out with his undamaged foreleg...

And White Wraith dodged to the side, abandoning his charge in favor of avoiding Lex.

Inwardly, Solvei cheered. She didn’t know what her master had just cast, but it had been enough to scare the other stallion off! Even better, his stopping his sprint meant that he was open! Solvei darted forward, intent on pouncing at distracted guard captain-

This time Breakdown caught her right in her unprotected ribs.

He...knew I was chasing him... realized Solvei dimly, the thought struggling to make itself known through the white-hot agony as the world spun around her. He aimed...at the break...in my armor...

Then she couldn’t even keep that thought in her head as she struck the ground, momentarily blacking out from just how badly it hurt. When she came to a second later, managing to suck in a wet breath of air, White Wraith was speaking, and as she somehow managed to turn her head, she saw that he was standing just outside of Breakdown’s range, his eyes focused on Lex as he talked, his voice as casual despite the readiness in his stance.

“-admit I didn’t expect that,” announced the wispy stallion, sparing Solvei a quick glance before looking back at the unicorn. “Equipping an intrinsically-cold creature with fire magic, that was smart. Tell me, did you have them use all those ice-based spells in order to get me to lower my guard?”

“It was more to test your capabilities than anything else,” answered Lex flatly, still having reared up on his back legs, his right hoof held at the ready. “A fight, like any other form of confrontation, is won by whoever can better control information. Hence it was necessary to acquire tactical data on you.”

White Wraith clucked his tongue. “Information is only as good as your ability to act on it. Knowing what’s going on won’t help you if you don’t have the resources to do anything about it. And between the two of us, it’s easy to see who’s more resource-poor.”

Master... Each breath was painful, and every movement sent a new wave of pain through her, but Solvei couldn’t bring herself to do nothing, even if all she was good for now was sending her master a warning. He’s trying to stall for time. Right now, the guards are aiming their weapons-

I know, Solvei. Just focus on restoring your armor. White Wraith isn’t likely to attack you while I’m still a threat to him, and it’s unlikely that the guards will be able to shoot through the black crystals. I’ll heal you once this fool is defeated.

“In fact, you’ve actually had one of your assets turned into a liability,” continued White Wraith casually, canting his head toward the downed winter wolf. “Given my proximity to her, not to mention you, I doubt your adlet can throw another one of those fireballs without inflicting some literal friendly fire. Whereas the ponies under my command...”

He glanced back at the wall then, smirking as he raised his voice. “TAKE AIM AND PREPARE TO FIRE ON MY ORDER!”

The sound of bolts being drawn into place made him smirk as he returned his gaze to Lex. “...are all trained to place their shots quite precisely.”

Lex’s lip curled, his derision obvious. “So you’ll allow your underlings to do what you couldn’t?”

“Oh please,” snorted White Wraith, laying Breakdown over his shoulder in a relaxed position. “The entire point of having subordinates is so they can do things on behalf of their leader. And you have no right to say otherwise, since you hung back and let your wolves do most of the fighting. The only attack spell you’ve even bothered to cast is that one you’re holding on the end of your hoof right now.”

“That’s because it’s the only one I’ll need in order to defeat you.”

“I’d say ‘in your dreams,’ but that’s a bit of a faux pas around here,” chuckled White Wraith. “I’ll admit that spell is an impressive one. From what I saw of your casting, it transfers your wounds to an enemy’s body, healing you and harming them, right? That’s an excellent tactic, but I also saw that you need to touch your opponent in order to activate it.”

“Just so,” admitted Lex. “Which is what’s going to happen in the next few seconds.”

Smirking, White Wraith gave Breakdown a casual spin as he shook his head. “I don’t think so, now that I know what’s going on. You were planning on taking a hit in exchange for activating that spell, right? That’s why you didn’t move out of the way when I was coming at you. But you didn’t hide your spell well enough, and now I’m not going to give you the chance to use it.”

“I don’t need you to give me a chance,” replied Lex, taking a single step toward White Wraith, foreleg held at the ready. “I’ll make my own.”

The gangly stallion scoffed. “You know, even if you have some plan to pull that off, a single mangled leg isn’t going to be enough to take me down anyway. So, in recognition of your determination, how about I help you out there?” He didn’t wait for an answer before raising his voice again. “SINGLE SHOT, LEFT KNEE!”

The words had barely left his lips when a loud snap came from the wall, and an instant later a crossbow bolt went through Lex’s kneecap, causing him to collapse with a snarl of pain.

“Hm, that doesn’t seem like enough either, does it?” mused White Wraith, not moving from his current position. “Let’s add another. SINGLE SHOT, LEFT SHOULDER!”

Another snap from the wall, and Lex – who was just starting to pick himself up – bit back another scream as a crossbow bolt suddenly sprouted from the shoulder of his mauled foreleg.

“What do you think?” continued White Wraith, his tone easygoing. “A few more? Or should we-” Stopping abruptly, he turned at where Akna had been creeping toward them, her hand close to her necklace. “That’s close enough, whore. One more step and I’ll have my guards turn you into a pincushion.”

From her vantage point, Solvei could only whimper as she watched the situation unfurl, her heart breaking as she was once again rendered powerless to help Lex. Master, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!

Don’t be, answered Lex, and to her surprise there was a dark chuckle in his mental voice. It’s time to end this farce.

Even as he said that, Solvei caught sight of something rising up out of the ground directly behind White Wraith. Blinking, she could make out the ghostly image of what looked like a disembodied hoof, and even as she watched it floated closer toward White Wraith’s back leg, reaching out-

Spinning in place, spitting out a rapid string of syllables and motioning quickly with his free hoof as he whirled around, White Wraith brought Breakdown onto the spectral hoof, and Akna witnessed it shatter into tiny motes of light that flickered out a moment later.

At the same instance, Lex gave a sharp intake of breath, his eyes widening as a horrified expression crossed his face.

White Wraith burst out laughing. “Did you really think I didn’t see that coming?” he chortled, giving Lex a triumphant grin. “Did you actually believe for a second that I didn’t know you’d cast that spell?”

When Lex didn’t answer, he took a step forward, apparently no longer concerned with being in Lex’s reach. “I’ve learned how to use swords and spells in equal measure, so I’m not worried about casting something that I need to get up close to use,” he explained, his voice patronizing. “But most spellcasters only focus on their magic, eschewing martial pursuits. A spell that requires them to get within range of being stabbed, or skewered, or bludgeoned is anathema to them. Hence why the spectral hoof spell is so popular, since it can deliver touch-range spells remotely.”

Crouching down, he gave Lex a mocking grin. “And since you were content to hang back the entire fight, letting your servants get in close, it was easy to figure out that you were exactly that kind of wizard. So I have to ask, what exactly made you think I wouldn’t be on the lookout for something like that?”

He waited a minute, but when Lex made no reply except to glare at him hatefully, he shrugged. “Now, if I had to guess, I’d say that you put that one into play when you had your two-legged tramp conjure that blizzard. The sleet blocked out sight, and since it was magical you were probably hoping I couldn’t sense you casting that, right?”

Again he waited for an answer, and this time when he received none, he stood back up. “I’ll confess that it almost worked, since I knew you’d used that opportunity to cast something – why else have your slut use a spell that hid me from view? – but I wasn’t sure what. Like I said though, I’ve seen spellcasters like you before, ‘Your Highness,’ and when I saw what sort of spell you were casting when I charged you, it was easy enough to put two and two together.”

Up on the wall, the guards were cheering again, and White Wraith took a moment to nod at them in acknowledgment, ignoring that he'd been disparaging them a few moments prior as he continued speaking. “Oh, and in case you’re wondering why you can’t still use that spell of yours, since it should have gone back to you once I destroyed the spectral hoof you were projecting it through, that’s because of the spell I cast when I did. A little-known design that lets me siphon an active spell and take it for my own. Which means that the next hit I get on you...well, just be grateful your wolves couldn’t hurt me that badly, since you'll be feeling the few injuries they were able to inflict on me.”

Tilting his head to the side as though working out a crick, White Wraith moved so that he was standing perpendicular to him, facing the wall as he stood over the downed stallion and lifted Breakdown. “And now that you understand exactly how completely I’ve beaten you, I think it’s time we bring this to a close, don’t you?”

This time, Lex did answer. “I’ll give you one more chance,” he hissed through clenched teeth, his features tight with pain. “Surrender now, and I’ll spare you.”

To Solvei’s surprise, the other stallion actually paused. “You know, I was going to pulp your head and end it quick. But while a leader who refuses to surrender is showing their faith in the Night Mare, so is a leader who makes an example out of those who defy their betters.” Slowly, he lifted Breakdown above his head. “In other words, you brought this on yourself.”

NO! screamed Solvei, making one last, desperate attempt to get up...only to collapse in place a moment later, too hurt to move.

Then White Wraith brought the hammer down.

Author's Note:

Lex attempts an intricate plan to overcome White Wraith, only to have it turned on him at the last moment!

With Solvei down, and Akna in no position to help, has the other stallion won?

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