• Published 27th Mar 2015
  • 7,352 Views, 12,705 Comments

Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Written By Swan Song (Not Really)

Rainbow Dash swam east... or at least as well as she could tell.

The suited mare paused over a cluster of rocks, pony-paddling in place. She peered forward, squinting through the glass visor of her helmet.

Either the blue glow of her oxygen tanks couldn't reach beyond the next few feet of seafloor, or the submerged ground had given way to a massive canyon drop. She had a hard time telling which was the case.

She spent so much time treading water, paddling, that she almost forgot about the two bodies behind her. Bard's large figure bumped into hers, followed by Wildcard. Both Desperadoes and the mare spun and tumbled a bit in the open water—until the line connecting them stretched to its fullest, jerking them all to a stop.

Rainbow spun, snarling, motioning for the two to stay put.

Bard shrugged while Wildcard awkwardly tilted his helmet to the left in order to see better.

Sighing, Rainbow turned towards the darkness yet again—just in time to see two ghost mares floating up.

Rarity drifted close enough so that part of her muzzle phased through Rainbow's helmet. “The floor cuts out from underneath about three meters ahead, darling.”

“Maybe I should go around it?” Rainbow spoke against the confines of her headpiece.

Rarity shook her head. “No, Rainbow, I do believe you'll wish to dive.”

“What for?” Rainbow pointed at the structures behind them. “We've left most of Shoggoth behind us.”

Bard and Wildcard craned their necks, watching with mute curiosity as the underwater pegasus talked and gestured to “nothing.”

“True, but you must remember.” Rarity smiled. “Camellia stated that her tombs are situated below the city proper.” She pointed straight down. “I'm detecting a fissure in the rock far below, about a two hundred foot plunge.”

“Yeesh... for reals?”

“I do believe it's an opening of some kind,” Rarity said. “There are various subterranean passages attached to it.”

“But... like...” Rainbow glanced aside at Twilight, tapping on her helmet. “Will these things we're wearing survive such a depth?”

“Do you have any clue how deep you are now, Rainbow?” Twilight said with a brief smile. “Don't worry. You can make it. I can tell these suits were made for these purposes.”

“Well, alright, Twi. You're the egghead.” Rainbow shrugged. “You should be the expert on avoiding cracks.”

“Yes, well, the less time we spend here just talking about it, the better,” Twilight said, pointing at the source of Rainbow's blue glow. “You have less than twenty-five minutes on your air supply.”

“Yeesh... you're kidding me.”

Twilight shook her head. “Wildcard has a little more. But Bard?” Twilight gulped. “His is down to fifteen minutes.”

“Darn it.” Rainbow groaned. “Never go diving with drawling singers.” She cracked the joints in her neck and faced the canyon's edge. “Alright. Rarity? Lead the way.”

“Yes, Rainbow.” Rarity floated backwards, motioning the mare along. “Although, I think you'll find that you won't be needing my assistance alone.”

Rainbow followed after her, tugging on the cord. Bard and Wildcard jerked in surprise, but likewise swam in cadence with Rainbow Dash. They both grimaced slightly as they found themselves plunging straight down into utter blackness.

Only, it wasn't black for Rainbow Dash. The pegasus had to squint from the sheer pink bands of light pulsing upwards at her, nearly blinding. “Gaahh...” She grunted out the side of her muzzle, tilting her head slightly away from Yaerfaerda's shine. “Wow, Rarity, you weren't kidding.”

“I wonder if I should envy you for being able to see it.”

“You're generosity. Not greed.”

“Mmmm... given the time of day...”

“Less breathing, you two!” Twilight insisted, then blushed slightly. “Well... mostly Rainbow Dash.”

The pegasus simply nodded, pacing her breaths more carefully as she dove towards the pinkness, skimming the eastern wall of the plateau upon which Shoggoth was perched.

Several members of the Shoggothian Council huddled around the pieces of evidence in their grasp.

Flickers of light shone on their manes and coats from above.

The head of the council looked up, then gestured towards a group of unicorn guards lining the outer balcony.

The stallions nodded, pivoted to face a series of crystals, then illuminated them with magic charges.

A bubble of water detached from the liquid ring floating above the Auction House. In it were four stately seaponies, dressed in silken finery. The aquakinetic sphere floated down until they were almost even level with the Council's balcony. Once close enough, the seaponies leaned forward, their glossy eyes studying the materials in the equines' grasp. Within a minute, the underwater elders were exchanging shocked glances, their fins and tails pulsing with all colors of the spectrum.

“News travels fast,” Theanim Mane said, speaking above the collective murmurs of the dumbstruck crowd. “But not fast enough. As we speak, the city of Rust is likely experiencing an interior collapse to its branch of the Syndicate. Boss Revan of the Northern Hoof no longer has any resources to stand on.”

“These bits of evidence...” The council leader spoke, squinting down at the two stallions. “...did you procure yourself?”

Echo glanced at Theanim.

The scientist took a deep breath, then said: “No. However... I was an accessory to their... acquisition. I developed the taken photographs personally. And if you wish to ask whether or not Boss Revan allowed such documentation or seizure, the answer is 'no.'”

The audience broke into even louder commotion.

“But once word spreads of what's transpired in Rust, you'll realize that my companions and I weren't the only ponies incapable of another course of action!” Theanim pointed at the Syndicate's portion of the audience. “The Syndicate threatens and exploits innocent ponies every day! For years, we—and by that I mean every one of us who pretends to be a part of the trade community—pretend that their business is legitimate, clean, and altruistic—when it is in fact the very opposite of these things! The only reason bounty hunters and privateers have been given free reign over the seascapes is because organizations such as the Northern and Southern Hooves facilitate the spread of their filth and malevolence! Given enough time, the Syndicate here in Shoggoth would have taken seize of the Muddredge city—both financially and violently—even at the behest of your kind and benevolent Princess Camellia!”

The land trotters and sea ponies exchanged serious frowns, not to mention nods a-plenty. Several of the council members turned to look towards the far end of the Audience.

“These are all very serious accusations,” spoke the Council Leader. “And though these pieces of 'evidence' deserve to be further examined, I must say that they are quite convincing. Frightening, even. Perhaps, Mr. Jeryn, you would like to say a word or two in order to dispute these claims.”


“... … ...Mr. Jeryn?”

Everypony turned to look towards the outer rim of the balcony.

A group of thugs stood, sweating nervously, trying their futile best to block everyone's view of a flagrantly empty chair.

A loud roar billowed through the crowd.

“Whelp...” Echo managed a fanged smirk. “His ass is shark bait.”

Jeryn huffed, puffed.

He galloped awkwardly through the generally vacant courtyards of Shoggoth, his hooves clopping loudly against the marble and granite floors. He hiked up parts of his robe to gain extra speed, barreling angrily past curious citizens trying to ask what was wrong.

Red-faced, the skinny stallion flailed as he turned around a corner—ultimately bumping into a muscular chest. “Ooomf!” He hobbled backwards, spitting. “Out of the way, you imbecile! Can't you see that I'm galloping here—???” He blinked crookedly. “...Revan?”

The Northern Hoofer in question reeled while dozens of breathless thugs shuffled to a stop behind him. “Jeryn—?” Revan's eyes bulged. “Snkkkkt!”

The Southern Hoof's Boss had his hooves gripped tightly around the other stallion's neck. “You! You blew it, didn't you?! And after all I did to help bail out your Verlaxion-forsaken chum-bucket of a city!”

“Rrrrgh—” Revan easily headbutted the frail stallion, knocking him on his bony flanks. “Ease off, ya corpse clown!” He rubbed his neck, grimacing. “I had everything under control.”

“Under control?! What are you even doing here?!” Jeryn shrugged off the thugs who rushed over to help him up. “Grnnffgh! Right as we speak, I have an entire Council of fish-huffers chomping at the bit for my bollocks! Apparently some morons got feisty up in Rust and decided to raid your entire Vault!”

“Boss, they're diving further down,” Cold Stone said, rubbing his aching head. His horn flashed brighter. “The tombs! They're heading towards the royal sepulchers! I know it!”

“Royal spulchers...?!” Jeryn gawked. “Just what in blazes is going on here, Revan?! First, you screw up our entire partnership. Now you're gonna trespass on Camellia's grave site?! Why not just rip me open and string me up by my garters, while you're at it?!”

“Look, I'm telling you, I had everything under control!” Revan snarled. “Rust was in my grasp! I was starting to scare the bit-slipping citizens back into submission! Then a bunch of slimy mercenaries ripped the carpet out from underneath and stole everything!”

“And whose fault is that, exactly?!”

“Don't test me, Jeryn,” Revan said, glaring. “Right now, those same bastards are trying to pull a fast one on your organization.”

“You... you m-mean...” Jeryn's eyes bugged. “They've been in my... m-my...?!”

Revan nodded. “And they think they can get away with it! Well, not if we stop them and rip out their guts first!” He spun towards Cold Stone. “Are they still out in the water?”

“Not for long.” Cold Stone tilted his head up, frowning. “They're headed into the corridors beneath us... dry rock. I can feel their manatanks draining.”

“Then we haven't much time.” Revan galloped forward. “Come on, stallions! Let's cut those flankholes at the quick!”

“But... b-but...” Jeryn's voice cracked. He stood in place, gesturing madly. “You c-can't just go down there! The Princess has an entire royal contingent of guards—”

“And if we don't stop these buggers, those guards will all be up in your grill, tearing you a new blowhole!” Revan hollered back. “You with us or not, shithead?!”

“Nnnngh...” Jeryn hiked up his robe and bounded after them. “At least... let me... try and... talk our way in!” he hyperventilated.

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