• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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The Hurricane Story Arc Q&A Responses!

Ok, again I got some really good questions from you guys so I hope I return them with some equally good answers!

Camlio: Here's a question for your Q&A, was Volare's name chosen due to its meaning or for any other reason?
Well, let's see here...Volare is a Latin word meaning "to fly" and the reason why it was chosen by his parents was to reflect the family heritage of aeronautics (pilots, dirigible captains, etc.) His father and grandfather before him were also Blue Angels pilots during their flight careers, and his dad wanted that tradition continued with Volare. Volare is also the translated name of an Italian song, and I believe the English translation of the lyrics fairly well reflects what's happening to Volare in the story...which is interesting because I discovered this song about halfway through the Prologue Arc:

"Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu" (Volare) Italian lyrics:

Penso che sogno così
non ritorni mai più,
mi dipingevo le mani
e la faccia di blu,
poi d'improvviso venivo
dal vento rapito,
e incominciavo a volare
nel cielo infinito.

Volare ho ho
cantare ho ho hoho,
nel blu dipinto di blu,
felice di stare lassù,
e volavo volavo
felice più in alto del sole
ed ancora più sù,
mentre il mondo
pian piano spariva laggiù,
una musica dolce suonava
soltanto per me.

Volare ho ho
cantare ho ho hoho
nel blu dipinto di blu
felice di stare lassù.

Ma tutti i sogni
nell'alba svaniscon perchè,
quando tramonta la luna
li porta con se,
ma io continuo a sognare
negl'occhi tuoi belli,
che sono blu come il un cielo
trapunto di stelle.

Volare ho ho
cantare ho ho hoho,
nel blu degl'occhi tuoi blu,
felice di stare qua giù,
e continuo a volare felice
più in alto del sole
ed ancora più su,
mentre il mondo
pian piano scompare
negl'occhi tuoi blu,
la tua voce è una musica
dolce che suona per me.

Volare ho ho
cantare ho ho hoho
nel blu degl'occhi tuoi blu,
felice di stare qua giù,
nel blu degl'occhi tuoi blu,
felice di stare qua giù
con te..
"In the Blue Painted Blue" (Volare) English lyrics:
I think that dream like that
Will never return
I painted my hands
And face blu
Then all of sudden I was
Abducted by the wind
And I started to fly
In the infinite sky

To fly ho ho
To sing ho ho hoho
In the blu, painted blue
Happy to stay up there,
And I flew and flew
Happy, higher than the sun
And yet more up,
While the world
Slowly dissappered down below,
A sweet music playing
Just for me

To fly ho ho
To sing ho ho hoho
In the blu, painted blue
Happy to stay up there

But all dreams
Vanish at dawn because
When the moon sets,
It takes dreams with itself
But I keep dreaming
In your beautiful eyes,
That are blue as the sky
Spangled with stars

To fly, ho ho
To sing ho ho hoho,
In the blue of your blue eyes
Happy to be down here
And I keep flying, happy
Happy, higher than the sun
And yet more up,
While the world
Is slowly vanishing
In your blue eyes
Your voice is a soft music
That plays for me

To fly ho ho
To sing ho ho hoho
In the blue of your blue eyes
Happy to be down here
In the blue of your blue eyes
Happy to be down here
With you...

So in short, Volare's name has Latin roots --------->and feel free to point out the parallels between the song lyrics and what's happened in the story so far as well ("abducted by the wind", for example)

Hrm, I haven't really given that too much thought....but I do know at least one thing DOES explode in an epic and crazy fashion, though I won't say what :P

enigmaMystere: Two questions for the Q&A:

1. does volare listen to every kind of music? and
2. who is his favorite of the CMC?

i know these have nothing to do with the current plotline, but i'm just extremely curious about it.

Heh, it's no problem.
1. Well, Volare's main passion in music rests in classic rock, though he's usually up for listening to just about anything with a good beat or message in it (so no "shoot da gangstas and slap da hoes" rap) XD;
He's also somewhat fond of the music of his favorite video game series, Ace Combat (go figure, right?)
Volare: But it kicks ass to listen to while flying!
Me: Heh, I gotta give ya that one.
2. As far as his favorite of the CMC...that'll be made fairly obvious pretty soon (if it isn't already), the reasons for which will also be revealed as part of the next story arc.

Chiman1293: 1. Are you going to set up a possible shipping connection with all of the mane 6 and/or other ponies? When I say shipping connections I mean how when the mane character (Oh my god I am starting to write mane when I mean main. I am sorry I had just say this.) spends an extended amount of time with another pony, it seems to always lead to a possible ship. This and when you consider the fact that the mares have been having all of those funny feellings. Plus all of the other this Twilight thought about when she and Volare were having her chat. When you take all of this, it just seems like every single time volare and somepony works together there is the possibity for a relationship.
2. How much of the ideas we bring up/suggest in the comments do you imply/impose/put into your story? How much of what we say effects the plot?
EX: How much explosions will happen do to our influence?

The "funny feelings" bit will be addressed...and it's not what you think :P
As for chipping connections...you'll see what happens! ^^ (but no, he won't be shipped with everypony; that's kinda the last thing on his mind at the moment, in all honesty. I mean, he yanked away from his dream job, lost his body, and is now having to keep secrets from the creatures that are now bound to be his new friends...so yeah, relationships are kinda far from his mind atm).
As for how much your ideas affect the story...well, they certainly help, especially if I hit a creativity wall (the music suggestion chapter was a good example). If he and Scoots hit it off, I may need suggestions for antics for them to get into too ^^:
And as for explosions....dammit, I'm gonna have to add more at this rate XD

TopNotchBrony: Okie dokie, I've got a couple questions for ya.
How long are you planning for this fan fiction to go for? And much darker are we going to get?
Well, I'm still scribbling down story arc ideas, but I think I've got something like 12-14 planned so far. And considering the previous two arcs averaged about 75k words...we're probably looking at somewhere between 900k and 1 million+ words at this rate (my fingers are like GAWD DAMN, MAN!) XD;
We'll see how things pan out.
And as for how much darker things are gonna get...well, let's just say if you could see what I've got planned, you might wanna hurt me ^^;;
It will get much, much darker sooner or later, trust me

enigmaMystere: Oooh, one more question: has fluttershy ever considered a relationship with either volare or iron will??
Heh, I was wondering when this question would come up ^^;
As far as Volare is concerned, I don't think so (she wouldn't seem to be the pony to immediately wanna date someone so soon after meeting them.) For now, she's just a good friend. As for Iron Will...heh, he might have joked about the idea, but nothing serious has ever come about between the two of them. He felt he owed her too much as it was and that it wouldn't be fair if he pulled a move like that. So, nah, they're just good friends.

Randombrony856: Will Volare ever get a party?
Yep, Pinkie's got something special planned for him. ;)

1, Is Volare going to be mutilated anytime soon?
2, Is there going to be a big fight?
3, How long is the story going to be?

Volare: oO;;;
Um, he already had his wing torn off and reattached, what more do ya want from the guy?! XD;
Volare: Dude, this isn't funny! *smack*
Me: Ow...but to answer your question...let's just say any physical hurt he incurs will be nothing compared to other pain he'll endure...
Heh, hard to have a fic with a military pilot without there being a big fight (though I wonder what your definition of "big" is)
As stated above, probably in the 900k+ words territory ^^;

enigmaMystere: oh, one more question, but for rainbow dash!
do you think you'd ever tell volare about your feelings (because we know you have amorous ones ), as well as that patch you have?
Heh-heh, Oh yes, that's one of the reasons why she's spying on him: to see if she can find out any info about that (she kinda feels like that's fair since he must have known about her in someway before she saved his butt).

Okey dokey folks, if ya'll have anymore questions, just ask them and I'll answer them here up until the next chapter goes up!
The name of the next story arc:
The Running
(in which Volare gets help from a rather unexpected source...)

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