• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

  • ...

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Just Another Time To Say "Farewell"

Between the Marine Auction House and the nearest courtyard, Echo sat on his haunches, his body draped in the dark cloak that he wore upon arrival. Theanim Mane stood next to him, speaking to one group of Shoggothian citizens after another. A quartet of guards lingered nearby, their hard eyes peering at the scene.

“Hey Doc! Doc!

Smiling, Theanim nodded and spoke to one last pony. He then swiveled about-face in time to greet Rainbow Dash.

The mare came to a gliding stop, wings flapping as she hovered for a few brief seconds. “Doc! I'm glad I caught you! For a second there, I was afraid that they might have taken you and Echo away—”

“Miss Dash, your wings,” Theanim calmly chided. “You know the rules around here.”

Rainbow's muzzle hung tightly between a smirk and a frown. “It never ends with you, does it?”

“Guilty as I am innocent.”

Fine.” She retracted her wings and stood before him, tail flicking. “Better?”

Theanim nodded with a smirk. “I appreciate you abiding by the laws around here.” He stifled a snicker. “At least when it's appropriate.”

“How... uh... how is it looking?” Rainbow asked.

“Care to be more specific?”

Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie arrived—their bodies phasing through the numerous ponies crowded around the scene. Pinkie cooed, then proceeded to throw her head and limbs suggestively through random passer-by's. Twilight and Rarity giggled merrily.


“Huh? Oh. Sorry. Distracted.” Rainbow cleared her throat and asked, “How's the Council taking... y'know... the burial of the Syndicate.”

“Naturally, they'll have to review every bit of evidence that we've procured,” Theanim said. “Including the photographs you took while in Boss Jeryn's hold.”

“But...” Rainbow blinked. “I... uh... th-thought they already sent a group of guards who saw the stolen stash of royal stuff with their own eyes.”

“Even still...” Theanim smiled calmly. “There are groups of ponies in Rohbredden who are more thorough than myself, Miss Dash.”

“Brbrbrbrbrrrr...” Rainbow shivered. “Don't even say that!”

Theanim chuckled in a dry voice. “What of our Desperado companions? Where are they off to?”

“Where else?” Rainbow shrugged. “To grab their bars and get the heck out of dodge,” Rainbow said. “The Syndicate may be sunk, but—knowing Bard and Wildcard—they're probably too paranoid to stick around and find out what new enemies they have made.”

“I'm guessing you wish to make the same exit with them,” Theanim remarked.

“Dude, totally!” Rainbow nodded and nodded some more. “I mean, I'm happy for what's happened here in fish pony land and all, but I can't stick around! Yaerfaerda's moved already, and if I'm to make any kind of headway on the next Seed, I'm gonna have to jet to the surface and see what Sinrar's maps tell me.”

“Oh, no doubt.”

“So, once you're done doing the legal eagle stuff around here, how about joining me at one of the tram stations? We'll take the next undertrolley up out of here and... I dunno... hop aboard a fishing barge or something. There's got to be a way for us to head east now. Heck... if the Council here is happy enough with the Syndicate going kerpluknk, then maybe they'll flat out buy you a new Midnight Dreary!”

Theanim bit his lip.

Rainbow smiled. “Wouldn't that be all kinds of awesome? Huh?”

Slowly, Theanim turned to look at his companion.

Echo's leafy ears twitched. “You'd better tell him, Theams,” he muttered.

“Hmmm?” Rainbow blinked. “Tell me what?”

With a calm breath, Theanim turned towards the mare once more. “Miss Dash, do you recall how you and I have casually spoken... about the time in which you will need to pursue your journeys on your own?”

“Uhhh...” Rainbow cocked her head to the side. “...yeah?”

“Well...” Theanim slowly nodded. “I do believe that time has come.”

Twilight and Rarity immediately stopped giggling at Pinkie's antics. They turned to gawk at the scene, eyes wide.

By now, Rainbow's jaw had fallen noticeably. “Huh? But... why?!”

“I do believe it's rather obvious, Miss Dash,” Theanim spoke in a gentle tone. “You have a great deal of distance to travel in order to fix this dying world. As for myself? I'm obligated to ensure the safety and security of my kingdom, but I cannot accomplish that while on the move. No, I do believe my purpose lies here... or at least for as long as they need me.”

“Who's 'they?'”

“Shoggoth, of course,” Theanim explained. “The Council. The Scientific Order. Her Royal Highness Princess Camellia.” He cleared his throat. “And need I mention my Queen?

The hairs on Rainbow's neck curled up. “Theanim, after all I've been through... after all you have been through, just... I mean... how could you—?”

“What?” Theanim blinked. “Remain as loyal to my kingdom and its citizens as possible?” He bowed low. “My dear Rainbow Dash, perhaps we are ruled by a fantastical dragon in disguise, or perhaps by a saint. It doesn't matter. Either way, I must do my part, and I'm afraid I would be rather negligent to my duties as a member of the Scientific Order if I did not remain here and make sure that all of the damage caused by the Syndicate and its subsequent sacking would be thoroughly and responsibly patched up.”

“Yeesh, Doc...” Rainbow Dash slouched where she stood. “The way you say that...” She gulped. “...almost makes it sound like I punched a big gaping hole in the chest of your kingdom.”

“A deep wound inflicted, perhaps. But—from the way I see it—all the better to wake this sleeping nation from its complacency.” The scientist took a deep breath, adjusting the goggles over his brown bangs. “You have enlightened me, Miss Dash, in far more ways than I can adequately explain, even with all of my combined skills and merit.” He slowly shook his head. “There was a time when I thought that I could adequately see, when—in fact—I was living in a blindness that denied the basic tenets of my own philosophy.”

“Soooooo...” Rainbow bit her lip. “...does this mean that you renounce Verlaxion n'stuff?”

“What it means, Rainbow, is that I need to open my eyes more... and that I need to be more active in my immediate environemnt.” He shrugged, nodding. “Helping my fellow ponies does not rely on pure ideology, but on practicing what I preach, and learning—however humbly—to change the sermon as experience sees fit. I have seen enough to put Queen Verlaxion's legacy into question. However, until I see with my own eyes the direct evidence of her good or wrongdoing, my verdict on her must remain neutral. That doesn't mean, however, that it isn't subject to change,” he said with a slight grin.

Rainbow shuddered, her gaze lowering towards the floor. “That's... uh... that's some keen advice to follow.”

Theanim leaned in. “Did you find the spirit of Verlaxion in the Machine World, just now, Rainbow?” His eyes narrowed. “Was she malevolent or benevolent?”

Rainbow opened her muzzle to speak. She lingered, eyes glancing aside at her friends.

Rarity and Twilight peered back while Pinkie continued flouncing around the busy scene.

“She... uh...” Rainbow shuddered. “She was a little bit of both, Doc.” She gulped. “To be honest... I-I'm not entirely sure I even understand where she's coming from. But... I still pretty much feel threatened... like she's messing with me against my will n'stuff. It's hard to explain.”

“Would you like to hear my hypothesis on the matter?”

“Oye, do I want to?”

Theanim chuckled slightly. He then said: “For all of Verlaxion's wisdom, she is likewise dealing with something that is as enormous to her as it is to you. I do believe it can be said that she's also learning... and striving to understand.” He leaned back, ears twitching. “Would it be so far out to perceive that she's using you to gain enlightenment just as much as you're using these 'Seeds' where she's planted her magical essence?”

Rainbow exhaled. “Even still, I'm pretty sure she's way ahead of the game, Doc.”

“All the more reason for you to catch up. I'm certain—if Verlaxion wanted your demise—she would have orchestrated it by now... perhaps as far back as Nealend... or before you even arrived in Kihutaja.”

“That's not making me feel any better,” Rainbow grumbled.

“I'm quite sorry for that,” Theanim said. “And I'm sorry that I couldn't extend my services to you further.”

“Dude. It's alright,” Rainbow said. “I get it. You've got lots of work to do here. Besides...” Rainbow smiled faintly. “You gave up time, decency, and even your friggin' yacht to help a stranger out.”

“But only to gain far more than I could ever put to—”

“Yeah yeah... I get it...” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Ya big lug. Come give me a sappy hug already.”

Theanim blinked. “I beg your pardon?”

“Dang it, Doc.” Rainbow flung herself forward, wrapping her forelimbs around the stallion's upper body. “There...” She sighed, nuzzling his mane slightly. “...was that so friggin' hard?”

Theanim gulped, patting Rainbow's back. “I admit, it is... somewhat cathartic...”

“Heh...” Rainbow stepped back, clearing her throat. “Only you, Doc.”

“I'd have figured you for a mare who was rather used to saying 'good byes' by now.”

“Yeah, well...” Rainbow fidgeted where he she stood. “I'm having to get used to something that's a bit... m-more jarring.”

“Like what...?”

Rainbow peered over her shoulder, smiling. “Saying 'hello again.'”

Rarity and Twilight smiled back, eyes glossy.

“I trust, then, that your latest venture into the Machine World was fortuitous?” Theanim leaned his head aside. “Did you find your dear friend? The one you described with the pink... everything?

“Uhhhhhhh...” Rainbow peered her neck even further.

“Boingy! Boingy! Boingy! Boingy!” Pinkie had curled her spectral body into a cannonball and was swiftly ping-ponging herself wildly across opposite walls of glowing lavender-and-pink. Flash! Flash! Flash! Fl-Flash! “Weeeeee! Heeheeheee!”

Rainbow turned to face Theanim again. “Yes. We totally got her just fine.”

“How delightful.” Theanim trotted blindly forward. “I suppose this is as good as ever a time to bid adieu to your other companions. Miss Sparkle? Miss Rarity? Wherever you are...” He bowed low. “...it's been a supreme pleasure, and I ardently dream about the day when you two will be able to shake hooves with your adventurous marefriend yet again.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” Twilight Sparkle said. “It's great to know that Rainbow can still enlist the help of thoughtful ponies such as you. I wish you the best with everything here in Shoggoth and abroad.”

“Twilight says she's thankful,” Rainbow said. “She wishes you luck'n'stuff.”

“Yes. Verily.” Rarity nodded. “And I too shall miss basking in your handsome glow and debonair eloquence each morning and night.” Twilight facehoofed.

“Mrmmmff...” Rainbow fidgeted. “Rarity says 'thanks' too.”

Rarity pouted.

Pinkie skidded to a stop. “Hey Rarity! Your wings are sticking out!”

“But Pinkie, I am not a pegasus!”

“Huh!” Pinkie shrugged. “Imagine that!” And she threw herself at the invisible walls again. “Boingy! Boingy! Boingy!”

“Uhhhhhh... ahem...” Rainbow trotted closer to Theanim. “So, like, just what will you be doing next?”

“Offering my assistance to the Council of Shoggoth, of course,” Theanim said. “But that's only half of it. I've already spoken to the Royal Constable here in the Muddredge City.”

“Yeah? What about?”

“It might be a bit too early to tell, but—nevertheless—I do believe my experience and influence with the Order has swayed the Council into changing the location of Echo's jail term to someplace... mmmm... more Continental.”

“Oh snap...” Rainbow grimaced. “I...” She turned towards the sarosian. “I-I hadn't even thought that much about... about...”

“You aren't the only one,” Echo grumbled. “I was so Hell-bent on making those bastards Jeryn and Revan pay for their shit, that I didn't put too much thought into what my testimony was gonna do to yours truly.” He adjusted his cloak and sighed. “Still, Theams is a Verlaxion-damned life saver.”

Old Chap!” Theanim hissed, rolling his eyes. “Must you...?”

“Pffft. I say it like I mean it, ya sissy stain.” Echo cracked the joints in his neck. “You've pulled a lotta strings for me. Which is pretty snazzy...” His fangs bit into his lower jaw slightly. “...especially considering I didn't really deserve it.”

“Oh, Echo, don't say that...”

“It's the friggin' truth,” the stallion grunted. “All these years, I've been shoving myself deeper and deeper into this ocean's crudhole. Well, not any more. If lying around on a cold floor and stinking up a Rohbredden prison cell is the measly price I pay for making the likes of the Syndicate roast over an open fire, then so dayum be it. I've lived with far worse decisions.” He spat on the ground. “But at least this one... I can live with.”

“He's being melodramatic, of course,” Theanim said, smiling at Rainbow. “Rohbredden's prisons are far from seedy or festering. I do believe I can get him a relatively luxurious place to stay. And—assuming I can pull even more favors with the Order, they might even overturn most of the charges against him.”

“Pffft... whatever,” Echo murmured. “I've been living in and out of dank alleyways, huffing coral for a buzz. Whatever hole Theanim gets them to shove me in, it's gonna be an upgrade, that's for sure. Plus, free food.” He produced a heavy sigh. “My only regret is that I've gone cold turkey for so long that I'll be in a position to taste it. And let's not get into the fact that I can almost smell myself now.”

“And imagine if you had taken my advice all these years on personal hygene, old chap.”

“Buck you, Theams.”


“Echo, I... I-I can't say that it's been a very smooth romp we've had together.” Smiling, Rainbow trotted over. “But, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't have even made it down here to Shoggoth. So, y'know, for what it's worth, thanks a whole ton—”

“If you even try to hug me, I'll bite you a new cooter in your neck.”

“Aaaaaaaand that's all she wrote,” Rainbow Dash backtrotted, smiling nervously at Twilight and Rarity. “Lesson learned. When you go to brushie the bat, be prepared for the guano.”

“Well, if you aren't a friggin' laugh.” Echo coughed, wheezed, then adjusted his cloak again. “I have to ask ya something.”


“Is it true... everything you said about your magical pony kingdom?” Echo blinked his thin, slitted eyes. “Is the Mother of Nightmares still alive... and somehow you know her?”

Rainbow slowly, slowly nodded.

“Well, next time you hear from her, do me a favor.” His nostrils flared. “Spit in her ear for me.”

Rainbow fought the urge to wince. “Maybe... it's a g-good thing you didn't hang out for a few more leagues with me after all...”

“Well!” Theanim smirked over Rainbow's shoulder. “If it isn't the ambiguously garish duo!”

“Simmer down, Doc!” Bard hissed, trotting up alongside Wildcard. The two Desperadoes carried bulging saddlebags while glancing nervously at the thick Shoggothian crowd surrounding them. “Believe it or not, we're tryin' to keep a low profile.”

“My good sir, we're at the bottom of the ocean floor,” Theanim droned. “Precisely how 'low' do you wish to be?”

“Not very low for much longer, I reckon.” Bard cleared his throat. “If we're fixin' to blow this soggy popsicle stand, than we'd better high-tail it for one of them cable cars to the surface and we'd better do it lightning-quick!”

“I doubt the three of you will have any luck with that,” Theanim said. He glanced at Rainbow Dash. “I didn't mention it earlier, Rainbow, but... I-I fear that all exits from Shoggoth have been temporarily put on hold until the Council and assess how many suspects-in-hiding are still loyal to the Syndicate.”

“Ah jeez...” Rainbow winced. “Really?”

Wildcard gestured with hi smetal talon.

“I heard it too, Dubya-Cee!” Bard nodded, then leaned forward. “Doc, didja just say 'the three of you?' But... but what about—?”

“We're staying,” Echo grunted.

Bard looked over, doing a double-take. “Y'all are stayin'? Why, what in the devil for?”

“Because I gotta rot in prison and Theanim needs to play colt scout. What else?”

“Aw hell, really?” Bard winced. “And here I done thought we had wrangled us a happy ending.”

“Theanim made some pretty good points, Bard,” Rainbow said. “This whole Syndicate situation won't just patch itself up. There's gotta be some cleanup done if justice is to be serve, and who better for the job than our local Scientist of the Order?”

And his best friend,” Theanim said, winking at Echo.


Wildcard talon-signed, glancing around nervously.

“Ehh heh heh heh...” Bard rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof. “I ain't meanin' to rain on this polite parade n'all, but... erm... we Desperadoes can't really afford to stay cooped up down here for too long. I mean...” He adjusted the brim of his hat. “...the train's gotta roll on somewhere! And even all the world's strongest sewn patches won't keep a buncha old bastards who are loyal to the Syndicate from spillin' through and wringin' our handsome necks in our sleep.”

“Don't you think that's rather paranoid?” Theanim asked.

“Guilty as charged, Doc,” Bard said with a coy smirk. “Handsome and paranoid. Two of the finest ways to stay alive... for long.”

“I... doubt it will be of much success,” Theanim said, fidgeting slightly. “But I just might be able to convince the Constable into making an exception.”

“Ya certain about that?” Bard blinked. “We've been through some pretty narrow straits, Doc. I'd hate for us to part on such sketchy terms. I mean, yer a regular grand slam hitter, and us Desperadoes have been lucky enough to have front row seats.”

“Mr. Bard, only you could make such a concise compliment with so many overwrought metaphors,” Theanim said with a smile.

“Wait... wait!” Rainbow exclaimed, waving a hoof. “Dudes, I think I know how we can make this work without getting anypony in more hot water... salty or otherwise.”

Wildcard gestured.

Bard nodded. “We're listenin'.”

Rainbow swiveled about and tilted her head up. “Princess Camellia? Come in, Your Highness! It's me! Rainbow Dash!”

All was silent, save for the constant murmur of citizens around them.

A few seconds in, Camellia's eloquent voice fountained through Rainbow's ears. “Yes, my little pony, you have summoned me?

“Is it... uhhh... too much to ask you for a favor?”

“Rainbow Dash, by now you should know that I am quite indebted to you. I trust that you and your friends will need swift and safe transportation out of here, now that you are done with your current objectives in Shoggoth?”

“That's exactly it, Your Highness.” Rainbow Dash smiled from ear to ear. “Do I even need to say the next part out loud...?”

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