• Published 5th Jan 2014
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A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 36

It was after midnight when a shadow flew through the Hall of Legends, the shadow moved quickly in the muted light of the ancient temple, shooting past a door with an intricate, forest pattern design, and a deer like being by a spring in the center.

The shadow stopped and backed up. I must admit, she has an eye for design, Darkrai thought as he rose from the shadow on the floor.

The Pitch-Black Pokémon hovered outside the door for a second, silently arguing with himself whether or not to knock. “I came this far, and I’m not about to give up now.”

Darkrai knocked on the door and waited.

“-could be at this time of... Darkrai!” Virizion said with a smile. “What brings you here? I haven’t seen you around recently.”

Darkrai smiled. “Hello Virizion, I’ve been...preoccupied with something. Do you mind if I come in?”

Virizion nodded and stepped to one side, allowing Darkrai to glide into the room.

“Something on your mind?” Virizion asked, shutting the door behind her.

“I... remember what we talked about, not long before Arceus was released?” Darkrai began.

Virizion’s eyes lit up. “Ooohhh, are you going to ask Cresselia out?” She asked almost giddily. “I heard about what happened on your date,”

“It wasn’t a date,” Darkrai mumbled.

“What happened that night anyway?” From what Cresselia had said, it had seemed like he was going to ‘seal the deal’ as Meloetta had so eloquently put it.

“Something... happened,” Virizion sighed, whenever Darkrai got purposely vague and mysterious, he would never say what was on his mind.

“Fine, be vague, now what about Cresselia?” Virizion took a sip from the glass of water by her bed.

“I want to ask her on a date.”

Virizion did a spit take, then coughed out. “Really?” She had never expected Darkrai to actually come out and say that. She thought she’d have to get Mew or Hoopa to help her trick and or blackmail him into going on their first date.

“Yes really,” Darkrai almost snapped. “Don’t sound so surprised.”

“Sorry,” Virizion said with a smile. “You were saying?”

Darkrai took a deep breath. “I... I want to take Cresselia on a date, a real date. I want to apologize for how I’ve acted in the past and...” The Dark-type fidgeted awkwardly for a moment. “And begin courting her... if she’ll have me,”

Virizion had to bite her bottom lip to stop herself from d’awing. Darkrai might be the physical incarnation of darkness and nightmares, but he tried so hard to be social, or at least not terrify the others, and it got downright adorable sometimes, the way he acted.

“Darkrai, if you want advice, all you have to do is ask.” Whenever one of the Legendaries had a personal problem, they’d usually talk to Virizion.

The Dark-type sighed. “Do you think she’ll still accept me? After I’ve played with her emotions for so long.”

Virizion could sense the hurt and the fear in her friends voice. She knew that her families berating him, more tormenting really, over what had happened in Unova years ago had hurt him greatly, but since he rarely visited her after that, she had no idea just how much.

Virizion walked over to Darkrai and nuzzled him. “Oh Darkrai,” She said. “You know Cresselia was blaming herself after you left? She thought she hadn’t done enough to help you.”

Darkrai looked at her in shock. “She... but I was the one who pushed her away,” He said.

“And why did you do that?” Virizion asked.

“I thought...” He began. “I thought she deserved better.”

Virizion pulled the Pitch-Black Pokémon closer to her. “And the fact that you did that shows how much you cared.” Darkrai smiled softly. “I mean, it was stupid to think she’d consider looking for someone else, but it was a sweet thought.”

Darkrai pushed away from Virizion. “So what do I do now?” He asked. “How do I make up for centuries of hurt?”

Virizion smiled. “With a heartfelt apology, an explanation admitting your own faults, a very romantic evening,” She smiled deviously. “And a little help. Stay here,”

Virizion walked towards the door, the structure sliding open at her approach. “Wait here,” She ordered. “I’m going to get some help.”

Darkrai was admiring how Virizion had chosen to decorate her room, he especially admired the sparring circle and her indoor spring, when the door opened once again.

“Virizion where did y-” Darkrai stopped when he saw who Virizion had come back with.

Along with the Sword of Justice, Meloetta, Diancie, Shaymin, Celebi, Mesprit, Mew and Victini had entered the room.

“Nope.” Was all Darkrai said before attempting to sink into the floor.

“Oh no you don’t!” Meloetta cried, dashing forward and grabbing hold of his mane. “We’re here to help you, so no running off.”

The Dark-type grumbled as he solidified. “Why?” He asked, turning to Virizion.

The Grassland Pokémon smiled. “You want this to be romantic the most romantic night... the second... third... you want this to be one of the most romantic nights of your lives? Then you need help setting it up.”

Darkrai considered asking what Cresselia considered the other two points to be, but decided not to. “But was it necessary to invite all of them?”

Virizion nodded. “You know why Meloetta’s here, Shaymin will play an important part at the beginning, Mesprit’s here to help you sort out all your emotions and figure out exactly WHAT you need to apologize for, Celebi’s going to help set everything up, and Diancie and Mew are going to help since they spent a fair amount of time with Cresselia.”

Darkrai thought for a second, then asked. “And Victini?”

“Cause with me on your side, there’s no way you’ll lose!” The Victory Pokémon shouted, winking and giving a 'V' sign as he did.

Several of the gathered Pokémon giggled, including Virizion and Mew. “Moral support,” Mew explained with a laugh. “And overall group morale.”

“Plus, we hoped his positive energy would rub off on you,” Shaymin added. “Both the literal and the metaphorical kind.”

“Enough chit-chat,” Mesprit said. “You guys help Viri plan, Victini? Come with me.”

The Emotion Pokémon pulled Darkrai aside and sat him on Virizion’s bed. “Now, why don’t you tell me about some of the worst moments you’ve had with Cresselia, and we’ll go from there.”

Darkrai fidgeted uncomfortably. “Don’t worry dude,” Victini said, patting him on the back, “No one’s going to judge you.”

The Dark-type took a deep breath. “It started long ago, not long after Arceus had created us-”

“Well... I’m glad you three came to us, though you really should have done that in the first place,” Korrina sighed as she looked down at the three little fillies and their Pokémon.

“Well...” Sweetie Belle began. “We had notes from you and Misty and May, so we thought we’d be able to handle ourselves in a battle.”

Korrina shook her head. She should have realized they wouldn’t know how to properly start a battle, or which Pokémon were safe for beginners. But she had been blinded since every kid on Earth knew not to attack a Voltorb, and other such basic knowledge.

“There’s a big difference between knowing what to do, and applying it to... did you really try to attack a Voltorb?” Lucario asked.

Scootaloo groaned.

The Lucarios couldn’t help but smile.

“Anyway,” Korrina began. “We’ll show you three how it’s done, but first we’re going to need an opponent...

They needed an opponent, and they found one. Blaziken stood proud as he focused, his eyes on Lucario. When they asked if he could help, he had jumped at the idea. Helping three young fillies on their path to becoming Pokémon Trainers was a great cause. May had agreed as well, and tagged along.

“Blaziken, May are you two ready?” Korrina asked.

“Yep.” May answered.

“Lucario are you ready?”

Lucario smiled at her and nodded.

“Let the match begin,” She yelled out. “Lucario, use Bone Rush!”

The CMCs and their Pokémon watched as Lucario attacked with the aura club he conjured, but Blaziken was fast.The Fire-type was easily dodging all the attacks so far.

“Blaziken, move in close and use Fire Punch!” May shouted.

Blaziken did so, using Lucario’s forward attack to his advantage, he got in close. His fist burst into flames as his attack drew near Lucarios chest.

“Counter!” Korrina yelled as the attack drew closer. Blaziken’s attack struck home, only for Lucario to strike him back. But instead of Lucario aiming for Blaziken’s chest, he slammed his fist right into Blaziken’s jaw.

Blaziken stumbled back and clenched his jaw in pain, Lucario on the other hand put a paw to his chest, but the two of them stood strong. The battle had only just started after all.

“Lay down some hurt with Aura Sphere, and keep it up!” Korrina ordered, planning on a technique they had used before

Lucario concentrated before firing multiple spheres of aura towards the Fire-type. While Blaziken was fast and agile, the sheer number of spheres made it hard to move and get out of the way.

“Time to fight fire with fire, Blaziken! Use Flamethrower!”

Blaziken opened his mouth and let loose a torrent of flame that intersected most of Lucario’s attacks before continuing towards the Aura Pokémon.

The CMCs, along with their Pokémon, watched in awe at the battle. It was completely amazing, like something out of a video game.

Blaziken’s attack hit Lucario at the same time one of the remaining Aura Spheres reached its mark. As a result, both Pokémon were knocked backwards a few feet.

Both of them landed on their feet next to their trainers.

Lucario looked to Korrina, Blaziken looked to May, May and Korrina looked to each other. All four of them smirked. “Alright,” May said. “I think that’s enough for a demonstration.”

“What?!” Scootaloo cried. “But I wanna see who wins!”

Korrina turned to Scootaloo and said. “Yeah, but for there to be a real winner, one of them would have to knock the other out,” She shrugged. “If Pokémon Centers were still a thing then we might keep going. But since this was just a demonstration, and there aren’t even any Oran Berries around here, it’s better if we stop now.”

The three fillies groaned, as did their Pokémon. “Look on the bright side,” Blaziken said. “Now you three get to try out a battle or two on your own.”

The CMCs brightened considerably at this, and immediately rushed off with their Pokémon in search of their own opponents.

“Someone should-” Korrina began.

“We’ll make sure they don’t get into too much trouble,” May volunteered. “Could you two head into town and find Pinkie? I heard she somehow got her hooves on actual Berries, not sure how.”

Korrina and Lucario nodded and began the walk back towards town.

As the Lucarios disappeared down the path, May sighed. “Come on Blaziken, let’s make sure they don’t wake up an Onix this time.”

(Play this link!)

“Alright Bulbasaur!” Apple Bloom called. “Use Vine Whip!”

“Saur!” A pair of vines hot from the Seed Pokémon’s back and whipped the Rattata Apple Bloom had chosen for their first battle.

“Rat!” The Mouse Pokémon cried as the attack sent it sprawling backwards. “Rat!” Regaining its footing, the Normal-type ran forward and leapt towards Bulbasaur, intent on sinking its fangs into the Grass-type.

“Quick! Stop it with Razor Leaf!” Apple Bloom ordered.

“Bulbasaur!” At Apple Bloom’s command, Bulbasaur fired a stream of sharp edged leaves at the Rattata.

“Rattata!” The Mouse Pokémon fell to the ground and struggled to get to its feet. Just as it looked as if the small Pokémon would stand back up, the Rattata collapsed, its eyes swirly.

“We won!” Apple Bloom cried giddily. “Great work Bulbasaur!” She ran up and hugged the little Grass-type.


While Apple Bloom and Bulbasaur were celebrating their victory, May smiled, then turned to Sweetie Belle, Squirtle, Scootaloo and Charmander. “Alright, who wants to go next?”

“We do!” Scootaloo said, buzzing her wings in excitement. “Come on Charmander!”

May watched as the pair ran for a patch of tall grass in hopes of finding a Pokémon to battle. She smiled as it reminded her of how she was at the start of her journey... and how her brother had been at the start of his.

“You alright May?” Blaziken asked.

“Yeah,” She answered softly. “Just... remembering.”

“Got one!” Scootaloo and Charmander rushed out of the grass with a Pidgey following them. The two stopped about ten feet from the Flying-type. “Alright Charmander,” Scootaloo began. “Start of with Scratch!”

May had given the CMC’s a rundown of what moves their Pokémon could use, it was made easier since she was able to ask the Pokémon directly.

“Char!” The Fire-type ran forward, preparing to wrack its claws across the Pidgey. The Tiny Bird Pokémon had other ideas.

“Pidgey!” The Pokémon turned around and kicked dirt at Charmanders eyes.

“Char!” That attack hit its mark, temporarily blinding the little Fire-type.

Seeing its opportunity, the Pidgey spread its wings and flew straight at Charmander.

“Charmander, use Ember! Straight ahead!” Scootaloo cried.

Still unable to see clearly, Charmander did as he was ordered. “Char!” The Ember attack hit the Pidgey head on, knocking it back a few feet.

“Alright!” Scootaloo cried in excitement. “Now use Ember again!”

“Charmander!” Another Ember attack flew from Charmander’s jaw and once again struck the Pidgey.

Scootaloo smirked as the Pidgey attempted to push itself up. “Now use Scratch!”

Once again, Charmander ran forward, intent on hitting his target this time. Seeing him coming, the Pidgey managed to right itself, then began rapidly flapping its wings.

Just before Charmander’s attack hit home, the Pidgey launched a Gust attack, knocking Charmander back. “Pidgey!” The Flying-type rose off the ground and shot towards Charmander at a surprising speed for a creature its size.

The Quick Attack served to knock Charmander back further, and kept him from standing up.

“Charmander!” Scootaloo called, worry in her voice. “You alright?"

The Lizard Pokémon gritted his teeth and stood up, looking back at Scootaloo and giving her a thumbs up as he did.

“Alright then,” Scootaloo had a split second to decide what move to use next before the Pidgey attacked again. “Use Smokescreen to blind it!”

“Char!” The ball of soot Charmander fired hit just below Pidgey, producing a thick smog that the Flying-type couldn’t see through.

Scootaloo could hear the Pidgey’s panicked cries, she knew it wouldn’t be long before it found its way out. “Alright, try Scratch one more time!” She ordered.

“Char...” The Fire-type’s claws glowed white as he ran towards the smoke. Just as he reached it, the Pidgey managed to use its wings to clear the smoke away, just in time for Charmander to jump and wrack his claws straight up the Pidgey’s body. “Mander!”

“Pidgey...” The Tiny Bird Pokémon fell backwards and fell to the ground, its eyes swirls.

(End music Play this once:Link two)

“Alright!” Scootaloo shouted. “Nice job Charmander!”

May smiled again, watching as Scootaloo and Charmander did their approximation of a high five.

“Well Sweetie Belle,” May said. “Guess that just leaves you... where’d she go?”

Blaziken looked down at his side and, seeing that the little filly was no longer around, nor was her Pokémon, he began to looking around for any sign of her. “She seems to have slipped away,” Blaziken said.

May sighed. “Alright, you watch those four and make sure they don’t hurt themselves, I’ll see if I can find Sweetie Belle.”

Blaziken nodded and watched as May walked back the way they had came in hopes of finding the unicorn filly. Turning back Blaziken saw that Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Charmander, and Bulbasaur were all looking up at him, smiling. “What should we do now Mister Blaziken?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Sweetie Belle!” May called as she walked down the path. “Squirtle!” No response came. “Where did those two go?” She wondered aloud.

After a few more minutes of walking, May’s ears twitched as she heard the faint sound of laughing from off the path.

“I wonder...” Pushing her way through the bushes, the sound of laughing got louder, and she was able to make out Sweetie Belle’s voice.

Pushing through the rest of the thicket, May stumbled upon a small pond, where Squirtle and Sweetie Belle were playing in the shallow water. The sight was so adorable May didn’t want to interrupt, but Sweetie already noticed her.

“Oh... Hi May!” Sweetie said happily. “Squirtle and I were just playing.”

“I can see that,” May said with a smile. “But weren’t you suppose to be training?”

Sweetie Belle’s ears fell flat against her head. “I don’t know,” She said. “I still don’t feel right about making Pokémon fight each other.”

May smiled softly and sat down next to the filly. “You know Sweetie? I actually kinda know where you’re coming from.”

“You do?” Sweetie Belle asked.

May nodded. “I never really wanted to be a Pokémon Trainer, I wanted to travel, but I didn’t know what I really wanted to do, then I saw my first Pokémon Contest.”

“What’s that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

May smiled and explained. “A Pokémon Contest is where a Pokémon Coordinator, that’s what I am, show how beautiful, and talented their Pokémon are.”

“People actually do that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

May nodded. “I nearly won the Grand Festival a few times,” May’s shoulder slumped. “But I never actually won it.”

Sweetie Belle patted her on the back.

May laughed. “Thanks, anyway, I could give you a demonstration if you want?”

The filly nodded. “That sounds like a great idea, right Squirtle?”

“Squirtle, squirt!” The Tiny Turtle Pokémon nodded in agreement.

May nodded. “Alright, come with me.”

After a good ten minutes of walking, May led Sweetie Belle and Squirtle to a small field of flowers not far from Fluttershy’s house.

The field itself was populated by all manner of Bug-types, mostly Combees but there were also a few Beautifly, Butterfree, and even a few Beedrill and Dustox among others.

“May,” Sweetie began. “Not that this isn’t pretty and all, but why did you bring us here?"

May smiled. “I needed to pick up an old friend.”

Sweetie was about to ask what she meant when a Beautifly landed on May’s head. “Uh... May?”

“Yay! May!” The Beautifly chimed. “Heh, heh, that rhymed.”

“Hi Beautifly,” May said. “Did you miss me?”

“Always,” Beautifly said. May had found her a few days after the party, hanging around Fluttershy’s house with Skitty. May had been beyond happy to be reunited with two of her first Pokémon, especially since she could understand them now.

Skitty sounded just as hyper as she had expected, and even more cute. Beautifly actually had a very elegant voice, and often spoke in a sing-song tone. “Who’s the cute little filly?” Beautifly asked, noticing Sweetie.

“That’s Sweetie Belle,” May explained. “She’s thinking of becoming a Pokémon Coordinator.”

Beautifly's eyes lit up. “Oooohhh, do I get to do a demonstration?

May nodded. “Why don’t you get ready, and I’ll explain things to Sweetie here.” The Butterfly Pokémon nodded and took off, considering which routine she would use.

May turned to Sweetie Belle, who had a confused look on her face. “Beautifly is one of my Pokémon from back on Earth,” May explained. “And she’s going to give you a little picture of what a Pokémon Contest is like.”

“Ohhh,” Sweetie exclaimed. “Neat!”

“May!” Beautifly called. “I’m ready!”

May, Sweetie Belle and Squirtle turned to see that Beautifly had cleared out a portion of the field and was hovering in the center.

“Presenting, for your viewing pleasure, the amazing Beautifly!” Beautifly introduced herself.

May rolled her eyes.

Beautifly flared her wings and caused some of the dust that covered them to fly off, refracting the sunlight around her. “String Shot!”

Turning in a semicircle, Beautifly fired a thin stream of silk from her proboscis. The silk caught some of the dust and shined in the sunlight as it slowly drifted to the ground.

Sweetie watched in awe as Beautifly used a Gust attack to whip up some of the flower petals from the field below, a continuous use of the attack held them in an orbit around the Butterfly Pokémon for a few seconds before she flared her wings and cried. “Morning Sun!”

Sweetie’s jaw dropped as Beautifly’s wings glowed bright yellow whilst the flower petals fell around her. Squirtle was likewise shocked silent.

Beautifly smiled at the wide eyed youngsters below her. Time to go out big, She thought.

“Silver Wind!”

Beautiful streams of silver dust spread from Beautifly’s wings, and as Sweetie and Squirtle watched in awe, Beautifly began to spin. This motion caused the Silver Wind to swirl around Beautifly, forming a kind of cloak around the Pokémon.

“Wow,” Sweetie said in a hushed tone.

Just before the cloak completely closed around Beautifly, she stopped spinning and used Gust to disperse the dust.

Ending with a small midair bow, Beautifly fluttered back down to May and landed atop her head again. “So?” She asked. “How was I?”

May smiled and rubbed Beautifly on the head. “You were great Beautifly,” She looked at Sweetie Belle and smiled. “And I’m not the only one who thinks so.”

Sweetie Belle was completely silent, her brain still processing what she had just seen. “What did you think?” May asked.

Sweetie turned her gaze to May, a grin covering her face. “Cutie Mark Crusader Pokémon Coordinator!” She blinked once and looked around. “That felt weird without Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

May smiled and kneeled down next to the filly. “Don’t worry,” She said, putting a hand on her shoulder. “We’ll tell them your decision together,” Sweetie smiled. “Now, why don’t we go find your friends, and I’ll tell you about some of my contests?”

Sweetie Belle couldn’t say yes fast enough.

In the interest of not accidentally starting a fire where anyone could get hurt, or where there would be serious property damage, Korrina and May had decided to have the battle a fair distance from town. This unfortunately meant that Lucario and Korrina had a good deal of walking to do before they got back to Ponyville.

This, coupled with the fact that Korrina still felt awful about what had happened in Manehattan, had made the walk so far silent, and awkward.

“Korrina,” Lucario began. “Are you alright?”

Korrina turned to look at Lucario, and noted that he was mostly healed thanks to the natural fast healing abilities of a Pokémon, as well as due to Korrina occasionally giving him a Heal Pulse to help it along (these were a bit less effective than a normal Heal Pulse). But he still had a few bruises here and there, and when Korrina’s eyes fell on one she winced.

“I’m fine,” She lied, turning away from her partner.

Lucario frowned. “Korrina, I can tell when you’re lying to me without using Aura Sight,” When Korrina didn’t say anything, Lucario put a paw on her shoulder and stopped her. “Korrina, talk to me. Arceus knows you couldn’t before.”

Korrina pushed his paw off and sighed. “I can’t stop thinking about Manehattan,” She admitted. “I should have been able to tell she was that strong, and I yet I still let you battle her,” He ears drooped. “I didn’t even help.”

Lucario looked at her in confusion. “If you had tried to intervene she probably would have attacked you too!”

Korrina shook her head. “I’m suppose to help you. I should have at least given more warnings or advice or...” Korrina turned away from Lucario.

“You’re not human anymore Korrina,” Lucario reminded her. “If you had Elena would have seen it the same as if you attacked for me.”

“I still should have done something!” Korrina shouted, causing him to stumble back in surprise. “You're my partner... I’m not suppose to let that happen to you...”

“Korrina, listen to me,” Lucario said, grabbing her shoulders. “There was nothing you could have done. I made the choice to battle Elena, not you.” He smiled. “Besides, you healed me. That more than makes up for any fault you had in the matter.”

Korrina looked at Lucario in surprise. “How can you say that?” Korrina asked. “How can you just shrug it off? How come you don’t... you don’t blame me...” She recalled what Gene had said the night Lucario had been injured.

“It. Wasn’t. Your. Fault,” Lucario restated, putting emphasis on each word. “I knew what might happen when I went into the battle.”

For some reason, this seemed to push Korrina over the edge. “Then why did you battle her?!” She shouted. “Just because I volunteered to check out the back didn’t mean you had to come with. You don’t have to follow me everywhere! I-” She choked. “I’m not your trainer anymore.”

Lucario looked visibly hurt at that statement, and released his grip on Korrina as a result. “Don’t say that,” He said quietly. “You’ll always be my trainer...”

Korrina turned away. “No,” She said. “I can’t, I don’t care what you say, if I was your trainer, then I would have at least helped you in that battle.”

Korrina began to walk away, but Lucario wasn’t going to let that happen. Not like this. He grabbed Korrina’s arm, and before she could react, pulled her back to him. Before she knew what was happening, Lucario had pressed his muzzle to hers.

For a moment, Lucario held her there, locked in a kiss. Once he finally released his grip and broke the kiss, he said. “Even if you’re not my trainer,” He pressed his paw to hers for a second. “You will always be my partner.”

With that Lucario broke away from Korrina and continued back towards Ponyville. Korrina stood there for a moment, frozen. “I-I... th-that.... he...” She touched a paw to her lips, still not believing what had just transpired, not sure what to think.

Author's Note:

And this is why I have a romance tag, I think it's about time I really start using it.

I'm so excited!

... Yeah, her too.

I have to get ready, eehhh!

Arceus, when her and Cadence meet...

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