• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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East Horse Go Down the Hole

“Are they there, Twilight?” Rainbow stammered, leaning over the Swan Song's port side. “Are they almost to the Shard?”

Nick sighed from where he gripped the ship's rudder. “Rainbow, that's—like—the tenth time you've asked her!”

“Asked who?” Kaji remarked. He and Flare were perched on two separate canoes a few meters away in the Lagoon's placid waters. “Who's she talking to?”

“It's a long story,” Sinrar grumbled. “And you're gonna need a longer brain stem.”

“Hah HAH!” Kaji grinned at Flare. “Oh, how I love it when landwalkers try to insult us.”

“What's the hurry, Miss Dash?” Theanim asked from where he stood with his camera at the ready. “We're talking about Queen Verlaxion's gift to the Nealenders. Let them take their sweet time in reassembling it.”

“How's it even gonna get put back together?” Nick asked.

“Verlaxion's glory shall provide a way,” Flare said.

“Of course, Verlaxion's gl-glory will find a way!” Nick exhaled, smiling nervously.

Sinrar rolled his eyes at him.

“Twiliiiiight...” Rainbow craned her neck, squinting harder and harder into the waters. “Speak to meeee!”

The unicorn in question levitated up out of the depths with a grunt. “Rainbow, patience. I can't go down too far to see any better, after all.”

“But I just wanna know if they've gotten the shard piece back to where it belongs or not—!”

“From what I can tell, Sora and Silver are reaching it just fine,” Twilight said. “But...”

“But what?!” Rainbow's voice cracked.

“I'm not sure. It would appear as though they've reached the spot where the rest of the Shard is, but it almost seems as if they're having trouble.”

“Trouble?!” Rainbow grimaced. “What kind of trouble?!” She made to leap off the edge of the boat. “I'm gonna dive down and see for myself—”

“Miss Dash!” Theanim flinched.

“Harpy!” Sinrar rasped. “Are you out of your mind?!”

“But... but...” Rainbow fidgeted.

“You remember what happened last time, ya pigeon brain?!” Sinrar spat. “Just leave this to the professionals! Bah!”

“No need for you to end up a pool float at the bottom of the coral,” Nick said with a nervous smirk.

“Your friends are right, Rainbow,” Twilight said. “You've done the hard part with Ultimo. Now let's just wait for the Nealenders to do their thing!” She turned and glanced down. Her muzzle brightened. “Oooh! Speaking of which, here comes one of them now!”

“Oh yeah?” Rainbow tilted her head aside. “Who?”

Within seconds, Sora bobbed to the surface. He took a long, gasping breath, then treaded water as his lungs calmed down.

“What, ho, brother?” Kaji paddled his canoe closer. “You seem to be taking quite a while down there.”

“Well, it's hard to tell which end of the shard belongs up or down,” Sora said. “Silver's got some breath left in him. If anypony can lock Verlaxion's gift in place, it's one with magic.”

“Well planned, Sora,” Flare said with a smile. “Seeing the whirlpool back will be a welcome sight.”

“You guys actually swim through that thing?” Nick remarked.

“It's not as wild as it sounds,” said Sora, climbing up onto Kaji's canoe. “Wouldn't be much of a gift if the Queen disrupted our fishing waters completely.”

“If nothing else, it gives us a good place to train our foals in swimming!” Kaji said, grinning. “Plenty of strong currents for muscle building!”

“It's also where we perform our marital dives!” Flare winked at the Swan Song. “You'll see.”

“Yeah! Heeheehee—” Nick's purple eyes crossed. “Wait, wh-what?”

“Oh hey!” Twilight exclaimed, looking straight down. “Here comes Silver!”

“Oh really?” Rainbow remarked.

“Oh really what?” Sora asked.

“It's Silver, guys!” Rainbow said.

“Uhhhhhhhhhh...” Twilight blinked. “He's... h-he's coming up fast.”

“Oh?” Rainbow looked at her. “How fast?”

Twilight lifted her face. She gulped. “Fast fast.”

“Twilight, what—?”

Splissh! A unicorn horn broke the surface, followed by the sputtering Nealender.

“Brother! You're back already!” Sora exclaimed.

“M-move the boats!” Silver wheezed. He floundered in the water from trying too hard to swim towards one of the canoes. “Move them!”

“What's the problem, Silver?” Kaji grinned. “Did Ultimo's mate show up—?”

Move the boats!” Silver shouted harder while Flare helped him into their raft. “I mean it! It's too strong this time!”

“What's too strong, my good pony?” Theanim remarked.

“The current!” Silver's eyes twitched as he gazed at the rest with a wild expression. “I rotated the shard-piece until it snapped in place! But then the Shard started glowing bright red!”

“Red?!” Kaji gasped. “It's never done that before!”

“And then the whirlpool began! I could barely swim up!” He shook his wet hoof in the air. “What are you wading around here for?! Kick! Stroke! Jet—!”

Just then, the Swan Song dipped. Within seconds, the two canoes rocked in the same direction. Everypony gasped and started muttering in fright, and soon the three crafts began spinning. Kaji and Flare beat their wings. Using sheer featherpower, they were able to shove their rafts out of the counter-clockwise rotation in the nick of time. The Swan Song, however, was not quite so lucky.

“Move! Move!” Sinrar hollered, gripping tightly to the cabin's edge. “Get us out of the drink, imbecile!”

“I'm... grnngh... tr-trying!” Nick sneered, pulling as hard as he could on the rudder. Soon, the lagoon bent downwards just a few meters off the port side, as if a gigantic drain had been opened in the heart of the reef. The surrounding land strips and their foliage became a brown-and-green blur. “Rainbow Dash! I could use some help!”

“Right!” Rainbow Dash planted her body against the stern. She shoved, blurring her wings rapidly. Despite her ample wingpower, she wasn't able to accelerate the vessel over the crest in the gradually-growing whirlpool. “Friggin' A!” She hollered over her shoulder. “We could use a little help here!”

“I don't think they c-can, Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed. The air filled with splattering water droplets and a moist wind. “If they get any closer, their canoes will shatter under the force!”

“Everypony!” Theanim exclaimed, climbing up towards the edge of the trimaran as the entire vessel began tipping. “Add more weight to the starboard side!”

“R-right!” Sinrar tried crawling over.

“This is nuts!” Nick yelped. “We should have enough force to clear the edge but we're not!”

“I don't understand!” Theanim wheezed as he and Sinrar huddled together. “Is something pulling us in?!”

Rainbow gasped. She tilted her head straight down.

Her Loyalty pendant was pulsating wildly with a ruby glow.

The mare blinked. She turned and looked past the port side.

A vertical tunnel of air had formed in the epicenter of the whirlpool. Down through the undulating liquid throat, she saw a matching strobe of crimson light. But then—if she stared hard enough—she could swear she saw beyond that. Her eyes caught a glint of golden metal, unblemished, pure... and dry.

“Rainbow...?” Twilight leaned in amidst the cyclonic chaos. “What is it?”

“Yaerfaerda...” Rainbow gulped. “It beckons.” Her ears folded back, and she turned towards the stallions on board the imprisoned trimaran. “Guys! Get in the center!”


Rainbow hopped onto the ship. She yanked Nick from the rudder and pulled him in. “Hold onto the mast!” She clenched her jaw. “We're going in!”

“Going in?!?” Theanim spat. “Going in where?!”

“Trust me!” Rainbow hollered. By now, the wind was spinning above them like a waterspout, and it took all the ponies' strength just to hear each other. “This is what was meant to happen!”

“What kind of nonsense are you talking about?!” Sinrar hollered.

“I'll explain later!” Rainbow grunted. “After the nonsense!”

“Hold on, Rainbow!” Twilight yelped as the Swan Song began a perilous, ninety degree dive down the whirlpool. “It's pulling us in!”

“Verlaxion's sleet!” Kaji shouted from a distance. “That looks radical!”

“Nooo!” Flare, gritting her teeth, hopped clear off her canoe before Silver could grab her. “My beau!”

“Huh?” Nick looked up and yelped as she flew into him, pressing the stallion against the mast as she held on.

And in a blur, the trimaran shot its way down the tunnel, vanishing beyond the crimson shard with all five ponies (and phantom) in tow.

Just as soon as it began, the whirlpool vanished, and the lagoon was still.

“Whelp...” Kaji leaned back in the canoe, sighed, and cracked his neck. “This is gonna make lobster diving impossible. I just know it.”

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