• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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Truth or Dare-Pt 9: Good Intentions Pave the Path to Ponyhell

September 28th, Late Afternoon...

As part of his naval aviation training, Volare had personally been through the SERE program and thought he'd seen the worst that the world could throw at him as far as torture was concerned...then he met Fluttershy. Seriously, he never would have suspected that being admonished by the soft-spoken mare could be such a humbling experience. It wasn't The Stare that got him though, nor was it the looming threat of Angel Bunny; no it was the fact that Fluttershy was a master (intentionally or not) of passive-aggressive, mother-hen behavior.

Volare had already experienced this somewhat during his rehab sessions with her, but when he came sheepishly limping into her cottage, his flank looking a touch towards the crispy side, Fluttershy immediately began to tend his wounds. But this time, she voiced her concerns both for Volare's health and that she might possibly be losing her patience with him (just a teeny, tiny bit, though). As she bandaged and doctored his wounds with various crisp-smelling ointments, she scolded him for taking dangerous risks especially with Scootaloo around.

He barely had a chance to get a word in edge-wise to explain that he was saving Scootaloo, but every time he tried, she'd lift her hooves from his wounds and sigh slightly, taking his words for the talking back of an unruly child and drawing out the discomfort of the process. He also feared upsetting her so badly that she might walk off to gather herself, leaving him half-bandaged and in a rather precarious position lying on her living room floor. And so finally, Volare resolved himself to just lay there quietly and take his lumps, so to speak. The problem was, the longer he kept his mouth shut, the more Fluttershy admonished him. And the more she did so, the more her confidence grew to the point where Volare barely had the chance to ask for a glass of water, breaking her mini-lecture on the dangers of dragon fire.

The pilot had to double-take as Angel Bunny actually gave him a sympathetic look for once and retrieved said requested beverage before Fluttershy resumed her bandaging, albeit much more calmly now. This gave Volare a chance to elaborate on the Crystal hunt events which did eventually lead to Fluttershy patting his mane and telling him how proud she was of his bravery, just...be more careful how he displays it; he only has one body after all. With that in mind, he made his way back to Dash's house to recover for the next few days, making sure to avoid town and the farm on the way there (the fewer ponies he had to explain his mummy-esque hindquarters to, the better he figured). And as he trusted Rarity, Octavia, Vinyl, and the CMC to keep their little venture on the down-low (or at least the part about being attacked by the local wildlife-Rarity would explain it as a "nasty mane-dryer explosion" if anypony asked), following the scolding Fluttershy had given him, he felt he could handle just about any sort of ribbing Dash might give him once she came home.

...speak of the devil, and she shall appear, Volare thought as he looked up at the unlatching of the cloudhouse front door. He looked back at his flank, still in the middle of changing his bandages in the middle of the kitchen, and winced; he had a bad feeling his pride was about to be blown to smithereens by a certain cyan mare...


Meanwhile, Dash had gotten to know Ravenfire a bit more over the past week, including the fact that the older mare had lived in Roam itself for a few years; strangely though, she claimed her memory to be fairly fuzzy on events before her arrival in the great city. She mentioned being involved in some bad weather years ago and hitting her head when she landed so that might have something to do with it. Dash had to hoof it to her though: instead of being frustrated, she'd just 'kept calm and carried on', as she put it, not allowing her future to be held back by her past. This also reminded Dash yet again that they were there to focus on weather work, not their origins.

That advice gave Dash food for thought as she continued Ravenfire's review of weather work, and by Friday she'd shown a good bit of improvement on her convection control...though she could do with a bit more polishing, having managed to singe Dash's mane with lightning and nearly deafen her with thunder on multiple occasions.
Note to self: for the time being, keep her and Derpy FAR away from each other to prevent the complete destruction of Ponyville, Dash thought as she winged her way up to her cloudhouse.

But that wasn't what weighed heaviest on her mind at the moment. No, that place of honor was held by what Ravenfire had told her about Volare: that if Dash didn't feel that he was like other stallions, perhaps she should cut him some slack as far as her aggressive behavior towards him was concerned, especially considering the hell he'd been through since he'd arrived in Equestria. After resisting a bit, waffling back and forth over admitting that Volare wasn't just another run-of-the-mill stallion, she finally admitted that Ravenfire was right, again. But how to cut him some slack without him thinking she'd gone soft on him?

"Hahaha, not everything has to be done all at once, Rainbow Dash," the older mare chuckled, shaking her head. "Ease away from the extremes and do it gradually; be tactful and he likely won't notice the change."

"Aww man, but that could take weeks!," Dash groaned, and Ravenfire rolled her eyes at the madness of the situation. She could tell Dash felt differently for this fellow, but every time she tried to find out how, Dash practically lashed out in defense of her pride, her ego, the fact that she 'flew solo,' and every other excuse under Celestia's sun she could think of. But her vehement deflections only served to prove she truly was hiding something; but like a giant wall obviously shielding something precious, try as she might, Ravenfire couldn't break it down and finally resolved herself to try letting Dash break it down herself, however long that might take.

"Yes, but in the meantime, you can learn more about him and tell for yourself if he really is that much different and worth trusting," Ravenfire said sagely, picking at the remains of her salad as she spoke.

"Trust him with what?" Dash cocked a brow, and again Ravenfire had to suppress a chuckle at how dense the fiery mare could be.

"With whatever it is that has put this barrier between yourself and other stallions-not saying it's unfounded, but perhaps it's time to tackle it, rather than avoid it," the grey-maned mare proposed.

"Meh, maybe," Dash grumbly conceded, scarfing the last cherry tomato and belching lightly as she hopped to her hooves, much to the chagrin of her elder. "Heh-heh, 'scuse me. Well, it's been fun Raven, but it's getting late and I've got a stallion to talk to," she said with a determined grin. "Or at least make sure he hasn't let my house blow all over the place."

"That's the spirit, Rainbow Dash," Ravenfire nodded, remaining seated as Dash stretched her wings to leave. "Oh, one more thing!"

"Yeah?" Dash paused and looked back.

"This...little game you're playing with him...be careful in how you play it."

"Uh...what game?" Dash asked innocently. But the sagely older mare cocked an eyebrow in response, unfooled and undeflected.

"Call it what you will, but you know of what I speak. A last word of advice: just as you seek Volare's weaknesses in order to exploit them...as sharp as he seems, it would be expected that he'd do the same towards you." She paused, chewing a lettuce leaf for a moment. "In fact, he already has."

"Huh, how?" Dash cocked her head, suddenly much more interested in what Ravenfire had to say.

"Hubris...he's using your pride against you-nearly made you get killed in those apple trees," she nodded south towards the orchard.

"Whoa, wait a sec-he wouldn't do that on purpose though, would he?!"

"I don't think so, no; his behavior afterwards doesn't indicate he meant you harm. However, accidentally or not, he's discovered a weakness of yours, and he may exploit it yet again. Be wary, Rainbow Dash. Remember: you're the master of your domain, not him."

"Right, got it," Dash nodded. "Thanks, Raven-I'll be careful."

"I'm sure you will, Ms. Dash. Take care, and good flying!"

"Same to you." And with that, Dash flew home, her mind a jumble of thoughts.
Ha, good one flyboy-using my pride against me. Well, two can play at that game, cuz I got the perfect dare in mind for ya...but wait a sec, maybe he didn't do that on purpose. Maybe it was coincidence? Yeah, maybe...but what if it wasn't! But what if he's innocent and I'm just overthink-nah, that can't be it either. But then what is it?! Weren't you promising to be nicer to him from now on or something?! But what if I'm nice to him and he thinks that means I like him or something-which I totally don't! I'd have to shoot him down! And even if I did-which I don't-he's got that interspecies baggage and I dunno how to deal with that, and it just-ARGH!!!
"Jeez, this guy's gonna be the end of me..." Dash sighed as she landed on her front porch and unlocked her door. "Volare? Flyboy, I'm home!" she called out as she stepped inside the strangely empty house.

Be wary, Rainbow Dash...
She went on the alert, her eyes shifting back and forth and searching for movement; her ears swiveling around like radar dishes to pick out the minute sounds of hooves on cloud fluff...or breathing coming from behind the kitchen counter!
"Ha, gotcha!" Dash slammed a hoof on the counter-top, eliciting a startled yelp from Volare as his head poked into view over the counter. Dash collapsed backwards onto her flank, giggling up a storm and pointing her hoof between laughs.
"Hahaha-heehee, you shoulda seen the look on your face, flyboy!"

"Uh, eh-heh, yep, you got me, Dashie," the pilot chuckled nervously, and Dash readied herself for him to pounce over the countertop to get her back. But when he did nothing more but stand in the kitchen, his eyes downcast in an expression she couldn't read, her laughter resided and was replaced with a look of growing concern as she rose to her hooves.

"Flyboy, you ok?"

"Huh, yeah-I'm fine," Volare replied a bit too quickly. In reality though, he was worried not just for his pride, but because he'd glanced at the calendar a few minutes before Dash had come home and seen what day it was: Friday...gameday. If she saw him injured like this, she'd take advantage of it, and he'd lose for sure...and then he'd have to tell her...and so he desperately deflected her questions and stood up tall despite the pain in his hindquarters.
"Just fine. How're you? How'd Ravenfire do?"

"Oh, she did pretty good," Dash nodded, taking a step towards the edge of the countertop, her eyes narrowing as Volare took a reflexive step in the opposite direction, keeping the counter between him and her. "Kinda got my mane a bit with some lightning, but I've had worse," she chuckled and flipped her mane to show the singe mark. At least it was across the indigo and wasn't terribly noticeable unless she pointed it out...which she just had, but why for him? Why wasn't she worried about him poking fun at her for it? And for that matter, why hadn't he already? Yeah, something was wrong.
"Flyboy, why're you in the kitchen?"

"Who, me? Uh, cooking dinner of course."

"Really? I don't smell anything cooking. Wanna try again?" She took another step, as did he, keeping the lower portion of his body hidden beneath the level of the counter.

"It's...a salad?"

"Eww, just had salad with Raven. Got anything else?"
Another step.

"Nope, sorry Dashie," Volar smiled sweetly. "But if you just go in the living room, I can whip something up and-"

"Flyboy, why're you running away from me?" Dash cut him off, becoming more concerned by the moment, though she disguised it as her simply losing patience.

"Running? Who's running? Ha, not me, that's who," the pilot flared his wings but try as he might, he couldn't stop the wince that snuck into his face long enough for Dash to see it. She also saw the singe marks on his right wing and smelled something else beneath the smell of ointments she knew only Fluttershy possessed.

"Flyboy, stop moving and get out of my kitchen," she ordered, perhaps a bit too harshly, but now she was genuinely worried about him. What had he done while I was gone?

"Can't do both, Dashie-hey!" Volare cried as Dash suddenly vaulted over the countertop, grabbed him by the shoulders and held him in place as she shot him a quick glare, looked past his face and saw...

"Oh my gosh, Volare!" Dash's grip on his shoulders tightened as she took in the sight of his half-bandaged rump and croup, and the burnt and furless patches that clashed with the clean bandages. Even as she looked down at the damage, she saw tiny twitches in the muscles beneath his skin, twitches of pain caused by traumatized nerves. She felt her own shoulders start to shake, her back legs grow a little rubbery, and she suddenly tasted the salad she and Ravenfire had shared. She reflexively gripped Volare's shoulders even tighter to keep herself focused, but though she tried, the sight of his damaged body blurred as tears crept into her eyes when she realized just how much pain he must have gone through to gain such wounds. And to think, if she'd just been here, this wouldn't have happened...if she hadn't let her pride get ahead of her and hurt her head, she wouldn't have had to leave...and if she hadn't made him crash his plane, he wouldn't be here, In Equestria-in her home-and in such sorry shape. She felt a dagger of guilt plunge itself into her heart-if it weren't for me, he wouldn't have to hurt so much...this is all my fault...

"Dashie?" Volare's voice pulled her out of her funk and she shook her head, blinking the blur from her eyes. "You ok? You're kinda hurting my neck here."

"Agh, sorry!" she cried, releasing his shoulders and standing back on all fours again, her eyes still riveted on his injuries. "J-just...my head's still a little fuzzy. Yeah."

"Ouch, sorry 'bout that. Anyways, got my butt burned a bit if ya wanna know, but beyond that Fluttershy says I should be ok," the pilot snorted, turning sideways to give her a good view. "Hoped you'd find out later, rather than sooner; oh well, laugh it up." But instead of the expected snickers and jabs at his pride, he received something totally different: a hug that caught him so off-guard that he nearly toppled over. He leaned against the counter and held Dash as she tightened her forelegs around his shoulders and growled softly into his ear, her heart a maelstrom of anger, frustration, and relief.

"Why've you gotta keep getting hurt like this, flyboy?"

"Oh trust me, Dash it's not like I wanted to get burned by a dragon," Volare chuckled before she leaned back and fixed him with an incredulous look of astonishment, her brow cocked so high that it nearly disappeared beneath her forelock.

"Say what now?"

"Yeah, went crystal hunting for Vinyl Scratch and...well, kinda ran into one in a cave," he scratched the back of his head and chuckled sheepishly before nodding towards the countertop. "Caught me in the middle of changing out my bandages here."

"Were you by yourself?" Dash tensed a hoof to smack him despite her earlier feelings, a little irritated with how nonchalant he was being about being burned again.

"Wha-course not. Had Spike with me. Rarity too," he said, conveniently leaving out the CMC as he figured that not even the adventurous Rainbow Dash would approve of taking them into a cave on the edge of Froggy Bottom Bog.

"Bwahaha, you got Rarity to go into a cave with you? You must me a bigger charmer than I thought," she hoofed him and let go, backing up and giving him space before waving a wing to continue, her worries assuaged for now.

"Oh, well long story short, this dragon burst out of a pile of gemstones, we ran, and it burned my butt on the way out," he gave his singed tail a flick for emphasis. "And that's about it."

"...I think you're hiding something, flyboy," Dash snorted, fixing him with a squint. "You wouldn't just get burned by a dragon for no reason, since Spike is fire-proof and Rarity was probably running faster than everypony outta there. So tell me, what really happened?"

"Damn...ok, just promise me you won't get mad-and for gawd's sake please don't tell AJ about this," he pleaded.

"Uh, ok...did something happen to Applebloom or something?" At his silence, a knot of fear again rose in her gut. "Oh crap...what about Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo?"

"They're...a little banged up, but Rarity took care of them," Volare muttered.

"Y-you took the CMC into that dragon cave!?" Dash stomped a hoof. "Are you stupid or something?!"

"We didn't know it was a dragon cave, Dash! If we did, I wouldn't have gone in there, much less taken my little sister and her friends!" the pilot shouted back, his silver-blue eyes blazing into Dash's for a moment and actually causing her to back up a half step. At her retreat, he took a breath and sighed. "Sorry, I just...they just wanted to get their marks and I wanted to help Vinyl, so...yeah. I didn't mean for this to happen," he flicked his singed wing. "I know I got less than what I deserved for not being careful, so if you wanna pile on, go ahead."

"Jeez, Volare," Dash shook her head in disbelief, leaning her forehead on the cloudhouse wall for a moment. One part of her wanted to be angry, but the other...was actually curiously proud of him. "So, I take it you brought up the rear?"


"That's pretty brave, facing a dragon like that, ya know. You trying to one-up me or something?"

"Ha, didn't exactly face it," he nodded towards his burned behind once more. Talk about suddenly being the butt of all jokes he chuckled to himself. Dash cocked her head and approached again.

"Yeah, well then how'd you get away?"

"Haha, kinda bumped into a stalactite in the dark and knocked it down on the dragon's wing. Lucky shot is all it was," he scuffed up a puff of cloud with a hoof.

"Well, either way you got'em outta there, so...guess I should say congrats," she patted him on the shoulder before noticing the red puckered marks beneath her hoof. "What the hay is this?"

"Oh, kinda got bitten by blood-bats too."

"...seriously?!" Dash facehoofed. "You got bandages for those too?"

"I think so yeah...but I could use a hand-er hoof with changing them. Actually, a hand would be mighty helpful right now," he chuckled and waved a very non-prehensile hoof. Dash rolled her eyes and patted the counter-top.

"Hop on and I'll help fix ya up," she said, the dare she'd cooked up forgotten in lieu of her friends' injury. An injury she could have prevented, she cursed herself for a moment before Volare hopped up and laid down on the counter. "Ok, so it's just a simple wrap?" she asked, fumbling with the bandage roll as she tried her best not to stare at his injuries-totally not at his flank, mind you!

"Yeah, it's just a surface burn, but Flutters wants me to keep it covered to keep infection away," he replied as Dash stretched the bandages tightly over his back. "Agh-yeah, that works. Heh, shoulda seen it a few days ago-you'da have really gagged then, Dashie-ow!" he rubbed his head where she'd whacked him with a hoof.

"Watch it, or I'll barf all over your back," she shot back, poking his ribs with a hoof before tying off the first knot.

"Yeah, well just watch what you're touching back there Dashie, cuz I know you know what to touch when you-ya!" he nearly jumped off the counter in surprise before Dash caught him. "What the hell?!"

"Agh, sorry sorry sorry! I didn't mean to!" she insisted innocently, and she was serious!

"Ouch...yeah, I know you didn't," he settled back down as she tied off the second knot. "I know you wouldn't hurt me on purpose, Dash-not unless I deserved it, heh-heh." She paused at his words, her hooves in the middle of the third knot.

He deserves better than what you're giving him, Rainbow Dash, she recalled Ravenfire's words...and she was right. He needed somepony better than her. But before she could sink into dark thoughts again, he nudged her with a wing.

"Oh hey, I almost forgot. Found something in the cave you might like, Dashie," Volare nodded towards something sitting up near a cloud-cupboard. Something blue with golden flecks in it that Dash hadn't seen in years, and her breath caught in her throat as she realized what it was...and her heart dropped at the the same time at the implications.

Remind me to check for a guilt-trip target on my back later...
"I-I...you got this for me?" she asked as she reached out and plucked up the hoof-sized stone. It was rough, unpolished, and covered in scorch marks from the dragon fire, but there was no doubting what it was. Just to be sure, she asked him.
"You know what this is, flyboy?"

"Yeah, I think Spike mentioned it's lapis lazuli. Had it in my hoof when the dragon showed up and realized I still had it once we got away. You want it, cuz no offense but I dunno what I'd do with it," he looked over his shoulder and saw that Dash was staring at the stone, her hoof over her mouth. "Dash?"

Surely he didn't know...he couldn't know, Dash thought as she held the stone in a slightly quaking hoof. When a Pegasus was interested in another, either in courtship or in strong friendship, he or she would give the one they were interested in a feather plucked from their own wing to symbolize the strength of the bond. Now, strong bonds like that also existed between Pegasi and Earth Ponies, as well as Pegasi and Unicorns. But neither of those other two races had feathers to give. So instead, traditionally, they gave the Pegasus they were interested a piece of sky stone, a mineral so named for its resemblance to the sky and only found deep in the ground in caves. And as most Pegasi were naturally claustrophobic, preferring the open sky to closed-in dark spaces, sky stone was particularly prized among them. There was another name for sky stone, though: lapis lazuli...and Dash was holding a huge piece of it in her hooves, practically being tossed away by Volare. If only he knew the significance...

No...no, he can't know it, cuz that'd mean he...it'd look like he wants me to be his...no...no, it can't work like that, she shook her head slowly. True it wasn't a feather, but it was damn close enough...but he deserved so much better, and there was no way in Tartarus it would work with her! But at the same time, she couldn't just say no! He'd gotten burned by a damn dragon to get this for her! He didn't understand, but she would and it just...

"Dammit," she realized she muttered out loud as she caught the strange look on his face. "I-I mean, damn, this is...really nice." She composed herself and smiled thankfully. "Y-you sure?"

"Yeah, like I said: thought of you when I saw it," he nodded and winced at the pain in his wing. Yet again, Dash felt that dagger of guilt dig just a little deeper into her heart.

He wouldn't give me this if he knew the truth...
But she put on a huge grin and gratefully hugged his neck as gently as he could, carefully setting the stone down and going back to the bandage knots, her mind buzzing with activity. As happy as she was to accept such a gift, she also knew this couldn't last, as every time she saw him hurt, she'd blame it on herself. She started to think of how she could fix this without turning into a coddler like Twilight was, but she couldn't see a way out. Unless she kicked him out that was, but that'd be just plain cruel and petty. If only she could convince him to move in with somepony else, he'd be out of sight, out of mind-she wouldn't have to feel guilty every time she looked at him...and that dagger might be out of her heart. But how could she do that? And with who-?

"So, um," Volare's words pulled Dash out of her thoughts once more.

"So," she replied, cinching another knot with her hooves and teeth, making sure to keep up her front of aloof bravado. "What's on your mind?"

"Today's Friday, so I guess I was wondering...um..."

"You lookin' for a special or something? What kinda street-trotter you take me for, flyboy?" she snickered and mussed his mane playfully as he blushed heavily.

"What the-no! I meant you looking to play a game?" Dash paused for a moment before laughing even harder. "Shit, well that didn't fix it."

"After all this, you're worried about that damn Truth or Dare game?" Dash finally said, and he nodded. "Why's that on your mind?"

"Cuz, well I know you hate losing and are always looking for a chance to win...and so I figured you'd hit me while I'm weak and you have the advantage, ya know?" he flicked an emphatic wing over his injuries. "Tactically it makes sense, anyways."

"Pfft, tactics, shmactics," Dash waved a dismissive hoof and reached for a bandage for his shoulder, though she was a little disturbed that he was right: if she'd been in a competitive mood, she might have taken advantage of him that way. Gotta be nicer though, Dash. Think of something so you don't look soft though-wait, that'll work! "I'm Rainbow Dash-I don't need tactics."

"Cuz you're too awesome for them?"

"Yeah-what the hay, no that's not what I mean!" she shoved him roughly as he snickered. "What I mean is...well...ok, you wanna know something cool?"

"Heh, sure."

"Ok, you know that challenge that Thunderlane threw down the other day and I backed ya up on?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"That's an old-school thing called a Pegasus Challenge that I taught my Weather Team so they'd have a way to settle arguments without getting too nicked up; cuz being down a Weather Pony or two can really throw a wrench into the schedule, ya know?"

"Makes sense. So you have that 'to the touch' and 'to the blood' stuff, right?"

"Yep, that's right," Dash cinched another knot tight and leaned up to survey her hoof-work; not as clean as Fluttershy's, but it'd do. But just in case, she began to wrap another bandage over his shoulder...plus she was kinda liking him in this position anyways. "There's a buncha other rules involved I'll teach ya one of these days, but the one that's important is the "decline rule.""

"What's that?"

"See, old-school Pegasi were all about honor in battle and everything. Honor in victory, honor in defeat, that sorta thing," she waved a hoof as she spoke. "So when a Pegasus is issued a Challenge, they either gotta accept it or decline it. Thing is, if they just declined it for no reason, they were seen as cowards, and they lost honor."

"Huh, kinda like samurai on Earth," Volare mused.


"Ancient warriors that fought by an honor code kinda like that. Go on," he flicked a wing and she obliged.

"Heh, ok. Well, uh basically if you did have a reason to not accept the Challenge, like an injury," she grazed a wing meaningfully across his bandages. "Then you totally could, and nopony thought worse of you. In fact, if somepony Challenged another and they knew they were injured, the challenger was actually seen as the coward."

"Huh, complicated system ya got there, Dashie," Volare mused, though he thought he knew where this might be headed.

"So you see, flyboy," Dash straightened one of his bent pinion feathers with a hoof. "If I say something like: 'I dare ya to match me in altitude,' which I might have been about to, since you're injured you have all the right in the world to decline."

"So we're playing by Challenge rules now, eh?" Volare looked back with a cocked brow. "Doesn't that give you the advantage since you know them all?"

"Heh, I'd focus less on that and more on the fact that I just explained a loophole to ya," she flicked his mane and smirked. "Plus, if I beat ya when you're not 100%, how could I ever hold it against ya, hahaha!"

"Oh haha, very funny, Dashie," he rolled his eyes but leaned a shoulder back against her foreleg in thanks for her leniency. "But, seeing as how I'm kinda KFC here, I'm gonna have to respectfully decline your Dare."

"Decline accepted...and what's KFC? Is that one of your...oh, what did you call'em?" Dash flicked an ear for a moment. "Pop culture thingies?"

"Something like that, yeah. Means "Kentucky Fried Chicken"," Volare groaned as he tried to sit up before realizing that Dash was still leaning with her forelegs on his back. "So, you gonna let me up?"

"Hmm, maybe," she said teasingly, blowing on his ear and making it twitch. "You're pretty comfy for a skinny guy."

"Hardy-har-har. Well then, guess I should ask if you're enjoying the view while you're back there," he said, sticking his tongue out.

"Nah, I like my flank rare, not well-done," she quipped back. For a moment, they stared at each other before they both burst into laughter. After nearly a minute of not being able to look at each other without snickering, Volare finally composed himself enough to speak.

"So, if we're not gonna do a dare, now what?"

"Hmm, you could always tell the truth," Dash started to smirk, but that dagger twisted again, and the smile died halfway past her lips.
So could you, Dashie...
Luckily, Volare missed it as he was too preoccupied with being dramatic, she thought.

"Heh, when pigs fly, Dashie."

"I figured," she rolled her eyes and hoofed his shoulder.

"I am curious, though."

"What about?"

"Where'd you learn about the Pegasus Challenge from? Or rather, from whom did you learn it?"

"Oh, somepony just as old-school," Dash purposefully let her eyes drift towards the crinkled old Wonderbolt poster on the living room cloud-wall, smiling when Volare caught on.

"I see. So who is she?"

"Was," Dash replied a bit grimly.

"Oh, sorry."

"No problem," she waved a wingtip and glanced back up at the blue-maned, proud figure on the poster. "She was...well...tell ya what, you tell me about what inspired you to be a Blue Angels pilot, and I'll tell ya a little more about her, and that'll be both our Truths for this week."

"Uh..." Volare rubbed his cheek with a hoof, his mind suddenly invaded by memories he'd believed to be long-buried...some good, and some painful as all get-out. "Gonna have to decline that one, Dashie," he shook his head. "Sorry."

"S'okay...I'll just have to decline speaking of her too, heh-heh."

"You're such a tease, you know that?" Volare nudged her shoulder.

"I try," she smirked and hopped off the counter. "Come on, let's get this tragedy out of sight," she chuckled and slapped his rump, causing him to jump in pain and blushing embarrassment. "Ah-hahaha, sorry, flyboy!"

"Anything to feel me up, I swear," he muttered.

"Pfft, don't flatter yourself, KFC," she sniggered.

"Not funny, Dashie."

"Well, I think it's funny," she replied, poking her tongue out at the half-scowling pilot.

"Doesn't make it universally funny."

"...my house."

"...damn," Volare conceded defeat as she pumped a hoof and smirked before helping him towards the couch, though inwardly she cringed as she caught sight of the lapis lazuli stone by the cupboard, knowing that as minor as it was, she'd still lapsed into her usual behavior and hurt him yet again...something she just seemed destined to do. No friend deserved a friend that did that all the time, did they? She'd have to figure out a way to either make it up to him soon or just get him away from her where she couldn't hurt him anymore...for his sake and hers. Because she didn't know how much longer she could take the guilt every time she looked at him and saw him hurt. She tried to convince herself that it wasn't giving up and losing, that it was simply changing tactics...but you'd have had an easier time convincing a pig it could fly...
A dirty, guilty pig of a friend named Rainbow Dash...who'd also forgotten his one month anniversary! Double dammit!!


October 2nd, Rainbow Dash's Cloud-House, Noon...

Over the weekend, while Volare had focused mainly on not splitting his healing skin open as he worked on his wing strength, Dash had subtly been canvassing her Weather Team between shifts, for she'd just been hit by a stroke of genius: if she could find a mare to get Volare interested in, he might move in with them-problem solved! But try as she might, everypony seemed to have prior engagements: Cloud Chaser and Flitter were more interested in Thunderlane (why, Dash couldn't imagine), Blossomforth was a huge prude (she sniggered at the idea of her and Volare trying to spend an evening together), and Snowflake was...well, even if Volare was into stallions, she didn't think it'd be in his best interest to hook up with that musclebound psycho-stallion. She swore the guy was only good for moving cumulonimbus and shouting YEAH!
There was also Derpy, but Dash wasn't sure if Snowflake wouldn't be safer for Volare, what with the pilot's propensity for peril. As nice as she knew Derpy could be...nah, she didn't feel like going through the hassle of signing Volare up for frequent guest benefits at Ponyville Medical. And of course there was Ravenfire, but something told her Volare wasn't a cougar chaser either.

That left only herself and one other pony...and she was the one pony she'd semi-sworn to protect Volare from; but that was back before...well...before Dash started considering Volare's best interests over her own. Besides, she might be the only one she could trust to loosen Volare up and get him over the whole 'inter-species taboo' thing he had going on, as that was really the only problem she saw with her plan. And the best thing was, Dash wouldn't have to worry about Volare being shot down as she knew that mare had no issues with stallions...or anything else for that matter.

If that happened, well...then maybe he'd be outta sight, outta mind-quite a bit if he hooked up with her, Dash thought to herself while showering off after her Tuesday shift. Then again, Dash knew she didn't do long-term relationships, but if Volare moved out and on with his own life, what did it matter to Dash anymore after that? He'd be away from her, she wouldn't have to feel responsible for him anymore, end of bucking story! Ugh, then again maybe she should cut him a little more slack. She was so pre-occupied with her thoughts and the soothing rainwater running out of her shower-cloud that she didn't notice she wasn't alone until she heard a gasp of surprise accompany the opening of the bathroom door. Dash cracked her left eye and her lashes flicked away the falling water to see Volare standing in the doorway, his mouth slightly open and frozen in mid-trot, as if he'd just walked in without paying attention.

"Uh, I-uh...uh..." Volare muttered, his mouth refusing to work as he took in the sight of Rainbow Dash, her mane's prismatic pigments blended together into a maelstrom of multi-colored wonder by the water, her feathers and cyan fur covering her toned body dripping wet, and a small smirk growing across her face as she stared at him through a half-cracked eye.

"Sup, flyboy?" she quipped lightly, amused by his frozen stance as she went back to scrubbing the sweat from her mane, allowing the relaxing torrent to wash over her face before flicking her mane back behind her head and turning to look at him fully. What she saw next caused her to nearly burst into snickering giggles: Volare's eyes had widened, and his wings were steadily rising of their own accord. "Heh, guess that answers my question," she nodded at the flaring feathers.

"Oh shit, no-nonononono!" Volare cried, batting his wings down with his hooves and turning in circles, trying to force them down. But as he did so, he slipped on a washrag laying in the cloud-fluff, causing him to lose his balance and toppled forward into the bathroom, landing on his face with a groan. "Urgh, sorry, sorry, sor-" his words caught in his throat as he felt something warm drip on his head and he looked up to see Dash standing over him, body dripping wet, and a mischievous smile on her face.

"You gonna be ok, dude?" Dash asked nonchalantly as she dried her mane, while Volare half-crawled, half-hopped away from her and pushed himself against the bathroom counter, his head turned away and a hoof over his eyes; his wings were stiff as flagstaffs and his blue face-fur was flushing violet.

"J-just...sorry, I just needed to use the shower cuz I finished working out and I just...agh, I shoulda knocked!" he stammered, shaking his head in a manner that Dash didn't quite understand.

"Dude, it's cool. Shower's free," she waved a wing towards the raincloud, but the most he managed to do was stagger to his hooves, foreleg still crossed over his eyes. "Flyboy, what's your deal? Why're you hiding your face? Heh, am I too radical to behold or something?" she hoofed him playfully, but he jumped at her touch. Ok, this was getting stupid, Dash rolled her eyes. "Seriously, what gives? Why're you all jumpy?"

"B-because I just walked in on you in the shower, that's why!" he shot back, his turned head making it look like he was speaking to the wall.

"So?" Dash cocked her head. "Why ya gotta hide your face?"

"Because you-it-I just...urgh," Volare blew out his chops in frustration as he attempted to articulate his feelings-he was failing miserably and he knew it. He turned his face towards hers, hoof still blocking his eyes and spoke with a straight face. "Because it's improper for a guy to walk in on a girl in the shower, that's all."

"What the-seriously?" Dash asked, more curious than annoyed now. "That some sorta human taboo or something?"

"Yes, exactly!"


"What-because it-cuz when a woman is showering, she tends to be naked and walking on a girl naked like that is just rude and invites all sorts of trouble, that's why!" Volare shook his head, blood pounding in his ears and face still blushing like mad. But Dash simply snickered and cocked a brow as she took his hoof in hers and pulled it away from his face.

"So lemme get this straight-and open your eyes already dude, cuz I'm not mad or anything," she booped his nose and he complied, albeit a bit hesitantly. But when a vengeful hoof didn't come slamming into his muzzle, he relaxed visibly, much to Dash's relief. "It's rude to walk in on a girl human all the time?"

"No, only when she's naked," Volare replied in a dead serious tone, but this only served to confuse Dash further.

"What's it matter if she's naked or not?"

"Because humans where clothes when in the presence of others. It's a sign of modesty and self-control...something like that," Volare explained, though he felt strange as hell doing so. "It's tradition."

"Yeah, ok-on Earth. Here, we don't normally where clothes unless it's a special occasion," she flicked his nose with a wingtip. "Makes cleaning up a lot easier, plus wearing clothes along with fur makes things way too hot."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," he nodded, his blush fading and his wings sinking back down again.

"So no sweat, ok?" she hoofed him in the shoulder and trotted to the cabinet, bumping her wet hip against his and nearly making him jump. "Just know we're naked all the time; it's nothing special."

"Oh haha, like I really needed to think of it all the time, Rainbow Dash," Volare rolled his eyes, his wings flicking slightly and drawing another amused smirk from her. "Thanks a bunch. I'll probably never be able to look at Fluttershy with a straight face ever again." And oh gawd...Iron Will...DO NOT WANT!!!

"Why's that, flyboy?" Dash asked, sashaying back up to him and making a point of leaning her wet body on his. "Does having a wet naked girl lean on you like this make you uncomfortable?"

"Ah-I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work, Dash," Volare gritted his teeth and tried to scowl...but the sensation of her warm, trim form pressed against his had sent his mind into a mortified tailspin, and it was all he could do to not leap sideways and have his wings fly up once more.

"And just what am I trying to do, hmm?" Dash asked teasingly, nudging her shoulder against his.

"P-push my buttons."

"Seems to be working to me," Dash mused.

"It's not!" he insisted.

"Uh-huh," she rolled her eyes and leaned in to whisper. "How's about we hop in the shower and I help you scrub behind your ears, eh?"

"...Nope!" Volare cried, shoving her backward with sudden strength, sending her stumbling right out the bathroom door and nearly crashing into the opposite wall. The door slammed for a moment and then re-opened as Volare tossed a towel out onto Dash's nose before he shut the door again. "Occupado!" he called out, but Dash simply laughed and toweled off her wet mane.

"You're something else, flyboy," she chuckled. "You need to get laid or something and loosen up!" she called back, and was answered by a loud thump of somepony falling on their flank in shock. Almost immediately though, she scolded herself a bit for teasing him like that. Oh come on, it's all in good fun-plus it's not like I hurt him! Besides, he seriously DOES need to loosen up...hmm...maybe I really SHOULD take him to see her...let's see, today's Tuesday. Oh good, it's her day off. "Hey, flyboy?"

".....yep?" his voice came back after a long moment.

"You ok in there? Sounded like you fell!"

"I did, thank you very much!"

"Oh, um...you ok?"

"I'm good-yep!"

"Hey, sorry for messing with you like that!"
Whoa, that came outta nowhere, Dash thought to herself.

"It's...it's ok. You're kinda right, though. I do need to loosen up."

That single admission did more to lift Dash's hopes than everything else that had happened all weekend-she finally saw an end in sight!
"Heh-heh, just a little. Hey, I'm headed into town in a bit-wanna come with, or are you still too flank-hurt to hang with me?"

"Hahaha, nah I'm good. Just gimme a few minutes, Dash!"

"Sounds good," she called back, hanging the towel on the doorknob and shaking her mane till it was just the right combination of messy awesome. "I'll be waiting for ya downstairs...don't have too much fun in there without me!" She snickered at Volare's cry of consternation and curses muffled by the falling showercloud. Oh crap, I'll have to go back in there when he's done to turn it off, she realized with a chuckle as she settled down on the couch to wait.

Sugarcube Corner, a short time later...

"And so that's how that went down," Dash chuckled and took a final swig of her chocolate milk, smacking her lips and sighing before setting her drink down and staring across the table at the mare she never thought she'd ask this sort of favor of. The mare blinked her cerise eyes twice in mild disbelief before a smirk spread across her lavender-furred face. She tossed her lemon-yellow mane back and erupted in laughter once Dash's expression didn't change.

"Oh wow, that's some situation you've got on your hooves, boss," Cloud Kicker shook her head and pounded her hoof on the table twice before regaining her composure. "So, what you're saying is: you want me to loosen Volare up a little?"

"Or a lot," Dash grimaced, both at the truth of her statement and her hidden agenda of heading Volare off at the pass and getting him interested in some other mare before he...well, before she'd have to shoot him down. He deserves better. "I know this is probably asking a lot of ya, especially after covering for me all week on the shift-"

"It's no problem, Boss," Cloud Kicker flashed Dash a winning grin and leaned across the table. "It'll be almost like vacation-if you gimme the next few days off with him," she winked. "You did say you owed me one."

"Heh, I suppose I did..."

Cloud Kicker caught the apprehension in Dash's expression and nudged her with a hoof.
"You ok with this, boss? I mean, you were kinda making it a point to keep me away from him at the party..."

"Yeah, well that was then, this is now, end of story; not like I own him or anything," Dash replied a bit too sharply, and her ears drooped and she shook her head. "Sorry, it's just...living with the guy has...really been tough, cuz every time I try to push his boundaries...well, you know why I can't...not to a friend." She also left out the part of how having fun with him had become a complicated dance around taboos, emotional baggage, and other things Dash wasn't inclined to deal with; in her mind, it wasn't petty, it was just a compromise she didn't feel she could make...or know how to. What if she screwed up and hurt him worse? Some Element of Loyalty she'd be if that happened. No, I won't screw up and fail because I...I'm not scared, it's just...dammit!

"Yeah, I do," a slightly pained expression crossed Cloud Kicker's face and she patted Dash's hoof. "Your Weather Lieutenant's on the case-she won't letcha down," she gave Dash a salute and an encouraging smile, which Dash returned after a moment.

"Thanks, CK. You're a real pal."

"Heh, I know," Cloud Kicker grinned and stood up from the table, looking out the door of the confectionary shoppe. "So, you know what's likely gonna happen if I do this, right?"

"Yep," Dash nodded. "I figured you'd be the best pony for the job."

"Hmph, not sure whether I should be flattered or insulted, boss," Cloud Kicker chuckled and flexed her wings. "So, where's this good looking piece of plot at, eh?"

"Hey, you treat him nicer than that," Dash hoofed her in the flank and narrowed her eyes. It was obvious to Cloud Kicker that she was serious and cared about her friend quite a bit more than she'd openly admit.

"Just joking; c'mon, you know me," Cloud Kicker smirked and thumped herself in the chest. "This mare's got a heart bigger than anypony's and plenty of lovin' to go around. I'll take good care of him, don't you worry. Now then," she trotted to the doorway and craned her neck left and right up Stirrup Street. "Where'd he get to?"

"Uh, I think he said something about heading down to the hardware store to check up on"-

"Cool, see ya!" and with that, Cloud Kicker was gone in a puff of street dust, leaving Dash hanging in mid-sentence.

"Huh, so that's what that feels like," she mused as she turned towards Pinkie at the front counter. She knew she had to have been listening. "Hey Pinks?"

"Yep, Dashie?" the party mare looked up from the fresh batch of donuts she's just laid out on the counter.

"Did I do the right-" she cut herself off with a loud sigh. "...can I have a donut?"

"Extra sprinkles?"

"...yeah-if you don't mind."

"Heh, of course, Dashie," Pinkie tossed a donut to her friend and smiled, though inwardly her heart squinched a bit; Dash was right in assuming that Pinkie had been listening, and Pinkie thought she understood what Dash was trying to do...she just had a feeling her friend was going about it all wrong. All Dash had to do was trust him; Pinkie felt like she could. Besides, since when did Dash run from a challenge? But Pinkie kept her bright smile on for her friend's sake. "No charge, Dashie."

"Thanks, Pinks. You're the best," Dash smiled and bit into the fluffy, jelly-filled dough, but it did almost nothing to relieve the seed of uncertainty already germinating in the pit of her stomach. Was she doing the right thing? And if not, WHAT was the right thing to do?


"At this rate, according to Bon-Bon, they should be done sometime this week," Volare grinned as he spoke to Ferrum. The "upper middle-aged" Unicorn laughed and thumped the front counter of his store in approval.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that the old Griffin is coming along smoothly. Hard to believe how well Trixie and Octavia are working together," Ferrum scratched his mane and leaned across the counter conspiratorially. "And if I may be so bold, I'm sensing a...certain chemistry betwixt them, to turn a phrase-heheh."

"That so?" Volare cocked a brow.

"Oh yeah, have you seen them recently? When they're not building or fencing, they're practically cuddling up next to each other and talking about everything under Celestia's Sun, from spells to music and everywhere in between."

"What the-you stalking them or something?"

"Heavens no, son! They were doing that right here in my store!" Ferrum snorted. "I mean, I'm not exactly one for modesty all of the time-cuz really, where's the fun in that-, but when it gets to the point of 'oops, sorry for accidentally playing hoofsie in front of the customers-'"

"Ok, ok, I get it!" Volare cut him off with a wave of his wing and a chuckle. If that were true and this wasn't just one of Ferrum's usual tall tales, they'd be the ultimate example in "opposites attract." "Anyways, to be honest, no I really haven't seen them lately; been kinda in recovery," Volare nodded towards his rump. The bandages were finally off, but the shortened patches of fur where the burns had been were still plainly visible. To his surprise, nopony had really pointed it out, and since Twilight and he were kinda limited to medium-distance speech, she hadn't gotten close enough to notice them-a true blessing in disguise.

"Aha yes, Ms. Rarity mentioned something about how the Cutie Mark Crusaders "accidentally" blew up one of her mane driers. Funny, cuz ever since I met you, you've never exactly been a stickler for mane-fashion," his chuckle was swallowed up by a suspicious squint. "That really what happened, Volare?"

"Uh, you see...thing is-" but the pilot was cut off by the dinging of the front door bell and determined hoofsteps on the hardwood floor. He had just enough time to half turn to see who'd trotted in when a lavender-furred mare pressed her body's length against his, hip-checking him against the side of the front counter, his wings pinned between himself and the counter on one side, and this newcomer on the other. "What the-" he managed to cry out before recognizing the mare.

"Sup Ferrum! Afternoon, Mr. Volare," Cloud Kicker smirked, confidently tossing her mane and cocking her brow as she stared into Volare's steel-blue eyes. "How you doin'?"

"Uh-pretty good, actually," Volare replied, shooting a sideways glance of confusion at Ferrum, who merely shrugged in response; the pilot wasn't as well acquainted with Cloud Kicker's reputation as everypony else...yet. "Yourself?"

"I'm doing great. Just got out of a neat little conversation with Rainbow Dash over at Sugarcube Corner. We...agreed to fix a little problem of yours," her smirk grew a bit wider as she subtly ground the base of her right wing against Volare's left. The effect was near-instant, and Volare winced as his wings tightened within the confined space between Cloud Kicker and the store counter.

"W-what sorta problem-ah," Volare groaned, torn between wanting to step away from the counter to relieve the tension, and the fear of popping a wingy in public. At least the store was empty besides Ferrum and himself...and this crazy mare! "Wh-agh! What's the big idea here, Cloud Kicker?"

"Well, like I said," she spoke almost nonchalantly as she continued to grind her wing against his. "I'm a problem-solving sorta pony, and...well, ever since that little air show you put on a few weeks back, I'd be lying if I said my mind hadn't wandered just a little bit," she punctuated the last word with a half-step towards Volare, pinning him even closer to the counter. Meanwhile, Ferrum's mouth was slightly agape at the wanton display going on in his store. "Wanna know where it wandered, buddy?"

"I can only imagine," Volare replied, trying to push back against her, but although she wasn't Rainbow Dash strong, she had the better leverage and she knew it.

"Oh-ho, wanna have a little shoving match, eh?" She growled lightly, meeting him with equal force and angling her body just as her Krav Pega training had shown her to do; it also came in handy in situations like this. "Tell me, Volare: you like it rough?"

"Ha, depends on what you mean, CK," he shot back, shoving back in earnest now, but he was hopelessly stuck. His wings felt like they were about to snap off if he didn't relieve the pressure, and he couldn't help the tiny whine of discomfort that escaped his throat.

"Want me to let you go, eh? Might be a problem with that cuz by the way you feel," she rotated the shoulder of her wing against his which drew a short gasp from him. "You might just launch me across the room if I do that, if ya know what I mean. Problem is, I kinda like it rough, but I don't wanna break anything in the store if I can help it. Just how can we possibly get out of this sticky situation?" she smirked and flicked her tail across Volare's flank, and he visibly jumped-well, as much as he could considering the circumstances. "Hey Ferrum, you got any suggestions?"

"I-um...ahem!" Ferrum violently cleared his throat and retrieved the wire-rimmed spectacles that had fallen off his face to the counter top. "My only suggestion is to knock it off before you permanently stain either my floor or my counter-top, Ms. Kicker."

"Aww come on man, gimme some help here!" Volare cried while Cloud Kicker continued to chuckle.

"You know, you're almost as fun to mess with as Blossomforth...hmm, maybe you and her and I could get together and have a little afternoon del-"

"OI, FERRUUUUUUUUUM!!!!" a deep-throated shout practically knocked the front door in and quickly let the air out of Cloud Kicker's sails. She looked from Volare to Ferrum in alarm before the heavily-accented voice spoke/roared again. "OI, YA OLD BASTARD! AH KNOW YE'RE IN THERE!"

"What the feather is that?" Cloud Kicker muttered as she relaxed her hold on Volare's body, her original task forgotten for the moment. She allowed Volare to lean against her and catch his breath before she turned back to the pilot, her cerise eyes full of worry, for she'd heard tales from the Royal Guard of voices accented like that...and they always portended some horrible occurrence. "Wha-sorry Volare, I-"

"It's fine," he shook his head, the tension in his wings migrating to his brow and jaw as he reflexively took a step towards a window fronting the store. He'd caught the about-face in her attitude and as much of a relief as it was, it worried him immensely. Ferrum leaned over the counter to watch as Cloud Kicker accompanied him to the glass and they looked out upon a strange and imposing sight in the middle of Stirrup Street:

A massive cornflower-blue Unicorn nearly as tall and broad as Big Macintosh, his face covered in a great orange bush of a mustache and beard, with tail and mane to match. He was wearing a dark blue collared shirt and his waist was girded with a broad leather belt set with large brass studs and a huge bronze buckle. His face was streaked here and there with dark blue patches of pigment and his sea-green eyes burned with emotion as he stomped a large hoof and levitated what was really gaining everypony's attention: a massive claymore-esque sword nearly as long as he was that he'd pulled from the scabbard on his back and swung above his head as he shouted. It was no surprise that everypony on the street had either run for cover or galloped to the Guard Station for help.

"Holy shit, that guy's huge," Volare muttered, his eyes fixated on the blade that looked large enough to cleave two or three ponies in half at once.

"I'll bet he is," Cloud Kicker mumbled, drawing a look of incredulity from Volare before the Unicorn outside resumed shouting.

"C'MON OOT O' THERE FERRUM!! AH'VE COME A LONG DAMN WAY TA RECKON WITH YE ON A LITTLE SECRET YE FOUND YEARS AGO-AN YE KNOW DAMN WELL WHAT AH'M TALKIN' ABOOT!!" The blue Unicorn swished his sword threateningly as he took a menacing step closer to the hardware store.

"Ferrum, he's not talking about-" Cloud Kicker began before Ferrum coughed lightly.

"I can't imagine what else he'd be talking about," the old Unicorn glanced towards the back room door of the store for a moment and sighed. "Figured he'd come looking for it sooner or later."

"He? Who, that guy?" Volare indicated the blue Unicorn who had apparently lost what little patience he already had and was approaching the front door of the store. Volare doubted he could get through it while waving that meat cleaver, but once inside...hell, he could probably reach all the way across the room with the damn thing! They had to do something, and quick!

"ALRIGH', IF YE WON'T COME OOT, AH'M COMIN' IN TA GETCHA!" the Unicorn gave a rumbling laugh and strode forward with purpose now.

"Shit, Ferrum, get outta here," Volare urged as he flared his wings, preparing to do-well, something besides just stand there!

"Yeah, we'll cover you!" Cloud Kicker added, giving Volare a smile and a nod. As worried as she was, she wasn't about to let him stand alone against this guy, cuz if he didn't kill them, Dash'd kill her for letting him do so! "Get ready Volare; as soon as he gets in the door, we'll hit him before he can swing that crazy sword. Damn, wish I'd brought my wingblades-"

"No, stop," Ferrum waved a hoof and trotted forward past the two Pegasi. He fixed them with a stern look. "He's here for me, and nopony else. Don't get in his way."

"Ferrum, you crazy old goat, get back here!" Cloud Kicker hissed, but the older Unicorn merely shook his head and chuckled, drawing looks of surprise from her and Volare.

"Heheh, trust me, I got this under control. Now sit back and watch ol' Ferrum take care of business," he winked and grinned before trotting out the door, the two Pegasi close behind, their better natures (as well as their morbid curiosities) not allowing them to face this crazy pony alone. The size difference was laughable as Ferrum trotted up to the blue Unicorn, who had halted to lean upon his sword hilt and lowered his voice to a less ridiculous level of volume.

"Well well, long time no see, Ferrum," the huge pony gave a great rumbling chuckle, though his face still remained fairly stony. "Ah can see tha years haven't exactly been kind to ye."

"Yeah? Well you look a lot fatter since we last met, you loud little crapper," Ferrum chuckled pugnaciously, not backing down an inch.

"Ha! Well ye've gotten a wee bit smaller in tha meantime, old'n."

"Peh, bet I could still bend ya over my knee like I did all those years ago," Ferrum shot back, causing Volare and Cloud Kicker's jaws to drop.

"Jeez, Ferrum's got bigger stones than I ever gave him credit for," the Weather Lieutenant mused as the larger Unicorn belly-laughed and raised his sword-point off the ground.

"Ya fancy a doin?" the blue stallion growled, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck. "Talk like that'll getcha messed oop, haggis-nose."

"Little boy blue," Ferrum smirked fearlessly as the larger Unicorn began to lose his temper.

"Wrinkleh-sheathed shite-gob!"

"Not what your mother said last night," Ferrum puffed out his chest, and the blue Unicorn's jaw fell open in shock.

"Why ya sick ol', dried-oop goolies bampot!"

"Whiny little brat who still can't swing a hammer much less what really counts!"

"Oi, shut it, ya flop-horned old rutter!" the larger Unicorn swung his sword above his head, cracked a grin, and swung it down in a great swooping arc.


Everything and everypony in the street stood stark still and silent for a long, terrible moment...a moment broken by Ferrum's rising dry chuckling as he glanced sideways at the blade half-smashed through the cobbletone street mere inches away from his right fore-hoof. "Heh, you missed."

"Holy shit..." Volare breathed, and this time it was Cloud Kicker's turn to lean on him as her legs suddenly got a little wobbly. She blushed a bit and shot him a small smile before their attention returned to the two Unicorns.

"Gah, course Ah missed," the blue Unicorn spat as he withdrew his blade from the street and resumed leaning on the hilt. "Can't rightleh go aboot gettin' information oot o' ye if Ah split ye in 'alf...uncle."

"UNCLE???!?!?!" Volare and Cloud Kicker practically shouted in astonished unison, while Ferrum simply laughed and trotted forward to thump the large Unicorn in the chest. He glanced back at Volare and Cloud Kicker, beckoning them over with a grin.

"Yep, this here's my worthless great-nephew," he leaned an elbow on the blue Unicorn's shoulder, nodding towards their similar cutie marks. Ferrum's had a hammer, anvil, and horseshoe, while the other's was a simple anvil, but the resemblance was uncanny. The large Unicorn nudged Ferrum back before bowing lightly to the two Pegasi.

"Sorreh ta startle ya there, lasseh; Ah tend ta have that effect," he addressed Cloud Kicker and extended a hoof in greeting, which she took after a very short moment of consideration. He kissed her hoof with a surprising amount of genteel delicacy. "Name's Faber McIronshod."

"Cloud Kicker," the Weather Lieutenant smiled in return, her cheeks flushing as she allowed her eyes to rove hungrily over Faber's large frame. "That's a big sword you got there-you compensating for something?"

"Hahaha! No, no lasseh, it's not a case o' compensation so much as makin' sure tha carpet matches tha drapes, if ya get mah drift," he cracked a huge grin that made Cloud Kicker shiver with the thought.

"Heheh, I'd like to see you prove it," she smirked.

"Oh gimme a break," Volare facehoofed just as the Ponyville Royal Guard finally came galloping up. "Here comes the cavalry...literally and late as ever."

"Stop right there, criminal scum! Drop your weapon and yield!" The Unicorn Sergeant Brassbones ordered Faber. The Sergeant had been assigned to watch over Ponyville by Luna herself after the Ray and Jill incident, and he had zero intention of failing her. Though he was unarmed, he had Firetail and Snowhooves backing him up, though Volare wasn't sure exactly what they could do about Faber's sword. Meanwhile, with the arrival of the Guards, the little stand-off had become quite the spectacle, and a small crowd of ponies had gathered around to watch.

"Uh Sergeant, it's not what you-" Volare began, but the golden-armored charcoal-grey Unicorn cut him off.

"Mind your tongue, Volare. This is Guard Business now," he snapped, while the two Earth Pony Guards gave Volare a helpless shrug. "Now then, I don't know who you are, and quite frankly I don't care," Brassbones growled at the easy-standing Faber. "But you are not going to come into this town and raise Tartarus on my watch! Now drop your weapon and yield!!!"

"Fine, 'ave it yor way," Faber rolled his eyes and dropped the sword with a clang, tossing the sheath off his back next to it. "There ye go, 'ave 'er if ya want...or if ye can," he grinned knowingly. The Sergeant glared at Faber before grasping the blade with his magic...and nearly being yanked off his hooves as he tried to haul it from the ground.

"What the balefire-?" Brassbones growled and hauled upwards on the blade, gritting his teeth as his horn flared brightly for a moment. But for all his effort, all he managed to do was give himself a headache and drag the blade a few inches. After much grunting and huffing, he let up, gasping for breath and glaring at Faber, who stood there with an innocent smile on his face. "Alright you...what the buck's going on here?!"

"You wanna tell 'im uncle, or should Ah do tha honors?" Faber chuckled while Ferrum hoofed him proudly in the shoulder.

"Nah, I'll let ya explain it; you mastered the damn thing after all-and finally!"

"Yeah, took me a wee bit o'smith'n."

"More like 20 years of smithing."

"Hey, hey, hey, explain yourself pal!" Brassbones growled, though Faber merely rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright, hold yor ponies, pretteh-boy," Faber looked towards his blade, lit his horn, and lifted it without effort, much to the Sergeant's shock. The blacksmith grinned and turned the blade over so the Sergeant could get a good look at the runes etched into the fuller. "Enchanted it meself as Ah smithed it, mate. The blade itself is very densely-hammered steel and this enchantment allows its creator to wield it as if it were a just a run o' tha mill sword."

He picked the sword up and swished it through the air, the whistling edge combined with the sound of his magic to literally create a shwing sound. "Ta anypony else, it's a heavy behemoth, but ta me...well, it doesn't bother meh in tha slightest, laddeh." With a flourish, Faber sheathed the claymore and strapped it back across his shoulders before bowing deeply to the flummoxed Sergeant. "Ah deepleh apologize causin' a load o' ballyhoo; just been ages since Ah've seen mah great-uncle Ferrum is all. Tis how all us Scolts ponehs greet each other, aye?"

"Uh, right..." the Sergeant muttered, still in shock at what had just occurred. "Carry on then. Move it along, folks-nothing to see here!" he saved face by bellowing at the onlookers. Firetail and Snowhooves exchanged greetings and apologies with Faber and Volare before following their uptight superior.

"Heh, bastard'd probably shite a diamond if ya fed'm a lump o' coal," Faber snickered before Ferrum thumped him in the chest.

"So, what's the big idea of you suddenly showing up outta nowhere and causing a scene like that, eh?" the old smith scolded his nephew, though the latter hardly looked fazed by it. "Why are you so far from home?"

"Where are you from, Faber?" Cloud Kicker interrupted. "That accent...my Mom is in the Royal Guard's Long Patrol and she's spoken of ponies that talk like you do, and that they come from the highlands of Scoltland. She says they're nothing but trouble and mayhem."

"Heh, well Ah don't like ta brag, but-"

"Well then don't, ya big oaf," Ferrum thumped him again, this time in the neck. "Let's discuss this inside before you start scaring the locals some more."

"Ach, Ah'm harmless as a newborn foal, uncle; so long's ye don't deny meh mah dinner, o'course," Faber chuckled as they headed into the store, Ferrum taking up his position behind the counter as the three others leaned and relaxed where they wished. "Speakin' o' which-ye got anythin' ta eat? Ah'm hungreh enough ta go cannibal 'ere."

"Didn't bring anything yourself, Faber?" Volare asked, and was answered by a half-whine and a grumble from the large smith's gut.

"Does it look like Ah got a kitchen on mah back, lad?" he sighed and shook his head almost forlornly. "Ach, lemme explain mah plight an' mebbe ye'll see fit ta take mercy on little ol' meh."

"Oh for Celestia's sake," Ferrum rolled his eyes as his great-nephew related his tale of how he'd heard of Ferrum's discovery of cobaltium, and how he'd striven to increase his smithing abilities to the point at which he could smith the rare metal as well. And so he'd spent the last 10 years improving, focusing mainly on weapons creation until he'd created the claymore he had strapped across his back, naming it Clare after the ancient Scoltish word claidheamh mór, meaning "bright blade." He claimed it to be so sharp and so dense that it was one of a kind in its ability to do something that he'd never heard of anything else being able to before: cleave the head from a dragon's neck in a single stroke.

"That's a load of horseapples; nothing known to ponydom can do that!" Cloud Kicker protested. Dragon scales were fireproof and damn near blade-proof. True, one could be injured bit by bit, but for something to behead one in one go? "No, that's impossible."

"Heh, ye ever heard of Yahkmar tha Ice Wyrm, lasseh?"

"Yeah, he's from way up north. Legends say he devoured the entire town of Hoofsavik in a single night," the Weather Lieutenant said grimly. "He's a force to be reckoned with."

"Was, lasseh. Was," Faber smirked. "Took 'is head off with Clare 'ere," he patted the sword sheathe fondly, and even Ferrums' eyes widened at the claim.

"You got proof of that, Faber, cuz that's a mighty tall tale to be spinning-even for me!" In response, Faber unsheathed Clare and laid the blade on the countertop, which groaned with the weight.

"Aye, that Ah do. Ms. Kicker: what do ye know aboot Ice Wyrms?

"They're dragons that use ice instead of fire, and they're said to radiate cold instead of heat," the Weather Lieutenant replied, drawing from what her mother had told her over the years. "Makes them tough to fight because regular wingblades and such get too cold and shatter when you strike them."

"Aye, that be true, thank ye lass. Now then, look at tha grain of tha metal 'ere, uncle. See how it's got tiny little fractures oop an' down tha blade way deep in tha steel?" Ferrum stared at the metal for a long moment before nodding. "Ye know as well as Ah what causes that."

"Stress to the metal when exposed to extreme cold," Ferrum conceded and stared at his grinning great nephew.

"Aye, cold like that normally would shatter a blade, as Ms. Kicker explained," he gave her a grateful nod. "But not mah Clare. No, ol' Yahkmar didn't count on 'er bein' so dense an' sharp! Ah don't think 'e knew what hit 'im till 'is ugleh mug was rollin' inta a snowbank!" Faber smacked a hoof down on Clare, and the blade rang loudly, as if proud of its own doings. "An that is 'ow tha Ice Wyrm was slain. Heh, kinda tops yor little story aboot tha Timber Wolf, eh uncle?"

"Meh, whatever. Impressive tale, Faber-now get chunky Clare off my counter before she breaks it!"

"Oi, dinnae be so harsh ta 'er," Faber scowled as he sheathed and laid the blade aside. "She's sensitive, ya know."

"I'm sure," Ferrum rolled his eyes as Cloud Kicker and Volare snickered quietly, entertained by the back and forth of the two Unicorns. "So you're here to learn how to smith cobaltium, I take it?"

"Aye! Lemme at it!"

"Well, sorry to break it to ya son, but the stuff's too expensive to get a hold of all at once, plus your expertise seems to lie in weapons, not armor, which is really what that stuff would be good for anyway. And besides, I retired from smithing right after I discovered it cuz of the cost and scarcity of it."

"What tha-so ye're not even a smith anymore?!"

"Nope, I make an honest living helping the folks of Ponyville by selling'm hardware and building materials-Volare here's one of my best customers, in fact. But nothing more."

"But Ah heard ye'd made a whole suit o-"

"Doesn't matter what you heard!" Ferrum suddenly snapped, knocking a small pen-quill can off the counter with a hoof before sighing. "What matters is what is...and the fact is I-am-retired!"

A moment of awkward silence reigned while Cloud Kicker and Volare tried to decide if they should say something or just respectfully leave before Faber spoke up again.
"Well, shite..."

"So go on home, ya hear?" Ferrum said as he gathered the fallen quills, but Faber shook his head defiantly.

"Can't be doin' that, uncle. Ah've come too far ta go back naow."

"Hmph, you gonna swing your sword and threaten me till I teach you or something?"

"No, Ah mean Ah've literally come too far ta go back," Faber's ears drooped shamefully.

"You can't just hop on a train and go back home?" Volare spoke up.

"Two boats, three trains, an' a hot air yacht, but that last one was more o' a luxury item...as was tha whiskey, wine, an' cider on tha way 'ere," the blue Unicorn chuckled sheepishly. "Spent every last bit Ah had ta get 'ere...that's what Ah mean."

"So you really can't go back?" Cloud Kicker frowned.

"Fraid ye're stuck with meh, lass; least for tha time bein," Faber sighed.

"You gotta be pulling my hoof, kid," Ferrum groaned, but Faber's body language spoke for itself.

"Heh, at this point Ah wish Ah was, uncle," he shook his head before brightening a touch. "Ye're not hirin', are ye?"

Volare and Cloud Kicker couldn't contain their laughter any further as Ferrum's head thonked down on the countertop in sympathetic disbelief.

Ponyville, Evening...

Despite the arrival and distraction of Faber in Ponyville, Cloud Kicker still had a "job" to do, and by Celestia she was gonna get it done!! The rest of the day followed in a blur as she and Volare gave Faber the grand tour of the town and searched for affordable lodgings. The Ponyville Inn was still undergoing repairs though, meaning no rentals for now. Normally, Cloud Kicker would have given the strapping Unicorn a free night or two at her place as he got reconnoitered, but that meant her place was off for "helping" Volare-and as she was being counted on by Rainbow Dash, that meant Volare took precedence over banging the new guy! Damn, now what?

Luckily, after relaying this news to Ferrum, the old blacksmith agreed to make accommodations for Faber to sleep at Mustang Hardware until The Ponyville Inn reopened or he built up enough bits to pay for his own lodgings. Either way, he wasn't about to make his nephew sleep outdoors in the chilly October nights. However, that meant that Faber would need to help Ferrum close the store that evening and move enough stock to set up a bed, leaving Cloud Kicker and Volare to their own devices.

"Finally," she'd muttered, drawing a look from Volare which she quickly wiped away by hooking her wing in his and trotting forward towards parts unknown (except she knew exactly where she was taking him). "C'mon Volare! The night's still young and I've got a little place I wanna show ya."

"Oh yeah? And what might that be?"

"A little night spot that's kinda a favorite of mine," she smirked and pulled him along, not batting an eye at the strange glances the pair were drawing by the score as they quick-trotted south along Stirrup Street, finally arriving at Buck Star's Coffee shop.

"Heh, already been here a few times, CK," Volare began but she cut him off with a wingtip to the mouth.

"Aha, but have you been past here before?" she gave him a cheeky grin as she strode right into the shop, exchanged friendly nods with Buck Star, and continued right out the back door, pulling Volare into a wide plaza-style open space filled with hanging lights, streetlamps, willow trees, and multiple decorative water fountains all arranged in almost whimsical patterns throughout the isolated area. "Welcome...to the Fountain Park-Ponyville's best-kept secret," Cloud Kicker swept a hoof before her in presentation. Hoof-played music and hoofstomps filled the air as ponies of all shapes and sizes ate, drank, and danced to their hearts' content. Volare was somehow reminded of that one scene in Titanic, where Jack showed Rose the lower-end cabins where everypony was equal and welcome. And that was how this place seemed, at least from the outset; nopony was dressed-up fancily. They were here to party and not give two bits about how "uncouth" and "immoral" it might be!

"Wow, how come I haven't seen this place before?" Volare asked. It was smack-dab in the middle of Ponyville after all!

"Like when you're flying over the town? Heh, the willow trees block the view for the most part during the day, and the walls of the surrounding buildings block the sound and lights at night. The hanging nets are a plus," she nodded towards the heavy green and brown netting strung over the plaza, to which many of the lights were attached to. "It's not invisible by any means, but unless you're looking for it at night, you probably won't find it."

"Well, seeing as how I haven't really done any night flying, that'd explain a lot," the pilot conceded, cocking a brow at two Earth Ponies scuffling over what looked to be some sort of gambling game of dice. Across the plaza were a small number of brightly-dressed mares whose body language and garish make-up made no bones about why they were here. "Eh-heh, don't the Guards care about this place?"

"Ha, you think old Buck Star makes his real bits selling coffee?" Cloud Kicker chuckled and bumped hooves with one of the gambling ponies as they walked past. "He gets a cut of all business done in here, and he slips the Guards some "security pay" to make sure nothing really nasty gets in here. Gotta have our fun safely now, ya know? Now c'mon, we're gonna have a blast!" She grabbed Volare's hoof and pulled him towards a covered porch filled with the smells of roasting vegetables and fresh apple cider.

What followed was a night of eating, drinking, and partying the likes of which Volare had yet to experience, and he had to admit: despite his initial misgivings, it felt great to finally just cut loose and not worry about the consequences! He danced, rubbed wings, and bumped hips with Cloud Kicker as she grooved along with him between mugs of cider and sweet red wine. His spirits rose throughout the night as his moderation slowly disappeared, and round about midnight he was even taking the flirtatious looks of Cloud Kicker in stride. Though he didn't exactly return them, he didn't simply brush them off, either.

It was strange, feeling so comfortable like this; it had truly been years since he'd felt so unattached and loose and just...free of duty, even for a while. There was no flight schedule to abide by, no lights-out, no judgmental barking officers, just freedom. And even though it became quite apparent what Cloud Kicker was up to, he almost didn't care. I mean, it wasn't like he was being singled out for public humiliation like Dash seemed to do sometimes-and she never really gave him the chance to get her back, as she tended to avoid the spotlight during times like this, though why she did, Volare hadn't a clue. Rather, everypony was doing it, everypony was loose, and nopony seemed to care whether they flirted, drank, danced, or any combination of the three.

Between drinks, food, and spontaneous dancing, he and Cloud Kicker exchanged bits and pieces of personal information...or they tried anyway, but now wasn't the time to talk-now was the time to act! As they danced on, their actions caught the attention of a large White-Necked Raven that perched on the outside of the nets. The intelligent bird watched them with a curious eye, wondering how two Pegasi so different from one another could get along so well, as well as noting how alcohol had seriously altered the behavior of one of them. After nearly an hour of observation, it lost interest and took wing, flying northwest along the railroad tracks, intent on business known only to itself.

Around about midnight, Volare caught himself staggering after a combination of a little too much drink and a little too much dancing, and Cloud Kicker caught him with a friendly wing and a nuzzle. "Eh-heh, I'm ok-I'm good." In truth he really wasn't as his burned flank was aching, and that black ring around his right wing base was tightening to the point of being uncomfortable, but he did he put on his best tough-pony act anyway...an act that Cloud Kicker saw right through.

"Well I'm glad you're having a good time, but..." she looked around at the other ponies, some passed out, some staggering, and one pair bouncing up and down and barely hidden by the base of a water fountain. Go time! "I'm about ready to get outta here. You?"

"Heh, well considering how you brought me here, if you wanna leave, I'd say that's totally reasonable." He offered her his wing, and she took it with a smile, noting the blush of drink and perhaps slight arousal across his face.

Good, it's working!
"Aww, what a gentle-stallion," she brushed a shoulder against his as they trotted out of the Fountain Park, past the vigilant Buck Star, and out into the cool autumn evening. "Brr, got a little chilly out here," she commented and pressed a little closer to Volare.

"Yeah, just a little bit," he replied, his mind still swimming with the sights, sounds, and booze of the party plaza. As they trotted back down Stirrup Street towards the Southwest District, Cloud Kicker continued to press in closely, a fact that became more and more apparent to him as the cool breeze helped to clear his mind. By the time they'd reached her house on 4th Street, he was very aware of her close presence, and he felt the slightest sense of embarrassment at it. He wouldn't act that way around Rainbow Dash...what would she think of him if he let himself go like that? Yeah, she wanted him to loosen up, but had he overdone it? Cloud Kicker seemed to notice the change in him as well, and she pressed the advantage before it was lost entirely.

"Whelp, we're here," she grinned as she unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"Yep, so we are," Volare smiled back politely, the buzz from the booze all but subsided. "So, um...I had a great night CK. Thanks for that."

"Aww, you're so cute," she brushed a wingtip past his ear and down his cheek as she looked into his silver-blue eyes. Damn...Dashie, you're missing out here, she thought as she let her eyes trail back down over his neck to wings, his flanks, and his rear and back again, meeting his eyes once more and throwing in a "Cloud Kicker charm" grin for good measure.

"Eh-heh, thanks I suppose," Volare replied, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks as he cleared his throat and glanced over his shoulder south towards Dash's house. "So um...we should do this again sometime if you wanna."
Real smooth, dude-you sound like Fluttershy!

That detail wasn't lost on Cloud Kicker and she gave a loud laugh before locking eyes with him again, this time with purpose. "You gonna leave before the main course shows up, pal?" She punctuated the pal with a light shove that sent him stumbling back a step towards the open door.

"M-main course?" he stammered, finally noticing the hungry look in her eye...and it wasn't for food. "What, you want a goodnight kiss or something?" he offered, but she simply laughed and shook her head.

"Hoo-boy, Dash was right about you. Adorable yet...a little too uptight," she leaned in and brushed her muzzle against his. "Good thing I'm here to fix that." She smirked and gave him another little shove towards the door. "We're just gonna bang, that's all. I'll go slow so don't freak out too much, k?"

But despite her light and playful tone, she might as well have tolled some sort of bell of doom in Volare's mind, and he made one last attempt to get away.
"Uh, wait a sec here-you got me all wrong, CK!"

"Uh-uh, I don't think so. Though I do have you all to myself!" she crowed and with one last little shove, she pushed him through the door, and it quickly clicked shut and locked, muffling their voices to the outside world.


Dash rolled the lapis lazuli between her hooves like one would rub a worry stone, which was fairly appropriate given her current emotional state as she watched the scene unfold between Cloud Kicker and Volare below. She sighed and rolled over on her cloud above the Southwest District, her heart and mind whirling storms of emotion. In her mind, she thought this to be the best way to get Volare over his little taboo, and with Cloud Kicker, there likely wouldn't be any strings attached. But her heart argued that he deserved better than that. Her mind counter-argued that it wasn't like she could give it to him, and her heart protested by saying it wasn't like she'd ever made the effort yet either. In the end, by the time she'd stopped watching Volare and Cloud Kicker walk wing and wing to her place and head inside, Dash's stomach was the one paying the piper as it was caught between the two storms. She didn't quite lose her dinner, but she came damn close, and the only thing that helped was lying facedown in the cool, soothing cloud fluff that blocked out the sights and sounds of the world...and of an event she'd set in motion that, even now, she questioned a little bit.

Dammit! It was like wondering 'what, if, and how' right at the finish line. It indicated uncertainty, and Dash fought back against those feelings, insisting that she was confident, she was right, and even if she wasn't...there was nothing she could do about it now. Maybe that was the feeling that bothered her: that helplessness she hated. That inability to pull something back once it was past the point of no return. It was like a dirty, hurtful word one might utter in reflex in an argument. The pony that said it may not mean it, but it was too late to take back what she'd said...too late to tell the one she'd hurt that she didn't mean it...too late to make it right. What if she was hurting Volare more by what she was having Cloud Kicker do in her place? And for that matter, since she made herself out to be a self-sufficient pony, why didn't SHE do this herself?

"Because I'd probably hurt him there too," she muttered, knowing that putting the onus on somepony else in a matter like this was just as cowardly as not facing up and doing it herself in the first place. "Gah, but what do I even care if he gets over it?! Not like anything could come of it between us," she growled as she rolled over, yelping in surprise as she was greeted by the staring golden eyes of Shae the osprey.

Cheereek-chirk, the black and white bird of prey uttered, head on a tilt as if asking what was wrong. Like all birds of their planet, she possessed the innate ability to perch on clouds, just as a Pegasus did, and she was nestled quite comfortably into the fluff. Dash wondered just how long she'd been sitting there listening to her-if she could understand her, that was.

"Whoa, hi Shae," Dash waved a hoof and sat up, regarding her with a friendly smile. Like any performer, she appreciated the uplifting feeling the sudden company brought, and she instantly felt a little better with someone to talk to, however one-sided it might be. "What brings you up here?"

Chirk-chek, she replied and ruffled her wings.

"Oh, right...birds kinda belong in the air, huh?" Dash pursed her lips and blew out her chops, letting her eyes wander over the numerous pinpricks of stars that dotted the dark sky before she felt Shae peck at the sky stone lying on her chest. "Heh, you like it?" Dash grinned and held the stone up to catch the moonlight. "Volare went through a dragon to get it for me."


Dash could have sworn Shae rolled her eyes as she voiced her...disbelief?
"Ok, so maybe he didn't mean to do it for me...but I'm allowed to think what I want, right?"

Chirreerick, Shae said, preening an out of place feather on her chest before staring back at Dash.



"Don't you play dumb, Shae...oh what the hay, I'm arguing with a bird that probably can't even understand me-ow!" she pulled a hoof back and investigated the spot where Shae had pecked her. Upon seeing no blood, she half-glared at Shae before rubbing her face and falling back onto the cloud. "Urgh, I'm just tired, that's all." But after a moment, Shae pecked at the stone again, and once more Dash raised her head up on an elbow to stare at the osprey. "What?" Shae answered by dipping her head towards the ground, right at the house that Volare entered, and then right back at the stone in Dash's hoof, blinking her eyes rapidly for a moment before resuming her stare.
"Hmph, yeah, I guess it does look kinda like him," she mused. "Blue, yellow...heh, even a few burn marks...kinda flawed, but...kinda nice too." Dash caught the tilted expression of Shae and what probably could have passed as a smile for an osprey. "Yeah, well...don't think too deep on it, ok? He's a friend and that's it. Nothing more. I mean, it'd make more sense for him to give me a feather instead of this, and there's no way I'd accept it, so...yeah, I dunno."


"I'm not afraid of him-I'm not afraid of anything!"


"Ok, fine, maybe that's a load of horseapples...not like you can tell anypony that though, right?"


"Damn straight! Anyway, I'm still not afraid of him, I just...I just want what's best for him, and...I dunno if that's me, ok?"

Cheekeck, Shae replied, preening Dash's wing feathers comfortingly for a moment before pulling back to observe her again.

"You..." Dash rolled over and looked Shae straight in the eye, worry creasing her features. "Do you think I'm doing the right thing here, Shae?" But the osprey simply shrugged her wings and nestled her head down into her neck feathers, settling down for the night and putting an end to the conversation; Dash would have to answer that question on her own.
"Ah, ponyfeathers," she growled before looking down at the sky stone and smiling a bit. I swear flyboy, I'm doing this for your own good...as a friend, I hope you understand that I'm trying here.

Dash sighed and tucked the stone away before stretching her wings to fly home. But before she left, movement to the northwest caught her eye, and she turned her attention towards a series of flashes and low rumbles coming from the other side of the Dragon Peak. "Huh, musta missed a little thundercloud or something today," she mumbled, noting that the flashes were brief and quickly subsided, and after another minute of nothing but dark horizon she sighed and rubbed her face with a hoof. "Worrying myself about the wrong stuff right now, Dashie. Get your head on straight, girl," she muttered as she took wing and headed south towards her home, her mind focused on sleep and the prospect of speaking to Volare tomorrow.

North, Froggy Bottom Bog...

Agent F winged her way over the Eastern Border of the Everfree Forest, taking care not to stray too close to the wild woods lest the excess natural magic it seemed to emit disrupt her flight; the last thing she wanted was to fall into that little piece of Ponyhell. Soon, she smelled sulfur, and along with it came the sight of the bubbling muck and mire of Froggy Bottom Bog. The Agent landed and trotted carefully, her eyes searching the branches and brambles for any nearby dangers that might be skulking about this time of night, something The Bog wasn't for want of.

Sticking to the shadows, she headed uphill above the bog and soon came upon a large cave dug into the western face of a cold gray crag that thrust itself skyward towards the starlit sky above. The scenery would be almost peaceful if not for the pungent smell of the sulfur that enveloped everything around her, including the growing autumn mist that swirled about as she strode through it, carrying with it an underlying smell of death. But it was neither of those things that ruined the mood for her. No, the primary cause of that came from the involuntary chill that crept its way up her spine as she approached the cave, the preordained meeting place.

"You're late," a low, yet commanding voice spoke up from the shadows of the cave mouth. Despite the suavity of its tone, Agent F felt ice crawl past her wings at the sound of its embedded hiss and the tall, dark-grey shape which it belonged to and remained tantalizingly just out of view, hidden just within the shadow side of the light border created by the falling moonbeams. Embedded in his narrow skull was a pair of flat, cold, slate-green draconic eyes that seemed to bores holes into her mind, even at this distance. Despite her tough demeanor, the Agent involuntarily bowed her head, if only so she didn't have to look into those eyes...

"M-my apologies, sir. I got hung up back in Ponyville and I-"

"He didn't summon you here to listen to your excuses, Effy," a feminine voice bordering on the deranged said from across the clearing, just under the trees. The tallish shape of a maroon pony clad in black armor over her chest and legs, and a dark circlet upon her head encircling the base of her horn strutted out of the shadow of the trees, trotting like she was somepony special. And considering what she sported at her sides, Agent F could see why she'd feel that way about herself: a pair of feathered wings so massive that they very nearly dragged upon the ground like the hem of an exotic gown. Though it was far from what she remembered her birth-name being, she preferred to go by the name with which their Boss had christened her with: Twisted Visions. She was a Pegacorn, an offshoot from the ancient time when Pegasi and Alicorns had interbred with one another; a freak from legends long-past, Agent F's eye twitched at the thought. Hanging from the belt at her waist were two silver Colichemarde Rapiers, and the starlight dancing off their gilded hilts was only matched by the light of half-madness that twinkled in her eye as she approached. "Isn't that right, Raymond?"

"Y-yeah, course it is, Ms. Visions," the green maned Unicorn stallion spoke up from behind her, and Agent F's heart went out to the poor guy. He looked like hell and was covered in briar scratches, while his black cloak was shredded beyond almost any conceivable use. His bloodshot eyes and slurring voice betrayed the fact that he likely hadn't slept well in weeks. Ray's eyes flicked upwards at the guttural croak of a white-necked raven perched in the trees to his left. The large dark bird squawked loudly and fluttered across the clearing, landing next to the Agent and inspecting her roughly with its beak, searching for morsels of food. Agent F nearly batted the bird away before the voice in the cave spoke up again.

"Enough, Corax. Let her be. Haven't you had your fill already, you greedy bird-heheheheh." Teeth flashed dully in the moonlight that filtered past the dead vines dangling over the entrance of the cave. Clink-clank, clink-clank came the sound of armor-shod hooves from the dark figure in the cave, accompanying the rustle of feathers and a chuckle that sounded like rasping adder scales and dry leaves brushing together in a foul wind. "Go on, leave her be. Agent, please come hither." In response, Corax left F's side and fluttered over to land on large mound of dark green something on the edge of the clearing. It was from that direction that the stench of death was wafting, and the Agent's nose crinkled as she turned her attention back to the cave mouth.

"Yes...?" she trailed off, unsure if using his alias name was going too far, having seen first-hoof the remains of those that crossed that line. But as if in precognition of her doubts, the tall shape chuckled dryly again, and shook his head, revealing flickers of ragged black and midnight blue locks adorning his mane.

"Ha, of course you can use that name; we're safe here for the moment...unless of course you brought troubles with you, hmm?"

"N-no Nyctos, sir. No troubles."

"Excellent-I do hope the rest of your news bears as great a fortune, for the sake of all present."
Clink-clank-clank-clank-clink. The dark-grey figure known as Nyctos strode back and forth in thought for a moment before halting and turning back to her. "I suppose you're wondering why I summoned you here with Corax instead of my usual methods?"

"Yes, that did cross my mind, sir. Have we been compromised?"

"Now why would you assume such a thing? If we had been, I wouldn't be here in Equestria, now would I?"

"Stupid Pegasus," Twisted snickered, receiving a scathing glare from the Agent before Nyctos stomped a hoof for silence.

"She's not stupid, merely meticulous, my dear. That is why I trust her more than any other pony with this task," grinning teeth gleamed at the edge of the moonlight for a moment before disappearing into a thoughtful frown. "And that is why I summoned her with Corax, for this matter is now too important to risk using that other method of communication so openly anymore, not to mention he tells me he has...interesting information in regards to Volare himself, but I digress. Agent, there have been...unfortunate developments on my end of the plan."

"How so, sir?"

"I have yet to receive word back from those uppity fools I assigned to raise hell and lower Canterlot security after the Changeling Invasion, but as irritating as that is, that's not the most pressing matter at present. The Queen and her brood are nowhere to be found in the Everfree Forest," Nyctos growled lightly. "Ray, Twisted, and I searched their old Hives, but they've moved on; where I know not to. It could be that they learned their lesson this time and left the country for good, or it could be that they've simply gone into hibernation for the approaching winter." As if in emphasis, the chilly breeze picked up, dragging the stench of death back over Agent F again and nearly making her gag.

"Urp, that is unfortunate, sir," she managed to say after regaining her composure.

"But what does that have to do with you, I'm sure you're wondering, eh?" Nyctos resumed pacing for a moment before stopping again. "That means your end of the plan is the only end we have now. Well, the only vital one now, anyway. It is imperative you succeed now, Agent, for there are no second chances now...for anypony."

"Yes sir, I won't let you down," F tossed her best salute, but the lingering stench of death-rot hit her again, and she fully gagged this time.

"As I'm certain you will. I'll have Corax assist you where he can and keep an eye on your actions. Use him to communicate with me and to complete your end of it if you see your chance. Oh, and if you can, please find out if those stuck-up money-ponies were successful in lowering security in the capital as well; it may not be as vital, but I'm not one to so lightly cast aside good fortune if it can be found."

"Urgh, yes sir."

"...I'm sorry, are you bothered by the stink?" Nyctos nodded towards the green mound. "For that's precisely why I called you to this place to begin with: to emphasize the importance of your success as well as the delicate balance in which it hangs."

"Urp-what is that, Nyctos?" Agent F suppressed the rising gorge in her throat as she glanced towards the greenish mound.

"Raymond, Twisted...will you shed a little light on the situation, so to speak-heheheh?" Nyctos asked, nodding towards the tree that blocked the moonlight from falling upon the mound.

"Right away, sir," Ray nodded and focused his magic into a blast of ice that froze the tree-top solid. Levitating her rapiers from their sheathes, Twisted sighted in on the treetop and with a shrill hiss slashed the blades through the frozen branches, shattering them in a cloud of icy twigs and revealing the sight beneath the tree. Agent F was almost wishing she hadn't. There beneath the tree lay the body of a dragon, already decomposing. Its green scales were mottled with bacteria and rot, and small insects clamored over and through it, seeking the rare food of dragon meat. Judging by the size of the cave in which Nyctos stood, it must have lived there. But the most shocking thing about this particular dragon was what it lacked: a head. The head was lying a few feet away, cleanly sliced off right between two vertebrae; the edges of the wound were perfectly smooth, as if cut by some hell-bound razor, something that the Agent knew to be nearly impossible to do...unless of course one knew just the right technique.

"Um...what happened to-"

"-his head? Hmm-hmm-hmm, this particular lizard very nearly derailed our entire operation, believe it or not. Volare and his friends raided his cave like fools a few days ago. And once one steals from a dragon hoard, the owner of the hoard will stop at nothing to retrieve what was taken...and annihilate the one that stole from it," Nyctos' eyes narrowed to gleefully vicious slits as he spoke. "And so, I...intervened, for this dragon would have followed Volare to the ends of Equestria and beyond...and we can't afford to have our little human die now, can we?"

"No sir, not at all," Agent F replied, her stomach twisting in revulsion of the sight of Corax sitting on the dragon's head and tearing at the cat-like eye, his dagger-like beak plunging through the sclera with sickening little pop sounds every few moments, devouring the jelly-like vitreous with great gusto between low croaks of pleasure.

"F, mark my words: Volare must survive till the appointed time; no matter the cost of life on either side, be it pony, dragon, or otherwise."

Pop...pop-pop-pop-squick went the raven's beak into the dragon eye, a constant chorus of morbidity backing the nefarious meeting.

"Yes sir. I won't fail you, sir."

"Heh-heh, I know you won’t for I trust you…and I trust that you trust me when I say there won’t be any room for second chances, errors, or feather-ups. You don’t run, you don’t fail me, you don’t betray my trust. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" The icy eyes flicked towards the raven eating its fill, and F shuddered inwardly.

Of all the damn ponies to be indebted to, I had to pick the biggest psycho since Nightmare Moon...
"Crystal, sir."

"Splendid!" Nyctos practically giggled as his hooves clinked lightly on the cave floor before stopping once more. "Ray?"

"Yeah, Boss?" the stallion swatted away the rapier tip that Twisted was lazily pointing at him.

"You and Twisted get this lizard in the bog, and make sure it sinks. I'll go and check out its horde-cave before we head back. Be vigilant," he reminded them over the retreating sound of his clanking hooves. "For I'm not the only terrible thing that stalks these marshes at night..."


A/N: Whew, ok, I know I said I'd knock it off with the long chapters, but...I felt splitting this up would ruin the flow of it. I hope it didn't drag out too terribly much...I wrote this straight from the heart for the most part...
Volare: You ok, Author?
Author: Yeah, I'm fine...
Volare: Are you crying?
Author: No, just...lots of emotion in certain parts of this, ok? Just...go bang Cloud Kicker and get it over with!

Author's Note:

Actual notes:
I feel I should point out a few references/inspirations I used in this chapter (or else my conscience would beat me up over not doing so!)
---Lapis Lazuli ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lapis_lazuli ) truly is Latin for Sky Stone, or Stone of Heaven, due to its coloration
---The SERE program that Volare went through will be mentioned yet again, so familiarize yourselves with it
---The concept of using hubris against your enemies has been around for a long time, but many will remember it for its use in "300", so I'll just point that out now before I get called out on it ^^;
---Pegasi have shown to be fairly quick at healing in the show, with Dash recovering from a broken wing bone in a few days, and so I'd assume that extends to burns and other injuries, though it still leaves fairly visible scars. I'm attributing it to the quick Pegasus metabolism
---I've seen multiple stories use the "exchanging feathers" concept to indicate courtship interest in Pegasi (most notably Xenophilia and its spin-offs---> http://www.fimfiction.net/story/27874/xenophilia. But I wondered how that'd work if an Earth Pony or Unicorn showed interest, and so the Sky Stone was my alternative to the feather
---The Pegasus Challenge I'm basing on certain elements of Bushido ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bushido ) and hockey fight etiquette ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_in_ice_hockey#Etiquette ) More info to come on that!
---Krav Pega comes from "Life and Times of a Winning Pony"
---Faber is a holdover OC from a previous fandom of mine, and his personality is a split between Stephen the Mad Irishman from Braveheart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zs8QKXtCN9w , and The Scotsman from Samurai Jack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-LyFMCIpok. His accent is closer to Stephen's than The Scotsman, but you get the idea ^^
---Faber artwork credited to my great friend Kim! THANKS PAL!!! 8D Go check out her dA: http://kim9158.deviantart.com/art/Faber-350233550 She does commissions!
---Fun fact: go look up those insults-they're actual Scottish cusswords! :P
---Rough equivalent of Faber's sword: http://www.aceros-de-hispania.com/image/battle-ready-sword/204-claymore-twohand-sword.jpg
---The concept of Faber's sword enchantment is one of my own making as far as I can tell, though it does draw a bit from Thor's Hammer Mjolinir in that only those "worthy" of wielding it can do so. That's not exactly the case for Faber's sword, which is just dense and heavy as hell. One with strong enough magic CAN wield it (like Luna, Celestia, or Twilight), it's just much easier for him to do so due to the enchantment he placed upon it as he forged it.
---And yes, I totally stole his sword's name from Clare of the manga/anime "Claymore" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claymore_(manga)
---The name Scoltland isn't a typo :P
---Brassbones' "criminal scum" shamelessly ripped off of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
---The name Yahkmar and the concept of the ice wyrm come from the Conan story "Lair of the Ice Worm" http://conan.wikia.com/wiki/The_Lair_of_the_Ice_Worm (it's damn good-read it!)
---The name Hoofsavik comes from the town Hufsavik in Iceland
---Ferrum isn't from Scoltland directly, though he did often visit his great nephew. This explains why he doesn't share the same heavy accent Faber has.
---And there's another good reason why Volare stopped drinking years ago...he's very susceptible to its effects, especially his attitude and self-control
---Twisted Visions is an OC created for this story by my friend Trixie, whose account can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Twisted%20Visions. His user avatar is Twisted minus her armor.
---Twisted with her armor: http://static.f-list.net/images/charimage/552857.jpg
---Nyctos' voice/attitude inspired/based upon Slade from Teen Titans: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRv3KeZbyl8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNO16EytVAI
---The scientific name for the Common Raven is Corvus Corax

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