• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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433 - Dissertation on Dark Magic

Twilight’s ears folded down at her mentor’s decision, her wings matching the motion as they drooped in dismay. “Princess Celestia-”

“She’s right, Twily.” Shining Armor’s expression wasn’t without sympathy, but was firm just the same. “Even if that weapon of his did kill Silhouette against his wishes, there’s no excuse for what Lex did to Luna. We don’t have to kill him – we could turn him to stone or throw him into Tartarus or something else – but we do have to take him out of commission, one way or another.”

Biting her lip, Twilight scanned the room, looking for allies. But there were precious few to be found. Applejack looked bitter, and Produce Aisle looked demoralized, but that was it. Fluttershy and Rarity both seemed uncomfortable, but not truly upset at what was being considered. Zecora had a light frown on her face, but didn’t seem inclined to object to the idea of dealing with Lex permanently. Even Cadance’s expression of mild concern, Twilight realized, was for her, clearly worried more about her sister-in-law’s state of mind rather than having any personal reservations of her own about what had just been decided. Everyone else either looked indifferent to the prospect of Lex being treated as an enemy to be defeated, or pleased by it.

Swallowing her objections, Twilight didn’t say anything else, sitting back down.

Upon seeing that his sister wasn’t going to push the issue, Shining Armor turned his attention to Princess Celestia. “I think we should review everything that’s been said here about Lex’s capabilities, so we can try and get a clearer picture of what he’s capable of.” When Princess Celestia nodded, he turned his eyes to Luna. It was only after she also inclined her head that he directed his eyes back to a certain individual among the assemblage. “Willow.”

“Hm?” One of the purrsian’s eyebrows rose in mild curiosity.

“You said before that Lex used his magic to create food and tend to everyone’s injuries. Can you expound on that?” Shining Armor was less interested in the former ability than he was the latter, but it was better to leave no stone unturned. Even so, he couldn’t imagine how someone as evil as Lex could possibly have healing magic, not when that was a province of the holy powers his wife had been given.

Although she’d been the first one to suggest that Lex should be put to death, and had made it clear how invested she was in the idea, Willow’s expression of indifference was firmly back in place as she shrugged. “They were fairly modest divine spells. ‘Create food and water’ and ‘infernal healing,’ from what I saw.”

“‘Infernal healing’?” he repeated. “So this was dark magic?”

Willow cocked her head at the term. “Infernal healing does draw upon malevolently-aligned energies,” she admitted. “But it’s well-documented that repeated use causes no long-term moral corruption. The primary manifestation of its baleful nature is in how it can’t heal wounds caused by silver weapons or holy powers. That and it leaves scars, unlike normal healing spells which use positive energy.” She shrugged again, looking bored. “Honestly, the most notable thing was that he was apparently using it as a divine spell. Infernal healing is usually used by arcane spellcasters, since their divine counterparts have access to more efficient curative spells.”

Luna’s eyes were among several pairs that widened, the former alicorn suddenly more animated than she’d been during the entire meeting. “So you’re saying that Lex cannot restore injuries caused by such things? The touch of silver and the application of holy magic?”

A slight frown crossed Willow’s face. “I didn’t say that. I just said he used a spell that can’t heal injuries caused by those things. If he has access to any other types of healing spells-”

“But you’ve never actually seen him use any other types of healing spells?” asked Shining Armor insistently.

Willow’s response came with a shake of her head. “No, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have any.”

“If he did he would have used it,” announced Cozy, a thoughtful look on her face. “Even though he never once acted like he actually cared about the ponies he saved, Lex did still try and protect everyone. But he almost never used that ‘infernal healing’ spell that I saw. Instead he mostly relied on me when he needed someone healed with magic.”

“Needed someone…” Line flipped through his notepad suddenly, his brow furrowing deeply. “Needed someone…” He turned several pages over, scanning them quickly before looking back up at Cozy. “Did he ever ask you to heal him?”

Cozy blinked, clearly not having expected that question. “Huh?”

Line glanced at his notes again before looking back at her. “We never actually got your account of what you witnessed Lex do during the time you knew him. Can you tell us if he ever directed you to use your powers to tend to his wounds?”

“I…” Cozy’s eyes widened as she realized he hadn’t. “No…no, he didn’t. In fact…” She paused, trying to remember. “He got into a fight with some monsters while he was bringing me and Aisle and some of our friends back. Afterwards he was really injured, and Sonata asked me to use my magic on him. I was going to, but he refused to let me.” She could feel a tingle of excitement going down her spine then, realizing what was being suggested. Her eyes widened slightly, glancing between Line and the princesses. “You don’t think…?”

“That’s Lex’s weakness!” Cadance sounded as excited as Cozy looked. “That’s why he doesn’t have the ability to use anything besides that twisted healing spell of his! Because true healing is a holy power, the same kind of power that Lashtada granted me, and he’s vulnerable to that!”

“It’s just like what happened with King Sombra,” offered Pillow. “He used so much dark magic that when the Crystal Heart channeled the power of everypony’s light and love, he couldn’t withstand it.”

“And Lex is using King Sombra’s horn,” finished Celestia, looking at Cadance. “That means that not only is the Crystal Heart likely to be the key to undoing his evil magic, but the power your goddess has given you might make you the only one who can stop him now, Cadance.”

Her excitement could be seen changing to determination on her face, but before Cadance could do more than nod, Shining Armor cut in. “In that case, I think that I should be the one to take point on whatever plan we come up with.”

A complex interplay of emotions ran across Cadance’s face then. Worry. Gratitude. Exasperation. Love. Guilt. “Shining Armor…”

“This is what I’m supposed to do, Cadance.” He gave her a look that was part demanding and part pleading. “Whenever you’re in danger, I’m supposed to be there to shield you from it.”

The words almost broke Cadance’s heart, knowing what he was really talking about. Despite the fact that they were in front of everyone, she wanted to tell him – the way she had so many times already – that what had happened during the elemental bleeds wasn’t his fault. That she had been the one who ordered him to focus on getting everypony else to safety. That she had been the one who, despite being pregnant, had decided to try and negotiate with the strange monsters that had appeared, convinced that she could end things peacefully. That she had been the one who’d been wrong, resulting in her being injured so badly that their baby…

“It doesn’t work like that.”

Willow’s statement, delivered in a flat tone of voice, drew all eyes back to her. “I’m sorry?” asked Cadance, trying to figure out what the purrsian was talking about.

Twilight stood up, an awkward look on her face. “I think what Willow’s trying to say is that-”

“You’re making a dangerous number of assumptions,” finished Willow. Once again, her expression of indifference was marred, this time by a look of mild pique. “The major one being that healing magic and holy magic are the same thing. They’re not, and if you go in trying to heal Lex to death, you’ll probably wind up with a curse of your own, or worse.”

Shining Armor scowled, not liking the way she was so casually referring to something horrible happening to Cadance. “You’re the one who said Lex’s dark magic didn’t use normal healing powers, and-”

“No,” interrupted Willow sharply. “That’s not what I said. I’m not even sure what ‘dark magic’ is, but all I said is that Lex used a spell with a few particular limitations on what it can heal, and that’s a little odd since normally there are better alternatives available. But those alternatives use positive energy, which stimulates the life force of all living things regardless of whether they’re good or evil, rather than anything particularly sacred.”

Cadance frowned. “But the power that Lashtada gave me-”

Twilight stood up, trying again. “Maybe before we go any further, we should have an overview about how the magic that most people use on Everglow is different from the magic that ponies use here in Equestria?”

“That’s a wonderful idea, Twilight.” Perhaps realizing that a description from Twilight where magic was concerned would take some time, Princess Celestia immediately launched into an explanation of her own, looking at Willow as she began. “I don’t know if it’s the same on Everglow, but in this land all living things have some magic within them. But while plants and animals use theirs instinctively, the innate magic of ponies and other thinking creatures is shaped by their emotions.”

“This is the ‘magic of friendship’ that I keep hearing about?” asked Willow.

Celestia nodded. “Indeed, and in this world it’s the strongest kind of magic that there is. Whether they’re earth ponies, unicorns, or pegasi, ponies whose hearts are filled with generosity, kindness, loyalty, honesty, and laughter – the elements that make up true friendship – can join together in a power that surpasses all others, though some, such as the magic of love,” she nodded at Cadance then, “can come close.”

“And this 'dark magic'?” prompted Willow.

A solemn look crossed Celestia’s face. “’Dark magic’ is the term we use for the magic that comes from negative emotions. If somepony’s heart should be filled with anger, for example, or sinks into hopelessness, their magic will soon change accordingly. In some cases it might be as mild as being followed around by an angry-looking cloud, or finding their colors graying to match their mood. But in worse cases-”

“It can turn you into a monster,” murmured Luna, closing her eyes as a mournful expression crossed her face. But she seemed to recover a moment later, dispelling her sudden bout of melancholy with a sigh. “Forgive me, Sister. Please continue.”

Despite Luna’s insistence, Celestia hesitated, giving her sister a worried look. But she was saved as Spike suddenly spoke up. “Wait, so Lex’s powers come from his being in a really bad mood all the time?”

Unable to help but smile a little, Celestia shook her head. “Not exactly, Spike.” Her smile fell as quickly as it had come as she continued. “You see, the dark magic that Lex wields is the same as what King Sombra used: the magic of isolation.”

“Isolation?” Soft Mane couldn’t help but look skeptical. “If Lex got his magic from being alone, then why would he go to a city full of ponies? Wouldn’t he want to hide out somewhere all by himself?”

Again, Celestia shook her head. “Isolation isn’t a state of being alone, but rather feeling alone. For someone who doesn’t care about others, and rejects bonds of trust and understanding, then even if they’re surrounded by people they’re still cut off from everyone around them. It’s very nearly the polar opposite of friendship, which celebrates and cherishes the bonds that ponies share with each other.”

“That’s Lex alright,” murmured Cozy with a shiver. “He was so cold, even when he was trying to help everypony.”

Applejack reached a hoof up to scratch at her head. “I don’t know, Your Majesty. I’m not saying you don’t have the right of it, but it sounds like you’re sayin’ that Lex looks at the world the same way King Sombra did. But I’m not sure ‘isolated’ is the word I’d use to describe that evil pony we saw when we went to go help save the Crystal Empire.”

This time Celestia’s smile was much smaller. “The same way the magic of friendship is made up of different elements, so is the magic of isolation. Some ponies might feel isolated because they think that they’re better than everyone, and don’t want to relate to people they consider beneath them. Others are afraid of forming bonds, and let that fear keep them apart from those who would otherwise accept them. A few simply can’t figure out how to share their life with others, and so go into self-imposed emotional exile rather than keep trying.”

Twilight gave her mentor an imploring look then. “But if the reason Lex can use King Sombra’s magic so well is that he feels so alone, shouldn’t we keep trying to reach out to him and let him know he’s not?”

Surprisingly, another voice spoke up before Princess Celestia could answer. “Um, maybe Twilight has a point, Your Majesty?” offered Fluttershy timidly. “I mean, I can’t think of anything more isolating than being a creature of pure chaos, and you trusted us to be able to make friends with Discord.”

“Oh honestly, it’s not as bad as all that. For instance, I bet everyone will love it if I lighten up this boring old meeting.”

The voice – male with a wry lilt – came from a disembodied mouth that suddenly appeared near the door, grinning. Before anypony had a chance to react, a fluffy white cat suddenly climbed out of a half-eaten pie, brushing itself off before pulling out a violin and bow that were far too large for its body out from behind its back and began to play a jaunty tune. As though reacting to the sudden music, everyone utensils got up and began dancing, and a large cow crawled out from under the table before it began bouncing everywhere as though it had springs attached to its hooves.

The entire scene was so utterly unexpected that everyone was momentarily frozen, just staring at the wildly chaotic scene, barely noticing as the owner of the grin faded in around it, revealing the figure of a familiar draconequus.

“Besides, as I recall she was mostly trusting you, Fluttershy.”

Author's Note:

Celestia clarifies the nature of Lex's dark magic, only for a certain Lord of Chaos to make his appearance!

Is there any way to predict what will happen next?

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