• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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September 21 [Taco Wednesday]

September 21

I wanted to do something different this morning because it was nice to have a routine but it was also nice to sometimes change the routine. So I decided that I would fly through downtown and then along the river trail instead of the nature center.

I got permission from Dori and went the same way I had yesterday, except that I didn't race any cars. Then when I got to the river, I started to follow the trail, until I decided that it would be even more fun to follow the river instead.

So I went about ten feet above the water but I had to dive down a little bit when I got to bridges because a lot of them weren't that high above the water. And a lot of them had rock doves nesting on the bridge beams, 'cause it was a nice strong shelter for them. They didn't mind me 'cause I was in the center and not getting too close to their nests.

There was a big cement field that I'd seen before but had never quite figured out but this time when I went by I realized that buildings had been on top of it once and that was why there were strange shapes with roads connecting them all. It had been big, whatever it was, and it must have been gone for a long time, since there were some trees growing through the cement.

Then I went around the little island that had the topless Karaoke bar where I'd never gotten to go, and underneath another bridge, and then I came to a parking lot that had a ramp into the water which was where people launched their boats. There was a van in the parking lot that had a skeleton-trailer behind it that a boat had been on, so I would have to pay attention and make sure that I didn't run into the boat.

It might have been downriver from me and I hadn't seen it, because it couldn't be much further upriver, since I was getting close to the dam.

I went under another bridge, and then a couple more curves in the river and I heard the dam before I saw it, and I started paying really close attention for wires, because there were lots of them around the dam. They went way overhead, and the dam wasn't that tall, so as long as I wasn't really careless, I didn't have to worry about them too much.

I went up and over the levee that was next to the dam and then kept flying over Morrow Lake, and then I flew down the lake all the way until it turned river-sized again, and there was a bridge so I turned around at that and headed back.

When I got back to the dam again, the wires looked a lot closer, 'cause they were built on lower ground, and even though I knew that I'd clear them I slowed down a bit as I went across the levee.

Then I followed the river all the way back until I got to the railroad bridge, and I climbed up and followed over the railroad tracks, plenty high enough to avoid any wires.

I had a shower and I was done before Kat came in so either she was sleeping late or I'd gotten back before I usually did. So I had to wait for Peggy to have her turn, which was after Kat, but that was okay because it gave me a chance to look over my homework one more time, and also make sure that I had all my lab notes.

For breakfast I had an omelet, and also a little bowl of fresh fruit, and then I went to physics class. Professor Brown told us that the constant volume process wasn't as useful as it seemed, but the constant pressure processes were very helpful, and that was what he started to teach us. And he told us that we needed to remember delta-H equaled Qp and we should never ever forget it and so I also wrote it down how ponies would. And he told us about an experiment using two pistons and a plug with holes and we had to figure out if it was reversible and irreversible, and I thought it was reversable but I was wrong, and that was the Joule-Thompson experiment. And he reminded us again that this only worked for ideal gasses and not real gasses. And he told us about inversion temperature, which was very important in weather work. But it was kind of confusing how he kept telling us about ideal gasses and then how that wasn't true for real gasses, because even Socrates knew that there weren't any ideal forms in the world.

Since we were both already in the building together and neither of us had to go to a class right after this one, me and Lisa went to one of the science lounges and sat down to go over our notes. And I'd done a lot of the work already, so there wasn't much more for us to do before the lab next Tuesday. She said that she would type it up and print it out, and after class on Friday we could look at it one more time together and see if there were any changes that we wanted to make. And she said that the next labs might be more challenging, and I hoped that they were.

So I had a little bit of free time before lunch and it probably wasn't enough to do my thermodynamics homework so I started to read Zechariah, who had had visions. He saw four horses in a grove of trees, and they were the horses that God had sent to go through the Earth. And he saw the horns that God had scared the people with and craftsmen who broke the horns so that the people wouldn't be scared anymore.

He saw a man with a measuring line who was going to measure Jerusalem, and he saw how God gave the high priest Joshua new clothes because his old clothes were dirty, and God also washed away all his sins.

There was a woman in a basket that was bad, so angels carried her to Babylon, and then he saw four horses pulling four chariots and they were going to go through the Earth, too. And the God said that when He had been mad at the Israelites for breaking His rules, He had punished them but now He wasn't mad at them anymore and He was going to bless them and protect them.

And Zechariah also was told how God would punish the other nations who had not followed His rules, and said that He was going to live in Jerusalem and protect it, and then one day after He had defeated all of Israel's enemies, they would all come and pay tribute to Him.

So I thought that this had probably also taken place before, especially since an angel told the man with the measuring line that there were no walls in Jerusalem and I remembered that they had been re-built.

I got my math things and made sure that I had my homework, too, and then I went to lunch. They had mostly leftovers from last night, and none of it looked very appealing. They had some fish that was new and it was called scrod and I didn't know what that was, but it smelled like it might be okay, so I took one and I also had a salad and some macaroni and cheese.

The fish wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as the ones I'd gotten at restaurants over the summer. They'd overcooked it so it was too dry, which was disappointing. If they'd had a good sauce to go with it that might have made up for it, too, but they didn't.

Christine said that it was funny that I was complaining about my food when I had a box of hay tucked away in my dorm room, and I said that it was good hay (although it was getting kind of dry and stale). And Sean I guess hadn't heard about my hay, and he wanted me to tell him that I was talking about actual hay and that this wasn't some kind of weird pony slang for something else.

I told him that next time he came to my room I'd show him my haybox, and he said that we weren't that close of friends and Christine had to put her head down on the table she was laughing so hard. So at first I thought that maybe humans kept their food hidden so that nobody would steal it, but then Peggy said why Christine found it funny and Sean said that the joke wasn't funny if you had to explain it and Christine said that his face wasn't funny if he had to explain it and that didn't make much sense but she started laughing again right after she said it, and she was a little bit giggly for the rest of lunch.

Me and Sean went to math class together and he said that he was sorry for making a bad joke but I said that I didn't mind, and I would have laughed if I'd got the joke right away.

Professor Pempena said he was going to tell us equations of planes today, and he started by telling us how to move a plane from one place to another place using math, and to make sure that we were paying attention and learning he defined a plane and had us figure out if the vector he gave was parallel, perpendicular, or neither. I liked how he’d ask us questions right in class to make sure that we understood what he was doing before he moved on.

He showed us a set of partial equations and we had to find a point which was on all three planes, and we didn’t actually have to solve them which was disappointing, but I wrote the numbers down anyway so that I could try later, and just when I finished he challenged us with another problem, and it was kind of tricky because you could have an infinite number of solutions or no solutions or only one solution, depending on how the planes were arranged, then he told us about homogenous cases where all the equations equalled zero, and the easy way to do them was to make all the variables zero, which he said was the trivial case. Then when you had three parallel planes you had either infinite solutions or no solutions and the easy way to tell was if when you did your calculations you discovered that one equalled two.

I had to stay a little bit late just so that I could explain to Professor Pampena how the problem I'd done in Equestrian math worked, but he was pretty smart and by the fourth step he was able to figure out what I was doing.

And then I had the rest of the afternoon free, and I thought I'd do my math homework first because that way me and Sean could meet after dinner if he had his done, and if not than I would be ready for him whenever he wanted to review it with me. So that took a little bit longer than I'd hoped, but I was still done early enough to get started on my physics homework.

Me and Peggy went to dinner together, 'cause she'd come back after her class and changed into a different t-shirt that she liked better but didn't like wearing to class even though she wore it to dinner and I didn't understand at all what the difference was but it made sense to her.

It had a picture of the sun and it said Hollister and I asked if that was a name that humans called the sun and she said that she didn't think so, that it was just the name of a company that made shirts and that usually they had a seagull on them but for some reason this one had a sun and she liked it because the fabric was really soft but she'd worn it for too long and it was getting really thin and you could kind of see through it.

They did have a special dinner tonight, which had a table of tacos that you could make yourself, and I had Peggy make me a burrito and a hard taco and she put a little guacamole on my plate and some sour cream too so that I could put that on them if I wanted to, and we'd had to wait in line to get ours because that was what everyone wanted to get, even though there was also other food.

I wanted another taco after I'd finished the ones I had and Peggy wanted to know why ponies loved tacos so much and I said it was because they were good, and Sean gave me a hoofbump. So he helped me make this one and he put more fillings in it than Peggy had so he could barely roll up my burrito.

I shouldn't have eaten all of it, but it was really tasty and so I did, and then me and Peggy went back to our room so that we could do homework. I wanted to get mine done so that I could sleep with Meghan tonight.

After a while I started to fart, 'cause of the tacos, and Peggy kicked me out of the room. I really couldn't blame her. So I sat outside on one the benches in front of the chapel and did my physics there and I could fart all I wanted without bothering anybody.

It was kinda Sean's fault anyway for making me a burrito that was that big, and I thought about flying down to his room but I didn't.

I got all my physics homework done and then I flew back up outside our room and knocked on the window and Peggy said that she felt bad for kicking me out and I could come back in if I wanted to and I said that I thought I should probably stay outside for a while longer and I didn't mind but I was done with my physics homework and could write in my journal except that I didn't have it with me, and she went over to my desk and got it and then figured out how to make the screen open, and she passed it under and then I flew back to the bench with my journal in my mouth.

And I wrote in that until it started getting dark, and then I walked back to Trowbridge and let myself in through the front door and went to our room that way so that I could take off my saddlebags.

I thought about washing my flight vest because it was pretty dirty and decided that I could do that tomorrow after Astronomy class, since I really didn't want to spend a couple of hours in the laundry room tonight. If' I'd been smart, I would have done it while I was doing my homework. I could have even done my homework in the laundry room—it was kind of relaxing in there because of the smell of the soap and the swishing noises that the washing machines made.

I went down to Meghan's room and knocked on the door and she let me in and she'd been in the middle of her homework so I insisted that she finish it up first because school was important, and I sat on her bed and watched her work. She had little speakers in her ears that were called earbuds and she took the one out that was next to me so that she could hear if I said anything and that was nice because I could also hear her music which she said was a nineties mix. And she'd look over at me every now and then and rub my ears or pet my mane and I nuzzled her neck.

She couldn't listen to her music out loud because Amy was also doing homework and it might have distracted her.

Meghan finished up first so she put her books away and we went outside and walked around on the quad for a little while then sat down against a tree and she said it would be nice to look up at the sky but there were so many lights on campus that you could hardly see it at all, which was too bad. And I said that we should go somewhere dark where we could look at the sky together because it had been really pretty up north and you could see millions of stars. I didn't think that the Nature Center was quite far enough away but they did have telescope so maybe it was.

I could have fallen asleep outside, 'cause I felt safe with her next to me, but we went back to her room instead and Amy was in bed but not asleep yet. And so Meghan got her sleeping clothes and went into the bathroom and got ready for bed, and I climbed up into bed and when she was dressed she got in next to me and kissed me on the forehead and I kissed her back on the lips, and then she laid on her back so that I could put my head on her breast.

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