• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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October 26 [Romans]

October 26

I should have asked Peggy if she wanted to go trotting, but I'd forgotten to, 'cause we were having so much fun playing cards last night. And I didn't know if I should wake her up or not. She might be mad that I did, or she might be mad that I left without her.

So I gently shook her awake, and asked her if she wanted to go trotting with me and she asked if the sun was up yet and I looked out the window but of course I couldn't see it outside. Even if it hadn't been cloudy, I wouldn’t have been able to see it because the window looked the wrong way.

But she got out of bed anyways and started getting dressed, and said she hated it now but when snowboarding season started again she'd be glad for the exercise, or at least she was going to tell herself that.

So she put on her clothes and I filled up my camelback, and then the two of us went outside tho trot. She said because it was cold out, she was going to be extra motivated this morning.

It was kind of chilly outside, and it felt like it was going to rain, and I thought that I'd better check the weather when we got back to our room, so I could plan for thunderstorms, if there were going to be any.

We went up Academy Street and followed it around, then continued until we got to Grove Street, and we stopped at Jeff's house because Caleb, Lindy, and Trinity were waiting for their bus. And I got a hug from both Lindy and Trinity, and Trinity asked if I was going to go trick-or-treating with them and I had to say yes because she was too cute to refuse. So I would have to figure out a costume and who wanted to go with me.

There wasn’t enough time to give Trinity a ponyback ride before their bus came to get them, and Peggy said it was just as well because she was starting to get cold just standing around. So we went up Grove Street the rest of the way to Dartmouth, and then past Aric's house and all the way to Main Street, and turned around and followed along the edge of the neighborhood that was alongside Western Michigan University, and then back to Trowbridge.

All of that trotting had split open the scabs on my leg in a couple of places, so I used a bottle of Peggy's water to rinse it off before I went inside.

I told Peggy that she could use the shower first, and while I was waiting for my turn I packed up my books for thermodynamics and then I went to the bathroom and sat on the little bench and waited for Peggy to get out of the shower.

I tugged at a couple of loose feathers while I waited, and the nipped-off one was finally coming loose. I had been wondering if it ever would.

I got in as soon as Peggy came out, and it was kind of lonely being in the shower all by myself. The soap burned on my cut leg, but it was important to keep the wound clean, otherwise it could get infected, so I gritted my teeth and washed it really well, even though that made it bleed a little bit more.

When I was back in our room, I dried off and then preened my wings, and I didn't have time to look up the weather on my computer so Peggy did on her portable telephone. It wasn't as good as seeing the raw numbers myself, but it did give me an idea what they were expecting, and she said that it was going to start raining pretty soon but there wouldn’t be any thunderstorms.

And she said that maybe I should take the first shower in the future, because while she had to get dressed, I had to groom my whole body and also preen my wings, and it seemed like it was taking me forever to get it done. So I said that I was sorry and I tried to hurry as much as I could, just getting my feathers mostly straight. She was right; I wasn't trying to impress anybody, so I didn't have to take as much time.

The two of us walked to breakfast together, and I was disappointed that there weren't any waffles or omelets, and I didn't feel like plain scrambled eggs, so I got shredded wheats instead. And when I put them down on the table, Anna saw them and said that I was supposed to put milk in the bowl to soften them up, but I said that I liked them crunchy.

Meghan saw that my wings weren't as neat as usual, and I said that I'd kind of rushed and she pushed her chair back a little bit and tapped her hand on her thigh and at first I didn't get it, but then I realized that she wanted to fix them, so I held out my wing and let her work on it while I ate.

Once she'd finished that one, she switched sides and that was when she saw my leg, and I told her that it looked worse than it was; foreleg wounds always did. And I'd just washed it, too, so it looked fresher than it really was.

She shook her head and said that sometimes I was such a boy, and then started preening my other wing with her fingers.

When she was done, she went back to her seat to finish her meal and I kissed her on the cheek, 'cause she hadn't had to do that.

Sean and Reese started talking about the election until Christine stopped them by throwing fruit loops at them, and she said she'd rather talk about something cheerier, like PMS, and Sean got up and when he came back he had a plastic flower which he stuck in her fruit loops and said that he hoped that that had helped. And she picked it back out and hit him with it and said that her mood had just gotten a lot better.

I nuzzled Meghan one more time before I had to get up and go to class, and when I went outside it was raining—a cold, steady rain—and it was kind of exhilarating, so I took off and flew a lap of the quad before crossing over the roof of Dewing and gliding down in front of the Dow building.

Professor Brown told us how we were going to use calculating delta-G in a real-world example, which was about a drug that worked better than normal drugs. And he had to tell us a little bit of biology first, and I didn't really understand most of that, although I did know that bone marrow also made blood cells.

It was really complicated when he started talking about membranes and ligands and other things that I didn't know what they were, and he drew out how it worked with radioactive ligands so you could find them later because they were very small.

And you'd put your results on a Scratchard plot which was a kind of graph, and then he explained how you wanted the artificial protein to hold on to the receptor until the cell decided it was time to chew it up and then you wanted to to let go so it could find another cell to activate, and then there were lots of calculations showing how they figured it out using Gibbs Free Energy and the ratios of how the wild protein worked compared to the one that they had built in the lab.

By the end of class, I still didn't understand all the biology, but that didn't matter, 'cause it was the thermodynamics we were worried about, and that part all made sense and I could follow along with it.

We didn't really have anything to go over, so I just gave Lisa all the notes and calculations I'd done for our lab when the class was finished, and she put them in her bookbag and it was still raining when I went outside, and I flew up into it and circled around in the rain for a little bit and then I landed at the top of the quad and galloped down the hill, and once I got to the bottom I flew around so that I could do it again. There's nothing quite like the feel of mud in your hooves and it had been too long since the last time it had rained.

If I hadn't been wearing my saddlebags and it had been a little bit wetter, I could have belly-slid down the hill.

I got a little bit more dirty than I'd meant to, so after I'd taken off my saddlebags, I got in the shower long enough to just rinse the mud off my legs, then I sat down at my desk and turned on my bendy light to make it a little more cheerful, and I started working on my homework.

When I was done, I started to read Romans, which was a letter which had been written by Paul. And he said that people who judged other people in the place of God would be punished, and that people who preached the laws but did not practice them were bad, while people who hadn't been circumcised but practiced the law anyway were good. And that made sense—there were ponies who said one thing but then did another and after a while they found out that nopony liked them or would talk to them, and they were cast off and always had to wander around finding new ponies who didn't know them.

And he went on to explain how Adam's sin had made all people sinners, but Jesus being crucified had cleansed them all, which I thought was kind of strange. How could a foal be born bad? She would only become bad if she learned bad things and nopony ever taught her the right things, that seemed pretty obvious to me. But maybe it was more complicated than that.

Paul also said that they had been freed from the old laws, like a married woman was freed from her husband if he died. And so that meant that a lot of the laws I'd read long ago didn't matter any more, which was why people could eat so many things and be witches and I wondered why they had left it in the Bible if they weren't the laws anymore, so I'd have to try and remember to ask Pastor Liz that tomorrow.

I didn't finish Romans, 'cause I left for lunch a little bit early so I could enjoy the rain some more, because it was still coming down and making all the plants happy. I wondered if some of the clouds I'd seen above me at the beginning of the day were now over East Lansing, raining on it. Maybe Aquamarine was looking up at the same clouds.

When I sat down, Sean said that I was too cheerful for such a gloomy day, but I thought it was nice, and I said that there were probably a lot of farmers who were welcoming it, although maybe not 'cause it was kind of late in the season and they'd probably gotten all their crops in already.

Then I said that towards the end of the year I wanted to have another group shower in Hoben, and Christine said that we should do it because last time was so much fun. And then Reese asked what we were talking about so I told him, and he asked if people were actually naked, and Christine told him that that was the idea, and he said that he didn't know how he felt about it.

Christine said that Sean had loved it, and he said that she'd pulled off his underwear and everyone saw his dick, and she nodded and said that it wouldn't have been as much fun if he'd kept his pants on.

Anna wasn't sure if she wanted to, either, and Christine said that we wouldn’t make fun of her dick, and Reese almost fell out of his chair 'cause he was laughing so hard. And she just crossed her arms and glared at Christine.

Meghan said that she was in, and I knew that she would be. And I wasn't sure if I should invite Aric, just 'cause I wasn't sure if everyone else at the table would be comfortable with him there, especially Reese and Anna. I thought maybe it was something that should only be done with table-mates, but I'd have to ask Meghan what she thought about it later.

Me and Sean walked to math together, and Professor Pampena taught us about changing variables in double integrals, like if you were trying to figure out the area of an ellipse. And that one we couldn't use polar coordinates which was kind of a relief, but since Professor Pampena had brought them up I was sure that we'd be using them later.

He showed us how it worked on a moving rectangle, and then he said that he was going to do it on a square but if we didn't believe what he had told us, we could try on our own rectangle while he was talking about the square. I believed him, but Sean apparently didn't, because he drew a rectangle in his notebook.

It was something that we could use for linear approximations, and the scaling factor was the determinant. And then like I thought he would, he started doing equations with polar coordinates and using Jacobians.

It was still raining when we got out of class, but it was more of a mist than raindrops, and Sean asked if I could make it go away, and I said that if I got permission to fly up in the clouds, I could, but with just me working alone on feral weather it might take me all week to clear it off, and by then the rain would have ended on its own.

We went up to his room and he turned on his music and the two of us worked on our math problems. And I was still having a bit of trouble with polar coordinates and radians, so it took me a little bit longer to finish than him, and I would have skipped re-checking my work, except that he had started looking at Facebook on his folding computer, and he didn't look like he was impatient at all, so I went back through and had to fix one really dumb mistake, but otherwise it looked pretty good.

So we compared answers and both went and re-tried the problem where we'd gotten a different answer and then when we were done we still both had different answers, so the two of us worked on the problem together so that we could figure out what had gone wrong, because there couldn't be four different answers for it that were all correct. And I'd messed up the radians and he'd gotten the chain rule wrong and it turned out that his first answer had been the right one, but he'd overthought it when I'd gotten something else, 'cause he said that I was better at math than him so he'd assumed that he had been the one to make a mistake.

I figured out another equation in Equestrian, and I had to admit to myself that it wasn't as tidy as his had been because it didn't use polar coordinates, and I wondered if pony mathematicians were figuring out how to use them and maybe in a few years, foals would be learning about them in school, and maybe I'd be the dumb one for not liking them.

Then he asked if I was ever going to watch Star Trek with him, and I said that I would but I just didn't know when. He said that we could Friday night, but I was leaving for Madison pretty early on Saturday morning and I wasn't sure if I should stay up too late.

I went back to my room and got out my Bible and read through the rest of Romans. Paul thought that a lot of the Israelites had made the mistake of pursuing works rather than faith, and that that had caused them to stumble. And he said that Gentiles shouldn't feel superior, because they were like an olive shoot grafted onto the roots of an olive, and that they were supported by the root which had been there before them.

He explained how people were supposed to be humble, and how they should not return hate with hate, but with love, and he said that if your enemy was hungry or naked, you should feed and clothe him, and that was how you overcame evil. And he said that all the commandments could be summed up by just saying 'love,' which was a lot simpler. Love your neighbor as yourself.

Paul said that it didn't matter what you ate or if you kept a day holy, but that if someone else did you should honor that, and not place stumbling blocks in front of them, and he finished his letter by greeting all of his friends, and asking for them to give each other kisses which was really nice.

Me and Peggy went to dinner together, and the food wasn't very good at all. They'd taken away the spinach and just had the watery lettuce, and there wasn't any fish at all, except for a strange mash that was called a crab salad and didn't smell very good. Peggy said that a lot of times they used fake crab in those, and it was really something else. And I didn't think that they should be allowed to do that, because what if you didn't know?

Then she told me that the blueberries in some kinds of baking mixes were actually apples which had been dyed and given blueberry flavoring and I said that I thought something had been off with the blueberry muffins but I wasn't sure what. And she said that most commercial muffins, probably the fake blueberries was the least off part of them.

So I didn't have a very good dinner, but there was hay back at my dorm room that I could snack on, and maybe some anchovies as well.

Since it was still raining, I thought that I'd take an evening flight, but not too far, 'cause I didn't want to get all sweaty. So I put on my flight gear and called the airplane directors and told them that I was going to be flying around downtown but below the tops of the buildings, and they said that I could. So I took off and flew over the city for a while, kind of in a oval pattern that was almost a perturbed orbit with the hotel at its center. I went as far south as the Crosstown Parkway, and then I turned back around and followed Park Street back to downtown, and went a couple of blocks north to finish my orbit around the hotel.

When I got back to the railroad tracks, I followed them partway back and then took a shortcut through the little neighborhood that was between Stadium Drive and Kalamazoo Avenue. And I went over the Fine Arts building, and I saw that Winston was there and I thought about landing on the roof and knocking on the hatch there but it wasn't right over the light shop, so Aric probably wouldn't hear me and he'd told me that he wasn't supposed to go up there anyways and there were probably lots of other people working with him. He said that he had a whole crew that helped him put up the lights.

I landed back at Trowbridge and went upstairs to take off my flight gear, and I didn't really have to rinse off 'cause the rain had done that for me, so I just hung up my flight gear so that it could dry and then went down the hall to Meghan's room to get her so that we could go to Aric's. I thought that even though he wasn't there yet he wouldn't mind if he got home and we were in his bed.

I had to wait until Meghan got done with her homework but I didn't mind, even though I thought she should have done it earlier in the day. Maybe she had other things to do, and she couldn't. And she put on a windbreaker that she wore in the rain, 'cause I guess it was also a rainbreaker, and we walked to his house together.

On the way, I asked her what she thought about inviting Aric to the shower party, and she said that she'd have to think about it. She said that she didn't think Christine would care, and Peggy probably wouldn't, either, but she wasn't sure about Sean or Anna and Reese, and she thought that if I invited him I might lose the other three, and maybe Christine, too, because she might not want to if Sean didn't, and then it would just be the three of us and Peggy, which would be uncomfortable for Peggy.

She said that she wasn't afraid that he'd do anything bad—if she had been worried about that, she wouldn't have spent the night with him even on his couch. But she said that she'd had to get comfortable with him first even though she'd known him for years, and Anna and Reese hardly knew him.

I said that the two of them went to Durak, and she asked me if I knew everyone there well enough that I'd want to sleep with them, and I said it wasn't the same, but she said that it was kind of like that for people. I thought it was dumb, but that's just the way people were, I guess.

When we got to Aric's house, I looked through the front windows but David and Angela weren't there, so I went under the mat and got out the key and unlocked the front door and let us in, and Meghan said that it felt like we were breaking into his house sort of, but I promised her it was okay and Aric wouldn't be mad.

We went upstairs to his room and Meghan said that the best thing about walking on a cold, rainy day was snuggling up to your lover, but after I'd helped her get undressed and we got in bed, she said that she'd changed her mind because she hadn't thought about wet fur and feathers. She said I wasn't as snuggly when I was wet.

So I got up and went to the bathroom and got some towels and she dried me off as much as she could, so I was just a damp pony, and then she was a little bit chilly 'cause she was naked, so I snuggled up against her and then I started kissing and nuzzling her and pretty soon I was all the way under the covers and then we were both getting kind of hot so she pushed them off and said that she hoped that Aric wouldn't be mad if he came in and caught us and I said that he had said it was okay.

I'd wanted to stay awake until Aric got home, but Meghan had kind of tired me out, and I was so cozy snuggled up on her breast that I couldn’t stay awake, especially after she'd fallen asleep. So I closed my eyes, too, and I told myself to just sleep lightly so that I'd wake up when he got home, even though I wasn't sure if that would actually work.

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