• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,165 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

  • ...

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Chapter 29

Twilight groaned as the sun peeked through the window of her hotel room. “Princess,” She moaned into her pillow. “It’s too early, turn off the sun.”

Fortunately for Twilight, the only other occupant of the room, Juniper, was still asleep...and floating several feet above her bed with the sheets wrapped around her. Unfortunately for both of them, the occupants of the room adjoining theirs weren’t the kind of people who slept in.

“Princess? Professor?” Solana called through the door.

“Hmm…” Juniper slowly opened her eyes, then realized she wasn’t lying on the hotel bed anymore. “Why?” She asked as she tried to untangle herself, which wasn’t that easy in midair.

Meanwhile, Twilight had dragged herself out of bed and opened the door to Solana and Lunick’s room. “What time is it?” She asked through a yawn.

“Almost six,” Solana answered. “You said you wanted to get an early start.”

She’s right, I did say that. “Why do you seem so awake?” Twilight asked.

Solana put her hands on her hips and smiled proudly. “Pokémon Rangers rise with the sun every morning.”

“Plus Gene and Pinkie made coffee.” Twilight and Solana turned to see Mage poking her head through the room’s door. “You want some?”

Twilight smiled. “That’d be great… but first...” Twilight turned to Juniper, who had somehow managed to roll the blanket into a ball around herself, and yanked a corner of it with her magic. The wad came undone and Juniper was left spinning in the air for a few seconds.

Once she finally stopped herself, she turned to Mage. “Did someone say coffee?”

About fifteen minutes, a few cups of coffee, and one futile attempt by a Pegasus to buck a Ghost out of her room later, everyone was mostly awake and gathered in Twilight and Juniper’s hotel room.

“Alright,” Rainbow said with a yawn. “What’s the plan here Twi? Split up and comb the city, hoping we run into who or whatever’s been doing this vigilante thing?”

“Well,” Twilight began, taking a sip from her mug. “I figured we should check out a few of the places where the Pokémon calmed down and peacefully left the city first.”

“Hoping to find some evidence?” Korrina asked.

“Pretty much,” Twilight said. “We’ll split into three teams, one Pony on each team to dispel suspicion. Gene, Belle, Mage, and Rainbow, you guys go check out Central Park. Pinkie, go with Solana, Lunick, Plusle and Minun and head downtown. Korrina, Lucario, Juniper, you’re with me, we’ll check out around town hall. There were reports of some disturbances there during the first night the Pokémon arrived.”

Twilight floated three maps off her night stand. “I marked the areas the report said the disturbances were in.”

Once everyone had their map, Twilight gave each group a small bag of bits. “The Princess had these waiting at the front desk last night, just in case.”

A few questions later and everyone was on their way out the door. “Meet back here around noon for lunch and debriefing,” Twilight finished. “Now let’s move.”

“You know, this place vaguely reminds me of Castelia City,” Gene commented as they made their way to Central Park. “Granted, a lot of these big cities look the same to me.”

“I’ve only been here once before,” Rainbow said. “I just wish I could see over these buildings. It’d help me get my bearings.”

Gene turned to Mage, who was holding the map in front of here. “How much further to this park anyway?”

Mage looked up from the map and did a quick look around. “It should be around here somewhere.”

Mage floated ahead of the group and, around a corner. “Mage!” Gene called. “Get back here!”

“Found it!” She called.

Gene sighed. “What are you so worried about?” Rainbow asked. “She’s fine.”

“I just don’t like letting Mage go off on her own,” He said. “Especially in big cities.”

“Why’s that?”

Before Gene could answer an high pitched scream came from around the corner. “That’s why...” He sighed, before rushing forward.

As Gene rounded the corner he saw exactly what he was hoping not to. Mage was floating just in front of a cream coated Earth Pony filly with a bright yellow mane, what worried Gene was the Unicorn standing over her. They definitely looked related, they had the same coat color, although his mane was orange.

Mage, for the most part, was looking confused. “What’s going on here?” Gene asked, stepping in front of Mage. The stallion gaped at Gene. “What’s with the screaming?”

The stallion blinked and shook his head, developing a much angrier look. “That thing scared my daughter!” He yelled.

Gene turned to Mage, she shook her head. “I don’t know, I heard her scream, then he showed up.”

Gene sighed, this happened far too often. The Gallade kneeled down and looked the little filly in the eyes. “Are you alright?”

The filly opened her eyes and gaped at the Pokémon before her. Gene smiled. “Did that little ol’ Ghost scare you?”

“Uh huh.” She said.

“Well, Mage isn’t all that scary. She’s just a prankster.” Gene turned to Mage, who stuck her tongue out him. The filly laughed. “See?”

Gene stood back up and turned to her father. “Sorry about that. Mage’s appearance can be offputting, but she’s actually really nice... Once you get to know her.”

The stallion sighed. “It’s alright, she’s been jumpy around Pokémon ever since some kind of wolf scared her and her friends when you all first showed up.”

Gene nodded. “Don’t worry, we’re here to help... by the way, did she happen to say what the wolf thing looked like?”

“Just something about black fur...” He said.

Gene nodded and said goodbye to the filly and her father before continuing towards the park, which was now in sight, and was a lot bigger than he had expected. “So... where should we start?” Dash asked.

“We should try to find where that Tangrowth was at,” Belle said.

“And how do we do that?”

Gene looked around and spotted a pond nearby. “One moment.” He walked over to the pond and poked the surface, rippled spreading out from the point of contact. A few seconds later, a small blue head poked through the surface.

“Hello?” The Poliwag greeted nervously.

“Hi,” Gene said with a friendly smile, calming down the Poliwag. “We’re looking for the place where a Tangrowth was causing trouble a few days ago.”

The Poliwag perked up at the question. “Oh! That was just over there,” She gestured to a small grouping of trees. “There was a big commotion over there a few days ago, but I don’t know what happened since I was hiding in here at the time.”

“Thanks,” Gene nodded as the Poliwag went back under the water. He then walked back over to the group. “This way.”

The little alcove of trees was badly twisted with thorn bushes and vines. “This definitely looks like a Tangrowth was setting up a nest,” Gene said. “Usually they don’t leave once they set up though.”

“Alright everybody,” Dash said. “Spread out and search for clues.”

As the group spread out looked around, Gene walked up to the mess of vines. “I wonder...” Raising his arm blades Gene sliced through the vines. “Cool, I’m a walking machete.”

Halfway into the thicket, Gene found a small clearing. “Hey guys! I think I found where the Tangrowth was.”

“You think this is where whatever happened went down?” Dash asked.

“Yeah, the center of the thicket is usually where Tangrowth nest, so if someone was going to confront this thing, they’d have to get here.”

“I don’t see anything,” Belle said. “You’d think there would be some sign of a fight.”

“Maybe it wasn’t a fight,” Mage suggested.

“Then what do you think happened?” Dash asked.

Mage grinned and glanced at Belle. “Some Psychic-types can be quite persuasive.”

“Oh hah, hah,” Belle snarked. “Blame the Psychic-types. Typical.”

Mage snickered. “Seriously though, there’s literally no evidence here, it’s gotta be a Psychic.”

“Or whoever did this actually talked to the Tangrowth,” Gene said. “Maybe they convinced it to leave.”

Rainbow sighed. “Let’s keep looking, there’s got to be something around here that’ll tell us what happened.”

“Twilight, this is getting us nowhere,” Korrina said. “We’ve been asking random ponies what they saw all day, and all we’re getting are reports of a few odder Pokémon around the city.”

“And just so you know,” Lucario added. “You should probably tell someone about the Muk near the water treatment plant.” That had been one of the more distressing reports, although most were rather harmless.

“Well there’s no evidence,” Twilight said. “Other than the craters, what Pokémon could leave craters?”

“Most Fighting-types, current company included.”

“Anything with the ability to use Attacks such as Rock Smash or Earthquake.”

“There are a lot of them,” Juniper finished. “It’d be easier to tell you which ones couldn’t.”

“And even those might be able to if they’re in the heat of battle,” Korrina added.

Twilight sighed. “Maybe we’re going about this the wrong way. What Pokémon could go around, do these things, and not be seen?”

“Anything that can turn invisible,” Juniper said. “So more than a few Ghost-types.”

“It’s possible whatever it is is just super sneaky,” Korrina suggested. “So Shiftry, Greninja, Accelgor, Zoroark.”

“I suppose there’s a possibility it’s a shape-shifter, but that only really leaves Ditto,” Lucario supplied. “And while they’re able to transform into anything-”

“Wait, what do you mean it can become anything?” Twilight asked.

“It can reconstruct its cellular structure,” Juniper explained. “Meaning it can change itself to look like anything, rocks, books, people, other Pokémon.”

“That seems like a pretty good suspect,” Twilight said.

“You’d think so,” Korrina said. “But most Ditto’s, or at least untrained ones, can’t change their face. No matter what they have the same mouth and eyes.”

“Even as inanimate objects?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah, it looks kinda weird actually.”

Twilight sighed again. “Alright so we’re looking for a phantom then.”

“Or a ninja,” Korrina added.

“You know, if somepony came up to me and said any of this, I’d think they were insane,” Twilight said.

“Then maybe we should stop asking ponies,” Korrina said. “They’ve been giving us some weird looks.”

“Well what do you think we should do?” Twilight asked. “We have no leads, and only a vague idea of what we’re even looking for.”

“Don’t forget that whoever this is, they seem to be actively avoiding being found,” Juniper added.

“Alright, out of the ones you mentioned, which Pokémon would have the easiest time hiding itself?” Twilight asked. At this, the three of them began to think, before their eyes widened in realization.

“Zoroark!” All three Pokémon said at once.

“Whoa, why the simultaneous answer?”

“Zoroark have the ability to create and control illusions,” Juniper explained. “In fact, they’re actually classified as the Illusion Fox Pokémon to emphasize the point.”

“And they’re really rare,” Korrina said, before she thought about it for a second. “Well...reclusive might be the better way to say it.”

“They’re Dark-types,” Lucario added. “And because of their abilities, a lot of people are afraid of them.”

“It’s gotten better in recent years.” Juniper said. “But some people still refer to them as the Evil Fox Pokémon.”

“Yikes,” Twilight winced. She didn't understand why people would treat some Pokémon this way, though she really didn’t understand half of what happened on Earth. “Is there any reason that they’re treated like that?”

“Besides the normal stigma toward Dark-types? It’s the powers their species possess that freak people out,” Juniper answered. “But I’ve met a few Zoroark’s in my research. They’re really quite intelligent and quite friendly once you earn their trust. If anything, its their pre-evolution, Zorua, that are more...mischievous.”

Korrina smiled. “Yeah, legend has it that deep in Lostlorn Forest, there’s a secret area where Unova’s Zoroark and Zorua live, away from humans and other Pokémon.”

Juniper rolled her eyes. “That’s even more ridiculous than that myth about a Pokémon Village beyond the Winding Wood in Kalos.”

“Ok,” Twilight began. “How do you find a Zoroark?”

“Yeah...that’s the thing…” Korrina chuckled nervously. “Zoroark are so good at hiding, half the time the only way to find them is if THEY let you find them.”

Twilight groaned. “This is getting us nowhere. We should head back, maybe one of the others will have an idea.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Korrina said.

The group started back towards the hotel, Twilight leading the way. “So Juniper, in your purely professional opinion. What do you think our chances are of of finding this Zoroark?”

Juniper sighed. “Not to good, almost all the trainers that I’ve met who had a Zoroark said they met them while they were a Zorua.”

“Well-” Before Twilight could continue, they heard a rustling from a nearby trashcan.

“What do you suppose that is?” Korrina asked.

Twilight walked over to it. “Only one way to find out.” She lifted the lid off the can and... nothing. “Well, that was anti-”

“Boo!” came a voice from the trash can, before a tongue came out of it.

“AHHH!” Twilight jumped as the trashcan dissolved into shadows, revealing the red and black lupine form of a Pokémon. A Zoroark. “Why does everything keep scaring me?!”

The Zoroark, meanwhile, was too busy laughing on the ground. “Oh man, that was priceless.”

Twilight walked up to the fox and glared at him. “So, are you the one who’s been keeping the Pokémon in check? Or just causing trouble?”

The Zoroark continued to laugh for a bit longer, before getting back on his feet. Smiling, the Zoroark said. “That’s me, your friendly neighborhood Zoroark.” And just as suddenly as he had appeared, he dissolved into the shadows.

“Someone stop him!” Twilight shouted.

“How?” Juniper asked. “Psychic Attacks don’t have any effect on Dark-types, and by now he’s probably already escaped.”

As if to confirm, Lucario nodded. “I can’t sense his aura anymore. He’s certainly fast, and the surrounding buildings only give him more mobility.”

Twilight groaned again. “Ok, new plan. We head back and hope the others have an idea.”

“Isn’t that-”

“I said new plan!” Twilight said. “Now come on, the hotels this way.”

Arceus stood in the Hall of Legends, thinking over what Celestia had told him yesterday. “A Cofagrigus. A violent one at that… how did that get through?” He sighed. “No matter, for now I must focus on fixing the problem.”

The Alpha Pokémon thought for a moment, then smiled as a plan came to him. “Giratina, my son. Come to me now,” His voice echoed through the temple, and a few moments later, a portal opened in front of him.

“Greetings father,” Giratina said through the Portal to the Distortion World. “What is it that you need of me?”

“A rather violent Cofagrigus has made its home in a castle near here.” Arceus told him. “Since you are the Patron of Ghost-types, I was hoping you could… relocate it.”

Behind his golden mask, Giratina smiled. The Ghost-type legendary hated the myths that circulated around himself and the world he upheld. How he was supposedly trapped there by his father for evil deeds, so he always looked forward to helping his father wherever he was able.

“Of course father, but if I may ask, how could creature such as this make it to Equus? Wasn’t leaving such creatures behind the point of the transfer.”

Arceus sighed, causing Giratina to flinch. “My apologies father, I didn't mean to sound rude.”

Arceus chuckled. “No Giratina, it’s just… I’m not sure. I suppose it could have been hibernating, so if I couldn’t sense its mind I may have assumed it was an artifact of some kind, maybe a Dusk Stone for the Pokémon who require them...” he sighed. That was one reason why Arceus didn’t go full God very often. It left him with shoddy, fragmented memories of what he had done.

“Very well father,” Giratina said as the portal began to close. “I will have it done in no time.”

When the portal closed behind him, Giratina flew through the maze of floating land and mirror like viewing pools that made up the Distortion World. As he flew, he examined the mirrors along the way. To him, they revealed what no other Legendary, save perhaps his father and Palkia, could see.

They showed images of Earth.

As he was born to oversee this world, Giratina knew the Distortion World better than even his father, and thus, he knew that it, much like his father’s own pocket dimension, was separate from the material world. However, unlike his father’s, his was still tied to it as well. This meant that he could still view images from Earth...although those were quickly fading and being replaced by images from around Equus, likely due to the connection with Earth slowly fading.

Giratina paused in front of one of the larger pools, looking out from what appeared to be the side of a building. The street below was desolate; a car lay on its side, a fire burned in a trashcan. The Legendary Dragon quickly decided to keep moving. They had already made their decision to abandon Earth, so it was pointless to check on it again.

Giratina stopped as he felt himself come to where the castle was in the material plane. Strange as it may sound, even after all these millennia alone in this place, he had no idea how he was able to sense that. And yet, it was clear from the scattered landscape, a crumbled wall slowly rose the ground on one land lump, a pedestal of some sorts, perfectly round and surrounded by five stones slowly formed on another.

Ignoring the changing landscape, Giratina extended his tendrils, finding where the castle was anchored in the material plane. While it was easier to open a portal through a mirror or pond, he was more than capable of tearing one open wherever he wished.

Finding a good anchor, Giratina opened his clamp like jaws and fired a glowing purple orb. It floated outward until it reached the desired point and exploded, tearing a hole in the fabric of space as it did. A hole which led straight to the corridors below the ancient castle.

“Perfect,” Giratina hissed. Soon the Cofagrigus would be drawn to his power, then he would deal with it.

“L-l-Lord Giratina!” Giratina turned to see a young Dusclops kneeling just off to the side. “It is truly an honor sir.”

Giratina smiled. “Greetings young one, please rise.”

Dusclops did as she was asked. “To what do we owe this visit, my Lord?”

“I’m on a task from my father. He sent me to rid this castle of the Cofagrigus who attacked Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends.”

Dusclops’ eye narrowed. “That creature has ignored all attempts my compatriots and I have made to reason with it. The recent attack was the last straw.”

Giratina shook his head. “My father was not aware such a darkness had been brought to this world,” He explained. “And I plan to right that wrong.” He eyed the young Ghost-type for a moment, expecting her to say something. When she didn’t, Giratina spoke up. “I suggest you clear out of here, little one. And tell your friends to stay away,” His tone became much more serious. “You will not want to witness what comes next.”

The Dusclops seemed to blush for a moment before turning away. “Of course, my Lord…” She began walking away, but stopped. “My Lord… it is not my place to say but… be careful. I do not think this is an ordinary Cofagrigus.” With that, she disappeared into the shadows of the hallway.

Giratina sat in silence and thought on what he had just been told. I wonder how long this spirit has been sleeping.

After a minute, a dragging sound was heard from the hall in front of the portal. Giratina watched as a shadow hand shot from the darkness and clamped onto the side of the hallway. “Lord Giratina,” The Cofagrigus hissed as it pulled itself into view. “To what do I owe the honor?”

“Are you the one who attacked the Pokémon and Ponies who came here yesterday?” Giratina asked. He already knew the answer, what he wanted was an explanation.

The Coffin Pokémon smiled sinisterly. “Do you mean the Gardevoir, Gallade and the annoyingly loud pink creature?”

Giratina already didn’t like where this was going. “Yes.”

“Then yes, I did attack them.” Giratina was almost surprised that the Cofagrigus had admitted that so quickly, almost.

“Why did you attack them? Did you not hear Lord Arceus’ message?”

The Ghost-type hissed with laughter, Giratina growled. “I heard Lord Arceus, but I’ve been asleep for so long, and I was so hungry,” It laughed again. “And I needed my strength back.”

Giratina didn’t even want to ask what for, but he did. The answer that came was accompanied by yet another sinister laugh. “Long have I slept Lord Giratina,” Cofagrigus explained. “Hundreds of years, since the wars of Unova.”

Giratina’s eyes widened. The wars that had pitted humans against humans with Pokémon caught in between, the war that had brought about the need for the Swords of Justice, the war that killed Keldeo’s entire species at the Moor of Icirrus. The war that had ended more than seven hundred years ago. This creature was indeed old.

“I still remember some of my life,” Cofagrigus explained. “I was a Lord of the castle that stood where the ruins of the Unovan Desert now stand. I was cut down in my sleep by an assassin... I’m sorry, that’s all I recall. My memories come and go.”

Giratina was beginning to wonder if this Pokémon was insane. He was fairly certain a formerly human mind wasn’t made to withstand death, plus seven hundred years isolation.

“What is it that you want?” Giratina asked.

The Cofagrigus smiled. “I seek revenge on the mortals who wronged me, who sealed me in the dark for all the years.”

Giratina watched as the Cofagrigus once again broke out in laughter. Hideous, hissing, insane laughter. Giratina shook his head. “You cannot be allowed to roam this world.” He said.

The insane Ghost stopped laughing and gaped at the Legendary. “But you are the patron of all Ghost’s, you were sealed away for your crimes by your fath-”

“NO!” Giratina’s voice shook the castle, chunks of the ceiling fell to the floor. “My father, my brothers, and I, were all sealed away by the same group of humans who once worshipped us.” The Legendary Ghost-type stared down the Cofagrigus. “And I do not take kindly to those who imply my father locked me away.”

Unnoticed by Cofagrigus, Giratina’s tendrils had snaked out of the Distortion World and were beginning to ensnare the Ghost-type. “Wh-what?” He said as they tightened around his body.

“You do not belong in this world!” Giratina snarled as he dragged the Ghost-type into the portal. “You never should have been brought here in the first place!”

The portal sealed, cutting off the horrible sound of a hissing scream.

“A Zoroark huh?” Solana asked. “I’ve never actually met one of those. Fiore doesn’t have any, as far as I know.”

“I met one once,” Belle said. “It wasn’t a very long battle.”

“That’s cause you’re a Fairy-type,” Korrina deadpanned.

Belle just smiled and took another bite of her salad.

“Anyway,” Twilight said. “We need to find this guy, I’m pretty sure he’s the one who’s been helping around the city, but I’d still like to ask him a few questions.”

“Ohhh, a Zoroark hunt.” Juniper smiled. “Sounds like fun.”

“Sounds impossible,” Mage snorted, causing everyone glared at her. “What? Dark-types don’t like to be found, especially Zoroarks.”

“They are pretty reclusive,” Gene agreed. “The trainer who had one was in Unova, and she said it was the daughter of her mother’s Zoroark.”

“Well how do you suggest we find this guy?” Rainbow asked.

Gene just shrugged. “This is going to be a lot like finding a needle in a haystack... if that needle could turn invisible and move around in the stack. Not to mention we don’t know if this guy is a wild Pokémon, or a former human... not that it really matters since Zoroark are one of the more intelligent Dark-types out there.”

Twilight groaned. “Don’t worry Twilight,” Juniper said. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks Juniper.” Twilight was still a bit unsure about the entire situation, but she was glad she had friends to help her through it. “Alright,” She said with renewed vigor. “I get most of you have no experience dealing with Zoroarks.”

The Pokémon all nodded in agreement. “But is anything you know about Dark-types applicable here, and not just that their reclusive.”

“Nothing that Fang’s ever done is going to be any help,” Gene said. “Like I said, he might look scary, but he’s really just a big puppy dog.”

“I know a little about how Dark-types usually fight,” Korrina added. “Their attacks are usually either long range attacks, or they fight by being sneaky, striking from behind, tricking their opponent, that kind of thing. Basically they’re more...indirect than other types, especially if they’re purely Dark-types like Zoroark. Pokémon like Fang are dual types, so they usually have more...variety so they can also go for direct attacks.”

“I specialized in the origins of Pokémon back in Unova,” Juniper added. “Recently I’ve been focusing more on Pokémon that appeared seemingly out of nowhere in the past hundred years or so. Klink, Clefairy... Beheeyem...”

Mage snickered as Juniper examined her hand. The irony of the situation was pretty clear.

Solana leaned back in her chair and thought for a moment. “There aren’t that many Dark-types in Fiore, and a fair majority are dual types.”

“And we’re stationed there the majority of the time.” Lunick added.

“But the ones we have encountered tend to set up a territory and stay there,” Solana said. “There’s an entire group of Shiftry that set up a territory in the Sekra Mountain Range.”

“But,” Lunick continued. “If this guy’s a former human, he wouldn’t stick to any one place. And, even if Zoroarks set up a territory, and I’m not sure they do, we don’t know how big it would be. For all we know, it might span the entire city.”

"And it's odd that they would set up a territory this close to a city," Plusle added. When everyone stared at her in surprise, Minun chimed in.

"Most Dark-types prefer solitude, especially ones like Zoroark."

"How do you two know that?" Solana asked.

They smiled. "While you guys are on missions, talking to tourists or citizens or whoever," Minun said.

"We talk with the Pokémon in the area." Plusle finished.

Twilight thought on this for a moment. “Ok, so if I remember what Juniper told me correctly, then Zoroark is weak to Fairy, Bug and Fighting-types, right?”

“That’s right,” Juniper said with a smile. “And they’re immune to Psychic-type attacks.”

“And Ghost and Dark-types aren’t very effective,” Mage finished.

“Ok,” Twilight said. “That means Lucario and Belle, you guys are our best bets.”

“One more thing,” Belle said. “Because Zoroarks are Dark-types, my own psychic powers are unable to pierce their illusions.”

“What does that mean?” Rainbow asked.

“It leaves a big blank space in the air where the illusion is,” Belle answered. “It’s easy to at least get a general idea of where the Zoroark is from there.”

“That sounds like it could be helpful,” Twilight replied. “Alright here’s the new plan. Belle, we’re going to city hall after this, maybe the Zoroark is still around there.”

“Seems like as good a place as any to start,” Belle agreed.

“Pinkie, is your Pinkie sense telling you anything?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie shook her head. “Sorry Twilight, but you know my Pinkie sense only works for random and spontaneous events.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s what I thought.” She smiled as an idea popped into her head. “I was just hoping we could find this guy and thank him for everything he’s done.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe with a thank you note, or...”

Pinkie’s eyes widened and she gasped. “A thank you party!”

Twilight smiled. “That sounds perfect.” She frowned. “Too bad we don’t know where he is...”

Pinkie leapt from her seat and landed near the door. “Then what are we waiting for?” Pinkie rushed out the door and Twilight smiled.

“Solana, Lunick, make sure she doesn’t do anything too crazy, but don’t inhibit her too much, she might actually have a chance of finding this guy.”

“Sure thing Twilight,” Lunick said with a nod. “See you guys later.”

Juniper looked at Twilight quizzically. “You really think that’s going to work?”

Twilight shrugged. “I’d say it’s fifty/fifty of her finding something.” She thought for a moment, then added. “Of course, Manehattan isn’t really used to her... maybe I could’ve thought that out better.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled and put a hoof around Twilight’s shoulder. “Don’t worry Twilight, Pinkie won’t... I mean she...” Rainbow sighed. “Actually you might want to start worrying….”

“...okay... we’d better follow her,” Twilight gulped, and they were out the door so fast it looked like they teleported.

As the group rushed after their over excited friend, they passed a red and black stallion who was walking by the hotel. “Sorry!” Korrina called as they all rushed passed the startled pony.

“Well, there’s something you don’t see everyday,” the stallion blinked, before walking past the hotel. What they didn’t notice was the shadow stemming from the pony. It wasn’t equine in shape, rather it was shaped like a fox.

Author's Note:

Muk Klink
Shiftry Accelgor
Greninja Ditto
Zorua Clefairy

Before anyone says anything about Ditto, I want to show you this.

Take a good look, see the face?

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