• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Nothing, If But Echoes of Endearment

Sell the Midnight Dreary?!?” Theanim Mane exclaimed, blue eyes bugging.

Rainbow Dash had prepared her wincing expression well in advance. She flew backwards across the hotel room, curling her blue hooves to her chest. “It's... the only way any of us can afford the bits to pay for seats on board the Mark Two.”

Mark Two?! What in Verlaxion's frost is that?!”

“The arrowfish that's casting off this afternoon,” Echo said from where he reclined on the edge of the bed. The sarosian rubbed his forelimbs, eyes twitching. “Grfffff... all things considered, it's the most logical exit strategy. That is the idea, isn't it?”

“Well, yeah!” Rainbow exclaimed, nodding. “The way Bard, Wildcard and I have figured it: we hit the Syndicate's stronghold. We make it out of there before they can catch us. Then we jump on board the Mark Two at the very last second.” She bore a hopeful smile. “If we time it just right, then we'll be out of this stinkin' place before they can so much as see us leave! That Arrowfish vessel thingy is... like... super crazy fast. We'd make it in Shoggoth in no time!”

“Yes. Yes. All of that makes sense, but... b-but...” Theanim's eyes quivered. “The Midnight Dreary?!?

“Are you or are you not committed to this friggin' heist, Theams?” Echo frowned. “After all these hours you've hauled me through these goddess-dayum meetings cold turkey... grfffff...”

Theanim Mane turned with a frown. “You should be lucky we intervened at all, old chap. Your flank was nearly sold to common thugs at Mudtop.”

“And just how well do you expect your pretty behind to be treated once the Syndicate catches up to that dinky dinghy of yours?” The bat pony spat. “And believe you me... they will catch up to you in that lousy putterer, no matter how much length you put between yourself and this city.”

“Bard and Wildcard put up a pretty good argument as well,” Rainbow said.

“Oh did they?!” Theanim scowled. “No doubt they'll next want us to cough up our teeth or donate our tail-hairs to some invisible charity!”

“Look, Doc—”

“No, you listen!” Theanim pointed. “Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps this entire friendly alliance they've made with us could be a complete and utter sham?!” His teeth showed. “They've sucker-bucked us before! Who's to say they aren't willing to land yet another low blow once it suits them?! I've no clue about the griffon fellow, but I certainly wouldn't hold it against the so-called Mr. Bard!”

“You're... saying that they're gonna try and betray us for the bits once we've completed the heist?!” Rainbow remarked.

“That's precisely what I'm implying!”

“Seems like a real arse-over-elbow way of going about it,” Echo wheezed.

Theanim turned and pointed at him. “You don't get to talk! We'll all be incredibly lucky if even you don't turn this into another pathetic opportunity to smoke new reserves of coral!”

“Oh, for crying out loud, Theams...” Echo sighed, rubbing his forelimbs together. “Don't let your own paranoia turn us against each other after we've come so far.” His fangs glinted in the noon light. “I'm sorry that you're so butthurt over your boat...”

“I'm not butt—” Theanim's eyes crossed. He ripped the goggles off his head and snarled, “That boat and I have been through a lot!”

“Pfffft... have you?”

“Y-yes! Yes, of course!”

Echo's eyes narrowed. “I've never seen the damned thing before in all my years. Something tells me the only reason it's so memorable to you is 'cuz it makes you think of your free life after ditching me.”

“Nnnngh...” Theanim face-hoofed, sighing. “Echo, old chap, please... don't turn this into another one of your random guilt sessions.”

Echo shrugged. “What's to feel guilty about? You ditched your heinous beast of a bat pony friend and took to the high seas. You have every right to rejoice in your trophy.”

“It wasn't like th-that!” Theanim exclaimed, red in the face. “I parted ways with you because you gave me no choice! You think I was enpratured with the idea of sailing the high seas alone?! Perish the thought! I only took the Midnight Dreary as a resource from the Order so that I could distract my lonely self with more open ocean exploration—”

“So it's a company boat?!” Echo smiled bitterly. “Hah! I knew it! You choose the lamest things to attach sentiment too, Theams.”

The stallion plopped back on his haunches, stifling a groan. He rolled his blue eyes to the ceiling of the hotel. “I went through extraordinary means to preserve the Order's property during my entire stay at the Nealand Atoll. If you must know, I was secretly hoping that I could return the thing in one piece.”

“And I'm not so secretly concerned with returning my own balls in two pieces!” Echo snapped. “And just in case you still think I'm a heartless bastard...” He gestured at Rainbow Dash. “...I'd want the same for your friend here. Even you.”

Theanim sat still, fuming.

“Face it, Theams. I'm not the only one at the end of my rope here.” Echo gulped. “Besides... I've never seen you this... hungry.”


Eventually, it was Rainbow who chose to break the silence. “'Hungry?'”

Before Theanim Mane could reply, Echo spoke up again: “I've no clue what you pretend to know about my old friend here, Fruitilicious, but while he's wearing the same stale coat, there's something... soft and gooey on the inside. I'd throw up all over the place... if only the Coral and the chain-jerking all day yesterday didn't do the job for me.” He nevertheless covered his fanged muzzle with a tight hoof. “Urrrp... goddess, I could use a smoke...”

“There's something worth living for in this world, Echo,” Theanim murmured.

“Right. Science, numbers, and the Great Queen's Invisible Ice Cooter.”

“Something more complex than you or I could even know!” Theanim snarled, his voice rising. “I don't understand it! So I don't expect you to either! But whatever the case, I'm not letting you waste away anymore! If that means you going 'cold turkey' like a drowning fish, then so be it! And if that... th-that means selling my beautiful, luscious yacht...” He bit his lip.

Rainbow Dash stared at Theanim, her ears twitching.

The stallion's head drooped with a sigh. He shuffled on all fours, pivoted about, and trotted slowly towards the patio window. Along the way, he paused briefly at Rainbow's side. “You're right. There is no other option.”

Rainbow Dash gulped. “We... we could... I-I mean, I could talk the others into waiting for the Mark One to arrive. In the meantime, we could drum up—”

“No. No more waiting.” Theanim's nostrils flared. “If we let the Syndicate go untouched any longer, more ponies could suffer a burning fate.” He narrowed his gaze on Rainbow. “It could be here... or it could be abroad.” He slowly shook his head. “I've allowed myself to be blind to it for far too long.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. With an exhale, she said, “Well... so long as you truly believe that.”

Theanim cocked his head to the side. “There was a time when I... mused about doing heroic things.” He gulped. “I suppose I should have thought harder about it. Perhaps then I would have realized just how much sacrifice it takes to be righteous.” He blinked. “Do you believe this is always the case with heroes, Miss Dash?”

She shrugged. “I've found that... uh... it rarely ever matters what I believe,” she said. “Only what I do.”

Theanim stared at her, then past her. He sighed into the warm tropical air. “I'll go to the docks within the hour. The Midnight Dreary should be worth enough to buy us passage.” His jaw tightened as he shuffled out onto the balcony. “Do kindly make sure that your companions arrive with Echo and the bits on time.”

Rainbow watched him go. She battled a sore lump in her throat. However, before her limbs could move in any particular direction—

“You know... you could be a scam too.”

Rainbow turned towards the bed. “Huh...?”

Echo's midnight eyes pierced across the dark domain. “Flying into Theams' life like a goddamn bullet. Digging yourself in real tight. Making him second guess his scientific convictions. His spiritual ones...” His leafy ears twitched. “You're a real piece of work. Quite possibly a worst piece of work than the Syndicate and those two desperadoes combined.”

“Hey, dude...” Rainbow Dash raised her hooves. “I'm just a pegasus on a journey... a journey that I'm fortunate to have the help of your friend out there.”

“Mmmm... you're a crazy horse,” Echo muttered. His fangs showed harder. “You want to know the real reason why I can't fly?”

“Uhm...” Rainbow gulped. “Should I?”

“Once upon a time, I was as naïve and wishy-washy as the so-called Doctor Mane...” His dark brow furrowed. “And a couple of thick-winged bastards decided to make an example out of me. I've been stuck to waves and whiplash ever since.” Wincing slightly, he sat up in bed, supporting himself with trembling limbs. “I may look like shit right now, Miss Dash... but let's make one thing clear. Theanim Mane is more than just a scientist of the Order. He's my friend... the one thing I value in life more than the fumes that are required to not feel it all. Do not screw him over. If I find out that—at the end of all this—you do just that, I will find you... even in the darkest pocket of this stupid plane—I will find you. And then I will hollow out that damn fruity skull of yours and get more out of your blood than even coral is capable. You savvy, sister?”

“Uhhh... yeah, buddy...” Rainbow Dash smiled nervously. “Uhhh... me savvo...?”

“Mrmmf... good enough.” Wincing, Echo fwomped back onto the mattress. He sighed, clutching his skull. “Now... buzz off. I've got a headache that could castrate a walrus...”

Rainbow Dash fidgeted. “You... you're a lot braver than the Doc gives you credit for.”

“On the contary, toots... I'm just as brave as he expects,” Echo moaned, rubbing his skull. “Which is why I both love and hate the bastard.” He rolled over, away from the sunlight. “Now make like shit and squirt already.”

Rainbow nodded. With a half-curtsey, she turned about and shuffled straight out onto the patio.

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