• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,206 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 37

Elena, Nick, Terra, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia walked down the empty streets of Ponyville, Nick looking from the note in his paws to the various buildings, trying to find the one indicated in the note.

Earlier that day, a note had been dropped off at Vinyl and Octavia’s shared residence. It had asked the group to meet at town hall at seven.

Vinyl and Octavia had guessed that it was probably the ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party that Pinkie was throwing for them.

Nick and Elena had originally been against the idea, Elena more so than Nick, but Vinyl had told them that no one could escape a Pinkie Party for long, and Terra wanted to go.

The pair had finally relented, saying they’d go but wouldn’t stay for long. Terra had been happy to hear it, and had then, unbeknownst to anyone, had snuck off to procure some supplies. And some help.

“There’s town hall,” Vinyl pointed out as the building came into view. “Come on, I’m sure Pinkie’s already got half the town in there.”

Nick was slightly nervous at the thought of meeting so many new ponies, and was glad Elena and Terra were with him.

Elena was still wary of how many of the ponies and Pokemon from Manehattan were going to be there.

Terra was... smiling. Rather devilishly in fact.

“Let’s just go in, introduce ourselves, and then head back to your house,” Elena said.

“Alright,” Vinyl said. “But this is a Pinkie Party. You might not want to leave.”

Vinyl Scratch pushed the door open and was greeted by a dark and seemingly empty room.

“You sure this is the right-”

“SURPRISE!” Pinkie Pie, accompanied by what looked to be half the town, as well as a few Pokemon, jumped from various hiding places around the room. And the lights turned on to reveal a full party spread.

Nick, who had began to cloak himself and his friends with an illusion at the sudden shout, dropped his forming illusion, while Elena, who had struck up a battle ready pose, lowered her fists... slightly.

“I’m so, so, sooo, glad you guys came!” Pinkie said, rushing up to the group, Zap floating at her side. “At first I thought you wouldn’t come because you were still mad, then I thought about bringing the party to your house so you couldn’t miss it, but Twilight said that’d be ‘invasion of private property’, so I set everything up here and,” Pinkie squealed. “I’m just soooo glad you’re here!”

Pinkie pulled Nick, Elena, and Terra into a hug. As it had turned out, Twilight had been right. It was impossible to stay mad at Pinkie Pie for long.

Once Pinkie released the trio, she gave them a quick rundown of who had come and what the nights itinerary was. Elena was slightly perturbed to hear that everyone they had met in Manehattan had come, but she tried to put it aside... for now.

After a few minutes, Pinkie excused herself, saying she had to check on some things, and had run off, her Rotom following behind her.

“Well,” Terra began. “I’m going to go socialize. You two should make out-I mean make up! Make up with some of the others.”

On that note, with Elena glaring at her, the Mawile slipped into the crowd of ponies.

Nick and Elena watched as Terra ran off. “She’s up to something,” Elena said.

“Maybe,” Vinyl said. “But then again, she does seem like the type who’d enjoy a party like this.”

“Unless she actually does anything, I don’t think we should worry ourselves too much,” Nick said. “Pinkie Pie’s right, we should try to enjoy ourselves.”

Elena looked at Nick incredulously. “Nick... I don’t know, I still don’t trust these people.”

Nick smiled softly and put a paw on her shoulder. “I know, but we’re going to be in Ponyville for awhile, so we should at least try to get along with these people.”

Elena looked at him. “Nick...”


“... Fine,” Elena said. “But I’m still not sure about this.”

Nick smiled and he and Elena went deeper into the party, and while they met a bunch of ponies, they didn’t encounter anyone from Manehattan. Not until a little later.

“I don’t want to,” Belle said, crossing her arms.

Gene put a hand on his fiance's. “I know you’re mad that Terra attacked me,” Gene said. “And that she attacked you, but you have to admit,” He sighed. “We were the ones at fault.”

Belle didn’t say anything, instead she looked to where Elena and Nick were talking with Applejack.

“Please Belle?” Gene asked. “I don’t want there to be anymore bad blood for us here then there has to be.”

The Gardevoir looked at Gene, a pleading smile on his face. “Oh... alright,” She sighed. “But don’t expect me to trust her.”

Gene smiled and lead his mate over to them. “Hi Applejack,” Gene greeted. “Nick, Elena.”

“Howdy Gene, Belle,” Applejack said with a smile. “I was just welcomin’ Nick an’ Elena here ta town.”

“Actually, I was hoping that Belle and I could talk to them for a minute,” Gene said, hoping she would catch on.

Applejack looked at the Gallade for a second, confused, then shrugged. “Alright, guess I’ll just go mingle then.” Applejack said her goodbyes and trotted off.

Gene smiled nervously at the Zoroark and Lucario. “So um, Belle and I had something we wanted to say, isn’t that right love?”

Belle looked at the two for a second, then sighed. “I’m... sorry.”

“We both are,” Gene added. “Of all people, we should’ve known better than to jump to any conclusions.”

“What does that mean?” Elena asked, earning her a glare from Belle.

“Gene and I are mates,” Belle replied.

“And I used to be human,” Gene added. They hadn’t really explained... anything about themselves, to Nick, Elena, or Terra on the way back from Manehattan.

“Oh,” Nick said, eyes wide in understanding.

“So you’ll have to forgive me if I act a little overprotective of Gene,” Belle said, looking at Elena.

Elena glanced at Nick for a second, then sighed. “I know the feeling,”

Gene smiled. “Anyway, how have you two been enjoying Ponyville?”

Nick smiled. “It’s been great so far, and all the ponies seems so... accepting,” That was what had surprised Nick the most, he had assumed a small town would have been more apprehensive about such a big change as the Pokemon.

Belle chuckled. “From what Twilight’s told us, Ponyville is use to weird things, plus Pinkie threw a huge party a few days ago,” She smiled. “Even Arceus showed up.”

The four of them talked for awhile, until Belle and Gene excused themselves, Gene saying he was going to make sure Mage wasn’t getting herself into any trouble.

“They seem... nice,” Nick ventured, though he still wasn’t completely ready to forgive everyone for what had happened in Manehattan...but he figured he’d give them a chance.

“Yeah, I guess,” Elena agreed. The whole time they had been talking, she had reached out with her Aura Sense, and had seen that both Gene and Belle had been sincere.

For a moment the pair stood there, unsure of what to do next. “So…” he started, thinking of something to do. “You want some punch?” Nick asked.

“Sure,” she smiled.

As Terra ran off, leaving Nick and Elena by themselves for the moment, she looked around the party for someone who was suppose to meet her here. “Where are you?” She whispered.

“Looking for someone?” A voice said from above her.

Terra looked up to see Mage floating above her head, smiling.

“Did you finish it?” Terra asked impatiently.

Mage rolled her eyes and floated down to Terra’s level. “You know, you could say hello first.”

“Hello,” Terra deadpanned. “Did you finish it?”

Mage scoffed. “I don’t know why I’m even helping you,” She mumbled, before floating a vial of some brown liquid from beneath her cloak. “Here.”

Terra smiled as she took the vial. “So what did you decide on?”

“A mix of both alcohol and aphrodisiac. One drink of this, and they may as well be drinking Love Potion.” Mage had actually tried to find a Love Potion recipe in the library, but Twilight had been... less than helpful.

Terra grinned. “Excellent, now we just have to wait for the right moment and bang!”

“Isn’t it bam?” Mage asked.

“Not this time,” Terra smirked.

Mage blinked once, stared at Terra, then chuckled. “You’re a crude little fairy aren’t you?”

Terra humphed and turned away from Mage. “Whatever, now come on, we have to spike the punch before they get any.”

Terra and Mage made their way to the punch table, once there, Mage turned invisible and floated above the crowd and spotted the soon to be couple.

“Looks like they’re headed this way,” Mage whispered to Terra.

“Perfect,” Terra rubbed her hands together. “Soon Nick and Ellie will be closer than ever, and my nieces or nephews will be on the way.”

Mage developed on contemplative look. “I wonder if I’m going to be an aunt soon.” She blinked once. “If not, it certainly wouldn’t be from lack of trying.”

“Shhh! Here they come!” Terra hopped up onto the table and uncapped the vial. “Here we go.” She poured the liquid into the punch and used the ladle to mix it throughout.

“Get down!” Mage cried as the pair approached.

Terra ducked under the table, grinning like a mad man. “Yes!” She pumped her fists, then went to give Mage a high five.

“Still no hands,” Mage deadpanned.

Terra chuckled awkwardly, then peeked out from under the table cloth. As her friends made their way to the table, she began a mental countdown. Ten, nine, eight, seve- “Where are they going?!”

Nick and Elena were on their way to the punch bowl, just chatting, when they were interrupted by something peculiar at the edge of the room.

Lucario and Korrina were both standing there, facing each other, and by the looks of things, their conversation wasn’t entirely pleasant.

“Lucario...” Korrina began, pulling the Aura Pokemon aside. “I need to talk to you.”

Lucario stood there patiently as Korrina sighed and asked. “Lucario... why did you kiss me back there?”

Lucario sighed. “Korrina... I can’t stand seeing you upset like that,” He explained.

“You’ve used your aura power to calm me down before,” Korrina said with crossed arms.

“True,” Lucario said. “But this time you were upset with me.”

“I wasn’t...” Korrina began, but stopped herself, if she was being really truthful with herself... she had been a little upset with Lucario at the time.

“And... I care about you... a lot,” Lucario said softly.

Korrina glared at him for a second. “You know... there are other ways you could have shown it.” She muttered something under her breath that sounded an awful lot like “My first kiss”.

Lucario sighed. “I know. Its just that…” he sighed again. “Ever since we came here…” he started, trying to find the words for it.

“Umm... are you two alright?” Lucario’s train of thought was derailed once he noticed that Nick and Elena, the latter crossing her arms and glaring at him, had walked over to them.

Korrina returned Elena’s glare. “We’re kinda having a private conversation here,” She said impatiently.

“I told you we shouldn’t have bothered,” Elena huffed in annoyance.

“No, really,” Lucario said. “This is a very personal matter for us, and we’d appreciate it if-”

“Heeey guys,” Terra said, walking up behind her friends. “Why don’t we leave these two lovebirds alone and have a little pu-” The Mawile’s eyes widened as she looked back at the punch bowl and saw Vinyl and Octavia there, both drinking a cup of the punch. Mage floated nearby, looking from the mares to Terra. The Mismagius quickly disappeared.

“Oh crap,” Terra gulped.

“Terra?” Nick asked. “Are you alright?”

The Steel-type weighed her options and put on a smile. “Yeah, now why don’t we go get some punch?”

Before the two could object, she began dragging the Zoroark and Lucario towards the punch bowl.

Korrina and Lucario stood there, the former Gym Leader still shocked from the Mawile’s words. “I... we’re not...” She stuttered, her mind trying to form a coherent thought, before it became too much for her, and she turned and ran away.

“Korrina!” Lucario cried, following after her.

“Terra... what did you do?” Elena asked, arms crossed.

“Nothing,” The Mawile lied. “I did nothing.”

“Then what’s wrong with Vinyl and Octavia?” Elena asked.

Both mares were standing by the punch bowl, laughing their heads off and acting as if they were drunk.

Nick looked down at the punch Terra had just given to him and Elena. Then at the cups in the hooves of the drunken mares.

He took Elena’s drink from her and dropped both into a nearby trashcan. “Now that that’s cleared up,” He turned to Terra, who was now frowning. “Do you want to tell us what happened?”

Terra thought for a second. “Nope,” She turned around and ran off before either of her friends could stop her.

“Terra!” Elena shouted, before she and Nick quickly ran after the Mawile.

“I think the punch has been... spiked!” Pinkie said.

“This is serious Pinkie,” Rainbow told her friend.

“I know, now there’s no punch for anyone else!” Pinkie pouted.

Rainbow Dash facehoofed. “Look, you dump the punch I’ll... where did Octavia and Vinyl go?”

The two drunken mares had JUST been conversing near the punch bowl. Now they were gone. “Ugg,” Dash shook her head. “Alright, I’ll dump the punch, you find them or get Belle to track them down or something before they do anything stupid.”

Dash flew over to the punch bowl and grabbed the tainted drink, planning to dump it in the bushes outside. “Don’t worry Dashie,” Pinkie said as Dash flew towards the door. “It’s just two ponies, and one of them’s Tavi, what harm could they do?”

“You know my dear,” Octavia said, leaning against her ‘dear’. “I never realized just how handsome you were.”

“Uh... th-thanks?”

“Mm hmm, those eyes of yours are just the loveliest shade of green,” She drawled.


“And your scales,” Octavia ran her hoof down the spines on Spike’s back.

“Uhh,” Spike blushed profusely. “Octavia? Are you feeling alright?”

“I’ve never felt better my darling,” Octavia said musically.

Spike laughed nervously and tried to escape Octavia’s grasp, but despite being a high class mare, Octavia was still an Earth Pony, and was surprisingly strong.

“Help...” Spike called weakly.

While Spike continued to struggle, Octavia continued to snuggle. Until Twilight, who had been searching for her number one assistant, finally managed to find him.

“Spike?” Twilight asked, staring at the sight before her. “What’s going on?”

“Oh Princess Twilight,” Octavia let Spike go and stood up, swaying as she did. “I was just complimenting Spike here on what a handsome young Dragon he’s grown into.”

Twilight blinked once and looked to Spike. He mouthed the words ‘help me’.

Twilight saw the distressed look on Spike’s face, and the look Octavia was giving him. Her eye twitched. “Octavia,” Twilight said calmly. Too calmly. “Why don’t you and I have a little chat back at the library?”

“Come along now Vinyl,” Rarity said, leading the drunken and soaking Unicorn out of the fountain.

“But *hic* I was about ta... ta seal the deal,” She grinned back at Aloe and Lotus, both of whom waved at her.

“That’s wonderful Vinyl,” Rarity took a towel from Pinkie and whispered. “Get Aloe and Lotus home.”

Pinkie saluted and trotted over to the sisters. They had also had a little too much to drink...but weren’t nearly as drunk as Vinyl was. “What even compelled you to..”

“To make out with a pair of hot twin sisters?” Vinyl asked, her glasses sliding down her muzzle. “Don’t ask me how, but I just *hic* just made two hundred bits for charity.”

Rarity sighed. “Vinyl dear, I’m going to take you home soon. But first, could you please tell me why you seem so... loose?”

“I’m drunk of my ass!” Vinyl shouted.

Rarity bit her lip. She wished that it was later, as most of the partygoers were still present...including quite a few foals...

“This party had great punch,” Vinyl said, leaning against Rarity for support. Vinyl laughed. “Hey, hey Rarity?” Vinyl said. “Hey Rarity? You’re pretty cute, ya know that?”

Rarity smiled and nodded. She was going to have to come back after she got Vinyl home, hopefully they’d be able to figure out who was responsible for Vinyl’s... antics.

“Alright you,” Elena said, jabbing Terra’s chest. “Spill.”

The Mawile scoffed. “You can’t make me talk, you have no proof that I did anything.”

“You were about to give Nick and I the punch before Vinyl Scratch and Octavia started acting like that,” The Lucario said. “And, knowing you and how you kept trying to... set us up, back in Manehattan, I’m certain you had a hand in this.”

The Mawile was sat in a chair in the center of the room, with Nick, Elena, Pinkie, Applejack, Belle, and Gene gathered around her.

“But I know you couldn’t have made whatever you put in the punch,” Elena said. “So, who helped you?”

“It was Mage, wasn’t it?” Gene asked. “She loves mischief...and potions.”

“I’ll never reveal my fellow conspirator’s true identity!” Terra cried, crossing her arms.

“So... you admit you tried to drug us then?” Nick asked.

Terra’s eyes widened. “Uhh... it was the Mismagius. She tricked me!” So much for loyalty.

“I did not, you traitor!” Mage said as she faded in behind the Mawile, startling several of the rooms occupants. “You asked me to make you something that would remove their inhibitions, and Twilight wouldn’t let me make a love potion!”

“Mage!” Gene shouted. “What the heck?”

The Mismagius stuck her tongue out. “I was assisting in a quest for true love!” Mage defended. “Besides I never got a chance to try any plans on you two before you became mates.”

“Wait, you had plans?” Belle asked.

“That’s beside the point,” Mage answered.

Gene facepalmed. “Mage... what the heck did you make?”

The Mismagius looked down. “Some Berry Juice I got from a Shuckle, mixed with some normal alcohol I, ahem, borrowed, from that Berry mare’s bar, and some aphrodisiacs I got from Zecora.”

“Why in tarnations would Zecora give you any aphra-aphri-... what’s that then?” Applejack asked.

“She was trying to make Nick and I... umm,” Elena blushed.

“Make the beast with two backs,” Terra interjected.

“Oookay, you’re in time out,” Gene grabbed Mage by her hat. “Come on, you and I are going to have a long talk when we get back to Rarity’s.”

“Aww!” Mage cried.

Belle made to leave, but stopped next to Elena, a sheepish smile on her face. “She had your best interest at heart,” The Gardevoir offered in consolation.

The grunt she received from Elena told her that the Lucario was not pleased.

Belle rolled her eyes and followed her fiance out of the building.

“Look, I REALLY don’t want to talk about this here,” Nick said, eyeing the ponies. “Let’s head back to Vinyl and Octavia’s and...” He looked at Terra.

The Mawile smiled nervously, but stopped when Elena glared at her.

As the three of them left the building, one of them running over escape plans in her mind, Applejack sighed. “That got... weird.”

Pinkie scratched her chin and looked around.

“Pinkie? Are ya’ll listenin’ ta me?” Applejack asked.

“Twilight left with Octavia just before we got Vinyl out of the fountain,” Pinkie said. “I wonder where they went?”

Darkrai paced back and forth nervously at the entrance to Cresselia’s room. “I can do this,” His pacing was him floating back and forth more than anything else, since he lacked legs. “I can do this,” In his hand he held a single pink rose, courtesy of Shaymin. “I can do this,”

“Oh for crying out loud!” Meloetta shouted from behind before rushing forward and banging on the ornate, gold and pink stylized door that marked the entrance to Cresselia’s room.

As quickly as she had flown up, Meloetta flew back to her hiding place. “You’re on!” Meloetta cried.

“Why you little...” Darkrai began.

“Hello?” The Dark-type paused as a familiar and melodic voice rang as the door opened. “Darkrai?”

Darkrai cleared his throat. “Cresselia, it’s nice to- it’s nice to see you,” He cleared his throat and continued. “How are you?”

“Oh I’m... ok,” Cresselia said unconvincingly, she was honestly still upset about how Darkrai had left her their first night here. “What are you...” Her eyes widened as she saw the rose in Darkrai’s hand. “I-is that for me?” She asked hopefully.

“I Um, well, it’s, I was going to,” The Pitch-Black Pokemon took a deep breath before holding the rose out to Cresselia. “Yes, it is, and... I wanted to ask you something.” Cresselia took the rose in a psychic hold and smelled it. She smiled softly and looked back to Darkrai.

“Would you, if you don’t have any other plans that is,” Darkrai gulped and said. “Would you like to go on a date? With... me?”

Cresselia stared at Darkrai in disbelief. The Dark-type who had stolen her heart all those years ago had never been this forward before. “You... you really mean it? This isn’t a joke?”

Darkrai looked shocked at the accusation. “I would never joke about this,” He assured her.

Cresselia heard the hurt in his voice and tried to correct herself. “No, I didn’t mean... this is just so unlike you.”

“I know,” Darkrai said sadly. “And I’m sorry about how things have been between us,” Cresselia looked away from him for a second. “But,” He continued. “If you’re willing to give me one last chance,” He looked Cresselia directly in the eyes and said. “I swear I’ll make it up to you.”

Cresselia stared at Darkrai for a moment, then smiled before flying forward and wrapping her wings around him the best she could. “Ooh, of course I am,” She said happily. “But no running off this time.”

Darkrai smiled. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” He said.

Cresselia giggled. “So... what did you have in mind?” She asked.

“It’s a surprise,” He said. It certainly surprised me.

Cresselia looked around the restaurant Darkrai had brought her to for their date. “Ok,” She said with a smile. “How did you get a reservation here?”

Darkrai thought back to the night before, when the other Legendaries were helping him prepare, Virizion had asked where he had been the past few nights, and why he was only asking her for help now. Darkrai had revealed his dealings with Princess Luna, how she was helping him control his powers using Equestrian magic.

After A LOT of congratulations, Celebi had flitted off to Canterlot Castle to talk with Luna about Darkrai’s date. She had come back with a reservation for two at one of Canterlot’s most prestigious restaurants.

“I have my ways,” He said mysteriously, then looked back at his menu. “I think I’ll have the fruit salad,” He mused, he had never actually been to a restaurant before, but he knew he liked fruit.

“I think I’ll have the fish,” Cresselia said. “And don’t change the subject, how did you get a reservation here?”

Darkrai smiled. “I met a pony who has connections when I left the temple one night, we got to talking and she agreed to help me with my... problem,”

Cresselia smiled. “She, huh?” The Lunar Pokemon asked. “I don’t have to be afraid of competition do I?”

“Never,” Darkrai answered immediately. “I’ll only ever have eyes for you, my lady.”

Cresselia blushed slightly, Darkrai had never been this... open, before. Not that Cresselia minded, she kinda liked it actually.

“Ahem, excuse me... madam?” Cresselia turned to see a unicorn waiter with a handlebar moustache standing by their table. “Are you and the... gentlemen?” Darkrai nodded. “Ready to order?”

“Yes, I’ll have the fruit salad and the lady will have...” Darkrai tapped his chin. “Which fish would you suggest?”

The waiter blinked once, then answered. “If I might suggest the fried tilapia, served with a side of-”

“That sound delicious,” Cresselia stopped him, she didn’t know what a tilapia was, but she wanted to continue her chat with Darkrai.

“Very well,” He jotted down their order. “Your order will be out shortly.” He turned and left.

“So, you said this friend of yours was helping you with a problem,” Cresselia continued. “It wasn’t how to tell a girl you like her, was it?”

Darkrai chuckled. “No, it was... my powers,” Virizion had told him to be completely truthful with Cresselia on this date, and he intended to do just that.

“Really?” Cresselia asked, Darkrai almost never talked about his powers with the other Legendaries, let alone normal Pokemon or humans, why was a Pony any different? “Well how’d you meet this mare? And how did she help you?” Cresselia was part curious, part jealous.

Darkrai raised an eyebrow. “We met after an... an incident, involving the dreamscape, she’s quite well versed in the use of dream magic and she’s been using Equestrian magic to help me control my nightmare powers.” He explained. “We’ve actually made a fair amount of progress.”

“How so?” Cresselia asked.

Darkrai smiled. “Your energy isn’t what’s holding it back,”

Cresselia stared at him in disbelief for a second, but she knew he wouldn’t lie about this. “Darkrai that’s... that’s wonderful!” Cresselia exclaimed. “Who is this mare? Can I meet her? I have to thank her for helping you.”

Darkrai chuckled. “I’m sure you two will meet soon enough, for now, why don’t we just enjoy our meal?” As he said that, their waiter walked back carrying their orders.

After handing out the dishes, the pony asked. “Will there be anything else?”

Darkrai thought for a second, then smiled. “I’d like to order two pieces of chocolate cake for dessert, if you have any,”

The stallion nodded and wrote down the order before trotting off.

Cresselia smiled. “I love chocolate.”

Darkrai looked at her and said. “I know.”

“-So I grab the Pokeball in a Psychic, and toss it back at him,” Cresselia said with a laugh. “It bounced off his head and he just stood there, staring at it like it was broken while I floated off.”

Darkrai chuckled. He and Cresselia had been swapping stories and basically just talking for the past hour. In Darkrai’s opinion, it had been wonderful.

“Cresselia,” He asked, “why don’t we continue our date outside, perhaps a nice moonlit stroll around Canterlot?”

Cresselia smiled softly. “That sounds... really nice,” She answered.

Darkrai smiled and pushed out his chair. “Then come my lady, for a night under the stars awaits,”

Cresselia smiled and floated over to him, then she realized something. “How are we going to pay for this?” She asked worriedly.

Darkrai smiled and pulled a slip of paper from the shadows. “Courtesy of a friend,” Darkrai placed the paper on the table and gestured towards the door. “After you.”

Cresselia smiled, but as the pair left the restaurant, she glanced back at the table and raised an eyebrow at the paper Darkrai had left. She couldn’t read the words, but she could make out a crescent moon stamp in the top left corner.

“Darkrai,” Cresselia gasped at the sight before her. “This is... beautiful.”

“I thought you’d like it,” Darkrai said.

Darkrai and Cresselia were currently floating above a little wooden bridge in the Canterlot Gardens, looking out over a pond that reflected the moon and the stars like a mirror.

“The sky looks lovely tonight,” Cresselia said, slightly in awe at just how big and bright the moon seemed, and how each star stood out against the dark space behind it.

Darkrai smiled. “It truly is,” He looked at Cresselia and saw how her wings sparkled in the moonlight, how the moonlight glinted off her gold horns. Before he even knew what he was saying, he added. “But nowhere near as beautiful as you look tonight.”

Cresselia looked at Darkrai in surprise, she almost laughed when she saw the blush lighting up his black face. “That’s very sweet of you Darkrai,” Cresselia said, floating a little closer to the Pitch-Black Pokemon.

Darkrai smiled as he felt Cresselia brush up against him. But... he didn’t feel right. “Cresselia, there’s something I need to tell you,”

Cresselia looked at him. “What is it?”

Darkrai took a deep breath and began to explain everything, how he’d met Princess Luna, how she’d helped him, how she had given him the push he needed to ask her out, how the other Legendaries had helped him set up the date, everything.

Once Darkrai was finished, he sighed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to deceive you... again,” He said sadly.

This time, Cresselia giggled a little. “Oh Darkrai,” She said sweetly. “You didn’t need to tell me you had help setting up the date. I assumed the others had helped you set it up from the beginning,” She admitted.

“You did?” Darkrai asked.

“Of course silly,” She said jokingly. “You’re a great guy Darkrai, but you’ve always been kinda clueless when it came to romance.”

Darkrai’s gaze fell to his reflection in the pond.

Cresselia sighed. “But that’s just another thing I love about you,” She said.

“What?” That had confused the Dark-type a fair deal.

“I deal with love remember?” Cresselia reminded him. “You think everything has to be perfect, or that you can’t ask others for help,” She floated close to him again. “But I don’t care about perfection, and there’s no shame in asking for help,” Cresselia was blushing now. “All I care about is that I’m here, with you, right now.”

Cresselia was right next to Darkrai now, her wings brushing against the shreds of his cloth as she pressed close to him.

“Cresselia,” Darkrai said. “I... I’m sorry, for toying with you all these years, for dragging you along while I tried to-”

“Oh hush you,” Cresselia. “No brooding over the past tonight, ok?”

Darkrai smiled and hesitantly put an arm around Cresselia. “Ok,” He agreed.

The pair floated there looking out over the glassy surface of the pond and at the beautiful sky it reflected until late that night, wrapped in each others embrace until they returned home.

Author's Note:


nuff said.

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