• Published 26th Mar 2012
  • 32,004 Views, 6,399 Comments

Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

  • ...

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Prologue Q&A Responses and stuff! 8D


Okies folks, here I'm gonna post up as many answers to your questions over the Prologue Arc as I can while I take about a week break from the story due to college projects and finals ^^;
*shot by Coal Buck for borrowing his idea for more reader feedback*

Ask your questions here: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/22154 Don't be shy!

EDIT: Here we go!! Answers in blue!

FelixVerricht: The question is just a how did you manage to squeeze a massive story out of that picture?

Well, If memory serves me, I believe I became interested in something like this when I was reading the Wonderbolts' article on the MLPwiki and how their design was inspired by the Blue Angels flight group. So I searched for a "Wondebolts-Blue Angels" picture and found that on Deviantart. And of course we know of Rainbow Dash wanting to join the Wonderbolts, so I figured: "hey, what if a human pilot's dream was to join the Blue Angels squad, similar to how Dash wants to join the Wonderbolts?"
I figured it's be an interesting parallel story to write and hadn't really seen anything else quite like this out there...and I guess things have just built from there. ^^

Tundara: I was wondering about Volare's Rainbow Dash cutie mark badge, is that going to be coming back into the story at all? It was mentioned early on that Dash had it, but wasn't brought up again in any fashion that I can recall.
Yep yep yep, it's gonna come into play a little later in the story; it's far from forgotten!

GuyFace: Can you right in a moment where just blows up at somepony for some reason? A legit reason, too. That would leave so much room for emotional development. Just a writer's tip!
*readies the pony dynamite*

SovietBacon: When are the Wonderbolts going to come into the mix, and will there be other humans?
At least one of the Wonderbolts shows up in the next Story Arc for sure, with more certainly showing up as the story progresses. As for other humans...I don't have any plans set up for other humans coming to Equestria...doesn't mean I don't have other plans ;)

DocImpossible: Does Volare know that Dash is what he was trying to catch when he crashed, and he's just being polite to save her reputation? Seems like something that he'd do, anyways. Plus, it would be pretty funny whenever the reveal happens (if it happens). "Oh hey volare, did you know that Rainbow Dash was the thing you were chasing?" "Yep, why?" Even better if RD was there and got upset at the question.
To clarify: No, Volare has no idea it was Dash that caused him to crash, therefore he isn't just being polite. He really has no idea. As far as he knows, the shape he was chasing was a rogue aircraft or UFO of some sort. As for if he does find out...

Tyrannosaurus_Tux: Crossover time?
(More pilot jocks from movies. Rainbow'd love that.)
Heh, actually I was thinking of using some pilot personalities to flesh out the Wonderbolts in the future, since we really only know a good bit about two of them, Spitfire and Soarin', only the speculative image and name of another, Fleetfoot, and the only the name of a fourth, Rapidfire. Info here: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/The_Wonderbolts. As far as I can tell, Fleetfoot appears to have a narrower, more feminine face than Soarin' does, some I'm going to assume Fleetfoot is female. And I have NO idea about Rapidfire.
SO...anyone for an Iceman Wonderbolt?
LOL or Goose?
...ok, maybe no Goose XD;

EDIT: Well...apparently there is more info on the Wonderbolts than I thought: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Wonderbolts

RabbitING: Got a list of music you'd recommend listening to while reading this fanEpic?
LOL I wouldn't call it epic ^^;;
And you mean like listening to music fitting the chapters? Like Jason The Human did for Truth vs Fiction? http://www.fimfiction.net/story/18724/Truth-vs.-Fiction (excellent lulz to be had here, btw)
Heh, I dunno if I'll forever cement a song as someone's theme like he did for Jesus and Highway Star http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh0iihjANPc
...but I have considered using "background/reading enhancement music" ^^
Nothing certain though
Hrm...maybe if I decide to have a scene with music I'll have a vote from you guys as to which music to use!

Okies, those are all the questions ya'll sent me, but don't be afraid to keep offering more suggestions and feedback here!
I'll be working a little on the next chapter update, but I've got a doctor's appt tomorrow to figure what the heck I'm dying of J/K
...and a major college project is due next week....please wish me luck, folks!
I wub you all

PS: Still waitin for somepony to guess where Jill and Ray's names come from ^^

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