• Published 27th Mar 2015
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Ynanhluutr - Imploding Colon

A newly transformed Rainbow Dash continues her flight east.

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A Little Help From My... Friend?

Rainbow Dash ascended. With each flap of her wings, she heaved to get as much oxygen into her lungs as possible. The world around her spun, making her dizzy—a different kind of dizzy. Her eyelids weighed heavily, and the brightness of the day turned into a thin blue haze. Nevertheless, she slapped herself a few times and managed to stay awake.

Before her, a craggy summit of black volcanic rock came into focus, and that was how the pegasus knew that she had reached an altitude high enough to assess the totality of the island. She stretched her wings to their furthest reach, allowing her body to glide effortlessly forward. Tilting her head about, she saw every curve of the island in full detail. As she suspected, it wasn't a large body of land. To Rainbow's estimate, it stretched no more than a mile across. It crossed more latitudes than longitudes, however. She could tell because the shoreline stretched longer to the west and east.


Rainbow gasped, tilting her head so that she gazed across the shimmering blue waters. Off in the distance—a pulsating speck stood out against the rest of the sunrise. Yaerfaerda was a pale white dot, unavoidably bright. The symbol took on the same curved lines and spheres it always had, only the lavender aura was completely gone. Rainbow now knew why.

Or at least she thought she knew why.

The mare felt nauseous. Clutching her fuzzy belly, she looked straight down. Along the southern edge of the jagged promontory, she spotted a thin waterfall trickling down to the island's lower altitudes. A crystal-clean pond formed within the rock basin directly beneath it.

Rainbow dropped like an anvil. She landed along the edge of the pool with more or less grace. Trembling, she trotted up to the very brink, took a deep breath, and—SPLOOSH!—dunked her head completely into the cool, refreshing water.

The resulting sensation was like injecting liquid ice into her veins. Rainbow didn't realize just how hot and steamy the weather was until she doused herself right then and there. She kept her head underwater for a very long time. She didn't worry about suffocating. As a matter of fact—rather than breathe—she opened her lips more than once, allowing jets of cool, clean water into her pony mouth.

Finally, she threw head head back, tossing her wet sopping mane. As she tilted her neck up, she gulped liberally, allowing the refreshing liquid to roll down her esophagus and into her belly. It was the most refreshing drink she had ever had, and she relished in the blissful euphoria of the moment.

It was almost enough for Rainbow to forget everything... until the very act of doing so reminded her that she had something to forget.

Sheepishly, the mare squinted one eye open, looking around. The coast was clear—nothing but dribbling beads of moisture against aged volcanic rock.

Rainbow opened her other eye. She felt cool, safe, and relaxed. All was quiet, save for the persistent rush of the waterfall striking the pool a few paces ahead of her.

Breathing evenly for the first time in minutes, Rainbow trotted ahead. She hopped over a bend in the pool, trotted over a tiny stream of water, then stood before the thin waterfall itself. She gazed thoughtfully at the continuously falling current of moisture—at how it refracted the dawnlight that streamed through the humid, tropical atmosphere.

Holding her breath, Rainbow thrust her head forward, allowing the waterfall to cascade around her skull. The pressure of the water thudding against the back of her neck was slightly painful, but also soothing in a strange way. It numbed her cranium through and through, soaking her mane, allowing her thoughts to clear away, dissolving into empty oblivion, until all was left was sighs and the trailing stab of hunger.

“Feel any better?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Gblrbblblbbhhbb!” Rainbow Dash fell backwards, spitting water and saliva. “Aaaaaugh!” She yelped, her ruby pupils reflecting the lavender figure.

Twilight walked effortlessly across the surface of the pond, phasing through the waterfall so that she stood above the pegasus. “I don't get it, Rainbow. I thought you weren't afraid of anything.”

“Mmmff—gah!” Rainbow rolled over. She tried galloping away, only to slip on the wet rocks and collapse on her belly. “Ooof!” Hyperventilating once again, she crawled pathetically into a hilly slope of grass and flowers. “Mmm-fghh-gahh... ummf!”

“Seriously...?” Twilight arched an eyebrow. “Haven't you learned enough from Pinkie Pie in situations like this?”

Whimpering, the pegasus shuffled up against a thicket, clutching her head as her blue body curled up into a fuzzy ball. “Mmmmmmm...” She shivered under the settling mist of the nearby waterfall.

“Rainbow...” Twilight squatted beside the mare, speaking as gently as she could. “Won't you give it up? Whatever's happening here, you can't get away from me.”

Rainbow's face winced. Her bloodshot eyes darted all about as she clutched her stomach.

“Think about it!” Twilight pointed vaguely down the mountainside. “Do you honestly think a city-born librarian like me could have galloped quickly enough to catch up to you of all pegasi?” She gazed thoughtfully into the sunny sky, squinting in thought. “Something's happening to me, Rainbow Dash... to us both. And I need your help in figuring it out.” She looked back down with a long face. “Please... won't you help me? Won't you at least talk to me?”

Rainbow panted and panted, avoiding the unicorn's gaze. Just then, she winced, and her stomach gurgled. Audibly.

Twilight's lips pursed. “When... when was the last time you ate something, Rainbow?”

The pegasus shuddered. To her dismay, her stomach only rumbled again. She glanced feverishly at the bright shapes and petals around her.

Twilight stood back up. Phasing through Rainbow Dash, she trotted about, circling the nearby bush with a studious expression. “Hmmmmm...” She tapped her own chin, then pointed at several pink specimens. “Mollis pectoracus...” She smiled proudly. “Quite common to tropical climates, known for their sweet nectar and even sweeter taste.”

“... … ...” Rainbow stared blankly at the flowers in question.


The pegasus' eyes darted up.

Twilight smirked, eyes thin. “They're edible. You won't die from eating them.”

Rainbow bit her lip. She trembled, looked at the flowers, and trembled some more. Then—with a savage lunge—she threw her mouth over the nearest assortment of petals. She bit the specimens straight off their stem, munching liberally. She was barely through swallowing when she attacked the rest of the bush, gulping down as many delicious, scrumptious petals as she could.

“There... that's it!” Twilight smiled, her violet tail flicking. “Eat to your heart's content! There appear to be enough of them across this ecosystem without you having to worry about endangering the fragile balance!”

Rainbow said nothing. She munched and chewed and gobbled away. Within the span of three minutes, the bush was completely bare, so Rainbow moved onto the next line of shrubbery, downing all the flowers she could find.

“Feel better?” Twilight leaned her head to the side. “Good, because maybe now that you have a full stomach you can help me figure out exactly what's—”

Rainbow Dash rubbed her chin, aimed towards the sky, and spread her wings. FWOOSH! She rocketed towards the horizon, speeding off in a prismatic blur.

Hey!” Twilight swiveled around, frowning. “You're welcome.” Lavender light glowed right behind her, forming a half-sphere. “Ohhhh for crying out—” She began, but didn't finished, for she was flung skyward after the speeding pegasus.

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