• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,205 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 38

It was early morning, no later than nine, when Cheerilee entered Ponyville schoolhouse with a sigh. She loved her job like nothing else in the world, but in a town like Ponyville, things could get... hectic.

For example, when a thousand year old force of darkness returns from the moon, school ends up cancelled for the next few days.

Or when a former lawn ornament (secretly a chaos lord) breaks loose and literally turns the country upside down. School was cancelled for the week to make sure there weren’t any side effects.

Or when an interdimensional god from another world decides to move his entire race to Equus...well, that wasn’t so bad since the Pokémon were really quite nice, like that blue lion that played with the foals about a week ago, and at least school didn’t have to be cancelled for more than a day this time.

Cheerilee smiled as she flipped the light switch and went to her desk to prepare for todays lesson. She looked over the days criteria and frowned. It all seemed so... normal, compared to what had happened over the past week. “I should see about teaching a lesson on Pokémon,” She mused. It certainly would be an interesting lesson, plus she heard that the Pokémon living with Twilight used to be a Professor who studied Pokémon, so maybe she could help with that lesson.

Before Cheerilee could think any further on the subject, the schoolhouse lights flickered. “And I need to see the Mayor about getting an electrician out here. The lighting has been on the fritz all week,” Cheerilee shook her head as she walked over to the wall where the light switch was, giving it a firm buck. The lights stopped flickering, and Cheerilee smiled. Until she heard something behind her hit the ground with a thud.

The Earth Pony turned around to see what had caused the noise, before letting out a high pitched scream and running from the building. Ah yes...this was the downside of the new arrivals. Some of them just plain scared her.

As Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom, and their respective Pokémon made their way to yet another day of school (the Pokémon had started to enjoy going to school too, and it certainly made class more interesting), each trio talked amongst themselves, mostly about their training yesterday. But also about stuff in general.

“Hey, you think Charmander and I can show the others a Pokémon battle at recess?” Scootaloo asked excitedly.

“Ah don’t know,” Apple Bloom answered. “Miss Cheerilee always says we shouldn’t fight.”

“Oh! Then Squirtle and I can show off some contest moves May taught us!” Sweetie said giddily. After she had told her friends of her new plan to become a Pokémon Coordinator (of which they had been surprisingly accepting) May had taught her and Squirtle a few moves she’d used in contests, coaching both of them from the sidelines.

The group continued to chat until the reached the schoolhouse yard, as saw that everypony in their class, as well as their Pokémon, were gathered in the center of the yard. Miss Cheerilee in the center talking with Princess Twilight.

“Cheerilee, just calm down,” Twilight urged. “I sent Juniper to get some of my Pokémon friends and they should be here soon.”

Cheerilee took a few deep breaths before finally saying. “Alright, alright, I’m calm,” She looked back at the schoolhouse and shuddered. “Ohh, I hate spiders.”

“In all likelihood, it’s not technically a spider,” Twilight said. “Some Pokémon may resemble species here on Equus, but they don’t fit into the same categorical system as animals do.”

Cheerilee looked at the Alicorn in confusion.

“Just thought I’d mention it,” Twilight defended.

“Howdy Princess Twilight!” Apple Bloom said suddenly, trotting up to her. “What’cha doin’ here?”

“Are you giving another one of your lectures?” Scootaloo asked in fear.

Twilight laughed and shook her head. “No, your teacher came and got me after she had an... encounter, with some kind of Pokémon in the schoolhouse this morning.”

“Cool!” Scootaloo said. “Can we see it?”

“No!” Cheerilee cried. “Don’t go in there!”

Scootaloo wanted to shrink back into the crowd, but didn’t. “Don’t worry, whatever it is, I bet Charmander and I can take it.”

“That’s what ya said ‘bout that Volt-orb thing the other day,” Apple Bloom reminded her friend. Scootaloo just blew a raspberry in response.

Twilight smiled. “It’s nice of you to offer to help Scootaloo, but I’d rather we wait for someone who knows Pokémon to get here in case whatever’s in there turns out to be dangerous.”

“And tries to eat our faces!” Snips shouted. Electing gasps from several of the foals.

“That’s what a lot of people use to think about Fang here,” Belle said, walking into the clearing with the Gene and the Houndoom. “But he never did.”

“Hi Belle! Hi Gene!” Sweetie waved.

“Hi Sweetie Belle,” Gene returned. “Apple Bloom, Scootaloo,” He added with a nod.

“What seems to be the problem Miss Twilight?” Fang asked, trotting past the wide eyed foals and up to the Princess.

Twilight smiled. “Everypony,” She began. “These are my friends, Gene, Belle, and Fang.” Everypony stared at the newcomers, trying to figure out which one was more interesting to look at. So far Fang seemed to be winning most of the colts, while the fillies preferred Belle.

Twilight turned to them and explained. “Guys, this is Cheerilee, she ran into some kind of Pokémon in the schoolhouse this morning and she doesn’t want to go back in until it’s gone.”

“It’s a giant spider!” Cheerilee defended. “It had to be at least two feet tall!”

Gene’s eyes widened at the description. “Was it covered in yellow hair?” He asked. “With blue tips on its feet?”

Cheerilee shuddered again. “Yeah... don’t remind me.”

Gene smiled and turned to Belle. “You thinking what I’m thinking?”

“I know what you’re thinking,” Belle answered. “And it can’t hurt to hope.”

“What are you two talking about?” Twilight asked.

Gene grinned and straightened the brim of his hat. “You’ll see in a minute,” He said. “Alright, let’s go check it out.”

Twilight watched as the three Pokémon walked up to the schoolhouse, they lingered outside the door for a few minutes. Then Gene opened the door and walked inside.

There were a few seconds of silence, followed by the growing and rapid fading of a bright yellow light inside the building.

“Ok everyone!” Belle called. “It’s safe to come in now.”

Hesitantly, the ponies made their way to the building, some of the foals rushing ahead of Twilight and Cheerilee, specifically the CMC’s, Pipsqueak, and Dinky Doo, along with their Pokémon.

Twilight paused as she entered the building. Her mouth hanging open at the sight before her. “So,” Gene said. “Who wants to be the first to meet Webber?” He asked, scratching the chin of the Galvantula perched on his shoulder.

Twilight was drawn from her shock by the sound of something hitting the floor next to her. “Oh my... Cheerilee?” Twilight poked the teachers unconscious body, only for it to twitch a bit before going still again. “.... shoot, I was hoping this would go better.”

Princess Celestia once again stood outside the door to Arceus’ meeting hall. She went over what she was going to say once more, then nodded with finality. “He’ll listen... probably,” Celestia was still unable to pin down what made Arceus tick.

“At least with Discord, you can trust he’ll be consistently chaotic,” She said to herself... mostly to herself, Aegislash floated at her side but he wasn’t big on conversation. “With Arceus... I never know how he’s going to react.” Of course, she should have expected him to get upset when she told him about Sombra... she added another thing she needed to ask the Alpha Pokémon to her list as she pushed open the door.

Waiting a few moments, Celestia examined the room a bit more closely, and once again wondered just where it was.

“Ah, Princess Celestia,” Arceus said, teleporting into the room. “Back again so soon?”

“Arceus,” She began. “There are a few things that I’d like to discuss with you regarding the upcoming summit.”

The Pokémon God raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Alright then,” He positioned himself at the end of the table. “What did you wish to discuss?”

Celestia took a seat at the other end of the table, only to look up and find the room had drastically shortened, and that she was sitting a mere ten feet from Arceus. “Must you do that?” She asked.

“You have to admit, it does come in handy,” He answered with a chuckle. “Would you like anything to drink? Something to eat perhaps?”

“No... thank you,” Celestia said. “Can we get on track here?”

“Very well,” Arceus said with a sigh. “What did you wish to speak with me about?”

Celestia took a deep breath and began. “You’re aware, of course, that not everyone is happy with what you’ve caused in coming here, don’t you?”

“Very much so,” Arceus admitted. “And I should have thought out my plan better, or not acted as rashly, or contacted you first, or obli... I get it,” He stopped himself before finishing the last thing.

“Then you know some of the other rulers might not be supportive of you staying here,” Celestia said.

“Yes,” Arceus sighed. “A visitor to my temple made that VERY clear... he came from Griffinhiem actually.”

Celestia nodded, she assumed Empress Victoria would be weary of the Pokémon, though not completely against them, as she feared a few of the other rulers might be. “Then you’re also aware that is of the utmost importance that you make a good first impression when you meet them,” Celestia continued. “And when I say that, I mean DON’T act like you did when we first met.”

Arceus raised an eyebrow. “What specifically though?” He asked. “I admit I acted a bit... big-headed at the time,”

“You tore a hole in reality to get your point across,” Celestia deadpanned. “Then somehow turned it into a sunflower!”

“Your point?”

Celestia almost facehoofed. “No scaring or trying to intimidate the other rulers, not unless they try to threaten you or your people, and even then no threatening to erase them from existence. We NEED to be diplomatic about this.”

Arceus sighed. “Of course.”

“And don’t do anything like what you showed me in the temple,” She added. “Nothing that’s just... impossible.”

Arceus scoffed. “Reshaping reality is not impossible, it just takes time, practice, finesse,” His eyes glowed golden for a second. “And power.”

“That!” Celestia pointed out. “Don’t say things like that, it makes others think you’re going to do something horrible to them.”

Arceus rolled his eyes. “Fine, fine, I won’t do anything too crazy with reality while the meetings are going on.”

Celestia nodded and thought for a second before adding. “And don’t try to win them over with gifts,” When she saw the confused look he gave her, she sighed. “Don’t give them impossibly intricate and amazingly crafted pieces of art in hopes of gaining their favor. Some of them might even take it as an insult, or as a petty gesture.”

“Oh... but I had the perfect gift ready for the Hippocampi,” He sighed. “I suppose it can wait until relations improve a bit, he sighed, but then brightened up. ”Speaking of which, how are the Pokémon doing in Equestria? I have been taking a look every now and then, but I’ve also spent time seeing the rest of Equus’ sights, which are wonderful by the way, that I’m a bit behind on the relations between Ponies and Pokémon.”

Celestia smiled. “Well enough. There have been a few incidents, but they’ve mostly been isolated.”

“Good... I hear you passed some form of law giving my subjects rights in Equestria?” He asked coyly.

Celestia sighed. “To ensure nopony harms them out of spite. As much as I’d like to say that my Ponies will be able to accept the Pokémon and not treat them badly, I know full well that some of them will refuse to see the Pokémon as anything other than animals, monsters, or beasts for whatever reason. One good example is STILL trying to get his voice back, and based on Twilight’s report, another is currently under arrest in Trottingham...again,” She glared at the God. “And despite what some of the Ponies say, whether they like it or not, you’re here to stay, so it was the only logical solution.”

Arceus nodded. “Very well, is there anything else you wanted to discuss?” He asked.

Celestia thought for a moment. “Just basically don’t antagonize or provoke any of the other leaders, don’t make another “I am a God,” speech, and actually think about what you’re going to say before saying it. A little thought can go a long way in these kinds of meetings.”

Arceus nodded. “If that is all, then I’ll be on my way.” Arceus turned to leave, but Celestia stopped him.

“Actually... there is one more thing,” She began. “How are things going with... Yveltal and his hunt for Sombra?”

Arceus sighed. “There have been a few close calls, but he has yet to be...” Once again, Arceus’ eyes flashed gold. “Disposed of... sorry.” He remember what the Princess had said about doing that. “You realize Sombra would no longer even be in this world if you let me deal with him.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, but as I said before, you can’t solve every problem personally... or by relying on an immense amount of divine energy.”

Arceus grumbled. “Fine,” He conceded. “But if he is not dead by the time the meeting begin... he will face my wrath.”

Celestia said nothing, but nodded.

“Good,” Arceus said cheerfully. “I’m glad we have an understanding. Is there anything else you would like to discuss?”

Celestia thought about it for a moment, then shook her head.

”Very well then. See you again soon Princess.” With that, Arceus disappeared in a flash of gold.

Celestia sighed and hung her head. “I pray he doesn’t do anything rash,” She said to herself. “There are millions depending on this meeting going well.”

Cheerilee sighed as she walked into the school. After being unconscious for a while, she had finally woken up...only to nearly faint again when she saw the giant spider from before on the shoulder of the Pokémon named, Gene. It took some fast talking from Twilight, and Gene ushering the spider away for a bit, but they managed to calm her down.

After that, she had decided to go for a walk and left Twilight to look after the class. Walking back into the school, she smiled.

Twilight had apparently gone ahead with teaching the children about Pokémon. It might have been more of an unstructured class, if the fact that several foals were riding on Fang’s back, or watching Belle juggle school supplies with Psychic was anything to go by, but everyone looked like they were having fun.

The foals who already had Pokémon were all playing with them, the CMC’s and their Pokémon, Pip and his Chatot, Rumble and his Rufflet, even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had Pokémon of their own, a Carbink and a Klefki respectively.

“Hi Cheerilee,” Twilight greeted. “Hope you don’t mind, I thought I’d let the foals have some hooves on learning with Pokémon.”

Cheerilee smiled. “Not at all Twilight. In fact, I was going to ask for your help on something similar.”

“Oh?” Twilight asked.

“I wanted to do a few lessons on Pokémon,” Cheerilee explained. “Since they’re going to be here... forever, aren’t they?” Cheerilee had seen Twilight talking with Arceus at Pinkie’s party, and since she was a Princess, Cheerilee assumed she knew something.

Twilight sighed. “It looks that way. Though I’m not complaining as I’ve personally made some very good friends, it seems Lord Arceus is either unable, or just unwilling, to remove them, and there’s no way the Princesses can, even if Discord helped.”

Cheerilee nodded. “Well, it’s probably for the best,” She gestured to the foals. “I’d hate for them to have to lose their new friends.”

Twilight smiled, then remembered what they had been talking about. “You were saying something about teaching?”

“Right,” Cheerilee said. “I wanted your help on a few lessons pertaining to Pokémon or... that Pokémon friend of yours more specifically... the one who’s been wearing a lab coat?”

Twilight laughed. “You mean Juniper,” Twilight smiled. “I’m sure she’d be more than happy to give a few lessons. She was a Professor back on Earth, and teaching others about Pokémon is basically their job.”

Cheerilee smiled. “That’s wonderful. Can I stop by the library after school and talk to her? Maybe set up a schedule?”

Twilight nodded. “Sure, I’ll make sure she’s ready for your visit.”

The two talked for a while longer before Twilight went off to check on a few of the foals. Cheerilee was going to follow her, but she stopped when she spotted Gene sitting off to ones side of the room, smiling... with a very large spider sitting on his lap.

She closed her eyes and repeated what Twilight had said in her mind. It’s not a spider, it’s not a spider, it’s not a spider... She cracked open one of her eyes and glanced at the Bug-type. It sure as heck looks like a spider!

“You alright?” Gene asked her from across the room. “You’re not still scared of Webber are you?”

Cheerilee gulped and took a step towards the Pokémon. “No I... well... yeah, sorry but I don’t like bugs, especially spiders.”

“I am a Galvantula,” Webber said. “And I will not harm you. My trainer has asked me not to, so you have no reason to be afraid.”

Cheerilee was surprised to hear him speak, surprised enough to make her jump backwards.

“Uhh... I asked Twilight to cast a translation spell on him,” Gene explained. “I just wonder how Rarity’s going to react.”

Cheerilee looked at the Pokémon on Gene’s lap and considered just who he was talking about. “You... you might want to tell her before you introduce them.”

Gene nodded and pat Webber on the abdomen. “You know, when I first found Webber, he was nowhere near this size,” Gene laughed. “He was so small, he fit in the palm of my hand.”

Cheerilee tried to imagine the creature before her at that size, and noted that the image she was getting was a lot less scary. Cute even.

“He was freaking adorable too,” Gene added. “Of course, most Joltik are.”

“Joltik?” Cheerilee asked.

“Oh right, you don’t know,” Gene said. “Pokémon go through different stages of Evolution, I caught Webber as a Joltik and he later Evolved into a Galvantula,” Gene smirked. “I’m sure Juniper will cover that in one of her lessons.”

Cheerilee smiled. “You heard about that?”

Gene nodded. “I think it’s a great idea, though... you might want to get some Pokémon to volunteer for Juniper to focus on, if she talks about Fire-types or something else specific.”

Cheerilee smiled. “Thanks for the advice, I’ll be sure to bring it up with her when we talk later.”

Gene smiled. “I suppose we should get out of your hair now huh? You probably have something you need to teach them.”

Cheerilee remember the days criteria, but there was no way anypony was going to focus on math or reading after all of this... not yet at least. “Why don’t you stay until recess?” Cheerilee suggested. “At least then, you’re leaving won’t lead directly into school work.”

Gene smiled and nodded. “Sure,” Gene answered. “I love kids,” Gene turned to Belle, who was now floating a few foals through the air, a smile on her face. At the sight, he smiled again. He knew Belle loved kids just as much as he did, especially now. Now that they were both Pokémon, the one thing they both wanted that had once been little more than a dream, was now a very real possibility.

Korrina snapped the buckles on her helmet, and tightened the straps on her skates. “Alright,” She said. “Let’s go.”

Korrina took off and considered how lucky she was that Ponyville had a roller rink. She REALLY needed to clear her head, and skating always helped her do that.

Fortunately, since it was the middle of the afternoon, most ponies were either at work, or in school, depending on their age.

This meant that other than a few skaters and the ponies who worked here, Korrina was alone. Good thing too, as a skating Lucario would draw a lot of attention.

This is all Arceus fault, Korrina thought. I could be back in my Gym right now, having lunch or training, in MY body. She caught a view of her reflection in the windows on one side of the rink. “Well,” She sighed. “I suppose it could be worse.”

This had two meanings to Korrina. One was that she was at least a Pokémon she knew and respected, and two Arceus hadn’t just destroyed humanity when he escaped...especially the latter, since it seemed that Arceus had plenty of reason to do so.

Korrina grunted and pushed herself to go faster. “And Lucario...” She shook her head. She owed him a lot, he’d been there for her on the first few days, through all the fear and doubt. But now...

Korrina silently cursed Elena, and not for the first time. She had beaten up her friend, and then interrupted them while they were trying to have a talk. And Terra...

Korrina’s paws clenched into fists. What the Mawile had called them last night… Had nearly pushed her already confused mind over the edge. After the party, Korrina had locked the door to the room at Sweet Apple Acres she and Lucario were staying in and as a result, made Lucario sleep on the couch.

She apologized the next morning, and once again Lucario hadn’t held any anger towards her for it.

When Applejack had tried to ask Korrina about it, she had come here in hopes of clearing her head.

So far, it was just making her more confused. “He kissed me,” Korrina stated. “My Pokémon kissed me,” She said aloud. “Lucario...” She sighed and skidded to a stop as she skated out of the ring. “Oh Arceus...” She sat down and put her head in her paws. “I... I just don’t know.” Had this happened two weeks ago, Korrina would have been mad and slightly disgusted. But now...

Now... after spending so much time around Gene and Belle... she knew not all human/Pokémon relationships were as they had been made out to be but... she still didn’t know how she felt about the whole idea. “My first freaking kiss...even if he is the closest I’d call to my best friend, but still...” She mumbled. “I don’t... gahh!”

She stood up and stomped out of the building. As it was now, even skating wasn’t going to help her, as she was just utterly confused, and had no idea where she was going.

May sat on a hilltop overlooking Ponyville. She had found this place the day after the party and had been going there every so often to relax.

May was grateful for everything that the others had done to help her; Fluttershy letting her stay with her, Misty being there to talk with her, and Blaziken... May sighed. She’d always counted on the Fire-type as one of her closest friends. And now that they could understand each other, May found that she really enjoyed talking with him, especially getting his opinion on their travels.

But ever since she had woken up near Trottingham, and especially ever since they stopped the Aggron, she had noticed just how much Blaziken cared for her well being, and it wasn’t a new thing. Looking back, she realized he’d acted the same way around her ever since he Evolved from a Combusken, and possibly even a little before that.

She’d tried to shrug it off as him just trying to protect his trainer, but she still felt a little... unsure, if she was right in that description.

“May?” The Delphox turned to see Blaziken walking up the hillside. “You missed lunch, so I thought I’d bring you a snack.” He tossed her an apple, which she snatched out of the air.

“Thanks,” She said with a smile, taking a bite of the apple. “You know you didn’t have to come all the way here right? I could’ve eaten when I got back.”

Blaziken shrugged and sat down next to May on the hilltop. “I know, but I thought it’d be a nice thing to do,” He chuckled. “Plus, as kind as Miss Fluttershy is, and as much as I enjoy her company, her cottage is a mad house currently.”

May chuckled and nodded. Fluttershy had a lot of Pokémon staying with her, and while she could mostly keep them in order, she couldn’t keep an eye on all of them at once.

“So,” Blaziken began. “How are you feeling?”

May rolled her eyes. “Like I said yesterday, I’m fine,” She sighed. “Same as the day before that, and the day before that.” Blaziken had in fact asked her the same question everyday since their arrival in Equestria. “Why do you keep asking?”

Blaziken leaned back on the hill and closed his eyes, a small smile on his face. “Just wanna make sure that nothing’s bothering you,” He answered. “Can’t I worry about my friend?”

May smiled softly. “Yeah, yeah, just remember I’m not as helpless as I use to be,” She tapped his beak with her wand. “I am the mighty fire fox now,” she joked.

Blaziken chuckled. “Whatever you say.”

For a while, the two just sat there, watching the clouds roll by. “Blaziken?” May suddenly said. “You know, ever since we got here you’ve been acting differently than usual, why is that?”

Blaziken sighed and looked at May, remembering when he had first awoken to find his trainer... though he hadn’t known it was her at the time.

Time ticked by slowly in the town of Trottingham, it had a rustic feel to it that made everything seem to move slower, and by extension, more peaceful.

“-ay! Are you... all... right?!” So much for peaceful.

“Where in the name of Arceus am I?!” Blaziken shouted as he jumped to his feet. “May?” He called. “Glaceon? Beautifly?” He looked around and saw none of his teammates, nor his trainer.

“This is not good,” He mumbled. “I have to find May.” Blaziken prepared himself to jump, hoping he would be able to spot something in the air. However, he stopped when he saw something red in the corner of his eye.

Walking over to it, he gasped as he recognized May’s bandana. “She has to be around here somewhere,” He decided, looking around, hoping to spot anything familiar. He sighed. “Where am I?”

Blaziken began his trek through the forest, hoping to find May, or anything really. As it turned out, he didn’t have to go far at all. Just behind the tree next to where he had found May’s bandana. Blaziken found something that made him gasp again.

Leaning up against the tree, sound asleep and snoring softly, was a Delphox. “She’s...” He moved a little closer to the Fox Pokémon and kneeled down next to her. “She’s beautiful,” He said in awe.

Blaziken sighed as he watched her for a moment before shaking his head. “Can’t get distracted by a pretty face,” He told himself. “I need to find May...” Saying his Trainer’s name, Blaziken’s heart dropped.

While he knew May would never return the feelings he had for her, he still felt as if he had betrayed her a little just now. And yet, looking back at the Delphox, Blaziken couldn’t help but stare. There was just something about her... “... Maybe she can help me,” He rationalized. “Either she’ll know the area, or she’ll be just as lost as I am, and a little company never hurt.”

Blaziken kneeled down next to the Delphox again and placed a talon on her shoulder. “Miss?” He asked, shaking her a little. “I apologize for the intrusion, but I need your help.”

The Delphox groaned and tried to swat at the offender. “No thanks, head hurts, angry Vibrava,” She mumbled.

Blaziken raised an eyebrow. Something seemed... familiar about her, yet he couldn’t quite figure out what. “I’m sorry to disturb you,” He said again. “But I could really use your help. I seem to have been separated from my team and I was hoping you could help me.”

The Delphox sighed. “Alright,” She sat up and stretched. “Just give me a minute to get ready,” She rubbed her eyes and looked to Blaziken, a look of confusion on her face. “Blaziken?” She asked.

Not sure how to respond, Blaziken cleared his throat and said. “Indeed, both in species and name. And you are?”

The Delphox blinked once, then moved her paw to her other arm, stopping when she got a good look at the appendage, she wiggled her fingers and ran her paw down the fur on her arm. “Oh Arceus this is weird,” She said, shaking her head.

Blaziken was about to ask if she was ok when the Delphox brought her hand back to her arm and pinched it, electing a small eep from the the Fire-type. “I’m... not... dreaming...” She squeaked.

Blaziken rubbed the back of his head. “Umm... are you alr-”


Blaziken jumped back as the Delphox started screaming. “WHY AM I A POKÉMON?!”

Blaziken looked at the Delphox in worry. “Is... is that some form of existential question?”

The Delphox looked up at Blaziken before jumping to her feet and rushing forward. “Blaziken!” She cried in relief. “It’s me, May!”

Blaziken blinked once and considered whether this Pokémon was insane. “How do you know my Trainer?” For the first time he realized how similar the Delphox sounded to May.

“Cause I AM your Trainer,” She insisted. “I... I got you from Professor Birch when you were just a Torchic, we almost won the Wallace Cup together last year, I’ve never once left you at my dad’s gym,” She was seemingly on the verge of tears. “You have to believe me!”

Blaziken was taken aback, unless this Delphox was the cause of his separation from May, she could not have known all of those things. But she was a Psychic-type, she could have read his mind, or May’s. But she looked so scared right now, so honestly terrified...and come to think about it, her hair did kinda look like May’s.

“You... how is that possible? May’s human,” Blaziken said, shaking his head.

“I.... Misty told me Ash got turned into a Pikachu once,” May supplied. “Maybe... maybe a witch put a curse on me to make me learn a lesson!”

“Which would be…?” Blaziken left the sentence hanging.

“Oh, I...” She looked at her paws, then at the dress she was wearing. “Maybe... something about dressing like a proper lady? Or... something about Pokémon?”

Blaziken resisted the urge to facepalm, an urge that only one being in all his life had given him. “May,” He said, taking a step forward and placing a hand on her shoulder. He stared into her eyes and she stared into his.

After a minute of this, May began to fidget. “Umm... are you doing this for a reason?”

He chuckled. “No, just making sure it was you.” He handed her the bandana and said. “I think this belongs to you.”

May smiled and took her bandana before frowning. “Where are we?” She asked, looking around.

“I was going to ask you the same thing,” Blaziken sighed. “We should try to find help... maybe a Pokémon Center or something.”

At the mention of that, May tensed up. “B-but I’m a Pokémon now,” She pointed at herself. “What if someone tries to catch me.” She sounded scared.

Blaziken stepped forward and put a talon her shoulder. “May, do you trust me?”

The former humans was taken back at the statement. “Of course I do,” She answered almost immediately.

“Then trust me when I say, I won’t let any harm come to you while you’re like this,” He sighed and added. “No matter how long that is.”

May stared at him for a second, then smiled and hugged her Pokémon. “Thank you,” She said, relief in her voice. “Now,” She went to put her bandana on. “Which way should we...” May was stopped from tying her bandana around her head by her new ears. “Oh,” She sighed.

Blaziken chuckled. “Let me,” He took the bandana from May and used his talons to cut two holes in it. Then he maneuvered it over the Delphox’s ears, pushing it past he tufts of fur that sprouted from them. “There,” He said, tying off the bandana. “That’s better.”

May smiled. “Thanks. Now, which way should we go?”

Blaziken smiled and looked over to May. “I woke up to find that my Trainer... my best friend, had been turned into a Delphox,” He said with a chuckle. “I’ve been... a bit distracted with it, plus I still worry for you,” He said, not going into details about what exactly about May’s new body had him distracted.

May sighed. “Whatever you say,” That wasn’t really an answer, but she didn’t see a point to pushing it. “And Blaziken?” She continued. “Just... thanks for being here for me, you’re a great friend.”

The Blaze Pokémon smiled and lied back on the grassy hill, and shortly after, May lied down as well, right next to him. This, He decided. Is perfect.

Author's Note:

Is squealing on the inside after the release of this handsome son of a gun.

Yes, I know this was in the comments already. And I don't care!


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