• Published 5th Jan 2014
  • 42,206 Views, 7,806 Comments

A New World, a New Way - zeusdemigod131

To protect his Pokemon from harm Arceus has moved most of his worlds populus to Equestria in hopes that they can live in peace, but peace is often harder to obtain than one might think.

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Chapter 25

The morning after Pinkie’s party snuck up on everyone, and while many of them would have preferred to stay in bed, they couldn’t. Everypony still had work to do, and since it was Saturday, many ponies were going to set up their stands in hopes of selling more products.

The Pokémon, however, did not have to get up early, save for those who had befriended a pony.

This was why it was almost ten when Gene and Belle, accompanied by Mage, left Carousel Boutique in order to meet with Juniper and Twilight.

Twilight had a few questions she wanted to ask Gene that Juniper said he would be better at answering than her, or would at least be able to put in layman’s terms for the notes.

“What do you think she’s going to ask?” Mage asked.

“Probably a few questions about you,” Belle answered, remembering Twilight’s doubts about Ghost Pokémon.

Mage smirked. “Well, I am an interesting subject, and I’d do anything to help a fellow scholar.” That was the main reason the Mismagius was coming. Despite her trickster tendencies Mage had an almost profound love of learning. Especially when it came to magic.

When Gene told her that Twilight was a magical prodigy who lived in a library-tree he couldn’t keep her from coming.

Gene smiled as he remembered that he first met Mage in a library, where she-

“Hey! Gallade!” Gene turned around to see a Hitmontop and a Medicham running towards them, a Plusle and Minun following behind them.

“Hi.” Gene said, slightly wearily. “Did you two want something?” For whatever reason, Gene was getting a bad feeling about these two.

The Medicham smiled. “No, we’re just going around and making sure everymon is doing alright.”

“That’s very kind of you.” Belle said.

“It’s our job miss,” The Hitmontop saluted. “We may not look it right now, but we’re Pokémon Rangers.”

Belle had to stop herself from teleporting, and Gene’s entire body tensed slightly. “Rangers huh?” He asked.

“Yep,” The Medicham nodded. “I’m Solana, and this is Lunick, we’re the Top Rangers from the Fiore Region.” The pride in her voice was obvious.

“Great,” Gene said, trying to stay calm. “I’m Gene and this is Belle and Mage.”

At his introductions a look of curiosity crossed the Rangers’ faces. “Wait, were you... humans? Or did your Trainer give you those names?”

“Why do those names sound familiar...” Solana asked herself.

Gene took a breath and closed his eyes for a second, feeling Belle’s hand slip into his he said. “I was human, Belle and Mage are my Pokémon.”

Solana thought for a second, trying to remember where she had heard those names. Then it hit her. “Professor Hastings, he made an announcement about you... You’re the one who-!”

Gene stopped her before she started. “Yeah, I’m the guy from Unova who's wedding the Ranger Union crashed.”

“Because you tried to marry your Pokémon!” Lunick shouted.

Solana stepped forward, a look of determination on her face. “I’m placing you under arrest for Pokémon right’s violations. You-”

“You aren’t going to do anything.” Belle said, stepping forward. “Last I checked, you have no legal power in countries on other planets.”

Lunick and Solana looked at her in shock. “Why are you defending him?” Lunick asked.

Belle glared at them. “Because he’s my mate, and my Trainer, and, most importantly, because I love him.”

At this point, a crowd of ponies had begun to gather around the Pokémon. “Lunick,” Minun tapped his partners leg. “I think you’re drawing a crowd.”

The Rangers didn’t back down. “Doesn’t matter,” Solana said. “The Union’s been after this guy for years, I’m not gonna let him get away.” Solana prided herself on knowing the list of fugitives and trouble makers that the Union kept, and stopping them whenever she could.

“What are you gonna do?” Mage asked, floating up to the Fighting-types. “Use your little spinning tops on us?” She looked at Lunick and grinned. “Maybe you’ll just spin around us instead?”

Lunick didn’t respond to that one. “Just come quietly.” He said.

“To where?” Gene asked. “No police station around here is going to arrest us for loving each other, and it’s not like your Ranger HQ got transferred.”

Plusle jumped onto Solana’s shoulder. “Solana, I think he’s right.” She whispered to her partner.

Before the Ranger could respond a different voice from the edge of the crowd spoke up. “Step aside ya’ll, ah’m gonna see-” Applejack pushed through the crowd of Ponies and into the center of the group where the Pokémon stood. “Gene? Belle? What in tarnations is goin’ on here?”

“Applejack, this is Lunick and Solana, they’re Pokémon Rangers.” Gene answered.

Applejack sighed and looked back at the crowd of ponies. “Alright, ya’ll git now, this is private.”

The ponies heeded Applejack’s word and backed off, although a few lingered close by.

“Now what’s the problem exactly?” Applejack asked.

“The problem, miss,” Lunick started. “Is that this man is charged with at least ten counts of Pokémon abuse, more than twelve counts evading International Police Officers and Pokémon Rangers, and I don’t even want to know how many counts Poképhilia.”

“I am so sick of hearing that word!” Belle shouted. “It’s offensive and you make it sound like it’s something disgusting.”

Lunick started to respond. “Tha-”

“If you value your mind I wouldn’t finish that sentence.” Mage warned.

Applejack shook her head. “Alright, from what ah know ‘bout you Rangers, which ain’t much. Ya’ll are some type of law back on Earth?”

“You’ve got that right Miss Applejack.” Solana answered.

“Right, well first off, welcome to Equestria if ya haven’t already heard that.”

“We have,” Lunick replied. “We were at that party last night.”

Applejack smiled. “Good, you meet Pinkie?”

“Briefly,” Solana answered. “She’s... different.”

Applejack laughed. “That she is, that she is. Now what were Gene’s charges again?”

“Evading law officers, Pokémon abuse,”

“That’s a lie.” Gene defended.

Solana glared at him. “And Poké-”

“Angry Psychic-type, remember?!” Mage shouted.

“Ah got it,” Applejack said. “And unless ah’m wrong, all o’ that’s ‘cause Gene and Belle here are a couple?”

“I wouldn’t call it a couple.” Lunick said. “But yes.”

“We are too a couple.” Belle mumbled.

“I know, love.” Gene said, kissing her on the cheek.

Applejack noted the look of concern that flashed across the Rangers’ faces. “Right, well, you ain’t arrestin’ Gene for lovin’ Belle, ain’t no court in Equestria gonna take that case.”

“But he can’t get away with-”

“Fallin’ in love?” Applejack asked. “Fer lovin’ his girl with all his heart and not lettin’ anything stand in the way? That ain’t illegal sugarcube, it’s love, and some may call it crazy, but it ain’t illegal.”

Lunick and Solana stared at the Mare, open mouthed. “Now why don't you two go ’n think ‘bout that, when ya’ll have clearer heads the ah’m sure Twilight’ll wanna talk ta ya, she lives in the big tree in the center of town.”

Lunick and Solana looked at each other, whispered something, then just walked away. Plusle and Minun on their partners shoulders.

Applejack smiled and turned back to Gene and Belle. Only to see that both of them, plus Mage, were gaping at her. “What?” She asked.

“How did you do that?”

Applejack pulled her hat down over her brow. “Just common sense. Sooner those two realize it the better.”

“No,” Belle said. “I meant the ‘That’s not illegal, that’s love-’ part.”

Applejack looked away and said, “Ah, uh, ah read it somewhere.”

“Where’d you read something like that?” Mage asked.

Applejack mumbled a reply. “Sorry, didn’t catch that.” Gene said.

“Ah read it in a romance novel Rarity tricked me inta readin’ for her book club alright?!” Applejack still couldn’t believe Rarity had tried that. The only ones who enjoyed it were her and Twilight... and Pinkie, but Pinkie enjoyed everything.

Gene, Belle, and Mage were silent for a second. Then the Mismagius burst out laughing. “You... you beat the Rangers with a corny line from a-!? Ah hah hah!”

Gene and Belle couldn’t help but join in. And even Applejack let out a laugh.

I Wonder how the other countries are dealing with this? Celestia thought to herself. The solar Princess was currently hosting the Day Court.

Victoria will likely be able to gain control of the situation, assuming Arceus’ message didn’t cause panic. As ponies had come to her day court Celestia had noticed a pattern. Some nobles would ask about the usual laws they wished to pass, which Celestia would file away, have her advisors look over later, send her the serious ones, and send the ones that no sane ruler would ever pass to Discord for revision.

Some shop owner or other citizen would ask for help in one way or another, which Celestia may or may not give depending on the request.

But the majority of the ponies came in about the Pokémon. Questions Celestia didn’t know the answer to or couldn’t answer. Complaints about them, some nobles asking what was being done to rid the city of the infestation.

Blueblood came in once asking for his ability to speak back, Celestia told him she didn’t have time to play charades.

At this point, Celestia was contemplating just what her next course of action was to be. Currently, that meant trying to figure out what the other leaders were planning, and how she could counteract any harmful plans.

Golden Horn might be a problem. Too quick to jump to conclusions. He might declare war... then Arceus would-

“Princess?” One of Celestia’s guards said, pulling the Princess from her thoughts. “Your next petitioner is ready.”

Celestia nodded. “Send them in.”

The guards hesitated. “Your highness... we just feel it’s fair to warn you, your next-”

“Oh good grief,” A slightly annoyed voice said, cracking open the door. “She knows who I am, now could we hurry this up?” Bio Chem smiled at Celestia and waved, causing her to sigh.

“Leave us.” The Princess commanded. She made a point to never speak with Bio Chem around the guards. It tended to unnerve them.

The guards did as they were asked and Bio Chem trotted up to the throne, now alone with Celestia.

“Bio Chem,” She began. “What is it? You know I prefer to speak with you after my work hours.”

“Yes, yes, I know, but this is important.” He pulled a scroll from his saddlebag. “Catch.” He tossed it to the Princess, who caught it in her magic. Celestia raised an eyebrow as she unrolled the scroll.

“My report from the Cloudsdale Weather Factory.” Bio Chem explains. “It explains the Magnemites’, as well as their relatives’, impact on the factory. As you can see, it’s infinitesimal in the long run.”

“Good,” She rolled up the scroll. “But I don’t suppose that’s it?”

The Earth Pony smiled. “No, it’s not.” He pulled another scroll from his saddlebag, this one the Princess grabbed before he could throw it. “I would like to formally request that you allow me to conduct an in depth study of the Pokémon. Their abilities, habits, etcetera, etcetera, in the name of bettering our understanding of them, as well as how we can help each other in the future.”

The stallion was no longer smiling, he now wore a very serious expression. “I will of course submit to any stipulations, limits, and rules you wish to enforce on the study.”

Celestia read over the document. It was a formal request for a scientific expedition in and around Canterlot as well as the surrounding mountain, countryside, and forest. It also included several blank pages for the Princess to write the guidelines of the expedition. What shocked Celestia was that it wasn’t a scientific expedition form in and of itself. It was a mixture of what one would submit for a diplomatic mission to another country and an expedition form.

“You’re acting quite mature about this, Bio Chem,” Celestia said. “Usually you’re more, throw caution to the wind and whatnot.”

Bio Chem nodded. “True, in my lab, or when I only have to worry about you or Princess Luna getting mad at me I’d usually be like that,” He sighed. “Now there’s a being who’s just as powerful as you are, if not more so. And if I upset him, I doubt he’d have any second thoughts about doing away with me.”

Celestia thought on that for a moment, then said. “Alright Bio Chem, I’ll allow this, for now.” The geneticist smiled. “But, and you seem to understand this already, but I’m still going to say it. You are going to treat these Pokémon as you would if you were conducting one of your social experiment in Canterlot. If they ask to be left alone, leave them alone. If they offer you information, then you will write down what they say, word for word, not press them if they seem uncomfortable, and present your findings to me for the final analysis.” And I’ll send them to Twilight.

Bio Chem nodded, Celestia could see the gears turning in his mind. “Furthermore, you will allow a team of researchers, doctors, royal guards, and other specialists to accompany you.” Bio Chem seemed a little miffed at this but accepted.

“And let me be clear, this will not turn out like what happened on your first Everfree Expedition, are we clear on this?”

“As clear as a bathtub full of hydrogen.” Bio Chem nodded.

Celestia nodded. “Good, I’ll fill this out later and have it back to you.”

“Of course, your highness.” Bio Chem said with a bow. “I’ll ready my supplies.”

As Bio Chem trotted out of the room, the guards came back in. “How does the rest of my day look?” She asked, hoping there wouldn’t be many more petitioners.

Before the guards could answer, Aegislash floated into the room, and settled in the air beside Celestia.

The Princess turned to the guards. “It showed up a while ago,” One of them offered. “And most of the petitioners ran off.”

Celestia turned to the sword. “Didn’t I order you to patrol the palace grounds?” She asked.

“My apologies, master, but I sensed your heart rate rising and had to make sure that you were not in danger.” The Steel-type answered almost robotically.

Celestia shook her head. Now it’s calling me master... and how can it sense my heartbeat?

She decided to question Aegislash later, and instead turned to the paper before her. “Is anyone left?”

“A few, although most seem to be questioners.”

Celestia thought for a moment. “Tell them that something's come up, and give them a pass so they can be first in line tomorrow.”

The guards nodded and left, leaving Celestia with her thoughts, and her ghostly bodyguard.

The Princess turned her attention to the form Bio Chem had given her, and began to write. Any attempts, or perceived attempts to harm the subjects will, at the very least, be means for investigation.

Arceus was still getting used to his freedom. Having been trapped in the same metaphysical location for so long had driven him a little bit stir crazy at first, then he had just accepted it. This was what he was currently trying to undo.

“Interesting liquid.” Arceus dipped his hoof into the rainbow water in the pond in front of him. “Liquid polychromatic light ranging across the entire spectrum that doesn’t mix, and yet has the same consistency.”

Arceus held a list he had copied from a book in Princess Twilight’s library, one hundred and one places to see in your lifetime.

“I’ll visit the Pyramids of Graze-a later on, for now Mount Fillymanjaro seems like a good place to visit.”

Since Arceus didn’t sleep, he had a lot of time on his hooves. And after putting Mew to bed the night before, he had decided to get to know his new home. He had already visited the Mareiana’s Trench and he had seen enough of the Everfree for a while, as well as Canterlot.

He had just finished up his excursion to Rainbow Falls, so he had randomly picked a new place to visit, one where he wouldn’t draw too much attention to himself.

Right before he teleported to Zebrica for his first excursion to the Zebra homeland, another being teleported to him. “Grandpa,” Celebi said. “What are you doing?”

“Getting familiar with Equus, sweetie.” He said. “Since I have some free time for the first time in a long time, I thought I’d take some me time.”

The Time Travel Pokémon giggled and fluttered over to her grandfather, buzzing around his head a few times before settling on one of the spokes of his rings like a tree branch.

“Comfy?” Arceus asked with a smile.

“I missed you grandpa.” Celebi said suddenly, latching onto her grandfather. “It wasn’t the same, not being able to see you and dad and-”

Arceus twisted his head back around so he was looking at Celebi. “I know, and I’m sorry it took so long for me to get out, but I’m back now and that’s what matters.”

Celebi continued to cling to the Alpha Pokémon, and, if anything, she tightened her grip. Arceus chuckled. “Alright, stay there, but I’m going to open a portal so don’t be surprised.”

Arceus quickly twisted space a bit and opened a portal to the Fillymanjaro mountains. “Hmm, it’s night time here.” Arceus commented as he stepped out atop the mountain. “That’s good to know for later.”

Arceus looked up at the night sky. “I wonder how Princess Luna would react if I were to add a few constellations of my own.”

Celebi looked up at her grandfather, worried. “I could put Gardevoir there, and Milotic would make a nice replacement for this Draco character.”

“Grandpa?” Celebi asked. “You’re kidding right?”

Arceus thought for a moment, then realized this one one of those things where forethought provided an answer. “Of course sweetie, just reminiscing.”

Celebi didn’t fully buy the answer but dropped the subject, and took to stargazing alongside Arceus, still nestled in his ring.

“Celebi,” Arceus said. “I know I asked for opinions before I brought us here, but I want to know. What do you think of Equestria so far?”

Celebi thought for a moment before answering. “It’s hard to tell, for me. I’m not use to being tied to one time. Usually by now my future self would’ve shown up and told me.”

Arceus nodded, he had expected something like this. Meeting multiple versions of his granddaughter at one time on several occasions had given him an idea of how Celebi worked.

“How is the time stream? By the way.”

Celebi sighed and shook her head. “Still really messed up, no paradoxes have crept up yet though.” That wasn’t entirely true. One huge paradox was how Celebi, in all her travels, hadn’t know that the Pokémon would one day abandon Earth. That was a bit of a head scratcher.

Arceus just nodded.

The pair watched the sky in silence for a while longer. “Grandpa... are you alright? You’re not usually this quiet.”

Arceus didn’t answer. “Grandpa?” When he still didn’t respond, Celebi leaned over and poked his side.


Celebi crossed her arms. “You’re distracted. Why are you distracted?”

“Just in thought,” He answered. “You know, I’ve been getting prayers again since this all started? And not just, ‘oh dear Arceus’ either.”

Celebi shrugged. “So? There were still a few of your churches in Sinnoh if I remember correctly.”

“Yes, and that was nice, but these... so many are asking me to take them home, to make them human. I’m beginning to wonder if I made the right decision.”

Celebi raised an eyebrow. “I thought you admitted you made a rash and poorly thought out decision to the Princesses.”

Arceus shrugged. “Either way, I want to see this through to the end. I truly believe that Pokémon and Ponies can benefit greatly from each other.”

“And humans?” Celebi asked.

Arceus raised his head and looked to the night sky. “I want to see them grow, to truly become what I thought they would become when your aunts granted them will, knowledge, and emotion. And yet... I dread that I will be proven wrong yet again.”

“You won’t be.” Celebi said, she revved her wings and flew right up to Arceus’ face. “Not by the humans. I’ve seen everything they’ve done over the millennia, and I believe that this time, this time they’ll get it right.”

Arceus stared at his granddaughter, she acted so young most of the time that it was easy to forget she was several millennia old.

“You have great love in your heart, Celebi.” Arceus nuzzled his granddaughter. “Never let that change.”

Rainbow Dash was going through her usual pre-race stretches. Getting ready to, she was sure, beat Latias in a race. She already has the whole thing planned out, once to the castle in the Everfree, back over Ghastly Gorge, and back to the start. There was only one thing missing.

“Where is that Pokémon?” Dash wondered. When news of her race had gotten out, quite a few ponies and Pokémon had gathered to watch. But her competitor had yet to show herself.

“What if she changed her mind?” Dash wondered aloud. “I’ll look like an idiot if I stand here waiting for hours.”

“Don’t worry Dashie,” Pinkie said. “I’m sure Latias is just a little late.” She giggled. “That was a long alliteration.” She giggled again and Dash began to tune her out and looked out at the crowd. Not everypony had shown up, Applejack was running her stand, Rarity was doing... something, at Carousel Boutique and Twilight was doing something science at her library.

Fluttershy was there, trying to reign in a bunch of young Pokémon, even more than there were yesterday.

And, as always, Scootaloo was there buzzing with excitement. Literally.

Dash had seen Discord a while back, talking with Pinkie about something. But she hadn’t seen him for a while, and hoped he wasn’t planning anything to mess with her win.

Most of the Pokémon Dash didn’t recognize, but she saw Misty and May talking over in the shade, and Falkner and Pidgeot were watching from one of the trees.

As Pinkie continued to talk, Dash wondered just what was taking Latias so long. She didn’t have to wait long to find out. “Hello.” Latias chirped happily as she flew into the clearing, followed by her brother. “Sorry I’m late, I had a question for Diancie about something.” She looked around the clearing at the gathered beings. “My, quite a turnout for this.”

“Yeah, that’s what happens when I race someone.” Rainbow said. “Now come with me, I’m gonna show you the route we’ll be-”

“Don’t worry,” Latias said, her eyes glowing blue. “I’ve got it.” Rainbow Dash felt something poke her mind, then the sensation disappeared.

“What the heck was that?” She asked.

“You were thinking about showing me the route we’re going to race, I just copied the map from your mind.” Latias explained. “I’m part Psychic-type.”

“And the other part?” Dash asked, expecting her to say Flying.

“Dragon.” Latias answered.

Dash’s eyes widened. “Dragon?”

Latias nodded as she floated towards the starting point. “Dragon/Psychic.”

Dash shook her head and followed the Legendary to the starting point. “Alright ladies,” Discord appeared at the starting point in a referee’s outfit. “I wanted to put booby traps along the path, and cotton candy clouds, but Pinkie and Fluttershy urged me to just set up the markers.” Dash rolled her eyes. “Anyway, blah, blah, blah, good clean race, no shoving, pushing, biting, burning, or vaporizing.”

Discord vanished momentarily only to reappear wearing a ridiculous orange two-piece and holding a checkered flag. “On your marks, get set.......”

Dash and Latias stood ready, while Discord stood there as if he had been hit with the Elements of Harmony. No one said a thing, as Dash knew as soon as she let her guard down he would- “GO!”

One Pegasus and one Pokémon took off, leaving a rainbow trail and a red trail respectively behind them, both moving so fast that a few of the smaller Pokémon that had been standing a bit too close were nearly pulled along.

“And they’re outta the gates!” Discord called, holding a microphone and a pair of binoculars. “Looks like they’re neck and neck folks.”

Meanwhile, Dash and Latias were each trying to pull ahead of each other, only for the other to gain ground. Man, I can’t shake her. Dash thought. The pair came to the first bend, which meant they were passing the castle in the Everfree.

She’s pretty good, Latias thought. I haven’t had a race like this since the last time Latios and I raced.

“Annnnnnd there they go!” Discord shouted as the racers passed over Ponyville. “Onto the second leg of the race, Ghastly Gorge.”

Latias couldn’t help but snicker at the name. I wonder if there are a lot of Ghastly there. Soon Dash and Latias were flying over the gorge, still gaining speed as several Pokémon and various other animals that were in the Gorge did a double take upon seeing the rainbow and red streaks in the sky.

I’m not gonna lose this! Dash thought. I’m going to be Captain of the Wonderbolts someday, Whenever she had doubt in herself, Dash tended to fall back on her oldest dream. It gave her the most hope. And Wonderbolts, don’t. LOSE!

Latias was shocked as Rainbow Dash formed a mach cone, then shot forward, her mane trailing behind her, leaving a rainbow in it’s wake. The Eon Pokémon smirked. That’s a bit of a surprise, Latias pushed past the sound barrier, upsetting Dash’s rainbow shock wave with one of her own.

She quickly caught up with Dash, much to the Pegasus’ shock. Rainbow Dash grit her teeth and pushed herself even harder, going even faster into the turn, upsetting the clouds Discord had left as a marker.

Now going even faster than ever, the racers sped towards the finish line, already nearing the end of Ghastly Gorge. “I. Will. Win!” Rainbow Dash shouted, not wanting her first race with a Pokémon to end in failure.

Latias smiled as Dash pushed ahead. “You’re full of surprises aren’t you?” She asked. “Good, because I am too.”

Latias began to focus on a pool of energy, dormant energy, within herself. As well as her connection to her brother through the Soul Dew. Rainbow Dash smiled as the finish line came into view, then she heard an explosions from behind her.

Dash risked a glance back to see what Latias had done, only to find it unnecessary as the Legendary pulled up alongside here. Or Dash thought it was her. What the hay?! She thought.

The Pokémon looked liked Latias, but not the same. It was blue, for one thing, and its arms and wings were fused together, and the wings were thicker as a result. In fact the creature was bigger all together.

Dash only knew it was Latias because it winked at her as it passed her. Getting over her surprise quickly (deciding she could ask questions later), she grit her teeth and pushed herself beyond the limit. “Oh no you don’t!” Dash screamed, blasting after Latias.

The onlookers watched as the two rapidly approached the finish line, Ponies and Pokémon alike all at the edge of their seats as the Ponies cheered for Rainbow Dash, while most of the Pokémon cheered for Latias, the exception being the former humans who were too engrossed in the race to even think about cheering. “And here they come! Head-to-head! neck-and-ne... Oh ponyfeathers, everyone mo-”

Discord couldn’t finish that thought, as the two tore through the clearing and passed the finish line, with both of them breaking the sound barrier again as they passed, sending out another shockwave. The Ponies, Pokémon, AND the spectator stands were promptly knocked over by the shockwave, while a few of them were pulled along by the tailwind that the two fliers left in their wake as they overshot their goal, leaving the site looking like a hurricane had blown through, which it might as well have.

“So... who won?” May slurred as her head poked out from under an overturned seat, her eyes little more than swirls at the moment.

“I blinked and... hey, since when could everything use Double Team?” Misty slurred back, as right now she was seeing several copies of... just about everything.

Meanwhile, the two fliers struggled to stop, having been going a bit too fast to control. It was only when they were halfway back to town that Latias and Rainbow Dash managed to stop... Only to immediately zoom back to the clearing... which was little more than a wreck now as both Ponies and Pokémon were crawling out from under the overturned seats. Amongst the wreckage, Pinkie Pie stood.

The party Pony saw the two arrive and gulped. “And the winner is...”

Author's Note:


"Oh, but I wanted to know who won."

"Latias, you were there sweetie."

"So? I still don't know."

"Either way, I'm still taking bets until the winners decided."

"My money's on you little one."

"Of course I'm rooting for you sis."

"Thanks Viri, thanks bro."

"I believe the rainbow one wasss triumphant."

"Wisdom, and being Mew's sister, tells me that gambling is unwise in general, even more so one two so evenly matched."

"I shall check the timeline to find the answer."

"Oh! I'll come with!"

"No cheating you two."

Arceus have you seen-Gahh! Why are there... ya know what? I'm just gonna roll with this now, anyone want snacks?

"Yes! bring me cheesy dip!"

"I'm good."

"Do you have any candy?"

... and on that note, sorry for the delay, I went on a short vacation to Indiana where I didn't have internet. Now I've got to go play host to a plethora of Pokemon, wish me luck.

"Did I hear someone make a wish?"

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