• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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Giving the Lagoon For a Whirl

“Impossible!” Sinrar barked, glaring aside in mid-trot. “How can a Whirlpool disappear for any reason aside from erosion or seismic activity?!”

Theanim Mane sighed. “I'm sorry to break your perfect cartography fantasy, Mr. Kihutajan, but there are some things in the ocean that are too deep for your penstrokes to capture!” He, Sinrar, and Nick strolled down the white Nealend shore along the southern edge of the atoll's lagoon. Beside the three stallions, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle hovered at a lazy pace. Nealend foals played in the shallow waters while adult natives wandered to and from their fishing rafts. “It happened just as my associates said.” Theanim glanced up at Rainbow Dash, his brown mane fluttering in the tropical breeze. “One day, there was the whirlpool in the center of the lagoon, just where it had always been for centuries upon centuries. Then—all of the sudden—the beast you all know as Ultimo swept in, dove deep into the lagoon, and made a swift retreat for deeper waters. Ever since, the Whirlpool has been gone. And—ever since—the sea serpent has been staying within close proximity of the Atoll, attacking any sailors who come within reach of its jaws.”

“And you saw this debacle unfold before your very eyes?!” Sinrar asked.

“No, sir, I did not,” Theanim said.

“Hah!” Sinrar grinned. “I knew you were full of it!”

Theanim Mane swiveled to face him directly. “It's an account that's detailed by over several hundred eyewitnesses!”

“Let me guess—all of them Nealenders?”

“Well, as a matter of fact, yes.”

“And you're so willing to believe these plebeian sun-bloated meatheads?”

“Hey!” One native stopped dragging his fishnet just long enough to frown. “I take offense to that!”

“Yeah!” Another chimed in, shoving a raft into the waters. “More than our heads have meat!”

“Hah hah hah!”


Theanim facehoofed, sighed, then muttered, “Jocular and hyperbolic as they might be, I assure you, their account of the sea serpent and the whirlpool is most definitely true.”

“But what would a giant freaky ocean lizard want with a whirlpool?” Rainbow asked.

“Rainbow, a sea serpent is technically not a reptile—” Twilight started.

“Egghead, please,” Rainbow hissed.

“It's not a question of the whirlpool itself, but what was causing the whirlpool,” Theanim said. “A Shard of Verlaxion.”

“H-Huh?!” Rainbow and Twilight both gasped at once.

“Oh here we go...” Sinrar rolled his amber eyes.

“Wait...” Nick squinted Theanim's way. “You mean there was a Shard here?”

“Why, yes.” Theanim nodded, blinking. “Didn't you all know that?” He smirked at himself, chuckling. “Silly me... of course you Colonialists wouldn't know... or care to know.”

I want to know,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, what she said!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Theanim turned towards her, brow furrowed. “Huh?” Behind him, Nick and Sinrar grimaced.

“Errr... ahem.” Rainbow Dash folded her forelimbs in midair. “I'm neither Colonial or Continental. Could you explain it to me, at least?”

“Explain what, exactly?”

“Just what is a 'Shard of Verlaxion?'” Rainbow glanced at the youngest stallion. “Nick's mentioned it before, but I didn't realize it was such a big deal.”

“That's because it isn't,” Sinrar grumbled. “Merely parlor tricks and the manipulation of elements in order to make an entire populace bend over!”

“Hey! Did she ask me or didn't she, huh?!” Theanim Mane adjusted his goggles over his mane and grunted. “Ahem.” He turned and smiled pleasantly up at Rainbow. “The Shards of Verlaxion are nothing less than the Great Queen's righteous blessing in corporeal form.”

“Harummmph!” Sinrar harumph'd, forelimbs folded. Nick cast him a glare.

“It's best described as a piece of self-containing frost, imbued with her energies.”

“Self... containing frost?” Twilight Sparkle murmured aloud.

“You mean like a chunk of ice or something?” Rainbow asked.

“Heheheh...” Theanim smiled. “Nothing quite so ordinary, my good mare.” He adjusted his camera bag's weight on his shoulder and spoke: “This is a substance that never melts... that never loses its shimmer... that never erodes over the passage of time.”

“But it can get bitten and broken apart, huh?” Nick remarked. “Is that what happened?”

Theanim sighed, his face long. “I've never quite understood why Verlaxion chose to place one of her shards here of all places. The Nealenders aren't... exactly known for performing expert maintenance.”

“She would have chosen this place if it was an important point of interest,” Twilight murmured, glancing at her friend. “Right?”

Rainbow gulped. “The First Seed...”

“Excuse me?” Theanim uttered, leaning forward.

Nick and Sinrar exchanged glances.

Ahem...” Rainbow leaned forward in mid-air. “This... uh... this Shard of Verlaxion...”


“Does it have any magical properties of its own?”

Theanim smiled. “It's a source of boundless inspiration that bestows joy and clarity to all members of the Six Tribes fortunate enough to gaze at its luster.”

Rainbow fought the urge to grimace. “I mean... does it do any... uhhh... physical stuff. Y'know... pew pew?”

“Oh! Uhm... well, it does have a noticeable effect on its environment,” Theanim said. “Rohbredden has several Shards—placed by Verlaxion herself at various moments in the past as a sign of her respect for the society she's fostered into harmony. Each Shard's effects are predictable only to the Queen herself.”

“And what about here?” Rainbow Dash asked. “In the Nealend Atoll?”

Nick spoke up: “It was the reason for the Whirlpool all this time, wasn't it?”

“Very astute.” Theanim nodded. “And the monster—a corruptible discordant beast, no doubt—did something to damage the Shard. Because of that, the Whirlpool is gone, as is whatever spirit of protection Verlaxion may have once blessed this archipelago with.”

“If this place was so damn protected by Verlaxion, how'd Ultimo get his fins within contact of the Shard to begin with?!”

“Who are we to question the plan Verlaxion has in store for the Nealend Atoll?” Theanim remarked, shrugging. “Maybe this was all meant as a test of the locals!”

“Unnngh...” Sinrar face-hoofed. “Oldest excuse in the book.”

“What I don't get is how come the natives aren't freaking out?” Rainbow remarked. “Wouldn't the island be full riot and pandemonium by now?”

“Hey!” Kaji wandered by, along with Sora, Flare, and Silver. “Are we supposed to be rioting?!” He bit into a strip of fish meat and adjusted pair of oars over his flank. “Mrmmfff... because if so, I want in!”

“And I want the first buck!” Flare exclaimed.

“Yeah! Me too! Hah hah!”

“Erm...” Nick fidgeted, inching away from Flare and her seashell-eating grin. “Rainbow Dash here was just wondering why you guys aren't... uh... panicking over the fact that a giant sea serpent bit into your very own Shard of Verlaxion.”

“Hah! Are you kidding?!” Silver smirked. “Who are we to question what the Queen of all things wants?!”

“Mnnnfffgh...” Sinrar trotted away from the shore completely. “There's one born every half-minute, I swear...”

“You sure you're cool with this situation?” Rainbow asked. “Some giant sea thing bit into your... Goddess' ice gift. And now you've got this Ultimo to deal with.”

“Eh... he never swims into the lagoon,” Sora said.

“In fact, he hasn't since the whirlpool disappeared!” Kaji remarked. “And now that the lagoon has no swirly-swirls, the fish and crabs are all creeping out of the mud to look around!”

“It's open season on the meatiest of meat!” Silver chanted. “And when we get bored of fishing our hooves off, we've got the best game in the world to hunt outside the Atoll!”



“Whoop!” The four Nealenders took turns bumping chests together.

Theanim sighed, gesturing at the raucous group with a limp hoof. “I rest my case.”

“Hmmmm...” Rainbow tapped her chin, hovering higher above the shore. “What do you think, Twi? Could there be a connection between the Shard, the sea serpent, and Yaerfaerda?”

“Not to mention how I was able to sense this 'Ultimo' before he came upon us.”


Twilight glanced curiously at the pegasus. “Is Yaerfaerda still in the center of the lagoon?”

“Yup.” Rainbow nodded, looking past a line of lazily skimming rafts. “It's right underwater. I bet it's right where the whirlpool used to be.”

“It's a shame that the Shard that was once there is no longer in one piece, or else it might give us some answers.”

“It still might,” Rainbow said. “Perhaps in pieces.”

“How do you mean?”

“There's one way to find out.” Rainbow touched down in the hot sand and trotted after the four Nealenders.

“Wh-where are you going?” Nick asked.

“To do some homework!” Rainbow hollered over her shoulder. “Meanwhile, you and the Professor chillax... maybe see about repairing the Swan Song.”

“Ha ha ha!” Theanim laughed, covering his grinning muzzle with a hoof. “She can't be serious.” He glanced over at Nick. “It's not as though she's expecting to get you off these islands.”

“... … ...” Nick fidgeted in the sand, avoiding the stallion's gaze.

Theanim blinked his blue eyes. “She is...? But how...?”

“Somepony who's been to more places and done more stuff than the rest of us.” Nick waved, trotting off. “These Nealenders included.”

Theanim turned to gawk at Rainbow and the fisherponies from afar. “Just... who is she?”

“You're a camerapony!” Nick called back. “Sit back, take some shots, and find out!”

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