• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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904 - Done Foxed Up

Lex had no recourse as his spell shattered, leaving him staring at a pile of broken shards of ice.

There was no outlet for the rage that fell over him in the wake of Mihr’s having destroyed his scrying. As much as the creature within him bellowed and roared – its lust momentarily forgotten in the face of what had just happened – there was simply nowhere for it to direct its fury, no enemy for it to kill. The only reason it didn’t completely abandon itself to a blind, indiscriminate rampage was because Lex embraced the murderous urges rather than fighting them, directing all of his thoughts toward finding a way to confront and slay the archangel immediately.

But it took only a few seconds for him to conclude that Mihr was completely beyond his reach.

At least for the moment.

As a titan, Lex could bend reality in any number of ways through willpower alone. But although he could effect any number of changes to his local environment and the creatures that occupied it, the boundaries between the planes of existence weren’t something that he could sunder on his own. At best, he could warp a relatively small area of whatever dimension he was in, creating that folded space which he’d used to store his belongings; but even that was just a subspace, rather than any sort of true demiplane.

Moving from one plane to another – including from Everglow to Equestria – required him to use his magic.

And that wasn’t something he could do until he’d rested and replenished his thaumaturgical spells.

There was simply no faster alternative.

With his intellect and powers, it would be a simple matter to develop a ritual designed to tear open a gateway directly to the Astral Plane, but without knowing precisely where Mihr – or, for that matter, a color pool that connected to Equestria – was, there was no telling where in that infinite dimension such a ritual would deposit him, since had no frame of reference for where either were. Even with his speed, ending up hundreds of billions of miles away from where he wanted to be would take a very long time to traverse.

Nor could he simply bypass the Astral Plane altogether and design a ritual designed to take him directly back to Equestria, something that would surely – if Mihr had the courage of his so-called convictions – bring the archangel running.

The reason for that was because there were no coterminous points between Everglow and his home; no planar conjunctions where the two realms touched each other, which meant that he had to traverse some intermediate plane in order to bridge the distance. And while the Astral Plane wasn’t the only one of those, it was by far the easiest to navigate, at least according to the Libram of Ineffable Damnation; there was a reason why special tuning forks keyed to the destination were all that a planar-travel spell required if it used the Astral Plane as a highway...but Lex couldn’t make one of those until he slept and allowed his tulpa to replenish itself.

And even with his powers, trying to come up with a ritual to navigate one of the other transitive planes – which he knew very little about besides what he’d read in the Libram, which was itself a biased resource – and return to Equestria would have been a far lengthier undertaking than simply resting and restoring his spells.

The sole remaining ritual option – trying to bend the shape of the planes themselves, pushing a piece of Everglow out to the point where it could directly touch Equestria – was an operation far too delicate for a ritual. Doing so ran a very real risk of creating another series of Elemental Bleeds.

He even considered flying to Bright Night or Viljatown – a journey that would have taken less than a heartbeat for him now – and finding some spellcaster there who had the requisite power to send him home. But that would have been pointless as well, since even if he was able to find such a magically-endowed pony, and even if they had the requisite spell at the ready, it would almost certainly be the same one that he knew, with its tuning fork requirement.

His only viable course of action was to rest and wait.

Intellectually, Lex knew that shouldn’t have been an issue; an hour of sleep and a short period of preparing his spells was no real time at all.

But the ire that Mihr’s declaration had stirred within him wasn’t something that could be quelled with logic or reason. It was yet another instance of someone setting themselves in opposition to him because of some petty, facile animus based on nothing but ill-considered, superficial judgment that made absolutely no attempt to evaluate things rationally. Based on nothing more than disingenuous hearsay and his magic’s numinous aura, that self-righteous angel was going to make it even harder for him to go home and aid his people!

Even the beast within understood how that felt, though it didn’t care about the particulars. As far as it was concerned, a rival had just announced that they had taken its territory, females and all. That wasn’t just an affront, it was an injury; a loss of something precious that hurt worse than having a leg torn off. You couldn’t lie down and rest while in that kind of pain!

Except that he had to; he couldn’t tear the wings off of that armored hypocrite until he did.

Barely able to accept that line of logic, Lex belatedly noticed that the interior of the turf hut had been completely destroyed; black crystals had torn the place to shreds, while a thick layer of frost had coated everything, turning the place into a giant freezer. It was only because of his will that Solvei, Nenet, and Mei Li were still asleep, untouched amidst the destruction.

Too upset to feel chagrined with the ruination he’d inadvertently caused, Lex waved a claw, causing the black crystals to disintegrate and the ice to recede. Immediately, the turf hut began to repair itself, broken furniture and damaged interior walls fixing themselves of their own accord. He knew this was a bad sign, that his discipline was eroding in a way that someone with as much power as he had couldn’t afford to, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.

Enough was enough. If denying himself was causing his self-control to fray, then he simply needed to indulge himself. And if he couldn’t sate his libidinous urges, then he’d sate his lethal ones first.

One hour of sleep. Then, after a brief replenishment of his spells, Mihr would die. After that, he’d reclaim his home and his mares.

Everything else could wait.

Mortals and other lesser creatures would have needed to calm themselves down first, getting comfortable and relaxing their minds. But Lex was beyond such things, not needing to wait for his consciousness to shut down of his own accord. Instead, he simply closed his eyes and willed himself to sleep, knowing that he’d awaken in exactly one hour.

Until then, he’d dream of-

-pulling his beloveds closer, eager to work out his frustrations on their supple bodies as they nuzzled and caressed him.

They’d felt it, his need and his anger, reverberating through their connection. It had pained them, unable to bear knowing that the one who was their everything had been so distressed, desiring more than anything to help soothe him.

For some reason he hadn’t wanted them to, insistent on denying them, but he couldn’t remember why. He knew it had seemed important at the time, but now...now he could hear them begging, their voices raised in soft whimpers and wordless pleas. He wasn’t just hurting himself by pushing them away; he was hurting them too.

That wasn’t acceptable.

It was his responsibility to see to their happiness.

That was why he hadn’t pushed them away when they’d crawled over to him, offering themselves. They couldn’t help with his anger – though he could feel that both of them were enraged on his behalf, eager to inflict harsh vengeance on whoever had troubled him so much – but they could calm him in other ways. They considered it their obligation, and their privilege, to do so.

Allowing the two of them to guide him to the most comfortable portion of their temporary lair, he let them start worshiping him, lying back as they pressed against him from either side.

His wolf went first, shivering for reasons that had nothing to do with the cold as she declared her love, her loyalty, and her obedience to him with her body. Soft yips and whines soon turned into heated grunts and moans, her motions going from reverential and submissive to eager and needy, inexperience making her lose herself to her passion.

He rebuked her then, admonishing her in a way that made her cry out, and he liked the sound so much that he did it a second time just as she was recovering, and then once more, each gentle punishment making her howl and quake.

She went limp then, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Still, she found the strength to lick his talons as he gently laid her down, her tail somehow still able to wag despite her exhaustion.

Then he turned to his sphinx.

She hadn’t been idle while waiting for her turn, clumsily seeing to her own excitement, unable to bring herself to stop even when he turned his attention to her. She tried to gasp an apology, knowing that she was supposed to be attending to his needs rather than her own, but a soft nip to her neck caused her to go rigid, her breath catching in her throat.

Once she’d gone still – save only for the shivers running through her – he slowly instructed her in the proper way to attend to her cravings, making her repeat each action for his inspection as he guided her through the sensations her body was capable of feeling. Her eagerness grew even as her technique became progressively sloppier, squirming more and more until her tremors suddenly spiked, the last of her self-control shattering as she screamed in fulfillment.

Of course, such a poor performance wasn’t acceptable, and so he gave her another round of instruction, enjoying her as he showed her how to enjoy herself.

Leaving the purring sphinx to recover, he’d just turned back to his wolf when he picked up on another scent.

The vixen had crept closer, tails waving as she panted, wanting to join them.

He slowly looked her over, causing her to blush even as she preened, presenting herself to him. He took a moment to enjoy the view, before slowly stalking toward her, reaching out with his foreleg...the one that bound his beloveds to him. At his command, a sliver of its power shot forth, enveloping her and crushing her will beneath his own, leaving her helpless as he took control of her heart and mind, her body and soul.

Then he released her, letting her stumble to the ground with a yip as she looked at him with wide eyes.

He’d saved her before, giving him a claim on her, one that she’d acknowledged when she’d accepted his protection and his care. But if she wanted to belong to him, to receive his strength, his dedication, and his love, then she needed to accept that the price for that would be to give all of herself to him, forever.

He would accept nothing less.

She hesitated just for a moment, looking quickly between the wolf and the sphinx, both of whom were smiling at her with glassy, satisfied expressions.

Then the vixen nodded.

He reached out for her again, and the world dissolved into blue fire as she said his name...

Lex sat up suddenly, eyes wide. What had...?

He couldn’t complete that thought as his senses bombarded him with information: that he wasn’t in the same spot where he’d gone to sleep. That Solvei and Nenet were beside him. That all three of them were naked. That the scent of sex hung thick in the air. And that in his mind, he could feel the bond with his wolf, with his sphinx, and...

No! No no no!

A short distance away, Mei Li bowed to him, pressing her forehead to the floor as her tails – all nine of them – spread out behind her. “I am aware that I am inexperienced, but I hope that you will take good care of me.”

Smiling demurely, she looked up at him. “Master.”

...with his fox.

Author's Note:

Enraged after being told he won't be allowed to return to Equestria, Lex forces himself to rest, only to inadvertently act out his desires while asleep!

What will he do now that he's formed a bond with Mei Li?

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