• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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Truth or Dare-Pt 7: Sharp Conversations

September 21st, Location Unknown...


"Sir...sir, are you there?" Agent F tapped on the green jewel beneath her mane, trying to filter out the voices coming in between bursts of static so she could make her weekly report. But the interference was so bad that she could barely understand the conversation on the other end of the connection. "Where are you? I can barely hear you, sir."

*static*-same on-end-damn-can't get a-hold-moment-Ray, com-ere!*static*

"Sir?" F tapped the jewel again and blew out her chops in frustration before a series of yelps filtered through the static.

*static*-argh, Boss-what the-hay...-ey, hey watch it down there-ouch!

Ah, that's much better-can you hear us now, Agent?

"Yes, fairly clearly in fact. What's going on?"

Well, we've entered the West Borders of the Everfree and the canopy is too thick for a decent signal, so I simply put Ray to good use. Unicorns make quite a nice antenna once you point their horns in the air and use them to boost a signal, heh-heh-heh-hey, stop wiggling up there Ray or we'll lose the connection!

The raspy laugh on the other end sent a chill down F's spine, but she kept her composure and attempted to make her report.

So The Element of Loyalty and Volare have begun a competition, you say? An interesting turn of events.

My money's on Rainbow Dash!

A safe bet to be sure, Twisted-what say you, Agent?

"Sir, are you sure this is-"

Nothing wrong with a bit of sport, is there, Agent? Now what say you?

"...seriously, sir?"

As The Lunar Rebellion. I want to know what you think of the situation, to put it plainly. Does Volare have the capability of beating Rainbow Dash?

"I'm afraid I still don't follow sir, but as of now the only thing he can match her in is sheer determination, though he did trick her into doing something that she couldn't do easily."

Oh really? How so?

"He used her pride against her and it nearly got her killed."

Ooh-hoo-hoo, how deliciously devious! I told you this was a good idea, Ray, did I not?

Yeah, sure...

What was that, Ray?

Ouch-I said 'yes sir!'

Very good...Agent, keep an eye on these developments and if Volare manages to...significantly injure The Element of Loyalty; the less of them in the way, the better. In fact, help that along if you can, but keep a low profile. Call me if anything else changes, but don't do so unless absolutely necessary-using Ray as an antenna won't help us much where we'll be searching soon. Is that clear?

"Crystal, sir."

Excellent. I've got my full faith and trust in you, Agent. I-

But Corvus, how can you-*SLAP*-argh, ah...*static*...p-please forgive me, I-

Silence, you damned foal! You know not to use that name on such an open channel! If Celestia gets wind of it, everything could be undone...and then you'll be undone, piece by little piece. Do you understand!?

Y-yes...please my love-it won't happen it again.



Of course it won't-*snort*-forgive my outburst, Agent; surely you understand.

"Yes sir, I do," F nodded grimly; she knew well the value of a good alias, as well as the pains that often had to be taken to uphold it. Twisted Visions was damn lucky He held her in such high regard, lover or no. She'd personally seen Him slaughter half a dozen ponies that had spoken His real name outside of His permission. It wasn't so much that His name was sacred or anything like that, but only that He was right: if Celestia, Luna, or anypony else recognized that name, they'd know He'd escaped His prison, and the element of surprise would be forever lost.
Instead, He'd chosen a more secure alias to go by: a name not heard in Equestria since the time of the contact with humans: Nyctos, the root word for Nyctophobia-'fear of the dark' in Latin. A rather ironic name choice, she'd chuckled, considering He actually preferred the shadows over bright sunlight, though He could tolerate the latter just as much as the former; therefore, who would suspect the connection? "You won't hear a whisper of either of your names from me, sir."

A wise decision, Agent...don't let me down, for the hour of action grows ever nearer, bringing with it an even narrower margin for error. Carry on!


Rainbow Dash had been 100% convinced that her and Volare's little story would tide Fluttershy's suspicions over. Unfortunately for her, Fluttershy had become quite a bit more assertive over the months that Iron Will had been living with her, and with the subtle threat of The Stare to back her up, she eventually wormed the truth from them on how they'd been injured. Luckily she didn't press much further on why they were playing such a dangerous game. Like a mother scolding her foals, she gently chided them over their suppressed yelps of pain as she treated Dash's head wounds and delicately plucked the splinters from Volare's face and neck. Dash and Volare continued to give each other pained and forced grins throughout the ordeal, each refusing to be the one to shout and jump in pain and causing Iron Will to mutter something about "crazy Spike-head and his even crazier mare;" luckily Dash didn't hear him.

But as painful and embarrassing as that had been, the greater sting had followed when Fluttershy had taken Volare aside and told him that as proud as she was on his wing and flight progress, that he needed to remember that flight wasn't simply just pure strength; that he needed to continue to practice the techniques she'd taught him in order to temper power with grace.
"And I'm also a little disappointed in you too...for other reasons."

"What other reasons, Flutters-ow!" Volare yelped as she worked a particularly stubborn splinter out from just above his left eye.

"Well, I was just thinking: what if Scootaloo had come along and seen you two doing something dangerous and foalish like that, hmm? She idolizes Rainbow Dash and you're her big brother; you both need to set a better example for her," she gave him a firm tap on the nose with a wingtip, as one would to a naughty puppy. That and her words had the desired effect and Volare's ears drooped at the prospect of Scootaloo emulating them and getting hurt herself.

"Jeez, you're right," Volare sneezed lightly as she plucked a splinter from his nose. "Got any suggestions?"

"Well, besides helping Applejack and Big Macintosh buck apples with your hard heads," she patted his mane with a demure chuckle. "I'd say for you two to take it easy this week. Your injuries aren't as severe as hers, but Dash is ridiculously competitive and stubborn; if she even sniffs a challenge she might take you up on it to prove herself and...um..."

"Assert her dominance?" Volare chuckled. "Heh, any reason why she's like that all the time, Flutters...Fluttershy?" Volare's laugh trailed off as he caught the wilted, thoughtful expression on his friend's face. "Hey, did I say something wrong?"

"Hmm-oh, no, no, you're fine," she shook her pink-maned head insistently-almost too insistently for her. "It's just," she leaned around the corner and peeped at Dash who was fidgeting with the medicinal pack Fluttershy had strapped to her head. Fluttershy was extremely conflicted: on one hoof, she knew the explanation could help keep Volare out of trouble, but on the other, if she told him and he let it slip...since she was one of the only other mares in Dash's life that knew why...no, the risk was too high! "She's right there and...I think it'd be more respectful if she told you herself someday; no offense."

"It's fine, Flutters; I'm sure I'll find out eventually," Volare patted her shoulder and closed his eyes, waiting for her doctoring hooves to continue. "Let's get me finished up here, Miyagi."

"Hee-hee, right."

Thus, Rainbow Dash and Volare spent the weekend in semi-quiet recovery at the cloud house; the most strenuous activity they could muster without Dash getting headaches being breathing and wing stretching exercises for Volare mixed in between bouts of Battle Clouds. Although Dash wasn't a great strategist, she was particularly fond of the game and had figured just the right places to put her Cumulus, Seagull, and Bumblebee.
"But the secret to this game, if ya wanna know," Dash grinned sagely. "Is where you put your Weather Pony and Thunderbolt...not like I'm gonna tell ya of course; just lettin' ya squirm knowing I know this game like the back of my"-

"Hrm...Cloud 2?" Volare said, remembering something about this game from the episode where Dash had been stuck in the hospital. It had just been a half-hearted guess, but Dash's jaw dropped open in surprise.

"What the hay-you zapped my Weather Pony!" Dash squinted over the divider of the game board. "You sure you haven't played this game before, dude?"

"Nope, but we have something similar on Earth called Battleship...and I'm pretty good at that particular game," he grinned.

"...I'm onto your sneaky, hustling games flyboy," Dash glared at him suspiciously as they continued. But after 50 matches of the game interspersed with readings from Dash's Daring Do novels, Dash came out on top, though only just so, at 27-23, and she crowned her "victory" with a massive hoof-noogie to Volare that he swore rubbed half his mane off. He looked on in concern though, as even that little activity caused a migraine to flare up in Dash's skull, but she waved him off, saying that she'd be fine and she was ready for another round of games if he was. He played to humor her, but inside he was concerned with just how much she'd really hurt herself...and how much she might be covering up just to keep up appearances.

September 24th...

The games and the books ate up the weekend, and before they knew it, Monday had rolled around again, bringing with it the prospect of more flight training for Volare and Weather Work for Rainbow Dash. But the mare staggered almost as soon as she got out of bed, and the lump on the her head, while having receded considerably, still blazed an angry violet just above her right eye. Needless to say, her behavior and that injury didn't do much to ease Volare's worries, and the pilot took the time when he could to fly into town and discuss the matter with Cloud Kicker, simply saying that Dash had crashed into a tree (which was technically true) and wasn't feeling terribly good.

"It's no problem, Volare; if you wanna spend the week together, alone, I completely understand," the Weather Lieutenant replied with a waggle of her eyebrows.

"No, you really don't understand," Volare facehoofed.

"What's not to get? You're the first stallion Dash has let into her house-ever! She must see something special in ya," she hoofed him playfully and chuckled disarmingly at his blushed complexion. "No worries, I'll handle Weather Duties for her this week-done it before for just this sorta occasion, in fact-though I'm kinda getting concerned about Ravenfire."

"Why, what's up with her?"

"Well, she's...how do I put it delicately?" Cloud Kicker tapped her chin thoughtfully before shrugging. "She sucks."

"Uh-well weren't you the one to invite her to join the Team in the first place?" Volare cocked a brow.

"Yeah, yeah, I know-and it wasn't for the best of reasons. But I don't have the heart to break it to her, cuz she's obviously trying really hard, and I admire that work ethic in anypony," she shook her head and sighed. "It's just...it's only been a week and I'm at my wits' end with the old gal."

"I see...what're you gonna do about this, though? I'm no good at weather work either, so don't ask me to help," Cloud Kicker's ears fell at his statement before perking back up again.

"Hey, I just had a great idea!" Cloud Kicker stomped the ground with a grin. "Think Dash is feeling up to tutoring her?"

"Wait a sec-I though we established that Dash wasn't in the best of shape-"

"Yeah, but weather tutoring is low-stress stuff; plus Dash is the best Weather Pony in Ponyville, which'd make it even easier for her to help. Plus it'd get her outta the house and dispel any...heh-heh, rumors about you two," she winked and laughed heartily while Volare simply rolled his eyes. He had to agree with her though-that did sound like a decent plan. Plus Dash was already complaining about "climbing the walls" and they'd all seen how well that little activity had gone for her last time..

And so he'd returned home, pitching the idea to Dash, who after a moment of grumbling that she was just fine (her argument being undone when she stumbled and fell over the arm of the couch and right on top of a furiously blushing Volare), grudgingly accepted the plan, also agreeing to stay at Ravenfire's place to minimize her flight time as much as possible.
Thus, while Volare continued his wing strength and form exercises, Dash found herself just to the south of Twilight Sparkle's Library, in the cozy West Ponyville Park on a sunny autumn day that she'd love nothing more than to be flying through. Dash had insisted that she go alone, unable to bear the thought of having Volare publicly 'hold her hoof' like some old nag needing help to cross the street. And so she'd nearly crashed headlong into Ravenfire, who'd been told of the plan by Cloud Kicker and had taken the initiative, waiting in the park and cooking some food in a small iron pot over a fire as she waited.

"Whoa, steady on there, Rainbow Dash, heh-heh," the rust-red mare sidestepped the Weather Captain and chuckled as Dash regained her balance, rubbing grumpily at the poultice on her head that Fluttershy had insisted that she wear at least until Friday. The younger mare alighted and trotted over to Ravenfire, eyeing the sizable, weathered grey-brown rucksack she'd brought with her. "You alright there, young one? You look a little...wobbly."

"Yeah, I'm good...kinda hit a tree the other day and Fluttershy got me all fixed up," she waved a dismissive hoof and blinked the slight blurriness from her eyes. "I'll be fine in a few days. In the meantime, we'll getcha up to speed on Weather Control; easy enough for me to do."

"I certainly hope so-to both your health and the tutelage of such a famous mare," Ravenfire grinned and nodded towards the cookpot. "Can I offer you brunch in return?" Dash was slightly taken aback by her generous manners, but the rumble in her stomach silenced any attempt at refusing food she'd considered making.

"Heh, that'd be nice, actually," Dash's mouth watered as Ravenfire hooked the lid off the pot with a piece of curved metal she fished from her rucksack, revealing the simmering and popping veggies, potatoes, and onions within and filling the small park with their scrumptious scent. Ravenfire turned away to get a few cups from her rucksack, but as she did so, Dash impatiently tried to snag a plump onion from the pot.

"Ouch!" she rubbed her muzzle and blushed in mortification as Ravenfire turned back to investigate the cry, shaking her grey-maned head and chuckling in disbelief.

"You know, if I might be so bold, you really need to learn the art of patience, Ms. Dash," she nickered as she expertly speared a few veggies with a fork and hoofed the bubbling cup to her grumbling "teacher".

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Dash said, though she took the hint and sat the cup on the ground, waiting for it to cool. "Just hungry, that's all."

"Well, you can live a few extra minutes without sustenance I suspect, hmm?" Ravenfire tittered and filled her own cup, emulating Dash and setting it down to cool before popping the lid back onto the cookpot. The two mares settled down on the crisp green grass and sat in silence for a bit, allowing their food to reach a tolerable temperature before the elder spoke up. "So, Cloud Kicker told me I'm...well, rusty in regards to Weather Control. I thought I'd kept on it fairly well to be honest, but it seems I've lost a step or three over the years, heh-heh-heh," she sighed.

"Nah, we just run a tighter ship here than you're probably used to, that's all," Dash waved a wing, giving the older mare the respect she deserved; judging by the light scars on her hooves and face, she'd earned some slack in Dash's eyes. Even so, there was only so much slack she could give without jeopardizing the schedule that Cloudsdale sent down, so getting Ravenfire back up to speed remained the priority. "In any case, you've got the right pony here to help ya."

"I surely hope so," Ravenfire's features fell slightly. "Derpy's able to control clouds better than I could the other day."

"Aww, how bad could it be?" Dash asked, instantly regretting it; if Derpy of all ponies was better than her...

"I crashed a thundercloud into a bunch of cirrus, causing a hail storm over the North Broccoli fields," Ravenfire facehoofed and groaned, while Dash winced.

Well, that explained how that happened.
"Oh c'mon, it's not all that bad-hay, I've done worse myself," she reached over and patted the older mare on the hoof. "Heh, nearly crashed a cloud into Celestia's face during the Best Young Flyer's Competition a while back."

"Haha, are you serious?" Ravenfire's face brightened a bit.

"Totally serious. Man, I was so embarrassed!" Dash caught herself from saying more, wondering why she was being so open with this mare all of a sudden. Maybe it was because she was from out of town and didn't truly know the reputation that Dash carried around here...or maybe it was because there was something awfully familiar about this mare. But after staring at her for a moment, and with nothing concrete coming to mind, Dash shrugged the issue off and finally decided that it was simply because Ravenfire didn't seem to be a threat as well as needing her help. Nothing wrong with being close to one's students, right?

"Well, from what I heard, you still managed to win the Competition, right?" Ravenfire poked at her food and winced slightly-still too hot. "How'd you pull that off?"

"The Sonic Rainboom, of course!" Dash pumped a hoof and grinned in pride, though she grimaced slightly at the lance of pain that shot through her temple as she did so. "Saved my friend Rarity from falling out of Cloudsdale along with three of the Wonderbolts!"

"You don't say?" Ravenfire's cerise eyes twinkled as she grinned.

"I do say," Dash countered with a cocky grin.

"Heh-heh, you're quite the amazing mare, Ms. Dash."

"Aww, hay, I try," she waved a hoof, blushing slightly at the compliment.

"No, you succeed, and I think that's why so many ponies look up to and depend upon you," Ravenfire mused.

"You think so?" Dash asked, her pride causing her to fish for compliments.

"The evidence speaks for itself," Ravenfire stated plainly, chomping down on a piece of tomato and enjoying the zesty juice that flooded her mouth. "Veggies should be cool enough to eat."

"Mmm, this is great, Raven-can I call you Raven?" Dash asked around a mouthful of onion.

"Of course, Ms. Dash."

"Oh, and drop the 'Ms.' Makes me feel old or some-" Dash cut herself off as she realized what she'd just said. "Eh-heh, I mean, uh..."

"What's wrong with being a little long in the tooth, Rainbow Dash?" Ravenfire chuckled, humoring her request at the same time. "As said, I may have lost a step, but what I lack in speed I make up for in knowledge."

"That reminds me of something I've been meaning to ask," Dash pointed her spoon at Raven's scars. "Knowledge of what, cuz no offense, you obviously didn't make your living as a Weather Pony before coming here, right?"

"Heh, good deduction," Ravenfire rubbed the back of her head with a hoof and blushed. "Well, there's not terribly much to tell: I worked a number of odd jobs in Roam for a few years before deciding the city life just wasn't for me anymore. So I sold everything in my possession there and traveled across the West Continent for a while, finally crossing the Antlertic Ocean this past spring. I've been flying and trotting across Equestria ever since, from Manehattan to Trottingham before finding this little town. It's so quaint and out of the way, and everypony here seemed nice enough from a distance so I figured "what the hay", maybe it's time I settle down. I then saw yours and Volare's little airshow and...well, the rest is recent history."

But her answer, while lengthy, didn't come close to satisfying Dash's curiosity. "By odd jobs, you mean...?"

"Oh, selling things, buying things, trying to scrape out an honest living; not the easiest thing to do in a place like Roam, where it seems like everypony on the street is trying to either con, rob, or mug you," Ravenfire laughed grimly as she stood and rustled through her rucksack, muttering something about herbs to take the edge off the soup to fill up the silence that her vague answer left in its wake. But as she turned the sack over to peer into it, a cloth-wrapped parcel half the length of her wing clattered out of the bag, unraveling as it bounced and revealing its shining contents, much to Ravenfire's grimacing dismay.

"Whoa, sweet!" Dash's eye caught the gleam of metal and trotted over to investigate the peculiar object that had been wrapped in the parcel. She'd never seen one quite like this, but she'd seen enough at Cloud Kicker's place (her mother being a Royal Guard) to know what she was looking at. "Where'd you get this crazy wingblade, Ravenfire?" Her rose-colored eyes danced over the re-curved blade that swooped up and forward into a wicked-looking double-edged beak, while the base of the blade itself hinged into a metal gauntlet that covered the leading edge of the wing, with slats in the front to allow for in-flight airflow information over the sensitive Alula Nerve that ran along it. Dash vaguely remembered from her Flight Classes something about that nerve being the "gateway to flight" but she was too distracted by the flash of the elegant blade to recall it completely. Eh, let eggheads like Twilight and Volare worry about the specifics; I'll worry about the actual flight, heh-heh!

"Picked it up in Roam, if you must know; used to be a fair bit longer than this, but I cut it down to match my lighter frame," Ravenfire smiled despite her worry as Dash nudged the gauntlet with a hoof before its owner gingerly picked it up. The older mare's eyes roved fondly over the diligently-polished surface of the blade, remembering how it had served it her well over the years. "Haven't had to properly use it for some time, but it comes in handy in a pinch for spearing vegetables out of the soup-pot," Ravenfire chuckled and demonstrated by retrieving a potato from the stew with the blade tip and popping the tuber into her mouth with a grin.

"You still know how to use it, then?" Dash pressed with an excited grin. "The blade, I mean."

"Hmmph, of course I know how to use it; wouldn't make sense to carry it if I didn't. Took a few...lessons in Roam on its usage," Ravenfire plucked it up and, despite her better judgement, allowed Dash to help her attach it to her right wing using the somewhat crude leather straps it sported.

Ravenfire sighed, feeling the old familiar weight of the blade as she flexed her wing, sending the sharp edge whistling through the air. As Rainbow Dash respectfully stepped back to give her space, the older mare threw a few thrusts and jabs through the air, whipping the blade forward and pivoting back as if blocking the attacks of unseen foes for a few steps. She then whirled, slashed downwards until the tip nearly grazed the ground before thrusting upwards in a maneuver designed to disembowel a pony; a death-roar frozen upon her lips as she halted her actions, noticing that Dash's eyes were wide with an emotion she couldn't quite read.

"Ahem, yes, well...that's enough for today, I suppose," Ravenfire chuckled as she quickly wiped the sweat from her forehead and shucked the blade off without any assistance from Rainbow Dash.

"...you learned all that for self-defense?" Dash asked, her mind playing back through what she'd just seen and marveling at the skill with which the older mare wielded the blade, as if it were an extension of herself.

"You could say that," Ravenfire replied cryptically. Dash growled inwardly; she respected this mare's privacy and all, but this was just too cool to remain secret, and it was killing her! But Ravenfire sensed Dash's growing frustration, and gave her one more little tidbit to hopefully assuage her; the last thing she needed was for her "weather tutor" to be terribly irritated with her. "Sometimes, a mare's gotta do what a mare's gotta do when she travels alone. I came close to not making out of a hairy situation once, and after that I decided I wouldn't be a target anymore." She looked up at Dash with a very serious expression. "I don't believe I'm that bad of a pony, Rainbow Dash, but I've done enough bad things with this that...if they were taken out of context, others would likely label me a bad pony."

"I don't think you're a bad pony, Raven," Dash reached a hoof toward her, smiling assuredly, but the older mare shrugged it off, keeping herself between Dash and the blade.

"What I mean is...as beautiful and elegant as this might seem, it's made for one purpose and one purpose only...and that purpose is neither beautiful nor elegant, and you should respect it for that, do you understand?" At Dash's serious nod, Ravenfire's countenance visibly relaxed and she carefully held the blade out for Dash to investigate, allowing the cyan mare to hold it in her hooves for a moment before setting it back down on top of Ravenfire's rucksack.

"Hey, I get what you mean-about the whole self-defense thing," Dash spoke up after another heavy moment of silence punctuated only by the crackling cook-fire. At Ravenfire's raised eyebrow, Dash explained. "I mean, look at me: I stand out like a sore thumb in a crowd and attract lots of attention...but not all of that's good, ya know?"

"Yes, I know the feeling."

"Especially from stallions, right?"

"Indeed...Pegasus stallions in particular," Ravenfire nodded grimly.

"What's up with those guys, huh?" Dash growled as she paced, pausing to paw at the grass every so often. "Why've they gotta be so...so..."

"Aggressive?" Ravenfire offered.

"Yeah, that's it! Strut around like they own the clouds and everypony under and over them!"

"Seems to run in our blood," the older mare chuckled as Dash realized just how she was acting and quickly settled down, though her temper didn't abate much.

"Eh-heh yeah, well...I dunno, sometimes I just think that the only reason we even gotta live with half of 'em is cuz we need'em to make foals, ya know?"

"Oh come now, they're not all that bad," Ravenfire nudged her and chomped on her soup.

"From what I've seen, they sure are," Dash snorted and shrugged. "All of 'em nothing but trotting hormone factories looking for nothing but some tail to lift. And they want me to be part of that system? Well buck that!"

"...sounds to me like you speak from experience, Rainbow Dash," Ravenfire frowned.

"Hay yeah I do, sister," Dash scowled and shook her head free of the memories that attempted to snag onto her consciousness, including the experience of what had nearly happened in Fillydelphia. "So I say to Tartarus with stallions!"

"So...you like mares, I take it?" Ravenfire asked innocently, barely noticing the flicker of anger that flashed through Dash's eyes before the Weather Captain controlled herself.

Dash had long ago lost count of how many ponies she'd either told off or given black eyes over their prying questions regarding her sexuality; it might have been her coloration or her attitude, but the stubborn mare refused to believe it was her fault others thought this way about her, remaining convinced that they were quite literally judging this book by her cover. Even so, she decided to give Ravenfire-a stranger in town-a free pass on this one, settling for a simple:
"Hay no! Why does everypony assume that just cuz I don't trust stallions that I must automatically like mares instead?! I mean, I like stallions for a nice roll in the clouds to blow off steam every now and then, but beyond that...just no! As for mares: most of my best friends are mares, and how ya think they'd react to me coming out of the stable like that, huh? They wouldn't look at me the same!" Dash caught her breath and backed up, having realized she'd gotten dangerously close to Ravenfire's face as she ranted, though the cooler-headed red mare hardly batted an eyelash throughout the whole tirade. "S-sorry...just tired of everypony assuming stuff about me, that's all."

"That's quite alright; we all have our little...issues." Ravenfire resisted the urge to say that attitude sounded a lot like what Rainbow Dash said she hated stallions for, but she swallowed her words and pointed out an another anachronism instead. "So you think all stallions are good-for-nothing, tail-lifting, hormone factories with only one thing on their minds?"

"That's about the size of it, as far as I'm concerned." Dash said, irritably chomping on a stewed carrot.

"Then why're you letting Volare sleep in your house?"

Dash nearly choked on the carrot at Ravenfire's question, and the older mare had to pound a hoof between her wings to jar the truculent taproot loose. "Ack-ack, how ya know about that?!" Dash gasped once the vegetable was sent sailing away.

"Lucky guess?" Ravenfire shrugged and chuckled, relieved that Dash was out of danger; but there was no satisfying her curiosity once she became fixated on something, and so Ravenfire relented. "Ok, Pinkie Pie told me."

"Agh, Pinks why would you tell everypony I've got a stallion living at my place?" Dash covered her face with her hooves. "There goes my rep, which means I'll be bucking horny stallions off my front porch till who knows when!"

"I think your fears are a little unfounded, Rainbow Dash," Ravenfire mused, hooking out the last onion from the soup before removing the pot from the fire and dousing the flames with a bucket of water she had nearby. When she looked up and caught the expression of bemused anger on the fiery mare's face, she explained: "If stallions were so inclined to do that, they'd have beaten down your door days ago, as Pinkie told me about Volare's living situation last Wednesday. I don't believe she's told anypony else, and only told me because I asked nicely, with your best interests in mind."

"Yeah well I..." Dash trailed off, unable to find a reason to stay angry, and she deflated somewhat into half-grumbles under her breath. "What if she had?"

"She won't, especially if she respects your issues with stallions. Does she know of them?"

"I-I think so, yeah," Dash scratched her head, still irritated over the thought of a gaggle of stallions hovering around her house and taking her permission of Volare's living there as an invitation that 'Dash was open for business.'

"Then she wouldn't tell any stallion else about it if you were that worried."

"I'm not worried," Dash insisted, catching a similar look that Twilight had given her weeks ago when she'd said the same thing about not being worried about angering Volare. "Ok, concerned."

"And reasonably so," Ravenfire nodded in understanding as she wiped the soup pot clean and sat it next to her rucksack. "Surely you don't share that same concern about Volare though, right? I mean, otherwise, why would you let him stay in your home?"

"Hey, it's not cuz I like the guy or anything," Dash crossed her hooves defensively, eliciting a skeptical look from Ravenfire. "Seriously; he's only there outta necessity cuz there's no other place for him to stay in town."

"Nopony else would take him in, after all I've heard he's been through?"

"Well, it's not that nopony else would take him," Dash paused to gather the right words. "It's just that...ok, it's like this: Rarity only has one bed-hers. Pinkie Pie's got no room cuz Scootaloo is staying with her. Applejack's folks need help with the harvest and anypony there has to work the fields, and that's gonna take away from Volare's wing strength stuff. He's already crashed at Fluttershy's place for a few weeks and we kinda decided it's unfair for her to keep supporting him, and...well, Vinyl and Octy don't have any room, Trixie's staying in Twilight's guest bed, Lyra and Bon-Bon only have one bed a piece, and there's no way in Tartarus I'll let Volare stay at Cloud Kicker's," Dash snorted, idly running a hoof along Ravenfire's wingblade again.

"That's...very considerate of you, Rainbow Dash," Ravenfire nodded, chuckling lightly at the memory of Cloud Kicker's attempts to proposition her.

"Yeah, well don't read too much into it; besides, he's not even a real stallion."

"Aww, well that's rather harsh; he seems nice enough," Ravenfire chided.

"What-no, that's not what I mean. Do you know the truth about him?"

"Truth? What sort of truth?"

"It's nothing bad or anything, just something you might wanna know about so things don't get awkward around the guy," Dash went on to quickly explain how Volare wasn't always a Pegasus, how he'd gotten here from Earth (minus the crash cause of course), and his position on "inter-species" relationships that kept him from making a move on her; how that was really the reason why she was ok with him living with her (she also conveniently left out her playful teasings that took advantage of the situation from time to time).

"But he's a Pegasus now; why would that bother him?" Ravenfire cocked a brow.

"I know, I keep telling him that, but he just won't lighten up about it," Dash shrugged, but Ravenfire merely chuckled. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, you're just full of funny little tidbits of information, Rainbow Dash," the older mare shook her head slowly. "You're trying to convince Volare to loosen up in regards to his little relationship issue, and yet you insist that the only reason why you're letting him live with you is precisely because he's got that issue blocking him from making a move on you."

"W-what's your point?" Dash asked, continuing to nervously run her hoof along the wingblade, straying dangerously close to the sharp edge the more distracted she became.

"My point is: if you convince him to lighten up and accept that it's ok for him to have feelings for a mare...what then will you do about your living situation?" Ravenfire paused and fixed the bemused Dash in a scrutinizing gaze. "What I mean to say is: what if the mare he starts to have feelings for...is you?"

"Easy, I'll kick his flank out-ouch!" Dash yelped as she nicked herself on the blade; still ludicrously sharp after 'not having much recent use' as Ravenfire had insisted. Dash glared at the offending weapon as its owner rolled her eyes and tossed her a rag to wrap her hoof in.

"Would you really do that, Rainbow Dash?" Ravenfire sighed as she re-wrapped the old blade and tucked it back into the safety of her rucksack. "Could have sworn The Element of Loyalty would hold herself above something so petty."

"Yeah, well, this Element's also loyal to her own ideals too, ya know," Dash grumbled and squeezed the rag around the cut to stop the bleeding. Ok, maybe I deserved that... "I mean, hopefully if that happens he'll know by then how I feel about stallions, he'll respect me, and it'll be ok," she relented somewhat. "Or I'll at least help him build his own place so he doesn't have to sleep outside in the cold...guess I owe him that much."

"Does he know?"

"Well, no..." Dash trailed off. There was no feathering way she'd tell him why either!

"May wanna make that clear at some point, just so you're not sending mixed signals," Ravenfire smiled knowingly, and Dash wondered if she and Applejack had had the same conversation with each other beforehoof.

"Meh, I'll do it eventually," Dash pulled the rag away and winced; she'd cut herself fairly well. It wouldn't need stitches, but she'd need to keep it wrapped. Great, one more thing in my way now, she grumbled.

"Your hoof going to be ok?"

"Yeah, I'll live," Dash plopped down on her flank and held her hoof above her head to slow the bleeding. "I swear that crazy wingblade is sharp enough to cut shadow!"

"Thanks; gotta keep it ready. Just in case any crazy buncha stallions come beating down my door," Ravenfire winked, drawing a chuckle from Dash, who glanced around and realized something.

"Wait a sec, where are you living?"

"Oh, heh-you're looking at it," Ravenfire gestured to the park and a small tuft of cloud stuck in the topmost branches of a poplar tree.

"You've been living in a park since coming here?" Dash cocked an eyebrow. "That's...kinda hobo, ya know?"

"Pfft, never had much trouble roughing it," Ravenfire waved a dismissive hoof and grinned. "Lived in volcanic craters, on top of cold mountains, and desert valleys, so I think I can handle living in this wild and terrible jungle for a bit, heh-heh."

This old mare was pretty cool, Dash decided before her eyes trailed to the barely-visible marks that tracked over Ravenfire's hoof as well as her face.
"Is that where you got those scars and stuff from-your blade, I mean...you weren't that sloppy with it, were you?" Dash asked innocently, wincing at the throb in her elevated hoof.

"Oh, these old things?" Ravenfire chuckled and held up a hoof, her eyes moving over the thin, pale lines that criss-crossed her hooves and forelegs. Though her exterior retained an aloof grin, her mind was suddenly wracked with the memories of exactly where, how, when, and by whom she'd received them. The drops of sweat and condensation that dripped within the stifling bronze helmet, the clouds of sand-dust that plumed with every staggering hoof step in the empty space surrounded by towering columns, rows of seats, and throngs of ponies screaming and howling for blood... But she quickly shook her head and chuckled. "Meh, picked them up over the years just using my hooves, that's all; not unlike how you just used yours there, heh-heh," she nodded at Dash's nicked hoof.

"Using them for what, though?" Dash pressed.

"...for things I'd rather speak upon at a later date, if you please," Ravenfire retorted, her tone brooking no further argument.

"Ah, ok...sorry," Dash recoiled with a slightly hurt expression.

"Nothing to apologize for-I know what I look like; I know I draw stares, and you're not the first to ask those questions, Rainbow Dash," Ravenfire assured her. "In any case, I also believe we're here to discuss Weather Control, rather than Wingblades, Stallions, and the past, aye?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Dash shook her stinging hoof and nodded in agreement before trotting a short distance away and spreading her wings. "Let's start with the basics, ok; just wanna see whatcha got first. Let's work our way up to building you a home by the end of the day so we don't have to sleep outside tonight."

"You're staying with me?"

"Well yeah, gonna try to take it easy," she tapped the poultice and grinned crookedly. "Don't wanna worry Fluttershy and Volare, ya know?"

"Understandable," Ravenfire smiled and followed Dash up to the nearest cloud to begin.


September 25th...

Volare hated to admit it, but without Dash around he was getting bored-not that he wanted Dash around to bug him, mind you, but it was more of the motivation she brought that he missed. And so, after a few days of strength-training, deep breathing exercises, and lonely dinners, Volare decided to take the rest of the week off and tour the town of Ponyville; something he hadn't really had much of a chance to do by himself ever since arriving there. But, as he'd soon come to find out, his reputation and color scheme didn't exactly lend much to his ability to blend in with the town's crowd. Within moments of landing, he was tackle-hugged by a mint green, golden eyed Unicorn wearing a grin that rivaled Pinkie's.

"Whoa, heya Lyra, what's up-oof!" Volare groaned as the lyricist squeezed him tightly and laughed. "Urgh-what's the occasion for trying to constrict me this time?" he gasped.

"Occasion? Dude have you lost it?" Lyra knocked on his forehead with a hoof. "Nope, not quite ripe yet heeheehee."

"Haha ok for real, what's going on?" Volare asked as Lyra grabbed his hoof and pulled him north up Stirrup Street, scattering ponies left and right like skittles and barely leaving the pilot time to shout an apology. "Seriously, what's going on?"

"It's the 25th, Volare!" Lyra grinned, dodging them around Roseluck who was carring a massive basket of flowers, a bunch of of which Lyra snagged with her magic and stuffed into her mouth. "An-a kno-wha th't means, right?" she asked through a mouthful of daisies.

"Um, remind me again-whoa, sorry Buck Star!" Volare called as he leaped and flew over the coffee shop keeper, his hoof still firmly stuck in Lyra's as she yanked him along like a mad sled-dog. She turned to him and smirked cheekily, not watching where she was going as they rounded the bend to head east.

"You arrived here on the 25th of August, and that means it's your one-month anniversa-*crash!!*" Lyra smacked headlong into a large book hovering its way along the sidewalk, causing Volare to tumble over her, smack into another pony, and roll into a cabbage cart, scattering the leafy vegetables all over the street in a veritable explosion of produce.

"Urgh, that could have gone better," Volare groaned, rubbing his head and opening his eyes to find himself straddled atop a pony whose head was hidden by a wicker basket. It was right about the time that he realized the familiarity of the pony's lavender fur when she levitated the basket off of her head, leaving him staring into the wide and surprised eyes of Twilight Sparkle...and he was on top of her...in public..and now her cheeks were blushing heavily.
Oh son of a bitch, Murphy-will you just leave me the hell alone?!?!


Notes: Looks like ol' Volare just can't stay out of trouble!
Volare: That's not funny!
Author: Pfft, what happened next was hilarious!
Volare: Yeah, to you!
Author: And everypony else! Stay tuned for another quick update this week, folks!

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