• Published 2nd Nov 2015
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Lateral Movement - Alzrius

Having been granted rulership over the city of Vanhoover, and confessed their feelings for each other, Lex Legis and Sonata Dusk have started a new life together. But the challenges of rulership, and a relationship, are more than they bargained for.

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446 - Provisional Accord

“Forgive me, but I cannot.”

Mihr’s answer, given with an expression of deep regret, caused any number of disappointed sighs and low groans to fill the room. By contrast, Luna herself bore the news stoically, her expression not changing save for her eyes closing for a long moment. Celestia was much the same, nodding sadly. “I understand. The curse Lex Legis used has proven itself to be unusually strong, which is why it’s resisted the efforts of our best…”

She trailed off as Mihr held up a hoof, shaking his head slowly. “You misunderstand me,” he said a moment later, “and I have no wish to be anything less than completely forthright with you. The wizard’s malediction is mighty, it’s true, but not so mighty that it is beyond my power to remove. Rather, it is because of the concordance reached among the planar powers regarding the oversight of this world that compels me to refrain from offering my aid.”

This time the raised voices were filled with shock and, in some cases, anger. “You’re saying you could help, but won’t?!” Line Byline couldn’t help but sound outraged. “I thought you were supposed to the Angel of Friendship!”

“I can’t believe you’re going to let some agreement keep you from healing someone who’s suffering right in front of you,” murmured Cozy, giving Luna a look of sympathy.

“At least I was willing to give it a try,” noted Discord smugly.

Zecora stood up abruptly, drawing everyone’s attention. “While this is disappointing news, we should consider the angel’s views,” she rhymed. “I’m sure he’ll tell us why it would be worse if he were to remove Princess Luna’s curse.”

“Mihr doesn’t have to explain himself.” Zecora’s eyes widened at Princess Celestia’s sharp retort, nor was she the only one surprised by the rebuke. Twilight cringed, Aisle flinched, and Cadance gave the elder princess a worried look. But it was only when Luna placed a hoof on her sister’s side and quietly uttered her name that Celestia calmed down. “I apologize,” she said a moment later, her voice having returned to its usual steady tone. “What I meant to say was that, after all that he’s done for us already, nopony here has any right to be upset with Mihr if he’s not willing to do even more.”

“I wish that I could.” Mihr’s eyes were filled with sadness as he looked around the room, his gaze sweeping over each person there before coming to rest on Luna. “Everyone here is united by their concern for you, their hearts aching that they cannot do more to help you carry this burden which has so cruelly been thrust upon you. Such compassion rings out more beautifully than all the choirs of my brethren in Heaven, and I am humbled to find myself in the presence of so many who are willing to give so much.”

“Mihr…” Princess Celestia bit her lip at that, a heartbroken expression on her face as she gazed at the six-winged stallion.

But the angel didn’t react to her gentle cry, instead turning to look at Twilight. “You asked me previously about the agreement that I spoke of, which bids me to stand by while your princess suffers even as it compelled me to stand fast against the harm the lhaksharut would have inflicted upon you. With your permission, I will expound upon it now.”

Blinking, Twilight glanced at Celestia and Luna. The latter nodded first, and the former did so a second later. It was only then that Twilight copied the gesture, looking back at Mihr. “If you wouldn’t mind,” she asked hesitantly.

“Of course.” Mihr turned to address the assembled guests as a whole then. “For reasons that remain unclear, your world was until recently isolated from the planes that lay beyond the mortal realm. Neither the Hosts of Virtue, not the Pits of Perdition, not any of the other great powers that dwell among the Outer Realms were aware of it. That was a situation that came to an abrupt end a very short time ago, when this world was suddenly brought into conjunction with the planes beyond it.”

“You’re referring to the Elemental Bleeds?” asked Line, his notepad and pencil out again.

“That is the name that your people have given the conjunction,” answered Mihr gravely. “But while the Elemental Planes touched your realm most closely, they were far from the only connections that were forged then. Although the raw matter of those planes made contact with your world directly, the powers of the Outer Realms have begun to take notice of it as well, and those that haven’t been made aware of it yet will not long remain ignorant.”

“You mean like Everglow’s gods?” Applejack frowned, remembering an encounter she’d had coming back from one of her trips to that other world, when she and her companions had stumbled into the realm of a certain deity. “Kara wanted to get to Equestria so badly you’d have thought she was a diamond dog that’d just heard about Ponyville’s Gem Cave.”

“There are many deities that are eager to expand their flock to this world’s residents,” agreed Mihr. “Although I have yet to see the full tapestry of people that live among you, that none of them seem to have any religions of their own presents an opportunity too great for any god to pass up, for their power is measured by the number of mortals who worship them and the strength of their devotion.” He gestured toward Cadance and the crystal ponies with a wing.

Twilight’s eyes widened then. “Wait, so if Lex has made some sort of deal with the Night Mare here in Equestria…”

Knowing what she was asking, Mihr nodded. “Yes, Princess Twilight. Should his goddess of darkness and tyranny spread her faith here while the others of her pantheon languish, then not only will this serene land of Equestria be at risk, but she might very well gain the power she needs to ascend to the position of leader over the other gods of her divine fellowship. Should she do that, she will surely seek to change the fate of that other world, Everglow, as well.”

“So let me see if I get this straight.” Unable to sit still any longer, Rainbow Dash jumped upward, wings flapping as she hovered in place. “Not only has Lex cursed Princess Luna, but now he’s also working with an evil goddess who’s putting Equestria and Everglow in danger? And you can’t help because why, exactly?”

“I think what Rainbow Dash is trying to say,” interjected Rarity tactfully, “is that we’ve gotten a little off-track from that agreement you were telling us about.”

“Indeed.” Giving an apologetic bow, Mihr continued. “The gods are not the only powers among the Outer Realms who wish to guide this world down a path in accordance with their interests. The inevitables seek to enforce order and natural law here as they do elsewhere. The devils will attempt to corrupt the souls of the populace and bring them to damnation. Demons will see this world as just another place to rampage through and destroy.”

“So we’re going to see more inevitables?” asked Discord uncomfortably.

“And devils?” whimpered Fluttershy.

“And demons?” frowned Applejack.

“Oh my!” grinned Pinkie, her cheery expression a marked contrast to how everyone else looked.

“Do not lose heart.” Mihr’s statement came with a flaring of all six of his wings, and the gesture was more than symbolic. Everyone present felt a pressure radiating off of the angel then, emanating from him like heat from a flame. But rather than pushing them away, it seemed to curl around everyone there, wrapping around them like a warm blanket on a winter’s night, offering security and hope to chase away the specter of despair. “It is in effort to prevent this world from being overrun by the great powers of the Outer Realms that the Hosts of Virtue – the powers that guide the realms of Heaven, Elysium, and Nirvana – have drafted a compact and presented it to those among our fellows who have knowledge of this world. It states that, until we’ve finished investigating the unusual circumstances by which this realm remained outside of our awareness for so long, we shall endeavor to remain apart from it so as to better evaluate it without contaminating our findings.”

“Of course you did,” muttered Willow, speaking for the first time since she’d returned with the other evacuees.

“Don’t be rude,” chastised Grass Patch gently, her smile making it clear that she was still enjoying the warmth of the angel’s protective aura.

But Willow just snorted. “This is what they do, angels and archons and other members of ‘the Hosts of Virtue.’ They hang back, work behind the scenes, and encourage those of us who don’t have anywhere near their power to do the heavy lifting.” She looked at Mihr then, scowling. “Do you actually think that any demons will abide by your little compact? Or that devils won’t find some loophole or workaround?” She shook her head in disgust. “All you’ve done is left us to fend for ourselves.”

“He didn’t exactly hang back when that lhaksha-thingy attacked,” noted Aisle.

For his part, Mihr didn’t seem distressed by Willow’s accusation. “The points you raise are valid ones. There is no possibility that the forces of Perdition or the Abyss will abide by this agreement. But that was not the point of this compact.”

Cadance tilted her head, curious. “Then what was?”

“This world is a testament to the good that mortals are capable of,” answered Mihr. “The souls of your people shine brightly, glowing with virtues such as charity, compassion, devotion, integrity, optimism, and many others. There are few worlds where so many have fulfilled their higher potential, and we among the Hosts consider it to be very important that we preserve and protect this world as much as we can, so that it might serve as a shining beacon to others. But we do not have the power to thwart the other great powers of the Outer Realms should they all use this world as a venue to advance their interests, as they do on others. To that end, this provisional agreement – by convincing them that the possibility of mortal worlds being hidden from our sight is too great an issue to ignore – bids them to suspend their interests in favor of keeping this world pristine, joining us in guarding it and so keeping it secure, at least for a time.”

“That didn’t seem to keep Lex from bringing the Night Mare here,” huffed Soft Mane.

“Or the belier devil that was in Vanhoover,” noted Luna.

“The gods are beyond the scope of our compact,” admitted Mihr. “What allowances they are made in this world is between them and mortals. Likewise, the presence of the belier was what alerted me that we needed to take action to preserve this place. But although we can keep watch over this world to a greater degree the more allies we have, such a defense remains imperfect. Although I wish I could say that not one denizen of darkness will befoul this beautiful world now that our agreement is in place, that is a promise I cannot make. Still, I hope you will take some comfort in knowing that your world will be protected.”

“And that’s why you can’t help us with Luna’s curse,” concluded Twilight. “Because that would break your agreement to leave Equestria alone.”

“Precisely so.” Mihr gestured to the conference room. “To correct the faults of one of our signatories falls within the purview of my oversight. But a conflict between the mortals of this world, even ones that have taken up the faith of foreign deities, is something that I am unable to become involved with.” He stood up then, folding his wings back to his sides as he did so. “But while I must take my leave now, there is one final thing I can do for all of you.”

In an instant, before anyone was able to object, the angel vanished, leaving only the echo of his voice behind.

“I will pray for your success.”

Author's Note:

Mihr explains the agreement reached among the planar powers to preserve Equestria. But will it really work as well as he seems to think it will?

And what's Lex been up to while all of this has been going on?

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