• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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113 - Executive Decisions

“What I still can’t figure out is exactly why the elemental bleed moved in the first place.”

“Mm-hmm.” Sonata nodded in response to Nosey’s statement, not really paying attention. Instead, she was focused on the far side of the room, where Lex was talking to Drafty. He’d spent the last half-hour having conversations with various ponies, and she’d been making sure to keep an eye on him, ready to jump in if he got himself into trouble. Amazingly, she hadn’t had to do anything, though that seemed to be because everypony was making allowances for how awkward Lex was.

From what she could see, it was going well; Drafty had a look on her face that could only be called ecstatic, as though she were talking to her favorite celebrity. Which she might be, now, thought Sonata with a smirk.

“I mean, according to Aisle and Cloudbank and everypony else that I’ve talked to so far, Vanhoover was flooded for a week. After that, the water receded. But Lex told us before the battle that it hadn’t closed, and that it wouldn’t until that ‘kraken’ thing was killed or banished.” Nosey hadn’t looked up from her notes, tapping the point of her quill against her lip in thought.

Sonata’s reply was a noncommittal grunt as she continued watching her boyfriend. He had never been able to keep whatever he was feeling from showing on his face, which meant that – with how long she’d known him – he was even easier for her to read than Drafty was. At the moment, he was nervous and awkward, but also optimistic. Something had happened to turn him around on talking to everypony. Although she had no idea what it was, Sonata was glad for it.

“Also, I can’t confirm this, but I think that the water level in the bay has dropped a little bit since then. The water stains on the supports of the remaining piers seem to…Sonata?” Nosey paused as she looked up and saw that her friend was staring across the room with a soft smile. Following her gaze, Nosey followed her gaze, frowning as she saw where it was directed. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”


“Having him schmooze it up with his fangirl like that.”

“Why not? Telling everyone that he’s totes proud of them is a nice thing to do.” That, and he deserved an adoring public for everything he’d done. Maybe it would even make him relax a little more.

“I’m more worried about what she’s telling him.” Nosey’s voice had lowered to a mutter, and Sonata barely heard it. But before she had a chance to respond, she saw Drafty take a half-step forward – closer than was strictly polite – and say something to Lex, her expression changing from starstruck to something slightly naughtier. An instant later, Lex looked thunderstruck, his eyes widening and jaw dropping. Sonata frowned, and was about to cut in when she saw Drafty back off, laughing as she said something that seemed to mollify Lex, his expression immediately changing into one of relief. A moment later he nodded.

That seemed to be the end of the conversation, as Drafty immediately turned and trotted away. Lex glanced around, and upon meeting Sonata’s gaze headed towards her. Because of that he didn’t notice when Drafty looked back in his direction and giggled, half-shielding her face with one wing. Sonata and Nosey both saw the coquettish gesture, however, and the latter gave the former an “I told you so” look.

Refusing to let Nosey’s suspicions get her down, Sonata kept her smile in place as Lex reached them. “Hey! So, how’s it going?”

Lex came perilously close to smiling. “In the last thirty minutes I’ve spoken to nineteen different individuals. So far none of them have displayed an adverse reaction to the dialogue I’ve been using.”

“That’s great!” Sonata beamed. “I totes knew you could do it!” She stepped forward and nuzzled him, grinning as he returned the gesture.

After they’d finished, Lex continued. “I’ll want to go over the results with you in detail later. So far, the phrases ‘you should be proud’ and ‘you did well’ have received the best response rate, but I’m going to want your input on-”

“Whoa, whoa, time out.” Sonata held up her hooves. “Are you saying that you’re, like, using stock lines on everypony?”

Lex cocked his head. “Of course.”

“Nooo…” Sonata’s jubilation was gone in an instant, and she sagged in place. “Lex, you can’t just, like, feed everybody a line! You have to really talk to them!”

He frowned at her, his confusion evident. “I’m attempting to deconstruct the underlying methodologies of social dynamics in these exchanges. Utilizing standardized dialogue is necessary in order to establish a baseline so that the variables can be properly analyzed. I’ll be the first to admit that this isn’t the proper laboratory setting I’d prefer, but that’s not atypical where social engagement is concerned.” He paused, then added. “And the proper term is ‘everypony,’ not ‘everybody.’”

Sonata’s response was to put her face in her hooves and groan.

Nosey, who had been giving Lex the evil eye up until now, finally spoke up. “What were you talking about with Drafty just now?”

Lex shot her a glare, since he wasn’t sure how that was any of her business. Nevertheless, he answered, his eyes turning back to Sonata as he did. “We’re going on a date later.”

“What?!” The response, thick was outrage, came not from Sonata – her only reaction was to freeze in place, her mouth hanging open as she looked at him in utter shock – but from Nosey. The reporter’s lips were pulled back in a snarl, and behind her glasses her eyes were narrowed dangerously. “You…you agreed…to go on a date…with her?!”

“And Cloudbank,” confirmed Lex. His face once again displayed confusion as his eyes flickered back and forth between the two mares. “She assured me that coordinated dates between couples are a standard social convention.”

“Wait, ‘between couples’?” Sonata blinked, the gears slowly turning in her head. “You mean, you and me going out with her and Cloudbank? Like a double date?”

“I believe that is the term she used, yes.”

Sonata almost collapsed with relief, and a moment later started to snicker, before bursting into full-blown laughter. Lex blinked, giving her a look of incomprehension, and just like on the boat ride to Vanhoover, this only set her off more. It was all she could do not to fall down, drawing looks from the ponies around her.

Nosey’s reaction was far less mirthful. Instead, she looked completely chagrinned, her ears folding back as she cringed with embarrassment. “I, uh, I’m going to go see if I can interview some of those ponies you brought in. They should be almost done with the doctors by now.” She didn’t wait for a response before slinking away, looking miserable.

Lex just looked between the two of them, utterly mystified.

Dinner had been a delicious affair for once.

With the addition of the new ponies to their group, the spell that Lex normally used to create sufficient food and water for everypony was insufficient to meet their needs. Although he could have dipped into his magical reservoirs to retain the spell after casting it and then use it a second time, Lex had opted for a different strategy. Instead, he had channeled additional energy through his body – only a small amount, rather than pushing himself to his limits; he had been quite pleased at how doing so hadn’t even caused a twinge of pain, letting him know that he had fully recovered from the battle – as he cast the spell, boosting its effect.

The results had been dramatic. Not only had the amount of food and drink created been much greater than normal, the quality of it had improved considerably. Rather than bowls of bland gruel and simple cups of plain water, there had been some variety to what had been created. Salads of lettuce, carrots, and celery had appeared alongside dry bread, and there had even been small selections of nuts and cheeses as side dishes. The drinks had still been water, but there had been a fruity flavor to it, as though berries had just been squeezed over them.

Needless to say, after days of eating food with virtually no discernable taste whatsoever, the ponies in the shelter had been ecstatic, particularly the newcomers. In an instant, the party that had been in the planning stages before erupted as everypony dug in, and suddenly there were games being played and songs being sung amidst a series of whooping and hollering. There wasn’t a face that didn’t have a smile on it.

Lex, of course, had been the exception.

Taking some food for himself, he’d exited the shelter almost immediately. While he might have made some small advancements on unraveling the mysteries of social interaction today, that didn’t mean that he enjoyed the cacophonous din or meaningless pastimes that everypony else was engaged in. Far better to return his attention to the task of Vanhoover’s recovery.

Noticing Severance still hovering just outside the shelter where he’d left it before, Lex telekinetically pulled it over to him. As he did so, he heard the weapon’s query about the newcomers in his mind, and shook his head in reply. “No. Even if they do something stupid, they’re outnumbered and outclassed. Sonata could handle them on her own if they become a problem.” The scythe’s response made him frown. “I doubt it was a ruse. I scanned them all for active magic before I brought them into the shelter, and none of them registered anything.” It pressed the point, but Lex only snorted. “I am not going to sanction ponies because of what ‘might’ happen. Just because a negative result is possible does not change the moral dimension of a given action.”

As he heard himself he stopped, his earlier dilemma coming back to him. Now that the last of the immediate crises had passed, he needed to figure out whether or not he should contact the princesses about Vanhoover’s situation. The kraken and its minions might be gone, but the undead ponies would be far more difficult to deal with, since there was no elemental bleed that could cause them all to vanish if a particular one were slain. Which meant that the only option was to destroy each and every one of them…and that wasn’t something he could easily do.

It wasn’t that the undead ponies were particularly strong; from what he’d seen during his brief encounter with them they were only marginally more dangerous, at least to him, than those would-be thieves he’d subdued. But with no way of knowing how many of the creatures there were, and no easy way to track them – even Aria’s detection spell was limited to a few hundred feet, and lasted only a little more than an hour – eliminating them all would be an extremely difficult task.

“I bet Princess Twilight and her friends could,” said Cloudbank challengingly. “They restored everypony’s magic after Tirek stole it, so I'm sure they could do this too.” She took a step closer to Lex, and the two of them were practically nose-to-nose as a result. “Maybe instead of running around and trying to do everything by yourself, you should call in the ponies who actually have a track record of saving all of Equestria!”

Sitting down to eat in a quiet corner of the warehouse, Lex mentally winced at the memory of Cloudbank’s outburst. As loathe as he was to admit it, she wasn’t wrong. Although he didn’t know precisely what the princesses were capable of, cleansing a city of a plague of undead ponies sounded like the sort of thing that their magic could do. And while asking for their help would wound his pride severely, that was no excuse for not doing it; if there were other survivors in the city, then he owed it to them to take the course of action that would lead to the quickest resolution. As it was, he knew he should have done this days ago, but had been distracted by curing the ponies that the aboleth had infected. Now he had no more excuses; even talking the decision over with Sonata was pointless now that he had made up his mind.

Sighing as he finished his meal, Lex stood up. At the very least, he wouldn’t contact Celestia or Luna. The very thought of having to admit that he needed the assistance of those arrogant nags was more than he could stomach. Nor had he ever actually met Princess Cadance, and so couldn’t communicate with her via his magic. That left only Twilight Sparkle as the least-unpalatable option.

Although he wanted to curse, to snarl and rant at the cosmic injustice of having to rely on the ponies that he considered to exemplify unreliability, he knew that doing so was beneath him. He could at least keep his composure, even if that didn’t reduce the magnitude of the indignity.

Without further delay, Lex began to gesture and chant.

Author's Note:

Lex continues to make progress (?) with talking to other ponies, before making the difficult decision to call for help.

Is he making the right choice?

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