• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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326 - Enduring Unfulfillment

As the seconds ticked by and Lex failed to return, Aria realized that she wasn’t going to get the happy ending she’d wanted.

The thought was bitter, and she silently cursed Lex for running away. She’d taunted him about doing exactly that, but contrary to how she’d said she’d react if he did, she didn’t feel like laughing at him now. Quite the opposite, she wanted to cast her tracking spell and go after him, but she knew it would be pointless if she did. Lex wouldn’t let himself get carried away like that again. Not this soon, at least, and maybe not ever again where her coaxing him was concerned.

Which meant that Nosey might very well have cost her the only chance she’d ever have of being with the guy she wanted.

“Did you do this on purpose?” growled Aria as she climbed to her hooves, sending a death glare at where Nosey was still lingering near the entrance to the alcove.

“What? No!” Flinching at the accusation, Nosey stepped back, her face still bright red from what she’d just witnessed.

But Aria wasn’t willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. “You didn’t decide to do your ‘bestie’ a favor, stopping her boyfriend from getting it on with another girl?” Still breathing heavily from how worked up she’d gotten, Aria stepped toward Nosey angrily. “Or maybe you were jealous, and didn’t want me getting some of that action?”

“What’re you-, no, listen, I didn’t know what was happening!” protested Nosey, falling back further as Aria stalked toward her. She glanced to the side quickly, clearly worried that they were going to wake Sonata up, before looking back at the furious mare in front of her. “I wasn’t lying before!” she babbled frantically. “I woke up, saw that you and Lex were gone, heard a noise, and went to investigate! I’m a reporter, it’s what I do!”

Oddly, Aria found herself believing the four-eyed imbecile, and that only made her angrier. “Do you have any idea how badly you just messed things up for me?!” she hissed. Every time she moved one of her back legs, she could still feel the unfulfilled ache between them, making her grit her teeth. “Lex was going to bang me like a drum! And when it was over, he would’ve had no choice but to make it official between us, no matter what Sonata said!” Of that she felt absolutely certain. Lex was far too serious to do anything less. And now it might not happen at all!

“L-like a drum…?” muttered Nosey, the lewd phrase somehow managing to make her turn even redder than she already had been.

As much as she wanted to cast a spell and fry the dimwit mare in front of her for ruining her shot with Lex, Aria held back, knowing that doing so would only upset him and make it harder for her to try and get in his pants again later. Instead, she settled for just embarrassing her some more. “Tip for the future,” she snorted as she exited the alcove and headed back toward the lobby. “When you spot the guy you like about to plow another girl, either offer to join in, or spy on them and play with yourself. Don’t just interrupt and ruin things for everyone.”

The sound of Nosey fainting dead away behind her comforted Aria only a little.

Tomorrow, she knew, she’d need to deal with Sonata’s outrage. Even if Lex didn’t confess what had almost happened, the bite marks he’d left on her neck would make it very clear. Worse, while Aria had no idea how Lex would treat her from now on, she doubted that his fleeing the scene was a good sign. All in all, things were probably going to be bad for a while now.

“This stinks,” she muttered as she laid back down on the bench.

“This stinks,” muttered Fruit Crunch as he turned over for what had to be the twentieth time.

There was no response, but that wasn’t surprising, since everypony else was asleep. He should have been asleep, but despite how tired he felt he couldn’t seem to make it happen. No matter how much he tossed or turned, he couldn’t get what Severance had said out of his mind. It was like an itch he couldn’t scratch, preventing him from relaxing, and he found himself thinking back a few hours, to when he and Cleansweep had asked the scythe if the Night Mare would reward their heroism.

But Severance’s answer hadn’t been a yes. Nor had it been a no. Rather, it had told them to come back with their entire group, and not before.

Even now, the memory made Fruit Crunch bite his lip in frustration. It was like when Hearth’s Warming was a week away, knowing that the gifts he was going to get were so close and yet still out of reach. The sense of anticipation, of wanting something so badly but still having to wait for it, was maddening! He hadn’t been able to stop himself from protesting Severance’s decision at the time, and when his whining hadn’t moved it he’d started to get angry. Only Cleansweep’s hasty interference had kept him from trying to badger the weapon into giving him what he wanted, and even then she’d had her work cut out for her, only barely managing to talk him down and lead him back to where everypony else was sleeping.

But that wasn’t the worst part. No, the worst part – the single most upsetting thing about Severance’s non-answer – was that no matter how badly Fruit Crunch wanted to believe otherwise, he knew that the scythe’s response hadn’t been unfair. After all, the five of them had worked as a team to stop that Silhouette guy and save everypony. They’d won that fight as the Night Mare’s Knights, so it made perfect sense that they’d have to reap the rewards that way too, instead of just two of them getting what they wanted while the rest of their friends were dealing with their own problems.

Of course, knowing that didn’t make it any easier to deal with, and Fruit Crunch had been eager to go and get Straightlace, Feathercap, and Fiddlesticks immediately. But Cleansweep had vetoed that idea, pointing out that she needed to get back before her mom realized she was gone. Fruit Crunch had protested, but again it had been to no avail. While Cleansweep had initially been more than happy to stick it to her mom by slipping away with him to see Severance, her defiance had turned into guilt by the time they’d headed back, remembering how her mother had burst into tears after they’d beaten Silhouette. While Fruit Crunch could usually talk his best friend into going along with his schemes, she’d put her hoof down this time, giving him an apologetic promise that they’d figure out how to get the full Knights together and go see Severance real soon before rushing off.

Standing at the edge of the camp and watching her fly away, Fruit Crunch had briefly considered trying to get the others anyway. But he’d known that it was futile. Even if he’d woken up Feathercap and Fiddlesticks (enduring the nagging the latter pony would surely level at him), he’d still have to get Straightlace and Cleansweep away from their parents. And besides, he was exhausted from being up so late. So instead he’d just marched through the camp and laid down near a relatively uncrowded campfire, ignoring the other ponies curled up by it.

But sleep had refused to come, leaving him wondering what magical powers the Night Mare would give him once he got the rest of the Knights together.

Maybe I’ll be able to turn into a giant, just like Saddle Rager. She’d always been his favorite member of the Power Ponies, able to turn into a hulking force stronger than any earth pony. I’d love to see that Silhouette guy’s face if he asked for a rematch and then I did that! The thought of his victory over the black-and-white bully brought a smile to Fruit Crunch’s lips, easing the frustration of not yet having magic powers of his own. Or maybe I’ll gain the power to see a few seconds into the future! One of the Power Ponies’ enemies had been able to do that: the Palomino Predictor. She’d given the Power Ponies a really hard time, since she’d been able to see their every move before they’d made it. I’ve already seen how this ends, he quoted silently, imagining himself saying the villain’s signature line to Silhouette. And you’re going to lose! The thought made him chuckle, and he was so lost in his fantasy that he almost missed seeing somepony come racing out of the train station, the door hanging open as they ran out into the night.


What the heck? Blinking, Fruit Crunch sat up, looking at the building in confusion. Had he just imagined that? Except, no, the door to the place was still open. So somepony had come running out of there. Somepony who looked like they’d been wearing a cloak. Was that Lex?

Wondering what could possibly have sent Vanhoover’s savior running out into the darkness, Fruit Crunch found himself grinning. If there was some sort of new enemy, then Lex might need help! And even if there wasn’t, then this was a great opportunity! After all, that Nosey lady said that he’d definitely want to reward them for what they’d done. I bet he won’t tell me to come back with everypony else the way Severance did, Fruit Crunch told himself silently, conveniently ignoring that he had no real rationale for thinking that. Besides, even if he does, I’m no worse off than I am now! Plus, it would be really great to be congratulated by the pony who had saved everyone. Fruit Crunch could practically see how it would go…

Lex looked sharply over his shoulder at the approaching hoofsteps. “Who’s there? Identify yourself, or face my power!”

Slowly, Fruit Crunch stepped closer, his body language cautious and yet respectful at the same time. “Mister Legis? My name’s-”

“Fruit Crunch.” Lex’s stern look instantly became one of warm regard, giving the younger stallion a friendly smile. “You think I don’t know the name of the heroic young pony who saved me and everyone else here?”

Fruit Crunch rubbed the back of his neck, his face the very picture of modesty. “My friends did most of the work,” he protested selflessly. “I was just the distraction.”

“You were more than that.” Lex’s expression was one of big-brotherly pride as he stepped closer. “The way you stood up to Silhouette showed more courage than anypony I’ve ever seen. And the only reason your friends were there to back you up is because you brought them together in the first place. This was your victory.”

Fruit Crunch straightened up at the words, smiling gratefully. It was only his humble and noble nature that kept his ego from inflating at the praise. “I was just following your example, Mister Legis.”

But the other stallion shook his head. “Call me Lex,” he insisted.

Fruit Crunch’s eyes widened. “Is that really okay?”

“Of course!” laughed Lex, holding out a foreleg. “It would be weird if you called me ‘Mister Legis’ every time we worked together, wouldn’t it?”

His bright eyes widening at the words, Fruit Crunch looked at the outstretched hoof. “‘E-every time we worked together’?” he echoed softly, not daring to hope…

Lex nodded, his face showing that he knew exactly what the other stallion was thinking. “That’s right. From now on, you’re my apprentice. That is, if you want to be.” That last part was thrown out with a knowing wink.

His heart almost bursting with joy, Fruit Crunch could barely contain himself as he reached out a hoof and pressed it to Lex’s. “Yes, absolutely! I absolutely want to be your apprentice!”

Lex looked almost as happy as Fruit Crunch. “I’m glad. If you’d said no, I’m not sure I’d ever have found somepony as strong and brave as you to help me protect Equestria.” Lowering his hoof, he nodded back toward the train station. “Now come on. I’m going to teach you everything I know.”

“Okay!” Practically walking on air, Fruit Crunch followed Lex back toward the building…

…already looking forward to his first lesson, finished Fruit Crunch as he brought his fantasy to a close. Grinning up at the stars, he held onto his imaginary reward session for a little longer before shaking his head. This was no time to be daydreaming! His future was waiting!

Climbing to his hooves, Fruit Crunch ran after Lex.

Author's Note:

Aria and Fruit Crunch both deal with not getting what they want.

Is there any chance that either of their dreams will come true now? Or are they both doomed to continual disappointment?

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