• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 4,176 Views, 10,231 Comments

Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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346 - Curses Foiled

“How do you feel now?”

“A lot better,” sighed Pillowcase, the look on his face one of deep relief before he smiled again. “Thank you so much, Your Highness. I didn’t even realize I was feeling so…so…I’m not even sure what the word is. It wasn’t like being fatigued. More like…like I had weights on all over. None of them were very heavy, but it was just enough that I felt sort of…impaired? Does that make sense?”

Cadance nodded. “One of the blessings Lashtada’s given me is the ability to bring the recently departed back to life, but even though it only works if the soul is willing to return, it’s still extremely hard on the subject. Reentering this life can be almost as stressful as leaving it, and it puts a strain on the soul’s connection to the body.” The words sounded almost rote, and Shining Armor knew that she was reciting one of the lessons she’d learned about how Lashtada’s magic worked. But a moment later Cadance’s tone regained its usual playful element, the corners of her lips turning upward. “Fortunately, another of her blessings is the ability to remove that strain. You should be completely restored now.”

“Oh Pillow, that’s wonderful!” Trotting over, Cozy threw her forelegs around her husband, squeezing him tightly as she nuzzled him.

Aisle’s response wasn’t quite so affectionate, but his smile was genuine as he held out a hoof. “Congratulations on recovering.”

Pillow grinned in return as he touched his hoof to Aisle’s. “Thank you both.” Closing his eyes, he spent a long moment nuzzling Cozy before opening them again. “I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you two went through to bring me back.”

Cozy planted a soft kiss on his cheek. “I love you, Pillow. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

Aisle, however, looked a little shamefaced, rubbing the back of his neck. “You don’t need to thank me. I didn’t have Cozy’s faith that everything would actually work out. I was just putting it on for her sake.”

“Which is exactly what I needed,” pointed out Cozy. Leaving Pillow’s side, she went over and nuzzled Aisle. “You kept me going when I would have given up, and that’s what got us here.” She reached up with a hoof, caressing his cheek as she turned him to look at her and planted a kiss on his lips. “You saved me, and that was what made me able to keep trying to save Pillow. You’re the reason we’re all here right now.”

“She’s right,” smiled Pillow, his face showing not even the slightest hint of upset at the sight of his wife kissing another stallion. Quite the contrary, he went over and cuddled against Cozy’s other side. “You had strength, Cozy had faith, and you both had love. That’s how you made it here. That’s why I’m alive right now. And that’s why I want to spend the rest of my life making the two of you as happy as I can.”

Silent throughout the exchange, Shining Armor surreptitiously glanced at his wife. Sure enough, she was watching the three ponies with a look of contentment on her face. The sight eased a knot of tension that he’d had in his stomach since last night; talking about the tragedy they’d suffered during the elemental bleeds was part of the healing process, he knew, but he hated the way it always left Cadance morose afterward. Last night had been no exception, and Cadance had still been depressed when they’d finally gone to bed. Although she’d been somewhat more animated when they’d woken up this morning, it was only now – meeting with Cozy, Aisle, and Pillow in their guest room – that she looked like she was back to her usual self.

Hopefully that’s a sign of how the rest of the day will go, he wished silently. Breakfast had been a subdued affair, and not just because of Cadance’s lingering regret. The fact that the guards had nothing to report with regard to the fugitive ponies wasn’t a good sign, he knew. The longer they went without catching them, the more likely it was that they’d find a way out of the city, if they hadn’t already. Especially since the various aircrafts around the city wouldn’t wait much longer before they started business as usual again, despite his written requests that they wait. But at least if they’re gone, they’re not a threat to Cadance, he decided, sneaking another look at her.

Except she was already looking back at him, and the playful gleam in her eye made it clear that she knew that he was worrying over her. Unable to muster a response, he settled for giving her his most roguish grin and shrugging, earning a snort of laughter from her. Stepping forward, she gave him a playful nudge with her wing as she looked at the trio still cuddling in front of her. “Alright, so, which of you is next?”

Drawn out of the little world they’d been in, all three earth ponies – two crystal and one not – blinked. “Sorry?” asked Aisle. “Next?”

Cadance raised a brow. “I restored the vitality that Pillowcase lost, but you and Cozy are still cursed, aren’t you?”

Aisle’s eyes widened. “Oh yeah! I completely forgot!” Nervous excitement was written all over his face as he stepped forward. “You can remove our curses, right?”

“I can try,” cautioned Cadance. “The blessing that I used on Pillowcase should be able to remove the curses placed on you, but this isn’t the same as healing a wound. Dark magic won’t just sit back and let itself be removed so easily.”

The three ponies glanced at each other at that, uncertain looks on their faces. Nor were they the only ones, with Shining Armor stepping forward so he was facing his wife. “Cadance, is this dangerous?”

Fortunately, she shook her head. “I don’t think so, but if this Lex Legis pony is as strong as what we’ve heard, it might be difficult.”

“I know you can do it, Your Highness!” Cozy took a step forward, her hoof rising to touch the holy symbol around her neck. “Lex might be a powerful wizard, but you’re Lashtada’s representative here on Equestria! There’s no way his malice could be stronger than your love!”

Shining Armor wanted to believe the same thing, but while he hadn’t sat down with Cozy and her stallions last night to ask them about what Vanhoover and the pony now in charge of it were like, he had heard a little bit from Cadance this morning. One of the tidbits she’d shared was the troubling revelation that Lex Legis apparently had his own goddess, one who sounded like Nightmare Moon’s evil twin. Given that Lex himself sounded like a reborn King Sombra, it hadn’t been heartening news, and while Shining Armor believed in the strength of his wife and her goddess, he wasn’t eager to put them to the test like this.

Aisle, however, looked nervous for a different reason. “Wait, so if you can’t get rid of them, then we’ll have to live with these curses forever?”

“She will.” Pillow’s voice was filled with quiet confidence. “We’ve made it this far already. Our destiny is to be happy together. I’m absolutely certain of it.”

“So am I,” smiled Cadance. “So, which of you will go first?”

“Definitely Aisle,” replied Cozy immediately, backing up enough to get behind Aisle and nudge him forward.

“Hey!” he yelped. “Why me?!”

The protest was enough to make Cozy stop, giving him a frown. “Because your curse is worse than mine, that’s why. You shouldn’t have to live with it any more than you already have.”

Realizing he’d misjudged why she’d volunteered him, Aisle flushed bright red. “O-oh. Thanks. But, um, are you sure you don’t want to go first, then? I mean, I don’t want you to suffer any more than you already have.”

“Trust me,” stage-whispered Pillow. “You don’t want to fight her when it comes to her securing someone else’s comfort.” He nodded his head at Cozy’s cutie mark, giving Aisle a pointed look.

“I…okay.” His ears folding back, Aisle stopped resisting, letting Cozy usher him forward. “I’m ready when you are,” he gulped as he stood in front of Cadance. A moment later he asked in a small voice. “Will this hurt very much?”

Unable to help herself, Cadance giggled. “I think you’ll be fine. Now, just close your eyes and try to relax. I’ll handle everything else.”

Waiting until Aisle had done as she’d asked, Cadance knelt down, almost touching her nose to the floor as she closed her eyes. She remained like that for several seconds, before standing up suddenly, her eyes snapping open to reveal them glowing bright white, blotting out her irises and pupils. “Lashtada,” she called softly, her voice reverential. “Restore this soul so that their love might once again fully flourish.” Her prayer completed, she reached out and pressed a hoof to Aisle’s chest.

It was the same procedure that she’d performed twice just a few minutes previous to refresh Pillowcase. But both of those times had ended with Cadance lightly touching the crystal stallion and immediately proclaiming success. This time would prove different.

The instant she touched Aisle’s body, Cadance tensed up, a grunt escaping her lips. Concerned, Shining Armor took a step forward. “Cadance…?” he called worriedly. “What’s happening?”

“It’s…fighting me…” she murmured. Biting his lip, Aisle kept his eyes closed, not moving. Cadance, for her part, shuddered, and another pained grunt escaped her lips. Even as everypony watched, her body began to sink down, as though a huge weight had settled on her back. Even so, she kept her hoof on Aisle’s chest, breathing heavily. “I think…I think maybe I can…almost…!”

A second later she gave a sharp cry and suddenly stumbled backward, the white light fading from her eyes as she reeled. But she’d barely started to flail when Shining Armor’s telekinesis wrapped around her, arresting her momentum and setting her down safely as he ran up to her. “Cadance! Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” she panted. “It didn’t hurt me, I was just surprised. It was a lot stronger than I thought it would be.”

Aisle – having opened his eyes when Cadance was hurled away from him – gulped, having turned pale. “I don’t suppose there’s any way that yelping and suddenly being knocked backward means you did it, right?”

“I’m sorry, no.” Sweating lightly now, Cadance stepped back up to Aisle. “But I want to try again. I think this time I might be able to do it.”

Shining Armor didn’t try to hide how worried he felt this time. “Are you sure this is a good idea? What if this is some sort of trap? What if this Lex guy cursed these ponies because he wanted them to come here? Maybe those curses can, I don’t know, jump from them to whoever’s trying to get rid of them?” He had no idea if that was possible or not; that kind of magical knowledge was Twily’s special talent, not his. But if there was even a chance…

Cadance, however, didn’t seem worried. “It didn’t feel like that. Just the opposite, it was pushing me away, trying to stop me from removing it from Aisle. I don’t think it’s a danger to me.”

Although not entirely convinced, Shining Armor could already hear the decision to try again in his wife’s voice. Sighing, he gently stepped back, knowing that he couldn’t overrule her on this. “Alright. Just please don’t push yourself too hard.” He knew that, unlike the spells Lashtada had granted Cadance, the blessings were more direct, requiring that Cadance use her alicorn magic to properly make use of them. She couldn’t utilize them otherwise, but doing so put stress on her body, even if no more than a light workout. So it was with a frown as he watched Cadance recite the incantation again before pressing her hoof to Aisle’s chest a second time.

Again her muscles strained as she groaned. But this time she dug her hooves in, gritting her teeth as she fought to remain upright against whatever force was bearing down on her. “Just…a little more…” she panted. “Almost there…almost…THERE!” As soon as the word left her lips, there was a tremendous cracking sound, as though a hundred wooden boards had split all at once, and Aisle gave a gasp, stumbling backwards before falling over.

Cadance slumped to the ground, rolling onto her back as she tried to steady her breathing. Shining Armor was by her side immediately, but his concern was mollified as he saw that his wife was smiling. “I did it,” she announced wearily.

“I knew you could,” he smiled back. A quick glance at Aisle showed Cozy and Pillow helping him up, the earth stallion stumbling over to grab a plate off the nearby table and press it between his back legs modestly even as he grinned, making it plain that Cadance’s declaration of victory was well-founded.

The sight was enough to earn a chuckle from Shining Armor. “But how about we take a break before you try that with Cozy, okay?”

Ten minutes later, Cozy’s curse had been removed as well. It had been more difficult than Aisle’s, requiring no less than three attempts, but Cadance had ultimately triumphed. Although it had left her surprisingly exhausted, she was still on her hooves, performing one last rite for the ponies in front of her. It wasn't glamorous by any means, but they hadn't wanted to wait any longer, saying that they'd go through with the more ornate ceremony once they got back to the Crystal Empire. Cadance had been more than happy to oblige them, smiling as she finished her pronouncement.

"Then, by the power invested in me by Lashtada, I do hereby declare you mare and colt! You may kiss the bride."

Aisle needed no further prompting, pressing his lips to Cozy's.

Author's Note:

Despite the difficulty involved, Cadance is able to lift Cozy and Aisle's curses! Now officially wed, the three seem poised to live happily ever after together!

But will things actually work out that way for them?

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