• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 20

“Uhh… Gene, are you sure this is gonna work?” Applejack asked as the Gallade finished tying down the Steelix. The Steel-type was being held down by a combination of chains, ropes – mostly lassos – and Belle’s psychic power.

While the force being used to keep the Steelix contained was a fair amount, most of the beings present feared it wouldn’t be enough, which was why Fang and Draco were standing nearby in case anything needed to be burned or smashed.

“Well,” He began. “No, I actually have no idea what’s going to happen.”

“That ain’t very reassuring.” Applejack said with a frown.

“Hey, I’m doing the best I can here, if you have a different plan to hold the giant thirty foot steel snake. I’ll be happy to hear it.”

Applejack remained silent.

“Alright,” Gene sighed as he finished shoving the last stake into the ground. “I think that’s about it.”

“Great,” Applejack trotted over to Gene. “Now we just have to wait for it to wake up.”

“Or we could knock.” Gene walked up to the Steelix’s head, and knocked twice against the skull, it echoed slightly as he did but nothing else happened.

“Well, that was completely pointless.” Belle said. “Now what?”

Gene looked around. Sheriff Silverstar, Braeburn, and Little Strongheart had gone back to town in case anything went wrong.

“I don’t know,” Gene answered. “I thought he’d wake up by now.”

“Ya know, ah get ya’ll are surprisingly durable or whatever, but ya did throw him twenty feet straight up.”

Gene shrugged. “It’s a Steel and Ground-Type, it really should’ve-”


“Never mind.” The Steelix tried to push itself up, only to be stopped by the chains that wrapped around its body and Belle’s psychic strength.

“What in the…” He saw Gene and the others standing in front of him. “Why you little-”

“Oh just save it.” Fang snapped. “Or do we have to teach you a little thing or two about respect?”

“Heel, boy.” Gene said jokingly.

The Steelix raised an eyebrow at this. “Who are you, Gallade who commands these Pokémon?”

Gene sighed. “That’s a long story, but it involves Arceus and humanity.”

The Steelix made rumbled nervously. “Lord Arceus? You have met the creator?”

“Yes,” Belle answered. “A few times now, actually; which reminds me, you heard his announcement didn’t you?”

“Little Gardevoir, I do not believe there is a being on this planet who did not hear Lord Arceus’ voice.”

“Then why were you trying to attack us?” Applejack asked. “You came at me and my cousin and then made towards town like one big disaster.”

Steelix rumbled in annoyance. “I was... upset, enraged, I have lived in my mountain for over two hundred years and now...” The Steel-Type looked at his surroundings in disdain. "I hate the desert, it does horrible things to my skin's luster."

Applejack turned to Gene and Belle. “Ah'm confused, what's he whinin' 'bout?"

"He doesn't like the desert," Gene restated. "And he's upset at being pulled from his long time home."

Steelix raised an eyebrow. “Just who are you, strange Gallade? You are not like any Pokémon I have encountered before, and I am over two hundred years old.”

Gene rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. “Well, ya see… look, that doesn’t matter right now, what’s important is that you don’t attack the ponies, or buffalo, or anyone else really.”

Steelix grumbled. “I will leave this place, the mountains are my home, but only once you explain why these Pokémon obey you.”

Gene sighed. “Fine, Draco and Fang listen to me because I’m their Trainer, or was their Trainer? I don’t know, Arceus brought a bunch of the ‘pure’ humans when he brought the Pokémon here. That’s what he meant when he was talking about those who were kind and good despite all the old world threw at them.” Gene didn’t think he would ever feel comfortable talking about his humanity, or how he had chosen not to try and regain it.

Steelix was silent for a moment, then he rumbled. “Let me up.”

Belle looked to Gene, who nodded, and released her psychic hold, once she did it took about five seconds for Steelix to dislodge or snap all the ropes and chains. As the Steel-Type reared to his full height he looked down at Gene and the others once more, before launching forward into the ground and shooting off towards the distant mountains.

“Huh,” Applejack stared at the hole the Steelix had made. “Fer some reason ah thought that was goin’ ta be a lot more difficult… and violent.”

Belle shrugged. “Even the most monstrous can be negotiated with, or most of them at least.”

“Ah guess so,” Applejack conceded. “Now what? Next train back home ain’t ‘til tomorrow.”

“Then I guess we’re staying in town tonight.” Gene said as he began walking towards town. “Come on, let’s hope the sheriff explained what’s going on.”

Belle quickly caught up with her mate, once she did she clasped his hand in hers and smiled. For whatever reason, Gene had been in a very positive mood since they got off the train, and, since their emotions often leaked across their bond, Belle was likewise in a good mood. “Poké for your thoughts.” She said sweetly.

“Just how long have those two been together?” Applejack asked Fang, walking behind the pair.

Fang grinned. “Almost thirteen years now, and they’ve been mates for seven.”

Applejack watched as the two talked, smiling and laughing. “You mind if ah ask you two somethin’?” Applejack turned to Fang and Draco, the Houndoom plodding alongside her and the Flygon hovering just over head.

“Sure,” Draco answered. “What is it?”

Applejack looked back to Belle and Gene again. “Ah know how most humans feel ‘bout their relationship, but Ah’m a might curious of what ya’ll think.”

Draco smiled. “I couldn't be happier for them." He looked to Applejack. "I consider Gene my hatch-mate, as I had none before, in human terms that's a... brother, and I'll protect him and Belle no matter what."

“Same here.” Fang answered. “Minus the hatch-mate thing, most Pokémon don’t see a problem when a human and Pokémon become mates, we don't put that much emphasis on species.”

Applejack nodded. “Then why were the humans so against it? Did ya’ll really have that little say?”

The Pokémon’s moods visibly darkened. “Psychic Pokémon are a little luckier than the rest,” Draco admitted. “Telepathy at least lets them prove they’re intelligent, although as I’m sure you’ve been told that wouldn’t matter in their case.” The Dragon Pokémon gestured to Belle and Gene.

“But for most Pokémon,” Fang continued. “Pokémon had pretty much no say whatsoever, and very limited equal rights.” Fang grumbled the last part. As a Dark-type, he had experienced just how cruel the world could be, until Gene found him.

“The humans started the whole… Poképhilia thing, the hatred towards it, after some incident in the Kalos region a few thousand years ago.” Draco said.

“What happened?” Applejack inquired.

“The short version?” Fang said. “Some king loved his Floette so much that when she died he built a machine to bring her back to life, that machine drained the life force of a good percentage of that region’s Pokémon and…” Fang sighed. “The Kalosians connected that to the king’s love for his Floette. You can probably guess where things went from there.”

“It’s stupid.” Draco huffed. “Gene was nearly inconsolable after those police crashed his wedding.”

“And Belle was even worse.” Fang added.

“Wow,” Applejack said, impressed. “You two certainly know a lot ‘bout this.”

Draco rolled his eyes. “Blame Mage, she’s the one interested in all of this.”

“Who now?” Applejack asked.

“Mage is another member of our team,” Fang explained. “She’s into history and magic and all of that.”

As Applejack asked the Pokémon a few more questions, Belle and Gene were having a conversation of their own. “Gene… you’re really ready for that?” Belle asked, her heart filling with joy.

Gene nodded. “Hey, we’re staying here, and I’m staying like this. Plus…” He smiled at her. “I love you and after our wedding–”

Belle silenced him by pulling him into a kiss. “I get it,” She said. “And I’m looking forward to it, all of it, as long as you’re by my side.”

Gene broke the kiss and smiled at her. “Always.”

Scootaloo hummed the Crusaders' tune to herself as she stapled one of Pinkie’s invitations to a tree. The little Pegasus had just given an invitation to Zecora, and a… Pokémon, that was staying with her, and, since she had passed out or hung up invitations all over town, she was now hanging up a few in the Everfree, so any Pokémon there could see them.

Scootaloo had originally been mildly scared of going into the Everfree, even if the path to Zecora’s was relatively safe during the day, but once she had seen the state of the forest, she became less sure.

It looked like the woods themselves were at war. Trees would slowly, almost too slowly to see, change shape, either twisted, gnarled trunks, or straight, proud and tall. Prickly vines crept on to the path, only to wither and die.

Zecora had said it was most likely due to the explosion the other day, which she said released both chaotic and ordely energy in great quantities.

As Scootaloo finished hanging one of the invitations she turned back to her scooter and prepared to take off, then she heard buzzing. It sounded like a giant bee’s wings, and for a moment Scootaloo thought it would be one of the Pokémon from Sweet Apple Acres, once she turned around, her heart dropped.

Standing on the path, looking at the invitation, was a bipedal creature that looked vaguely like a cross between a praying mantis and a lobster. It was rust red and its exoskeleton shined like polished steel, a pair of translucent blue wings sprouted from plates on its back and a three point crest topped its head. But what really drew Scootaloo’s attention were its claws. The sharp, lobster-like claws were made all the more eerie by the yellow markings on both sides, making them look like the mouths of some creature.

And it was reading the invitation. Scootaloo gulped and stepped backwards, trying to make it to her scooter before-


Scootaloo froze as she stepped on a twig, the Scizor looked up and then turned around. “Scizor?”

“Aahhhh!” Scootaloo jumped on to her scooter and rocketed off, leaving a very confused Bug-type by itself. The Pincer Pokémon just shrugged and turned back to the invitation.

Scootaloo, now a safe distance down the path, had stopped riding and was panting as she leaned on a tree. “What was that?” She asked herself.

When no one answered Scootaloo just sighed and grabbed another invitation from her cart, she walked over to a small tree just on the side of the road. Scootaloo pulled off a piece of tape and stuck it to the paper, then attached it to the tree. The filly took a second to make sure the invite was secure, then she nodded and hopped back on her scooter, heading further back towards Ponyville.

Once Scootaloo had vanished from sight, the tree opened one of its eyes. “Sudo?” The Sudowoodo looked down at the paper that had been taped to its chest, then smiled as it headed off to spread the news. “Sudowoodo!”

Once more Scootaloo had stopped and was hanging up one of the last invitations, she figured she could just post the last few around Ponyville, then she heard the crying.

Scootaloo looked in the direction of the sound and saw it was coming from off the path, now considering where she was, and what had just happened a few minutes before, most foals, and ponies in general, would not have crawled through a thicket of brambles to see who or what was crying, Scootaloo was not most ponies.

Once she had made it throat the thicket she finally saw the source of the crying, a baby Dragon, or that’s what it looked like to Scootaloo, the creature was in fact a young Charmander.

“Are you alright?” Scootaloo asked.

The Charmander, who had been sobbing into his hands, looked up suddenly. “Char!” It cried, taking a few steps back.

“Hey, it’s alright, I’m not gonna hurt you.” Scootaloo told it.

The little Fire Pokémon sniffled. “Char?”

Scootaloo walked up to the Pokémon, but jumped back when she noticed its tail. “Uhh, you’re on fire.” She pointed out.

“Charmander.” Charmander waved his tail back and forth, a confused look on his face.

Scootaloo tapped her chin. “Oh, I get it, you’re one of those Pokémon, right?” Charmander nodded. “I thought you were a dragon, you kinda look like one.”

Charmander sighed.

“What’s wrong?” Scootaloo asked.

“Char…” He said sadly.

Scootaloo looked around the clearing and, seeing no one, asked. “Are you all alone out here?”

Charmander sniffled again, which basically confirmed it for Scootaloo. The little Pegasus had been an orphan herself, until she was adopted and her family moved to Ponyville, so she understood how the little Pokémon was feeling.

Scootaloo thought for a second, then got an idea. “Hey, you wanna come stay with me?” She asked with a smile.


“Yeah, I can’t really leave you alone out here and besides, my mom loves animals.” Scootaloo winced when the term slipped past her lips, remembering what Arceus had said yesterday.

Charmander, however, didn’t seem to care. He ran up to Scootaloo and hugged the little Pegasus. Scootaloo smiled and hugged him back, as she led the little Fire-type out of the clearing and back to her scooter, two things crossed her mind. One, how was she going to explain having a flaming Pokémon to her parents, and two, how jealous would it make Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle hummed the Crusader tune to herself as she trotted out of the Ponyville pet supplies store. The little unicorn wasn’t sure what Pinkie Pie wanted with… She looked down at her list.

“Fish food, cat food, dog food, bird seed, and meal worms.” She winced as she remembered the cashier handing her the container with the bugs. “Check,” She smiled as she crossed off the items, then read on. “Let’s see, that’s carrots, candy, candy carrots, watermelons, oranges, pears, chocolate, assorted pet food... huh,” She said with the smile.

“That leaves peanuts and,” She looked at the last item on the list in confusion. “Gemstones Rock candy… I suppose that’s for Spike.” Sweetie Belle shrugged and trotted off towards Sugarcube Corner, she knew Pinkie had a bunch of rock candy left over from her sister’s visit, and she had asked Rarity if she wanted any for her dresses.

As she trotted through town, she noted just how many Pokémon were out and about. There were a bunch of oddly large and oddly colored birds, a few weird bugs, although Sweetie thought the green caterpillars were kinda cute, and a couple of odder things, including what looked like a rock, with arms and a face but no legs that was hopping around a small rock garden.

As Sweetie Belle crossed over a bridge she saw something in the river, it was a silhouette just under the surface, long and serpentine, with two bright glowing eyes, it quickly disappeared. Sweetie Belle shivered and wondered what kinda creepy snake thing it was, then she smiled.

Sitting on the banks of the river Sweetie saw a small blue, orange and yellow turtle, it was sitting on the bank, kicking its feet it the water and smiling, when it saw Sweetie Belle it waved at her. Sweetie Belle giggled and waved back.

“Squirtle.” It cried, waving again.

“Hi!” She called back.

The Squirtle smiled, then dove into the river. Sweetie Belle sighed as she looked for the Pokémon in vain, then continued on her way to Sugarcube Corner. Just before she walked off the bridge however, she was stopped when she heard a soft splash, followed by what sounded like something from one of the video games her friend Button played.


Sweetie Belle whirled around and saw the Squirtle lying on its back, struggling to stand itself upright. The filly giggled again. “Here, let me help.” She trotted over to the distressed Pokémon and helped stand it up.

“Squirtle, Squirtle!” It cried happily.

“Hi… again.” Sweetie said with a smile. She looked over the edge of the bridge and judged the distance to the water. “Did you jump up here?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Squirtle.” Squirtle nodded in affirmative.

“Just so you could meet me?”

“Squirtle squirt.” Another nod.

Sweetie Belle smiled. “You know you could’ve met me on the other side of the river right?”

Squirtle paused, considering that, then he looked down bashfully. “Squirtle...”

Sweetie giggled again. “That’s alright, I mean, you’re not hurt are you?”

The Tiny Turtle Pokémon shook his head, then knocked on his shell. “Squirtle, Squirtle squirt.”

Sweetie Belle looked at the little Pokémon, then back at the list Pinkie had given her. “Tell ya what, I’ve gotta finish getting some supplies for a party I’m helping with,” Squirtle looked down, obviously disappointed. “But,” She continued. “Once I’m done getting these last few things I’ll introduce you to my friends and we can play, alright?”

Squirtle nodded happily and ran up to Sweetie Belle, he gave the little unicorn a quick hug before releasing her and smiling again.

“Alright,” Sweetie said with a laugh. “Come on.”

As the pair headed for Sugarcube Corner, Sweetie Belle considered how she was going to tell her friends about her new friend.

Apple Bloom let out a dissatisfied groan as she collapsed on the ground, she had been following Discord’s instructions for the past few hours and she was tired. “Who knew party planning took so much work?” She thought to herself, although Apple Bloom was fairly certain at least half of Discord’s instructions were unnecessary, even if he kept reading off the list Pinkie gave him.

As Apple Bloom lied in the shade of a tree, taking a break, she heard rustling in the branches, she opened her eyes to see a group of black… things, hanging there, each one of the bore a coat of leaves and had two twigs were its legs might’ve been. "Burmy?"

Apple Bloom just rolled on to her legs and walked off a bit. “Some of these Pokémon are just plain odd.” She said aloud. Just then, a group of three monkeys, one green, one blue, and one red, scampered past. Once Apple Bloom found another tree she promptly laid down and closed her eyes. “Just five minutes.” She mumbled.

Apple Bloom wasn’t exactly physically exhausted, she worked harder than this on the farm most days, but taking random directions from the Lord of Chaos was enough to tire out anypony, or most ponies at least, barring Pinkie Pie.

Once again Apple Bloom laid in the shade of the tree, and once again she was interrupted by a rustling, although this time it was from the bushes. The filly cracked an eyelid and saw a Pokémon coming out of the bushes.

It was short and blue, with green spots on its body, most of its form consisted of the large green bulb that sprouted from its back. The Bulbasaur noticed Apple Bloom and looked at her curiously, it walked up to the Pony and sniffed her mane.

“Saur?” It said, as if confused, it sniffed Apple Bloom’s mane again. “Bulba, Bulbasaur.” It said to Apple Bloom.

“What do you want?” Apple Bloom asked in exasperation, tired of being interrupted. “Ah’m tryin’ to take a break.”

“Bulba, Bulbasaur, Saur Bulba Bulbasaur.”

“Uhhh… come again?” She asked, wondering what the Seed Pokémon had just said.

“…Saur?” Suddenly, a tentacle, no, a vine emerged from the base of the bulb on Bulbasaur’s back, it snaked through the air and towards Apple Bloom, where it wrapped around a chunk of her mane and held it slightly aloft. “Bulba?”

The filly thought for a second, wondering what it was trying to say, then she remembered something Belle had said the other day. “Does mah mane smell like apples?” She ventured.

The Grass-Type nodded, the cocked his head slightly. Apple Bloom laughed lightly at the little creatures antics. “Mah family runs an apple farm, Sweet Apple Acres, so ah guess it comes with the job er somethin’.”

Bulbasaur nodded and released Apple Bloom’s mane, its vines retreating back into its body. It then promptly sat down next to Apple Bloom. The filly sighed and shifted slightly to get more comfortable.

“Fine, you can stay… but ah gotta get back to work soon… or maybe not, it is Discord.” Apple Bloom was surprised to see the Draconequus working so diligently on something that wasn’t chaos related. Then again, it was a Pinkie party; anything could happen. Anything.

As Apple Bloom contemplated the Lord of Chaos, she felt something wrap around her body and looked over to see that Bulbasaur had one of its vines wrapped around her shoulder. It was smiling at her too.

Apple Bloom couldn’t help but smile back, then she remembered something that Discord had mentioned, what Gene had done back on Earth.

“It does have a nice ring to it.” She admitted. “Ah’ll see what Sweetie and Scootaloo think about it when they get back.”

Fluttershy smiled as she gave out the last of the food she had prepared for the Pokémon.

“Thank you, Fluttershy.” Oshawott said with a grin as he accepted the bowl of fish.

As the little otter ran into the living room to join the other Pokémon, Fluttershy turned to the only Pokémon in the house she hadn’t fed. “Are you sure you don’t want anything, Duskull?” She asked the Ghost-type.

“No thank you, Fluttershy, I do not require such sustenance.” Fluttershy was beginning to worry she was doing something wrong with the Requiem Pokémon, she decided to ask Misty about raising Pokémon when the former human got back.

As Fluttershy trotted into the living room, Duskull floating behind her, she smiled at all the little Pokémon, Shinx and Skitty were sitting next to each other on the couch across from all three of the Eevee sisters, Snivy sat by himself in one of the chairs and Yanma was perched on the edge of the table. Togepi was sitting with Oshawott and Cubone, and the Joltiks were still on the ceiling.

Fluttershy smiled at all the little Pokémon. Upon coming home, the mare had decided that they were more similar to foals than her animal friends, most of whom were still unsure of the Pokémon. Angel was upstairs, eating his meal in peace. Once more, Fluttershy worried about how the Pokémon’s presence would affect the animals; she really hoped Arceus had a plan.

As Fluttershy watched the Pokémon eat, more pleasant thoughts entered her mind. “They really are sweet,” She thought. “How could these little cuties ever harm anything?”

Fluttershy still had trouble believing that all Pokémon, even the little ones before her, had powers similar to Belle’s to some extent, and that they could change appearance as drastically as Belle had.

When Gene had explained evolution, in the Pokémon sense of the word, she couldn’t believe it, and upon seeing Belle’s former form… she hadn’t thought about it much at the time as she had been preoccupied with trying to accept how Pokéballs worked, and later heavily berating Discord on the subject, but she was shocked that a living creature could go through that. Sure, there were similarities between them but in the same way a foal looks like their parents.

Fluttershy was pulled from her thoughts as she felt something pawing at her leg, she looked down to see one of the Eevee sisters staring up at her, the other two sitting just behind their sibling. “Fluttershy?” She asked, wagging her tail. “Will you play with us?”

The Pegasus had to hold herself back from scooping up the little fox and hugging her. “Of course, sweetie,” She said with a smile. “How about hide-and-seek? I’ll count to ten, and you hide.”

“Ok!” She cried happily.

Fluttershy covered her eyes with a hoof and began counting. “One… two…” Fluttershy heard a large number of paws and feet shuffling, wings buzzing, and legs scuttling. By the time she reached ten and uncovered her eyes she wasn’t surprised to see that all the Pokémon, except for Snivy and Duskull, had hidden themselves. “Oh, yes,” Fluttershy thought as she began her search. “Just like raising foals.”

Author's Note:

Scizor Sudowoodo
Charmander Squirtle
Burmy Bulbasaur
Oshawott Duskull
Skitty Shinx
Eevee Snivy
Yanma Joltik

I went back and edited part of Chapter 2, made it so that instead of a meaningless term to Pokemon, calling them animals is now an insult to their intelligence.

"Good, because I noticed a few inconsistencies throughout the story."

Is this gonna be a thing with you now?

"Oh yes, I'm finding this entire situation quite amusing. Maybe I'll invite my children over."

Oh God...


Anyway, I have a Tvtrope page now, big thanks to tdnpony, of course I don't know how a Tvtrope page actually works-

"Nor do I, technology is not my strong suit... perhaps Genesect?."

But here's a link. Linky-pie. if you could help set it up or whatever it is you do with these thin's that be much appreciated. Thanks again for everything you guys!:pinkiehappy:

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