• Published 25th Feb 2016
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Silver Glow's Journal - Admiral Biscuit

Silver Glow takes an opportunity to spend a year at an Earth college, where she'll learn about Earth culture and make new friends.

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November 27 [Mirkwood Bowl]

November 27

I was the first one to wake up, so I went out on the balcony and I had to close the door really quickly because I didn't want lots of cold air coming into the room and making everyone freeze. And I thought about jumping off the balcony and flying through the valley and back, and I probably would have, but I hadn't told anyone that I was going to, so they might worry, and I'd also looked down the wall of the hotel and there were lots of balconies and they all looked pretty much the same and I'd probably make someone mad if I came back to the wrong balcony.

So I stretched out my wings and yawned and then looked up at the stars. I couldn't see as many now because it was starting to get light, although since we were kind of in a valley, it was still pretty dark down at the hotel.

I'd been on the balcony for maybe ten minutes when I heard the door open and Lindsay came out. She had a thick sweatshirt on and fuzzy socks so that she'd stay warm, and a cup of coffee in her hand, and if she stayed on the balcony I could easily find the room again, so I put my hooves up on the railing and then jumped up and spread my wings and dropped off the balcony and a little bit down into the valley before I got some air under me.

I went along the wall of the hotel and down towards the little creek which was called the Arkansas River, but I stayed up high enough to avoid any wires that might have been there, 'cause I wasn't going to be able to see them in the dark.

Since I was going to be getting lots of exercise today, I didn't go too far, only to where the town ended, and then I turned back around.

There hadn't been any traffic on the US 50 Road when I flew away from the hotel, but when I turned around and went back I heard a big truck slowing down and its exhaust beats echoed across the valley. Aric had told me that that noise was called a Jake brake, and it was kind of annoying to hear so early in the morning. People should make their trucks be quiet at night.

Lindsay was still on the balcony when I flew back, so I knew right where to land. There wasn't a whole lot of space there, and it was close to the wall, so it was kind of tricky to drop right in without hitting her or the hotel. I had to do an almost vertical landing and I rotated far enough that I almost had my hind legs in front of me. If there hadn't been a railing, it would have been a lot easier, but it gave people a place to lean on, and also kept them from falling off the edge by mistake.

She said that I'd scared her when I first jumped off the edge 'cause she'd forgotten that I could fly, and told me to warn her next time when I was going to jump in an abyss. And I said that I was sorry, and then I put my hooves up on the railing and the two of us just looked over the edge for a little bit longer.

When we went back inside, both Peggy and Victoria were also awake, but neither of them had gotten out of bed yet. Lindsay told them that they were lazy and that we'd been up since five, which wasn't actually true. Victoria said that she didn't care; Monarch Mountain didn't open until nine, and so there wasn't any point in getting there much earlier than that. But she got out of bed anyways and I pulled the covers off of Peggy to help motivate her to get up.

Everyone got dressed and I sat on the bed and preened my wings. Both of Peggy's friends were watching me and it was a little bit strange, especially since they were trying to get dressed while they did, and I thought it would be funny if they put their clothes on wrong, 'cause they weren't paying attention. Humans are pretty good at putting on their clothes, though, so they didn't make any mistakes that I could see.

We went downstairs to breakfast, and everyone had waffles except for Victoria, who just had yogurt and granola, and then we went back to our room and got everything that we needed for the mountain.

Since we were all going together and coming back together, instead of taking two cars we put everything in Lindsay's Range Rover and got in that. It was really nice inside, and there was lots of room. Lindsay said that all the seats had butt-warmers, and Peggy reached over and pushed the button for mine. At first nothing happened, but then the cushion started to get warm and that was really nice.

Peggy said that the back of my seat was warm, too, so I scooted around so I could touch it, and it was. There wasn't any way that I could really sit against it, though, so I guess that was just wasted heat.

The mountain wasn't quite open yet when we got there, so we had enough time to stretch out and decide where we wanted to go. Everyone thought that starting with a long, easy run would be best, and then we'd start to move to something more complicated.

Peggy said that we should do single black diamond runs all morning, and then in the afternoon we could decide if we wanted to play in the terrain park or if I was doing really well, we could go to the Mirkwood Bowl, which had the toughest runs but was also the most fun.

So we took the Breezeway chair lift and that went to a trail called Ramble On, which was one of the longer runs, 'cause it went around and then down, and it was a good one to warm up on.

I got a little bit overeager, and flew up to the top of the mountain without waiting for their chair, and then I had to wait until they got up to the top. And we went over to the top of the trail and everyone got ready and Victoria decided that she was going to go first, so she started off down the trail and I followed her. And I hadn't forgotten anything about snowboarding overnight.

We had to go around a group of skiers who were going slower than we were, and Peggy cut to my inside and passed me 'cause I think she wanted to show off. And I wasn't good enough to catch back up to her, at least not if I kept my snowboard on the snow.

Our trail also went by the terrain park, and there were already some people playing there, and Peggy angled over towards it and she bounced off a couple of moguls, which let me get past her, 'cause I'd taken a shorter route.

Lindsay stayed behind me right until the very end, and then she cut down the very inside, right by the trees, and came back up and out and did a little jump, and when we got to the bottom she slid to a stop and I wanted to come in right next to her but I misjudged the snow a little bit and wound up overshooting. I could have used my wings to stop a little bit sooner, but I was trying not to, 'cause it felt a little bit like cheating.

When everybody had stopped, Lindsay asked if we wanted to try again, or if we wanted to move right on to the more difficult trails. And we all agreed that since we'd all come down without any trouble, we ought to move on, until Lindsay asked me if it would be possible for me to snowboard upright, just on my hind hooves, 'cause she thought that might be more controllable for me.

I wasn't sure if it would work, but I was willing to give it a try. So we experimented a bit with that, and it was really different, and my hind legs felt all funny in that position. It was one thing to have them dangling and then rotate off them when I came in for a landing, but I had to space them a little bit further apart and then I'd be coming down the hill facing sideways and my wings wouldn't work right when I was going sideways into the wind.

And I fell on my face when I dropped back down and one forehoof got magneted to the board, and they had to pull me free, and Peggy said that maybe this was a dumb idea, but I really wanted to try it, because I thought that I could make it work.

So we went back up to the top of Ramble On, and I got my hooves in position on the board and everyone said it would be a lot easier to balance when I was moving, which I hoped was true, 'cause I had to keep flapping my wings just to stay upright. Earth ponies were a lot better at standing on their hind legs than pegasuses, 'cause if we wanted to get taller we'd just fly up, and they couldn't do that.

Victoria gave me a little push to get me started, and then the three girls stayed close to me as we started down the course.

I was in trouble right away. Everything I'd learned about moving the snowboard didn't work at all when I was just on two hooves, and I wobbled off-course pretty fast, and I could see that I was going to crash into the trees, so I tried to brake the snowboard but I just fell on my belly and slid to a stop, and then when I tried to get back up, I stuck my forehoof to the snowboard again.

I wasn't willing to give up after only one fall, so they helped me get back up and looked to make sure that nobody was coming down the trail and then flew back to the center and as soon as I landed the snowboard started moving forward, which was sideways to how I'd been flying, and it almost went out from under me.

More by luck than anything, I managed to stay upright and get it a little bit under control but it wasn't very long before I started to go off-course again, and this time I tried to fly out of it, but the edge of the board dug into the snow behind me and I did a belly-flop into the snow.

Lindsay was a little bit frustrated by how much trouble I was having, so Victoria suggested that she try going down on all fours, and see how well she could do it. And she said that she would, and she unclipped one foot from her board so that she could turn better.

She'd barely gotten in position when she started sliding down the hill, and at first she was doing all right, but once she got up a little bit of speed, her course got really wobbly and pretty soon she zoomed off towards the trees and had to fall sideways off the board to keep herself from crashing. And she'd barely even gotten a hundred feet.

So Lindsay agreed that it was more difficult than it looked to change positions like that, and I probably ought to go back to doing it the way I had been.

I agreed, but I decided that I was going to try one more time with being upright, so I set my hooves on the plates again and Peggy gave me a little push, and I tried just bending my body like they did to steer, and it sort of worked until I got going a little bit faster and overcorrected and hit the snow and went tail-over-muzzle. I hit hard enough to pull the snowboard off my hooves, and it actually launched up and landed further down the trail than I did.

That made getting back up easier, at least, and I shook all the snow off me and said that I was done snowboarding the human way, and I finished the course with all four hooves on the board.

They went up the same chairlift, because it also went to a bunch of black diamond trails, and we started out on Shag Nasty, which was a medium-length run that wasn't too difficult, and it ended on another main trail.

I really focused on where I was going the first time down, and I tried to follow Victoria as best as I could, 'cause she knew the best way down. And then we had to be careful when we got close to the main trail, 'cause there were other people coming down that and if we weren't careful we could crash into them.

All of us made it down to the bottom without falling down, and so we went back and did a few more runs, going faster each time.

On our final run, I was so focused on following Victoria that I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have when we got to the main trail, and so I didn't see the man skiing down it until I heard him shout and I realized right away that I couldn't turn the board fast enough to avoid him, so I popped my wings out and did a really hard liftoff. I lost almost all of my forward speed, and I tucked my legs in as best as I could to pull the board a little bit closer to me to get more clearance, and he went right under me and down the hill.

I made sure to check around me before I landed, and then I went to the bottom of the hill on my snowboard. And I was the last one down, but that was okay. And I saw him a little bit off to the north, so I got off my board and went over and apologized to him, and he said it was all right, because we hadn't crashed after all, and he said it had been kind of amazing to see me take off like that.

Me and the girls decided that we'd have lunch and then we'd snowboard in the Mirkwood Bowl, so we put our snowboards in the little racks they had and went to the Gunbarrel Grill. They had lots of different sandwiches and I got a fish sandwich but I shouldn't have. The breading was too oily and the fish itself was kind of dry and didn't have very much flavor at all and they'd put too much sauce on it, maybe because they wanted to hide the fact that it was a bad fish.

So I didn't even finish it, even though I was hungry, and I went back up to the counter and got some nachos instead which were a lot better. And there was enough for me to share them with everyone.

When we were done eating, everyone went to the bathroom so we wouldn't have to on the trails, and then we went back outside and it had clouded over and started snowing, which was really exciting. I wanted to fly up and play with the clouds, and if I'd been alone I would have done it. But everyone else was ready to go to Mirkwood, so they went back up the mountain on the same chair lift that we'd been using, and then we went to the gate. There were lots of warning signs, because the Mirkwood Bowl was difficult, and one sign told us that hazards existed that were not marked.

Peggy said that was why it was fun.

We went down Orcs first, which was a big open bowl, and I was actually using my wings to brake the first time down because it was really steep, and I didn't want to get going too fast.

Everyone stayed a little further apart this time, so that if someone fell down she wouldn't get run into by anyone else. And that also gave us more room if we needed to maneuver.

The snow that was falling made it harder to see, and the snow wasn't as packed-down as it was on the other trails, 'cause not as many people came here. I went through a snowpile and it was a good thing that I hit it fast enough that I didn't have time to react, or else I probably would have crashed. I saw it when I was almost on top of it and I was expecting to go over and had already angled my wings a little bit so that I could glide down after I jumped off of it, and then I got a faceful of snow instead and came out the other side in powdery snow still up to my belly, which did slow me down some, and then I got into denser snow and the board came back up on top of it, where it belonged.

I wasn't the only one who had gone through a drift; Peggy was coated from the waist down, and when we got to a slightly slower section she reached up to wipe off her goggles some.

We did that a couple more times, and then we moved to a different trail, which was called Mirkwood Trees, and it wasn't quite as fast but there were lots of trees to avoid. And the snow was deep enough that you could only see the very tops of some of the shorter trees, and they looked just like they were saplings but they were probably actually a few feet tall and more solid than they looked, so we wanted to avoid them.

There was no way of knowing if there was one that was just underneath the snow, though, so all we could do was hope that we didn't sink in deep enough to do more than brush across its top branches.

All the new snow and the wind blowing it around meant that sometimes there was almost no visibility and when we were at the top of the run, we'd wait until it cleared enough that we could see where we were going, but if it came up while we were already going there was nothing that we could do but hope that it wasn't so thick that we'd crash into a tree before we saw it.

Peggy told me that that was how she'd broken her wrist, and that it had even been on this run.

One time when we were at the very top, I heard a strange engine and asked what it was, and Peggy said that it was a Snow Cat, and that there was a special skiing area right next to us. And I'd seen it on the map, but I'd thought that it was actual cats that went skiing there, and not some kind of a machine. And then I found out that the machine didn't ski, either; it took people up to the top so that they could, because there weren't any chair lifts out there. They were boxy things with tracks and blinking lights, and we'd seen them by the lodge but I hadn't really thought about what they were for.

Peggy said that they could also come rescue you if you got hurt. I asked her if she'd gotten to ride in one after she'd broken her wrist and she said that she hadn't been hurt badly enough to need it, which was lucky.

Before we left Mirkwood, they wanted to go down Orcs one more time, and I wanted to fly up and touch the snowclouds, so we agreed to split up. I left my board by the lodge, in the little racks, and then I flew up next to the chair lift and as soon as they got off of it, I took off and started flying up towards the clouds.

I kept a good watch for airplanes, even though I hadn't heard or seen any all day or yesterday, but that didn't mean that there would never be any. And it wasn't too far to get up to the clouds, 'cause of how high the mountaintop was already, so I flew around the base of them and then I went up in them a little bit.

I decided that I was going to break off a small cloud and bring it down, so I found a good-sized section that was hanging low, and I had to fight with it some to tear it loose 'cause it didn't want to cooperate, and it didn't help that the wind off the top of the mountain was a little bit unpredictable. But I got it, and then I formed it a little bit into a more convenient shape, and all the while it kept on snowing, and since it was under the main clouds it was constantly getting its moisture refreshed by the snow falling down on top of it.

When I was sure I had it under control, I started to bring it down, and I got a little bit blown off-course a couple of times. I'd meant to just let it go over Orcs, but when I started looking down for where the trails were I saw that the girls were still at the top, watching me, so I came down kind of close to them and put the cloud a little bit below the peak, where it was kind of in the lee of the mountain so it wouldn't blow away, and then I sat on top of it.

Since there was such a steep drop, I wasn't all that far away from them, and they wanted to get a closer look at it, so I pushed it over to them, and I warned them not to touch it because it might have some electricity in it. Usually snowclouds didn't have as much as thunderclouds, but they had some, and sometimes there was thundersnow, and I didn't want anyone to get hurt.

So I kind of pushed it around a little bit so that they could see it, and then I showed them how I could make it stop snowing and start again, and I even pushed it over their heads and did it again. When it covered them, it also blocked the snow from above, so I could control when they got snowed on.

I took so much time with my demonstration that a few more people who were going to Mirkwood saw and they all stopped to watch, too, and so I wound up bouncing on the cloud a few times to get it to start and stop, until it was finally almost out of snow and getting really thin, and then I finally set it free over Mirkwood.

If I'd known that they weren't going to go down the bowl while I was playing with the clouds, I would have had them bring my board and we could have all gone together, but it was back down by the lodge. So instead when they started, I glided down with them and that sort of turned into a race, but I had the advantage, 'cause they could only use gravity to pick up speed and the friction on the snow sort of slowed them down, so even with me only gliding I beat them to the base of the hill.

We only had time for one more run, because the park was closing, so I got my board and we went down Mirkwood Trees one last time, and then we went out to Lindsay's Range Rover and she started it so it could warm up some while they were getting out of their snowclothes. And we had to use the little window brooms to brush off all the snow that had fallen on it.

Peggy decided that tomorrow we'd go up to Breckenridge, and we could play in their terrain park and if there were any newbies out there they could troll them, which they said was always fun. And Peggy wanted to ride the alpine coaster, too, and she said that I'd like it, too, but she wouldn't tell me what it was.

Lindsay had to drive slowly because the snow was still falling and the roads were slippery. Her Range Rover also had snow tires on it, and it also had all-wheel drive, so it didn’t slip at all.

We had dinner at the hotel in Monarch, and I had the trout which was a proper fish. Then we all went up to our room to relax for a little bit before we went to the hot tub. Lindsay said that you couldn't even go into a hot tub for a half hour after eating because sharks could smell the food that you'd just eaten, and I didn't think that was true at all, and even if it was, there weren't sharks in hot tubs.

She said that that was how they got you, and I stuck my tongue out at her.

The hotel was emptier, 'cause lots of people had to go back to work on Monday, and so we had the hot tub to ourselves. And you couldn't see the stars this time, because it was still snowing, but that was fun, too, because when the snow picked up some our heads got a bit of a snowcover.

Peggy asked Victoria what you called blondes in a freezer, and Lindsay said frosted flakes and then brushed the snow off her head. She said that Peggy was just jealous because blondes had more fun.

Everyone was steaming when we got out of the tub, and the girls dried themselves off as quickly as they could, then they all went inside and I shook off before following them. And we still had the numbers from last night, so we picked our shower order that way again, and I got to go first this time, which was nice because it gave me plenty of time to groom and to dry all the way off while the other girls were taking theirs.

We stayed up a little bit longer and had some drinks, and we talked about how the day had gone and Peggy had brought her folding computer and we put my movies on it so that there would be room in my GoPro’s memory for new movies tomorrow.

Before we went to bed, everyone packed as much as they could so that we could leave early tomorrow, since we had to drive a ways before we got to Breckenridge, then everyone got in bed.

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