• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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February 8 [Girl Talk]

Feb 8

I woke up stretched out on Aric's chest. It wasn't as comfy as Peggy's had been, but that was okay. It was nice to be sleeping with someone.

He must have felt me moving around, because he cracked open his eyes and then reached up and brushed his hand through my mane, so I leaned down and nuzzled his cheek.

We snuggled for a little bit until I finally stretched out and pushed the covers back. I tried to keep my hooves quiet when I climbed to the floor; I didn't want to wake up Peggy too soon.

It would have been nice to go for a morning trot—Aric might even have wanted to join me—but I didn't want to leave Peggy alone. She'd been so nice to stay with me even if she didn't really want to and was maybe overly concerned about me and Aric, but that was something good friends did, and I loved her for it.

Aric said that he would give us a ride back to campus if we wanted, and he went out and started up Winston. He said that it took her a while to warm up in the morning, and I asked if he wanted me to wake Peggy up and he said that I didn't have to; if Peggy wasn't ready to go once Winston got warm, he'd just turn it off again and it would warm up quicker when she was ready to leave.

Peggy woke up about ten minutes later, and said good morning to both of us, then went off to the bathroom. Aric figured that once she came out, she'd want to go back to campus so that we wouldn't be late for class, and he was right. It was a little strange to be driven back when we’d walked over the night before. But it was quicker, which was nice, so I had time to take a good shower and groom before I went to breakfast.

I felt like I did okay on my test in climate science class. Not great, but I hoped the professor would be a bit lenient, since I understood the concepts but just not all the words used to describe them.

Then in philosophy, we started on John Locke, who already seems to be making more sense than Descartes did. Instead of beginning with nothing, he believed that there was a natural law which was above rulers or religion. I think that's a pretty obvious conclusion—we know that the griffons and the minotaurs and all the other species in Equestria all have come up with remarkably similar laws, even though they don't all have a lot else in common.

He also said that God's laws were only given to certain people, and that makes sense too. Since we ponies weren't kicked out of the garden of Eden, we feel no shame at being naked. I had suspected this was so, but it's nice to see that a smart philosopher saw that, too.

And he said that it was the duty of citizens to replace their government when it isn't serving them any more. We've done that—the Princesses replaced the unicorns when they were trying to extort other ponies, and of course we choose a new pegasus assembly whenever the old one can't do its job. Earth ponies have a similar system, where they vote for a mayor. Unicorns just believe in bloodlines, which is dumb. Just because your dam was a good leader doesn't mean you'll be.

When I was back in our room before dinner, Peggy got up from her desk and sat down on her bed, then told me to sit down next to her. She said it was time for a little girl talk.

She asked me what my intentions were with Aric, and I said that I wasn't really sure yet. I hadn't known him all that long, but so far I liked him and he liked me, so that was a good start.

She asked me if I was sure that I knew what I was getting into. I told her that I knew how it went with stallions, but that humans were different, although from what we'd learned the anatomy was similar. Peggy said that wasn't what she meant at all—she was sure it was possible for us to have sex, she just wasn't sure that I was ready for all the baggage that might come with it.

Then she said that on Earth because there weren't any other sapient species besides humans, it wasn't okay to have sex with anything besides other people. Some places it was illegal, and other places it was frowned upon.

Peggy said that she understood that I wasn't an animal, but that a lot of people would look at it that way, and it might make things difficult for me or Aric. She reminded me of the angry man at Walgreens, and said that there were people who would be just as angry if they found out that I was having sex with Aric, or maybe even angrier; she said it might be hard for me or for him to deal with.

I flattened my ears and told her it sounded like she didn't want me to have any fun, even though she was spending the night with a boy sometimes.

She said that wasn't what she meant, and she just really wasn't good at explaining how conflicted she felt about this.

I told her maybe she was putting the cart before the pony. I wasn't sure where this was going to end up going anyway; I think that Aric likes me but I'm not sure if he likes me that way. I thought that the best thing to do was just to let things take their course and not worry right now about might-bes.

She said she was worried about me getting hurt or getting my heart broken, but that as long as I knew what I wanted and what I was comfortable with, than it probably wasn't any of her business. Then she had me repeat her telephone number until she was sure that I had it memorized, and told me that if I needed her to give her a call no matter what time it was.

I asked her if she was really serious about beating Aric to death with his own dick, and she smiled and said she probably wouldn't, but that she would make him wish she had if he hurt me. Then she rubbed her hand through my mane and nuzzled my cheek.

Then we talked about past boyfriends and coltfriends, which turned into a kind of funny competition to see who had had the most interesting sexual experience. That turned into a draw; she'd never done it on a cloud, and I'd never tried it in the backseat of a car at the county fair. I told her I could probably bring down a cloud if she ever wanted to try it—it wouldn't be quite the same, though, and I wasn't sure if a cloud could actually support a human, either.

She hugged me and I gave her a little nuzzle on the cheek, and we went off to dinner together.

Later on, Aric came by to pick me up for Durak, and I snuggled up against him while we were driving to the coffee shop, but when we were inside I stayed a little bit away, just in case any of the mean people who would jump to conclusions were in there. He didn't press the issue; I think he was happy that I was there after I'd missed the last session. That actually made me a little sad.

Keith said that if I'd enjoyed the LARP—which I had—that I might be interested in the SCA. He said that it was kind of similar, and that there was a big event coming up and I could go if I wanted to. Then Aric chimed in and said that he was going to go as well. I didn't have any plans for the weekend, so I said I would, and asked if I could invite Peggy if she wanted to go. He said that would be fine.

We played a bit later than usual, because the last game lasted quite some time after the deck ran out. When it was finally over, Keith picked his cards back up, and Aric gave me a ride back to campus. We stayed in his truck and snuggled for a little bit, and then I thought it was probably time to go, and went up to my room.

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