• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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December 28 [Being Together]

December 28

I didn't feel that great when I woke up so maybe I should have drank more water. Or less beer.

I made my way out of bed as carefully as I could without waking up Meghan or Aric, by scooting back down the tail end of the bed and then sort of sliding down to the floor, and then when I got to my hooves I almost fell over at first but then I caught myself and I was okay after that, except that my mouth was dry and I had a headache.

I wondered if this was how Cayenne felt every morning. Maybe that's why she was always so lazy in the morning, 'cause she liked to party and drink too much.

Aric kept pills behind his mirror, so I had some water and found some aspirin in there and they didn't make the bottles for ponies, especially not ponies with headaches but I was able to grip it in my hooves and get the top off and I had two.

I was actually feeling a little bit better already, 'cause moving around always helps and I thought that maybe I could trot around the block, and I could probably be back and in bed before Aric or Meghan woke up.

But then I thought that maybe I shouldn't, 'cause if they did wake up they'd worry and also if I trotted around the block I'd be more awake and then I'd want to wake them up but if I went back to bed now I'd probably fall asleep again or at least doze, so I took one more drink of water and then went back to the bedroom and the only place I could go was up against the wall since Meghan had taken my spot, so I stuck my head under the covers on the tail of the bed and worked my way up.

Meghan's hair tickled my muzzle and I sneezed and that woke her up and I felt bad about that. She said that she'd woken up when I got out of bed so I guess I wasn't as sneaky as I thought. And she pushed Aric over a little bit so that she'd have enough room to turn on her back and let me lie on her breast.

She asked me what I wanted to do today and I said that I did want to go and get some camelbacks for ponies back home but that was all that I'd really planned on doing. And I thought that maybe I'd ought to start getting everything sorted out at my apartment although I really didn't want to because while it was still a home now it wouldn't be one anymore when my things were sorted into what I was taking back to Equestria and what I was leaving behind.

And I didn't have to tell Meghan what I was thinking, 'cause she just petted my mane and hugged me to her.

Then she asked me when I had to leave, and I said that I didn't know for sure and I ought to call Mister Salvatore today and find out. I wasn't sure exactly how it worked, 'cause if everypony and everybody was all coming and going at the same time it would be pretty confusing.

And then I started wondering if maybe I could hide and not go back to Equestria . . . but that wouldn't work, Mister Salvatore was smart and he would find me and then he'd be disappointed in me and if I tried that I'd never be allowed to come back, and probably nobody would be allowed to visit me, either. So even if I didn't want to, I had to follow the rules.

It was hard to just lie and bed and think about the future. It was a lot easier to just do things and not think about tomorrow or the tomorrow after that. So I stretched out my wing and started tickling Meghan's belly and then I climbed the rest of the way up on top of her and we started kissing and cuddling and that was finally enough to wake Aric up and he muttered something about a great dream he'd been having and then he rolled over and saw what we were doing and he asked if he was actually awake or if his dream had just gotten better. And I leaned over and kissed him and said that he was probably awake.

He said that he must be because he had a headache, and Meghan thought that that was really funny. Then he said that he'd heard that having sex was a good cure for a headache and that there was only one way to find out.

Then he said that if it didn't work we'd just have to try again, and Meghan asked if he was up for it, and he said that he hoped so.

When we were done and all lying in bed snuggling I asked Aric if it had worked and he said that right now if he was being mauled by a bear he wouldn't care, and I was feeling pretty good, too, and my headache was completely gone.

So we got up and went to the shower, and Meghan asked Aric if he had any breakfast food, and he said that he wasn't sure. He thought that there might be some oatmeal left but he hadn't been in his house in a while 'cause he'd been spending so much time at my apartment and that was where all the food was, and if we wanted something good to eat we were either going to have to go there or else go to Nina's for breakfast.

Meghan said that Nina's would be good and I thought so, too. And they served breakfast all day, so we didn't even have to hurry, so after we'd gotten out of the shower and Meghan had dried her hair with the hair dryer (and Aric's, too, 'cause he complained that he was getting cold now that all the steam had gotten out of the bathroom) we went back to the bedroom and Meghan wrapped herself loosely in a blanket and then groomed me and preened my wings.

Aric laid back down and I think he was lying a little bit about his headache being gone, and when Meghan was done grooming me she took the hairbrush and brushed Aric's hair, too, then she gave it to me so that I could brush hers.

And then I helped them get dressed and it was a nice, clear day outside although it was a little bit chilly, so we walked to Nina's 'cause that was just as fast as waiting for Winston to warm up.

Neither me or Meghan needed our menus to order our food, but Aric looked through his and then when the waitress came he ordered the same thing that he always did and I wanted to know why he'd needed the menu for that. He said that he'd thought that maybe he'd find something different that he wanted to try.

When my omelet came I wasn't really all that hungry, 'cause I was thinking again about leaving even though I'd told myself not to. So I sort of picked at my omelet and didn't wind up eating all of it and I didn't eat my hash browns either and then I felt like I was wasting food but I just couldn't bring myself to eat.

Meghan was kinda picking at her food, too, and then the two of us looked at each other and the uneaten food on our plates and Meghan put down her fork and reached across the table and petted my mane and said that it wouldn't be forever, that we'd get together again in Equestria. And I said that I knew but it was going to feel like forever and I bet that everypony was having a hard time and I suppose the humans were too.

And then there were the new exchange students. Some of them were probably already on their way, and they didn't know what they were going to see or who they were gonna meet and they were probably all pretty nervous about it.

Then I was thinking about what I might tell them, and I started to think that all of a sudden I was wiser than all of the new exchange students and that was an odd feeling to have. It was like I'd grown up some and not even realized that it was happening.

I said that when I got back to Equestria I was gonna write a flight manual for pegasuses and that way they'd know what they had to do on Earth and now that I understood a lot more I bet that I could explain some of the FAA rules in ways that made more sense to ponies. It probably wouldn't be good enough that somepony could read it and get their ornithopter license right away, but they'd understand why there were the rules that there were, and I could also put in stuff that Mark hadn't taught me like not to fly across a runway when a big airplane was taking off 'cause it would knock you out of the air.

I bet a lot of pegasuses would want to read that, even if they weren't going to Earth anytime soon.

So Aric asked me if I still had the book and I shook my head and said that I'd given it back and he said that we'd better get me another one then, and I told him that I also wanted to get some camelbacks to give my friends and family, 'cause I knew that they'd all like them.

When the waitress came back by she offered to put our food in little containers so we could have it for later and Meghan didn't want to save her food because she didn't like eggs cold and I didn't, really, either, but it was important to not waste food in the wintertime even when you thought you had plenty.

So she put Meghan's food and my food in little boxes and a sack so that we could carry it more easily, and we walked back to Aric's house and I flew a little bit ahead of them and went up and over his garage and surprised some of the birds at the feeder and I thought about taking some sunflowers out of it but it wasn't as fun when Aric wasn't watching me.

Aric put the food in the electric icebox and then went and started Winston so that we could go shopping. It was too far to walk to the stores and I could have flown but they couldn't come with me if I did, and it wouldn't be fun for them to walk all the way to Portage.

While we were waiting for Winston to warm up, I went upstairs and got my portable telephone and called Mister Salvatore and asked him when I had to leave and he said that we'd have to leave by seven on the 30th, and we'd catch the train in South Bend. And I got to thinking and said that airplanes were a lot faster, and he said that they were, and I didn't really want to fly on an airplane 'cause I didn't like it, but I could spend more time with Aric and Meghan if I took an airplane back, and so I told him that, and he said that if I wanted to be on the same flight as Aquamarine I could leave as late as ten on the 31st, and I liked that a lot better—that gave me one last night and morning with them, so I said that I'd fly.

And I could almost hear him nod on the other end of the telephone and he said that he'd get me a seat and he'd pick me up from my apartment at ten and we'd stop in East Lansing and get Aquamarine. And he also told me that I shouldn't make any plans for tomorrow night but I should be at the Radisson downtown at five because there was something important I needed to do, but he wouldn't tell me what which was kind of frustrating. But I trusted him.

Even though I wasn't looking forward to the airplane at all I felt that I'd made the better choice. And so I was a bit happier when I told Aric and Meghan that I didn't have to leave until ten on the 31st. That was still really soon, though, and I didn't like that.

Aric had to put the toolboxes back in Winston before we went, because he said that I'd want the space to put things. And then we got in the cab and he drove to Dick's first.

The store was kinda crowded, 'cause it was still Christmas break for everyone and a lot of people liked to spend their time shopping, especially since there were so many stores full of things to buy that you couldn't really see them all. And we looked around a little bit, too, just in case we found something else that I really needed.

The one thing that they had that I thought was really clever were weights that you could put around your pasterns to make it a little bit harder to walk or fly, 'cause that could build up your endurance. I'd seen diving weights that were like that, but they were heavier since they were supposed to make a pony sink. And I don't think you'd want to walk around wearing them.

After I'd looked around for a bit I found the camelbacks and then when I thought about how many ponies I knew that might want them I realized that there weren't enough in the whole store and anyways that would be really expensive so I just got enough for my family and then three more so that a weather team could give them to their two best ponies and the supervisor, and they could share them, which was all that they had.

And I thought that maybe I could ask Mister Salvatore to send some more but I wasn't sure if that was allowed. It wouldn't hurt to ask him, though.

The clerk was pretty impressed that we had a shopping cart full of camelbacks and I told him how good they were for flying, 'cause you could carry your water with you and stay up in the sky for hours without having to stop to drink, and the clever little pockets in them could carry some small things and if you had a GoPro you could hook it to the straps and he nodded politely and then the other clerk looked over and all of a sudden said that I was that pegasus from YouTube. And he said that he'd seen all of the movies and they were really amazing and I was kinda embarrassed and I couldn't really take credit for them anyways, 'cause all I did was turn on the GoPro and Meghan did all the work after that.

He insisted on using his employee discount on the order, which was really nice of him, and he also wanted to take a picture with me, so he crouched down in front of the counter and I stood right next to him and Meghan used his portable telephone to take our picture.

They had two big shopping bags that were full of camelbacks and I was glad that Aric had put the toolboxes in Winston, 'cause otherwise it would have been really crowded in the cab.

So he put them inside the back and then we went to the bookstore, which was called Barnes and Noble and it was just across the road which was really convenient. We probably could have just walked there except there was a lot of traffic so it was safer to be in Winston, at least for them. I would have just flown over to the other side.

This was much bigger than the Kalamazoo College Bookstore and it had as many books as a library. And they didn't use the dumb numbers to help you find a book; they had little signs on the top of the shelves telling you what kind of books were there, which was really smart of them.

There weren't any that said 'pilot's license' though, so we still had to look around some but at least we knew where not to look.

Aric didn't mind, 'cause he liked bookstores. And this one also had a little coffee shop in it so you could relax and read the book you'd just bought, which was nice. It also make the bookstore smell really good.

We wandered around a little bit until we found a book titled The Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge which was written by the FAA, so I thought that that would have everything that was important in it. Plus it would help me remember stuff that I'd forgotten.

So we got that and Aric said that he wanted to see if they had the Kama Sutra there, too, but he couldn't find it on the shelf. Meghan said that maybe they kept it in the back because otherwise schoolchildren might go through it and look at the pictures and he said that he was too embarrassed to ask so maybe he'd just order it online 'cause Amazon didn't judge you.

I said that I could ask and he said that maybe another time, and Meghan also said that I probably shouldn't and anyways if they did have one at the store it probably would be tamer than one that you could get on Amazon and maybe it would even be censored which I thought would make it kind of useless.

Then Meghan told me that some humans were so worried about sex that in sex ed class there were whole sections of their books that were missing, and Aric said that some schools didn't even have it because they thought that if people read about it they'd want to do it, and I thought that was really strange. I guess if humans don't like to be naked they wouldn't like to think about things that they could do when they were naked, but that meant that they were missing out on a lot of fun.

It was time to eat lunch when we were done shopping, so we went to Taco Bell, 'cause it was in the same parking lot as Barnes and Noble. And then we had to decide what to do for the afternoon and it had warmed up some, so we decided that we'd walk on the River Trail a little bit, since we were really close to it.

Aric wasn't all that familiar with where it was, and I didn't know the best way to get there by car, so Meghan gave him directions to the nearest parking lot.

There was only one other car parked in the parking lot, which meant that we probably had this part of the trail all to ourselves. And it was nice and sunny so it was really pretty, but it was kind of odd how it was warm and most of the snow had melted, except for where it was piled up in shadows. It hadn't really been winter for all that long and already the snow was going away, although I knew that it would come back.

And maybe since it was warm, there wouldn't be much ice on Lake Michigan at all, and so there'd be big snowfalls. I hoped that whoever was coming to Kalamazoo College next liked the snow.

Meghan slowed us down when we got near her uncle's house, 'cause she said that she thought we could see it from the path since there weren't any leaves on the trees but we had to be in just the right place, and I thought about trying to use the hot tub one more time, and Meghan kind of had the same idea, because once we'd seen it she tapped her foot and then got out her pocket telephone and said that she thought he had been planning to leave for Costa Rica after Christmas and so she opened up her Facebook and started looking and after a little while said that we could use it if we wanted to.

So we got off the trail and went through the woods and I flew over the creek and Aric and Meghan found some rocks they could hop across.

The ground was kind of muddy and we weren't supposed to get mud in a hot tub. That wasn't as much of a problem for them 'cause just their shoes got muddy, and they could take those off, but I couldn't take off my hooves and fetlocks.

The hose wasn't outside, either, and Meghan said that the spigot was probably shut off, too, so she stuck her hands in the hot tub and used it to rinse down my legs, and then the two of them got undressed and we all got in.

And it was really nice just sitting in the hot tub and being outside. We were far enough away from the trail that people couldn't see us although we saw a couple of them that were wearing bright-colored clothes, and we stayed in the hot tub until it started to get dark, and we would have stayed for longer except that for Meghan and Aric it would be really difficult to get across the creek in the dark, especially since neither of them had a lantern or a flashlight. Portable telephones could make some light, but not really enough for the woods at night.

I got out first so I could shake myself off, and then I went to the little cupboard and got out towels for them so they could start drying off right as they came out of the water.

They got dried off and dressed really quickly and Meghan left her bra off 'cause it was faster to just put her shirt on and then her coat over it. And she said that that was the one bad thing about using a hot tub in the winter.

It got dark pretty quick in the winter, and so there was barely any light to see by when we crossed Portage Creek again, and then it was all shadowy in the woods and Meghan said that it was kind of creepy because this was how every horror movie ever started and Aric said at least we weren't lost in the woods, because then he'd be worried, too. And he promised that he'd keep us safe from any monsters but he was the one that jumped back when a deer came out of the woods.

By the time we got back to Winston, it was almost all the way dark, and the sky had clouded over although it wouldn't have made any difference if it hadn't, 'cause the moon was almost gone.

We could have gone home and made dinner but we were feeling lazy, and there was also a Jimmy John's that was close by, so we got subs from there, and we could have eaten them at the restaurant but Aric said that their subs tasted better when you ate them at home, and Meghan agreed with him.

He drove us back to my apartment and the route he took was kind of fun 'cause we got to go under the 131 Highway twice and the 94 Highway once, and my tummy was growling, 'cause Meghan had the sandwiches on her lap and I could smell them even over the smell of Winston. But I had to wait until we got to my apartment, and then when we turned off Stadium Drive, I asked if I could drive the rest of the way until we got to parking because I didn't do that very well since the spaces were too narrow.

And Aric said that I could, so I steered into our little parking lot and then he took over to get Winston neatly in the center of the space.

Meghan said that she'd seen how I'd been looking at the sandwiches, and so she didn't trust me to carry them, so I got one bag of camelbacks and Aric took the other and the pilot's book, and we sat down on the futon to eat our dinner even though the mattress was still on the floor, so it wasn't as comfortable.

Then after we were done eating and cleaned up all the little shreds of lettuce that had fallen on the floor I said that I wanted to go flying 'cause I hadn't today.

And Aric and Meghan wanted to come with me, and Aric asked if I wanted to fly in the city or the country and I thought that the country would be nice. So he said that we could drive to his secret place and it wasn't really secret, 'cause I knew where it was.

I put my flight gear on and then we drove out to the little clearing in the woods and Aric didn't want to go all the way in there because he was afraid that Winston might get stuck because the ground was pretty soft. And he said that he'd leave it on the side of the road, and even though the road was kind of narrow not too many people ever went there.

So I turned on my blinking light and called the airplane directors and took off. I followed the road as I gained altitude, and I decided that I was going to make a big circle and then come back down 'cause I didn't want to leave them alone for too long. And I knew it was gonna be easier to see Winston if I was looking at its front lights, so I turned around and waved at Meghan and Aric as I passed by overhead although I'm not sure that they could see me waving.

I flew east until I got to Wolf Drive, and then I followed that south all the way to the 43 Road, and I remembered that there was an airport that was kinda close and since it was night I didn't have as many good landmarks as I did during the day, so I called on my radio just to make sure that there weren't any airplanes about to take off that might get in my way. And nobody answered me, which hopefully meant that there weren't.

I was worried about getting lost, 'cause I wasn't sure that I'd see the next road north in the dark. Out in the country people don't have streetlights very often, but luckily lots of houses have lights and so when I saw a row of lights I knew that that was a road (that was something I could put in my guide) and I turned north and followed it and when I thought I was getting close I started to look over to my right, in the hopes of seeing Winston's lights.

Well, I went a little further than I thought I was gonna, and I was beginning to wonder if maybe I'd somehow missed them and gone too far north, but then I saw a bright spot through the trees, and then as I went a little bit further I could tell that it was Winston, so I kind of cut the corner and started descending.

I hadn't expected the lights to be so blinding, but right as I was about to land I got them right in my eyes and I wasn't ready for that so I kind of faltered for a moment because I lost sight of the ground and I had to go off to the side a little bit to keep from crashing. I should have circled around and landed with them to my tail, 'cause they did light up the ground really nicely.

And I kept my head down until I got close enough to Winston that I was all the way out of their beams and Meghan and Aric had gotten out of the truck and both gave me a hug.

We were all kinda quiet when we drove back to my apartment and Aric asked if we wanted to stop at Tiffany's and get some more beer but I didn't want to and Meghan didn't want to, either.

So when we got back to my apartment, Aric plugged in the Christmas tree, and we all sat on the futon and admired it. I guess that was something that I wasn't gonna be able to take back with me, and so I thought that maybe I should give it to him so he could put it in his house.

I hadn't bothered taking off my flight vest when I'd gotten on the mattress and so it was kind of fun that we all needed to be undressed, and Meghan reached under my belly and unfastened it and then gently pulled it over my wings and then when we all had our clothes off we snuggled up again and for a long time we just stayed together admiring the tree and Aric said that if anyone had told him last year that he'd be lying on a futon mattress with a beautiful girl on one side and a beautiful mare on the other he wouldn't have believed them, and he squeezed my hoof and a year ago that would have made me really uncomfortable but now I knew that that was just his way of being affectionate.

And I put my wing on him and kissed him on the cheek and the three of us fell asleep in the lights of the Christmas tree.

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