• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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Truth or Dare-Pt 14: Pride...

“There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.”
-Jane Austen, "Pride and Prejudice."


October 18th, North Ponyville Park, Mid-Morning...

Ravenfire's Plan was simple. The Plan was certainly old-school. The Plan was theatrical. The Plan would (hopefully) be effective. But as Volare, Ravenfire, and Dash gathered the equipment they'd need over the past twenty four hours, most of it in the dead of night so as to avoid suspicion, a simpler analogy kept threatening to erupt from the depths of Volare's corny-yet-appropriate movie quote collection. He held it in as they hid the eight foot long tree branches near the edge of the park, and he had to stomp it back down as they quite literally wrapped thick rags for padding on the ends of the branches. He felt he was winning the battle until the time came to knock on Fluttershy's cottage door and ask her where her old Hoofball equipment was.

"Wait a sec, you played Hoofball, Fluttershy?" Volare had gaped.

"Oh, no, no, no," Fluttershy shook her mane and chuckled softly as she headed inside to fetch the protective padding and helmets. "I just used to wear these whenever I'd give Barry his massages and he didn't quite trust me just yet," she nodded at the near-ridiculous image of "Barry" the grizzly bear sitting at a tiny table and sipping from an equally tiny teacup with an expression of serene calm. Fluttershy trotted over and scratched behind his ears, causing Barry to fall over with a growl of happiness. "But now he trusts me, don't you? Yes you do, yes you do~" she cooed and she rubbed her nose against the bear's.

"Um, can we just grab the pads and go before I hurl?" Dash muttered and received an elbow and a glare from Ravenfire.

"Well, you certainly have a way with animals, Ms. Fluttershy," Ravenfire commented politely as she hoofed the equipment to Volare and Dash. "But we need to be on our way, so..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Don't mind me," Fluttershy blushed slightly. "Oh, but before you go, can I ask what you're doing with them? It's not something dangerous is it?"

"Um, it's uh..." Dash bit her lip for a moment before Volare stepped in.

"Nah, it'd be dangerous if we didn't use this equipment, Flutters," the pilot grinned and gave her a quick wing-hug before picking up the two Hoofball helmets. "Thanks for the help!"

"Oh, um you're welcome?" Fluttershy scratched her mane as the trio of Pegasi galloped off. She felt a tug on her mane and looked down to see Angel Bunny glaring at her. "You think what they're doing is dangerous, Angel?" The rabbit face-pawed--well, obviously!

Cheereek, chirk-ekeek! Shae the osprey offered from the tree in Fluttershy's front yard as she stared after the Pegasi. Shae preened a breast feather back into place before adding her weighty stare upon the Element of Kindness.

"I'd say anything that needs a helmet and pads is probably dangerous," Iron Will chimed in from the stack of firewood around the side of the cottage. "I mean, I wouldn't know about having to use safety equipment, cuz ya know," he flexed his biceps and grinned. "Don't have much experience with it and all."

Well, that explains a lot, Angel thought and tugged on Fluttershy's mane once more before pointing towards Ponyville, specifically Twilight's Library.

"You think I should tell Twilight what they're up to?" Fluttershy cocked her head and Angel nodded vehemently. "Oh, but if they wanted her to know, wouldn't they have told her themselves?" Angel face-pawed once more and let out a tiny groan of defeat before stomping back inside.

"I think what he means is they probably didn't tell her on purpose," Iron Will explained, wiping the splinters from his hands and joining Fluttershy in the doorway. "Why? Who knows? Those three are like danger magnets most days. Still, it'd probably be a good idea to let Twilight know. You know, in case something crazy happens," the minotaur frowned as he recalled the memory of Volare arriving after having his wing reattached, but he quickly shook it off. "C'mon, I'll go with ya, Fluttershy. I gotta hit the cabbage pony's cart anyways...not literally, though-hahaha! Poor guy's stuff gets trashed enough as it is. Weird, huh?"


It finally happened. As Volare and Co. stashed the Hoofball equipment behind a thick clump of bushes, the pilot happened to glance back at the line of fence posts they'd driven into the ground during the chilly night and now stretched a good ways across the far north end of the park. "I can't believe we stole a fence from Ferrum's store."

"More like borrowed without permission," Ravenfire quipped cheekily, drawing a look from Dash and Volare. "But with every intention of returning it, of course."

Well, when in Rome, Volare thought as the corny quote came bursting out of his vocal cords. "This plan is either madness...or brilliance," he waved a wing over the long branches, Hoofball equipment, and various flags, rags, and colorful pieces of cloth all tied to a length of rope, also "borrowed" from Ferrum's store during the night. Note to self: we should probably let Ferrum know that Faber sleeps like a boulder and isn't a great substitute for a burglar alarm.

"You know, it's amazing how often those two terms cross paths," Ravenfire winked and grabbed Dash and Volare with her wings, tugging them close with a wild grin. "Oh, we're a regular trio of scoundrels, aren't we? Hahaha!"

"Hey, you're the brains of this operation," Dash chuckled and hoofed the older mare, once again being reminded of something familiar about her, but unable to put a hoof on it. Something about her attitude and...no, that can't be. She's been gone and dead for years...you're thinking too much about crazy crap again, Dash!

"Yeah, if we get caught, we'll say you made us an offer we couldn't refuse," Volare laughed and applied his hoof to Ravenfire's other shoulder.

"Oof, well you two are the ones assaulting your elder! Perhaps I'll just tell them the whole thing was your idea and you threatened to trip me when I crossed the street if I didn't go along with it!" Ravenfire laughed and broke free of their grasps before galloping out into the open field. "Now come on. I know I've explained the rules, but we've got enough time for a quick run-through before the Weather Team shows up. You did call the meeting, right Ms. Dash?"

"Yep, I told Thunderlane to spread the word," Dash tossed a salute.

"You talk to Cloud Kicker yet?" Volare asked, immediately regretting his words as her enthusiastic grin soured.

"No...not yet," Dash shook her mane and frowned. "I just hope this works...she's one of my oldest friends and-and I know we get into it sometimes, but we've always made up. I mean, we beat the stuffing outta each other back when we were fillies but we never had something like this happen," she sniffed and pawed at her eyes. "Where I pulled rank like a jackass..."

"Hey," Volare trotted over and wrapped a comforting wing about her shoulders. "You shot your mouth off, yeah, but if it's any consolation, I'm kinda glad you did." Dash looked up at his words. "You saved me from making a mistake I'd regret later. And for that I thank you, Dashie," he gave her a nuzzle which she swiftly returned, a tender image not lost upon the thoughtfully smiling Ravenfire, curious as to how Dash so easily dropped her tough shell for the pilot. "And come hell or high water, I'm gonna make sure this gets fixed."

"Y-you mean that, flyboy?" she sniffled and smiled.

"Wouldn't say it if I didn't," he returned the smile and gave her a squeeze with his wing. But as he made to pull away, she tightened her grip, holding him close for a long moment. He hardly would have complained, but seeing as how they weren't exactly alone...

"Ahem, should I reserve a room for you two love-birds or are you keen to just get after it right here in the middle of the park?" Ravenfire's cheeky chuckle broke through, causing Dash to jerk up with a blush on her cheeks. "I could build a quick little cloud-room if you want some privacy, too."

"N-no, we're good," Dash shook her head, looked up at Volare, and slugged him. "That's for making me all sappy, flyboy," she growled playfully as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Well just for that, I'm gonna get you back here in a little bit," he blew a raspberry as she threw her head back and chortled loudly.

"When pigs fly! Now come on, let's rehearse your plot-kicking," Dash flicked him with her tail, making sure to sway her hips just enough to tease him a bit as she trotted out into the open field. "Well, you gonna stand there all gap-jawed or what?"

"Oh, um, sure-I mean nope, coming," Volare shook the fog from his head and followed after her, making sure to bump her with his hip and shoot her smirk as he passed her. Meanwhile, Ravenfire only shook her head and chuckled to herself at the sight of the two Pegasi, neither giving an inch to the other through anything. The perfect competitors.

Five Hours Later...

"You're gonna do what?!" Twilight Sparkle's puff-breathed outburst made Volare's ears ring as she reared up and placed her hooves on his shoulders. Fluttershy had mentioned that they might be doing something dangerous, and while she might praise their safety precautions, she just couldn't see one single shred of sense in what they were about to do! And she'd just cleared her schedule that weekend for the trip to Canterlot and sent the announcement latter to Celestia and Luna too. How'd it look if she had to cancel because Volare was stabbed full of holes?!

"Ms. Sparkle, please allow me to explain," Ravenfire led Twilight away and spoke to her in private for a moment while Volare returned to waiting for the Weather Team to arrive. "So you see, Twilight," Ravenfire reiterated. "Because of the delicateness of the situation between Volare, Cloud Kicker, and Rainbow Dash, this was the most effective means of handling this on such short notice."

"So you couldn't just talk it out or something?" Twilight's ears flicked forward in irritation. "This is even dumber than the Buckby game!"

"Twilight, please understand that you're in a rather unique situation as a scholar, and therefore would rather talk things out, and I applaud that, I truly do; in fact I wish more ponies thought as you do," Ravenfire sighed and felt a tiny bit of sorrowful memory prick at the edge of her consciousness. But it made no difference, no more noise than a moth hitting a veiled window, and the feeling passed as she glanced back at the arriving Weather Team, with Cloud Kicker at their head. "But Pegasi, no matter how scholarly or educated, will always have the fighting blood of their ancestors running through them; it is just our nature. And when it's brought to a boil, the best and most final way of settling problems between them is not through colorful speech, but through sheer determination and the fortitude to stand in the face of a challenge. For afterwards, nopony, not even you, can question the integrity of physical results."

"Scars and bruises? Is that all it ever is between Pegasi?" Twilight groaned and shook her head. "Is that all that really matters?"

"No, those are not all that matter between us, Twilight," Ravenfire stomped a hoof. "How somepony handles themselves in that situation, gracefully, bravely; those are what truly matter. It's not a show of force, it's a show of spirit!" She laid a hoof on Twilight's shoulder and gave her a pained-looking smile. "Child, you know much, yet you haven't experienced enough to truly understand. But you will see after this," she raised her head proudly and furrowed her brow towards the Weather Team. "You will see what Pegasus Chivalry is all about. I ask only that you don't interfere with this, for it is a matter of honor."

"Buck your honor," Twilight spat ineffectively and hung her head, wanting to clobber Volare and Dash for coming up with such a hair-brained scheme yet knowing they were working under the guidance of a Pegasus who had been around the block far more times than she, if the scars were any indication. "Sorry..."

"It's alright," Ravenfire lifted her chin with a hoof and smiled. "Now then, if you want to help, cheer for your friends. Support them in this endeavor, for I doubt anypony here has witnessed such a thing in their lifetimes. Now then, I must attend Dash and Volare," she made to leave before turning to add: "Oh, and Twilight."


"Remember: it's mostly for show and those Hoofball pads will more than prevent anything serious. I'd rather have a couple of sets of good armor, but they'll fit the bill nicely," her smile faded into a serious look. "Twilight, believe me when I say I wouldn't suggest this if I didn't have confidence in them being able to do it."

"I know, I just worry about those two sometimes," Twilight shrugged.

"That's good, for that's the sign of a true friend," Ravenfire spread her wings. "And a true friend you are, Twilight Sparkle." And with those words, she took off and headed for the Team, leaving Twilight alone with her thoughts.

"A true friend?" she muttered as she headed towards Fluttershy, Iron Will, and Shae near the trees. "What kind of true friend would let her friends risk themselves like this? I just hope it's worth it..."


"Alright you two," Ravenfire whispered as she trotted past Dash and Volare to join the Weather Team and Cloud Kicker, who was shooting a frigid glare at her Captain. "It's showtime. Start when you're ready."

"Right," Volare nodded and glanced at Dash, who nodded back and flew forward to address the Weather Team.

"Alright, this meeting will come to order," Dash announced as she strutted in front of the other Pegasi. "This was gonna be a light week, but I think we can all use the exercise to keep in shape, so I want five hundred laps around the park, pronto!"

"Five hundred?! Bullshit!" Volare suddenly shouted and stomped a hoof in anger, drawing shocked gasps from the rest of the Team, including Cloud Kicker.

"What did you say, recruit?!" Dash barked and strode towards the flare-winged pilot, stopping just short of bumping her muzzle into his as she bared her teeth and subtly winked. "Care to repeat that?"

"Yeah, I sure do," Volare growled. "What makes you think you can treat us like this, huh?"

"Cuz I'm your Captain and I say what goes...or who goes, if you catch my drift," she added with a snort, matching Volare's silver-eyed glare with her own fierce rose one.

"Oh I'm catching the drift of something alright, Captain," Volare shot back, taking a step forward and pushing his muzzle up against hers. It it were any other situation, Dash might have giggled, but she had to keep a straight face here. "The drifting scent of roadapples!" His outburst drew a fresh set of gasps from the Weather Team and Dash backed off a step. Meanwhile, it was all Twilight could do to restrain Fluttershy from running out and breaking it up, just barely managing to whisper that it was an act and to let them be. The other ponies couldn't see it, but Twilight had noticed the tiny winks and smiles being exchanged by Dash and Volare as they argued, and she knew then for sure that Ravenfire was telling the truth. Meanwhile, Shae needed no restraint, seeing the winks from the beginning and knowing all along that Dash and Volare wouldn't hurt each other on purpose. If birds could smile, the osprey would be sagely grinning ear to ear.

"Oh yeah, well what're you gonna do about it, recruit!?" Dash roared back with a stomp. "I'll kick your plot in anything you wanna do; just name it!"

"Yeah, well what about in something you're not familiar with?" Volare smirked evilly.

"And what might that be?" Dash spat, though she felt a hint of pride welling up within her at what she knew was about to happen.

"You wanna know?" Volare leered at her for a moment, as if considering his options before settling on a choice. Without hesitation, he reached back to his wing, grabbed a feather in his teeth, and sharply yanked it out before turning back to face her. With a confident grin, he spat the feather upon the ground and said: "Pick that feather up and find out!"

"Whoa," Cloud Kicker gaped, completely blown away by the show of stones Volare was putting on. All eyes now turned to Rainbow Dash, their proud Weather Captain, to see if she'd set her pride aside and accept the Challenge of a subordinate thereby putting them on equal terms.

"You know what you...you feathering little plot-hole," Dash snarled and picked the feather up before spitting it back at Volare. "You're on! What's your Challenge?"

"Holy horseapples, I don't believe it," Thunderlane nudged Cloud Kicker.

"Am I seeing things or did she just-" Cloudchaser muttered.

"She sure did," Flitter replied.

"Stick-legs has got guts," Snowflake rumbled.

"Yes, but not many brains," Blossomforth chimed in worriedly. "Rainbow Dash is faster and stronger than him, I'll bet. What could he possibly beat her in?"

"It's as he said," Ravenfire offered, drawing the glances of the Team. "He's not as dumb as you think; he knows that Dash is faster and stronger. However, if he challenges her in something she's unfamiliar in..."

"He'll have the advantage," Cloud Kicker nodded as Volare spoke up.

"I challenge you to...a joust!"

"A joust!?" the confused cry rose above the Weather Team, many of whom had never heard of such a thing.

"What the hay's a joust? That got anything to do with those fence posts over there?" Thunderlane asked as Volare and Dash bumped hooves in agreement of the challenge before leaning close once more, apparently to snarl at one another--at least, to those out of earshot.

"You ready, buddy?" Volare "growled."

"I think so," she whispered back.

"You nervous?"

"Hay no!"

"Good, cuz I sure am," Volare chuckled dryly.

"Aww, well if it helps...I guess I'm kinda maybe a teeny tiny bit nervous too," Dash smirked and held off making contact with him for the time being; they were supposed to be angry at each other after all!

"Glad I'm in good company, then," he snapped his teeth and winked, nearly drawing a giggle from Dash.

"I'm gonna get you after this," she whispered and jammed her muzzle up against his, allowing their breaths to mix.

"Hopefully it's not in too public of a place," he replied.

"Oh no, your real plot-kicking'll be just between us, flyboy," she narrowed her eyes and forced herself a bit closer for a moment before adding: "That way it'll be less embarrassing."

"For you, Dashie," Volare quipped before separating and turning towards the Weather Team. "You remember what to do?"

"I'm a fast learner, flyboy," Dash flicked her tail across his flank and suppressed a smirk. "Cloud Kicker!" she called out. "I'm picking you for my second!"

"What-me, Boss?" the Lieutenant cocked her head. "But I thought you were-"

"Yeah, were--past tense--now get on over here!" she waved a wing with a sincere smile, hoping that the desire to let bygones be bygones was mutually shared by her Lieutenant; though in truth this was per Ravenfire's design to get them to work together again.

"Uh, ok," Cloud Kicker nodded with a bit of confusion and joined Dash at her side to face Volare.

"Flyboy, pick your second!" Dash commanded.

"Right! I choose," Volare's eyes plied along the Weather Team until they settled on... "Ravenfire!"

"What the hay? She's all old and...yeah," Cloudchaser scratched her mane. "What good's she gonna be if you can't continue?"

"That's not how a second works in this particular situation, young one. I'll explain in further detail momentarily," Ravenfire said as she trotted over to join Volare. "There are several rules unique to a joust, but the same rules of a Pegasus Challenge beyond that apply, so no interfering by outside parties," Ravenfire's eyes glanced from the Weather Team to Twilight, who nodded in understanding.

"So I guess you got experience or something?" Derpy queried, drawing a sly grin from Ravenfire.

"You could certainly say that. Now then, allow me to help gird Volare in preparation. You too, Cloud Kicker--follow me." The two Weather Ponies followed Ravenfire and she revealed the equipment necessary for this little competition already neatly stacked and ready.

"Did you plan this out or something, Volare?" Dash gave the pilot a mock-suspicious look.

"You could say that," he winked for Cloud Kicker's benefit as Ravenfire helped to dress him in the protective Hoofball equipment. Cloud Kicker followed suit with Rainbow Dash as Ravenfire ran the flag-draped rope out between the fence posts, stretching it tight and creating a dividing tilt rail for the jousters to charge along. Once secured, she hurried back to the "combatants." "Alright you two, some final words of warning: this is not to the death. This is a test of bravery and skill. If you feel you or you opponent is unable to continue, there is no honor lost in saying so. You will aim for your opponent's chest and shoulder protection, not the helmet. You will charge hard and prove your worth if able. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am!" Dash and Volare nodded before exchanging sideways, theatrically suspicious glances to keep up appearances.

"Good. Now then, Cloud Kicker, since you serve the Captain, you ride out first and we'll follow shortly."

"You got it," Cloud Kicker nodded and together she and Dash picked up her lances--the denuded and padded tree branches--and trotted out to the raucous cheers of the Weather Team, some of whom for really cheering for Cloud Kicker, and others who were really only eager to see Dash get the plot-kicking she deserved. It was then that they noticed that there were a good number more ponies from town scattered among the Weather Team and around the edges of the park, with more trickling in by the minute. They'd seen the Buckby match last week and at the next gathering of the Weather Team, word spread quickly and drew a curious crowd once more to see if last week's craziness was just a fluke.

"Well, guess we're next," Volare declared but before he could head out, Ravenfire collared him and pulled him back for a moment. "Whoa, what's up, Raven?"

"You're terribly nervous," the older mare observed matter-of-factly, waving a wing at Volare's shaking hooves.

"Nah, just excited," Volare countered but quickly wilted under her knowing gaze. "Ok, maybe I am. I just want this to work so the situation between Dash and Cloud Kicker will be-"

"Forget about their situation," Ravenfire cut him off. "Focus on your situation. Remember the other reason why you're doing this: to prove that you're not a doormat to Rainbow Dash. You've already taken the first step in throwing down the feather, but if you don't calm down and follow through and at least look the part, you'll only make yourself out to be a fool and her look like somepony who put you up to this to throw the match on purpose."

"So what do I do? I don't wanna hurt her."

"Heh, that's what these are for," Ravenfire patted the pads with a hoof. "I can tell she feels the same way, but you have to keep up appearances, otherwise it will looked faked and nothing good will come of that." She noticed the furrow in his brow and she laid a hoof on his shoulder. "Volare, remember: she agreed to this. You're still friends after this, no matter what. But if you don't clear your mind and focus, it's not going to work. You've gotta put on a good show, for their benefit as well as yours and Dash's," she waved a hoof at the the Weather Captain who was hamming it up in front of the crowd. "Look at her. She's enjoying herself because she knows what's at stake. In the joust, though you may lose the match, if you win the crowd, then you gain honor and respect, which is exactly what you're aiming for, right?"

"Right," Volare nodded firmly.

"Good!" The older mare thumped him in the chest and glanced out at the crowd for a moment before an idea came to her. "So let's take it to her!"

"Wait a sec," Volare held up a hoof before taking off his saddlebag. "Don't wanna mess this up."

"I've noticed you've been carrying that everywhere. Might I ask what's in it?" Ravenfire peered at the saddlebag as Volare fumbled about in it. He squinted his eyes and a driblet of blood ran from his nose before he closed up the bag and sat it aside.

"Just a little gift from Vinyl," Volare grinned and wiped the blood from his nose before lifting his helmet and holding his hooves to his ears for a moment. "You want me to put on a show, right?"

"Yes, that's at least three fourths of what jousting is," Ravenfire nodded, still curious as to the contents of that bag as Volare replaced his helmet.

"These jousting matches got heralds and what-not?"

"Of course," a smile began to creep across her face as she saw his confidence begin to bloom.

"Cool, then if I'm gonna put on a show, I'm gonna go all out! Let's go, Raven!"

And with that, Ravenfire slipped a lance under his wing and took the rest as they trotted out onto the field while a stomping, clapping beat began to resonate from the bag he'd left behind, heralding their arrival to the crowd in dramatic fashion.

"WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU!!" Volare shouted as he approached.

Dash and Cloud Kicker turned from the crowd and stared as Volare strutted onto the field, stomping his hooves and clapping his wings over his head to the beat and mugging for the Weather Team like nopony's business. "What the hay, flyboy?" Dash had to suppress a laugh and pretend to be enraged for Volare stealing the spotlight, but in truth, she couldn't help herself as she too stomped along with the beat after a moment.

"WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU!! C'mon everypony!" Volare bellowed as he approached, still stomping and clapping his wings. "You guys ready to rock this place?!"

"YEAH!!" Snowflake bellowed, with the rest of the Weather Team following suit. Even Fluttershy and Twilight grinned and shook their heads incredulously as the sight of Volare galloping along the edge of the crowd and whipping them into a shouting, stomping, cheering frenzy that quickly drew the curious attention of what seemed to be everypony in town. As the ponies arrived, they too took up the stomping beat until the entire north park quaked and shook beneath the thumping of over a thousand hooves.


"Alright now!" Volare sang and head-banged to the sounds of the guitar solo. He strutted, waved his wings, shook his lance, and grinned at the crowd, continuing to stomp his hooves and keep up the high-energy outburst all the way till the end of the song when he leaped up and landed next to Rainbow Dash, bowing his lance to her and the crowd as the echoes of the music died away. All was silent for an instant before the crowd burst into applause, and Dash couldn't help but admit to herself that she might have been a little jealous of Volare at that moment. But in a good way, if that made any sense.

"Heh, who's got the fat head now, flyboy?" she whispered as he stood next to her while Ravenfire addressed the crowd.

"Fillies and gentlecolts! Welcome! You're about to witness a jousting match, a challenge thrown down by Volare against Rainbow Dash today. He seeks to restore his lost honor and prove his bravery today against his Weather Captain!" The crowd responded with a great cheer, though some of it was a little half-hearted, as many had no idea what a jousting match was exactly. None shouted louder than the CMC who'd come to inspect the hullabaloo with Pinkie Pie, with Scootaloo jumping atop Pinkie's back and waving her hooves excitedly and cheering for her brother at the top of her voice.

"In a jousting match," Ravenfire continued. "Two ponies face each other along a dividing line wielding lances," she waved a hoof at the respective items. "They charge at each other with the intent of either breaking their lance upon their opponent, or knocking them down. First to three broken lances or the first to knock their opponent down wins." She then approached Cloud Kicker and placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Cloud Kicker shall be Rainbow Dash's second, as I shall be for Volare. In a match, the second is the jouster's partner and the only one they can interact with once the match begins. Unlike your traditional challenge, they cannot step in to aid their jouster if he or she falls; they're there for support only. Does everypony understand?" When an even louder roar of assent graced Ravenfire's ears, she bowed respectfully and waved a hoof towards the jousters. "Chargers, seconds, do you understand and accept these terms?"

"Sure do!" Dash grinned.

"Let's get it on!" Cloud Kicker pumped a hoof.

"Rock 'n roll," Volare nodded and tapped his helmet in salute before jogging to one end of the field, while Dash went to the other, just as they'd rehearsed. Now, it bears mentioning that neither had ever done something like this before, and though they had gone through the motions, as Ravenfire had told Twilight earlier: there was much to be said about practical experience. Still, it seemed simple enough and there was no backing down now! "You ready, Captain?" he shouted.

"Bring it on, flyboy!" Dash roared back.

"Chargers to your marks!" Ravenfire cried and the crowd quieted down as she beckoned Derpy to come forward. "Ms. Hooves, would you do the honors and give the signal. Just raise and drop your hooves and say 'lay on!'"

"Yep, I got it," the grey pegsus saluted as Ravenfire took her place on Volare's end of the tilt rail.

"Remember, aim for the shoulder pad," Ravenfire instructed as Derpy raised her hooves. "It's a bigger target and far from her helmet. When she leans in to hit, roll your shoulder. If the lance doesn't break, she gets no points."

"Gotcha," Volare nodded through the fog his breath was making around the helmet, giving the rags on the end of his lance a cursory glance and trusting that it and their padding would keep them safe. Down the tilt rail, Cloud Kicker seemed to be giving Dash similar instructions. Volare's eyes locked with the Element of Loyalty's, and time seemed to stand still but for the puffing of their breaths and the subtle trembling of the tips of their lances. The roar of the crowd as Derpy dropped her hooves shook them like a crack of thunder and with a push and a grunt against the turf beneath them, they charged!

"Oh, I can't look," Fluttershy moaned as the two Pegasi pounded towards each other, breaths snorting, lungs heaving, wings flaring, hooves flying. As they neared, they lowered their lances and aimed, both noting the wide grins they shared through their helmets, both enveloped in the adrenaline rush of the charge. Neither backing down. Neither showing fear. Neither giving up and running. An unstoppable force and an immovable object that slammed together at lance-point with a great crack of splintering wood.

The crowd roared, tree bark and knotted rags flew skywards, and Rainbow Dash trotted along the edge of the crowd with a huge grin on her face, her lance shattered in half while Volare shook off the impact and stared down at his own lance: still intact. "Well, damn," he muttered as he rolled his left shoulder and winced, knowing that despite the padding it'd likely bruise up really nicely.

"You ok, Volare-bear?" Pinkie's voice rose over the clamor of the crowd.

"Yeah, you alright, bro?" Scootaloo called out with concern, but Volare nodded and tipped his lance.

"Kinda rattled my teeth, but I'm good!" he replied while Dash trotted his way, a mile-wide smirk on her features. "Beginner's Luck, Dashie," he said as they passed each other on the way back to their starting posts.

"Ouch, you must be a worn-down old vet then, heh-heh," Dash grinned cheekily.

"Oho, you'll pay for that one, Captain," Volare growled playfully as Ravenfire straightened his pads and tightened up his lance again. "How'd I do?"

"Besides missing entirely?" the older mare cocked a wry grin as he rolled his eyes. "In all honesty, not too bad. But you ducked your head at the last second; that's why you missed. Chin up and keep your eyes on the prize," Ravenfire smirked at his expression. "Oh come on, it's terribly obvious, Volare."

"Wh-what's terribly obvious-ow!" He shook off the ringing blow from Ravenfire's hoof.

"Focus, Volare!" she urged as Dash tipped her new lance in salute, causing Derpy to look their way. "Don't lose sight of your target! Keep her in your sights and you'll have her right where you want her!"

"Is that a double entendre, Raven?" Volare chuckled dryly, receiving only a knowing smirk from the older mare as Derpy dropped her hooves.

"Lay on!" the bubble-flanked Pegasus cried and the crowd's roar redoubled as the jousters charged once more.

"Here I come flyboy, ready or not!" Dash shouted as she freight-trained towards him.

"Come at me, bro!" Volare bellowed in reply, digging his hooves in and building speed towards their collision. As they met at the halfway point, Volare kept his head up and eyed his target, as did Dash. To the amazement of all in attendance, their lance tips struck each other, snapping the points off and sending them flying without so much as a scratch upon their "armor" as they charged past each other.

"What the feather?" Cloud Kicker gaped as did Dash when she saw her missing lance tip. They both turned and stared at Volare, who in turn was gawking at his own broken lance. All eyes turned to see the opposing lance-points laying embedded in one another on the ground in a heap of twisted wood, a testament to what they'd all just witnessed.

"What's that mean, Raven?" Volare dropped the broken lance and looked to the older mare.

"It means that tilt was a tie," she blinked twice. She knew there was a provision within the rules for such an event, but never had she seen it with her own eyes before. She shook off the shock and helped Volare load up his new lance. "And it means she's still winning 2-1. If she breaks her lance on you, she wins."

"Damn," he muttered and hefted his lance. "Got any strategies, ma'am?"

"Yeah, roll your shoulder when she hits you. That's your only chance," she frowned and gazed across at Dash as she too readied her new lance. "Roll it and hit her hard, try to knock her down. That way, if she does break her lance on you, the knockdown will make you the winner by default."

"How do I knock her down?"

"Aim below the shoulder joint," she tapped a hoof upon her upper chest. "There's a bundle of nerves there. You hit that, and the joint will go limp, and it might knock her down."

"It won't hurt her, will it?"

"No more than you getting your teeth rattled, as you put it," she clapped him on the shoulder and pushed him forward. "Now go get her!"

"Right!" he nodded and tipped his lance. "Ready!"

"Same here! One more and I win, Volare!" Dash called out with a devilish grin. During their rehearsal, Ravenfire hadn't guaranteed who would win due to their inexperience making things very unpredictable. However, that was merely an invitation for Dash to try her hardest and win anyways! Who knows--maybe she'd get good at this and it'd come in handy later?

"Gotta win before you can dance, Dash!" he pilot shouted back and pawed the ground with a hoof, ready to charge again.

"Man, they sure are serious about this," Iron Will declared pointedly.

"Mhm, it's a matter of honor and spirit," Fluttershy nodded in agreement, stunning Twilight.

"You know about this sorta thing too, Fluttershy!?"

"Yes, as Ravenfire said, even the most scholarly and meek Pegasi have the fighting blood," she stared at the ground hesitantly. "Even those who don't want to have it still do. You remember when I Stared down the dragon?"

"Yeah," Twilight nodded; she remembered, alright, and she really didn't relish being on the receiving end of that.

"The fighting blood boils when we need it. That's why Pegasi used to be so warrior-like," Fluttershy looked up, watched as Dash and Volare charged, and spoke forebodingly as they crashed together once more. "They just couldn't help themselves..."

"Agh! Feather it!!" Rainbow Dash's cry of pain rang out over the park as she hobbled away from the impact zone. Volare's lance, padded as it was, had struck her right in the joint of her left front shoulder with so much force that it threw her own thrust off-target and merely glanced it off him without breaking it. As she limped past Volare, she felt something popping in her shoulder joint, and it was all she could do to keep from screaming in pain as she forced herself onwards.

"Oh my god, Dashie, are you ok?!" Volare asked as she limped past, his own broken lance cast aside and forgotten. She lifted her head and gave him a pained smile in return.

"Y-yeah, I'll live," she muttered, putting her head down and gritting as she walked, her shoulder popping loudly enough for Volare to hear it. "I-I've head worse, flyboy. Don't you worry. Good hit."

"Jesus, I'm sorry, Dash!" Volare tried to reach over the barrier, but Dash whirled and glared at him, wings flared and eyes blazing.

"I said good hit, flyboy!" she shouted, her anger flaring hotter than even the burning in her shoulder could hope to muster. She leaned in closer and her eyes softened slightly as she hissed. "We both knew this might happen, but we can't let up. Not now."

"But you're in no condition to charge, Dash," he nodded down at her hoof which she was holding gingerly off the ground, and he had to resist the urge to hold her in apology. "Jeez, this is my fault-"

"You cut that crap out, dude," Dash whacked him in the chest. "No cabbages, ok? Right?!"

"Y-yeah, no cabbages," he nodded, still feeling horrid for hurting her.

"Heh, good," she nodded, she too having to resist the urge to nuzzle him comfortingly as she saw a pain in his eyes that hurt her heart far more than her shoulder. But they had to do this! "We both know you'd be the same, so I gotta be tough too. Besides, I got a reputation to maintain, ya know?" And with a defiant smack to his helmet, she hobbled off to get set once more, leaving Volare with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"That was an excellent hit, Volare!" Ravenfire grinned and thumped Volare on the back as she readied his final lance.

"She's hurt," he replied tonelessly, and her smile faded.

"Well, er, that's sometimes part of the-"

"I hurt her, Raven!" Volare snapped, causing the older mare to recoil slightly. "Her shoulder's screwed up!"

"She knew the risks," Ravenfire offered lamely, but that didn't help! Volare kicked a piece of turf a good twenty feet in a fit of self-loathing as Cloud Kicker grimaced while running her hoof over Dash's shoulder. Though Dash tried to hide it, he could see the distressed puffs of her breath, the flash of her gritted teeth, and the sheen of sweat on her brow through the bars of the helmet. He dug his hoof into the ground in frustration at not being able to comfort her, and though she said it was ok...though she said cabbages...goddamit, I hurt her again!!

"Volare, get a hold of yourself!" Ravenfire's hoof smacked the side of his helmet, replacing the dark thoughts with a ringing instead. "So you hurt her. She's had worse, you know it, and she knows it. You can't stop now, not like this, or the other ponies will know it's all an act. They'll know you had no real intention of following through and you know how that'll make you look?" She grabbed the front of his helmet and yanked his head around to face her. "You'll still be a doormat, and she'll still look like a Captain who abuses her seat of authority to get what she wants. You've got to finish this!"

"But I-"

"No, Volare!" Ravenfire set her jaw and narrowed her eyes. "Look, I know you care about her, and I know she cares about you, but don't you dare belittle her courage and go soft on her because that's the very worst thing you could possibly do right now." She sighed and shut her eyes for a moment to slow her breathing. "I know her better than you do, Volare. Trust me on that."

"What? But how could you-?"

"Trust me! Don't go easy on her! She gives it her all out there and she expects you to do the same!"

"Lay on!!" Derpy's cry rang out, jarring them both out of their conversation.

"Go, Volare! Go!" Ravenfire smacked him on the flank and he galloped off down the line on instinct, lance leveled at Rainbow Dash as she hobbled along on three legs, trying to support herself with her wings. At this rate, they'd meet closer to her end of the rail than the middle. He locked eyes with hers, both pairs brimming with tears of pain, one physical and the other emotional as they charged. They were friends, not enemies, and both would be lying to themselves if they said they weren't regretting this right now. But what other alternative was there at this point?! Volare took a shaky breath and continued, his mind racing through all the possibilities and consequences of what was about to happen...and time seemed to slow.

If I hit her shoulder again, it could get dislocated! But if I hit her in the helmet, it could break her neck! If I hit her in the chest, it could break a rib or collapse a lung or worse! Think! Think, Volare, think! There's gotta be another way!
He closed on Dash, thirty feet...twenty five...twenty. He mouthed "I'm sorry." He swore she replied "I know," and that broke him and simultaneously gave him his answer: he wasn't about to embarrass her like this.

All of a sudden, Volare halted in his tracks and raised his lance while Dash continued on, her own lance wobbly under her shaky wing as she gaped at his actions in shock. She dully heard the gasp of the crowd and Ravenfire's shouts of dismay, she thought she heard Fluttershy scream, but she definitely saw Volare's sad smile and the tears beneath his eyes as he closed them in preparation of the impact. Here was her chance at victory. Here was her chance at proving to everypony else that she thought him no different than all the other stallions that had ever made a move on her. Here was her chance to show them all she was still their Captain and would always win no matter what...but...
...Dashie, do I really need to say anything?

"Flyboy, NOOOOOOO!!" Dash cried as she wrenched her lance sideways at the last possible moment, the tip catching Volare's shoulder with a glancing blow that spun him halfway around and nearly knocked him over. Dash continued on past him a short distance as she screeched to a halt, glancing frantically upwards and breathing a sigh of relief at the sight of her unbroken lance as the sounds of the crowd and their friends re-awoke in her ears.
"Volare, what the buck is wrong with you?!" she hissed as she limped back around to face him. It wasn't a hiss of anger so much as worry that they'd be found out, for one look at the expression on his face, and any malcontent she might have had towards him was scattered to the wind. She wanted nothing more than to clobber him, then hug him, then clobber him again for making her heart do flip-flops like this. "Volare, why?"

"Because I'm not about to hurt you when you're like this, Dash," he answered plainly, as if it were the most obvious explanation in the world.

"Grr, I'm fine!" she tried to put weight on her left hoof but instead let out a tiny squeak of pain that tore at Volare's heartstrings.

"You say you are, but-"

"But nothing, dude!" she flared her wings and made to leap over the rail and-hit him? Hug him just to get that look off his face? "Everypony's watching us," she muttered, but Volare caught her drift. Not now. Not when they were expected to compete. "Don't you dare give up and make me-us...make us look like this," she snorted.

"But you're in no condition to charge again, Dash. You couldn't even hit me when I was standing still," Volare pointed out.

"That's cuz I missed you on purpose!"

"Why?" His one-worded question caught her off-guard, and she pawed at the ground, unsure of what to say for a moment.

"Cuz it'd look bad if you just stood there and threw the match like that," she replied before looking back up to meet his eyes. "And I...it wouldn't be fair if I...look, don't make me say I care about you," she shook her mane and gave him a tiny smile. "Not in front of all these ponies."

"Yeah, I know. Your reputation," Volare rolled his eyes, but Dash stomped her hoof.

"No, it's not just that, it's...look, it doesn't matter, ok?" she thumped him on the shoulder. "We gotta finish this somehow. Somepony's gotta win this." At her words, a thought dawned in Volare's head. "Wait, what's with that smile, flyboy?"

"Didn't Ravenfire say it's not about winning? That it's about honor, spirit, chivalry and all that jazz?" Dash felt a smile grow across her face at his implications. "We could withdraw from the match. I because I know you're hurt and it'd look bad to take advantage of that, and you because you admit you're too hurt to continue."

"Hmph, so that basically means me admitting defeat?" Dash scoffed, though she had to admit she saw the wisdom of the plan.

"No, just that we've both made our point and that I, the Challenger, have no more need to continue."

"Still sounds like me throwing in the towel."

"I'll make it up to ya later," Volare winked. "Promise."

"Oh yeah, how?"

"I'll think of something," the pilot glanced back at the very confused Ravenfire. "Heh, but for now, I think we'd best get this show on the road."

"Haha, ok, ok," Dash clicked a salute with her wing. "But just so you know: I wouldn't do this for any old pony."

"Heh, nor would I, Dashie," Volare mimicked her salute. "Ok, we re-charge at a jog, lift our lances, and pass each other respectfully. Quick and easy."

"Got it," she nodded before turning back to Cloud Kicker. "I'm gonna get you back for this, Justin."

"Pfft, guess I'd best be on my guard, then," Volare chuckled as he jogged back to Ravenfire.

"You got that right," Dash shot back with a smirk and returned to her end of the rail while ponies in the crowd exchanged confused mutters.

"What the hay was that all about, Boss?" Cloud Kicker asked but Dash merely shook her head and smiled.

"I missed," she replied with a shrug and prepared herself to charge one final time.

"Looked like it was on purpose," Cloud Kicker shrugged skeptically.

"So what if it was?" Dash pawed the ground with a wince. "What sorta good would it do me if I hit him like that? No, I'm not about charity wins; I like to earn my victories."

"What happened out there, Volare?" Ravenfire cocked her head as Volare returned to her side. "Why'd you stop?"

"I told you: she's hurt and I'm not here to embarrass my captain and my friend by destroying her," he replied with a sideways glance. "Not very chivalrous if I did that, eh?" At his explanation, Ravenfire shook her mane and chuckled while thumping him on the back.

"Heh-heh, well I'll be a gryphon's uncle. There's more to you than I thought, Volare."


"Nothing, nothing," Ravenfire waved a wing and looked out towards the crowd, who were waiting with bated breath for an explanation. "What're you going to do?"

"I'm gonna keep our honor intact. You tell the crowd what's what, ok?"

"Yes sir," Ravenfire nodded. "Do what you intend, Volare." The pilot merely focused down the line, the muttering of the crowd secondary to the task at hoof. He nodded at Dash and she returned the nod. They were ready.

"Um, I guess lay on again?" Derpy said tentatively, and the two lancers charged...at a pace that Tank the tortoise would have likely scoffed at.

"What're they doing?" Iron Will scratched his head in confusion as Dash and Volare cantered along the tilt rail, lances pointed towards the sky.

"One of them must be hurt," Twilight sighed and shook her head. "That's the only explanation. But, I guess this is sorta a good thing."

"How's them being hurt a good thing, Twilight?" Fluttershy queried.

"Not the being hurt part, but them respecting one another's well-being enough to know when to stop," Twilight smiled as Dash and Volare passed each other, dipping their lances in salute. "Thing is, they had to do it in a way that didn't look obvious and didn't make them lose face. But by respecting each other like this...well, see for yourself." Dash and Volare trotted in front of the crowd and bowed side by side as Ravenfire stood in front of them to address the crowd.

"I'm sure a good few of you are wondering why these two Pegasi didn't continue their bout to the finish, yes?"

"Yeah, what gives?" a pony near the back called out, with many near him nodding in agreement.

"I'm sure you may call them cowardly for holding back. I'm sure you may scoff at their lack of commitment to the task," Ravenfire trotted along the front of the crowd while Dash and Volare remained silent, though they weren't making any real effort to hide the fact that they were leaning against each other in support at the moment. "But consider their commitment to each other, and you may see this in a different light. The recruit to his Captain, and the Captain to her recruit." Ravenfire paused, letting her words soak in before continuing. "And who among you could question the courage of these two to charge and strike lance upon one another, not once, not twice, but three times! Ms. Rainbow Dash, to put herself at the equal level of her subordinate and accept his challenge, and Volare, to stand there and be willing to take a lance to the chest so as not to take advantage of his Captain's injury and shatter her honor. Both ponies have exhibited honor and bravery this day, and let not one among you question that!"

"She runs her mouth more than you, Dashie," Volare chuckled and took an elbow to the ribs.

"Hey, watch it," she shot back. "You still owe me, flyboy."

"You name it, we'll do it...within reason," he quickly added once he caught her impish smirk.

"Anything within reason, eh? Do dares count, hmm?"

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be hurt?" he hissed, though he felt her wingtip feathers slide along and grasp his for a moment.

"Not as bad as you think...still, I think a massage is in order," Dash whispered and drew a small gasp from Volare as her feathers found a sensitive spot.

"Hey, knock it off," Volare bumped his hoof along hers and it took all her willpower not to leap sideways at his touch. "I know your weakness, Dashie," he waggled his eyebrows and grinned out of his helmet.

"Pfft, you wish. Still, I'll take you up on that offer," she smiled as Ravenfire approached them and lifted their lances with her hooves.

"Three cheers for Rainbow Dash and Volare, the bravest Pegasi in Ponyville!" As the crowd broke into stomping applause, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Iron Will made their way towards them, as did The Weather Team led by Cloud Kicker.

"Hey," the Weather Lieutenant waved a wing, though Dash only nodded expectantly. "I just...sorry for making you guys go through the-"

"No sweat," Dash waved a wing and leaned back against Volare. "It was honestly kinda fun."

"Well, I'm glad you got it out of the way with minimal injury," Twilight said, eyeing Dash's favored leg. "Though I can't say it's not entirely undeserved," she added with a smile that made Dash and Volare blush in embarrassment.

"Yeah, well horseapples happen," Dash replied and nodded back at Volare. "He can help me fix it when we get home."

"Um, no he really can't," Twilight scratched the back of her head at their puzzled looks. "Not to say he couldn't, but...well, Dash did you tell Volare about the trip he's taking soon? You know, the one I cleared my schedule for and arranged via letter?"

"What trip? Wait a sec...oh crap," Dash facehoofed and groaned at the pain in the movement and her own forgetfulness.

"What's going on?" Volare spoke up. "What trip?"

"Uh, eh-heh, well flyboy," Dash smiled sheepishly. "You're kinda supposed to go to Canterlot to meet Princess Celestia tomorrow morning." Volare's jaw dropped at her statement.

"And we got involved in this-I mean, uh..." he cut himself off at Cloud Kicker's cocked brow. "You let me challenge you when you knew this?"

"I might have slipped my mind a little?" Dash shrugged and nearly fell down at the pain in her shoulder, though Cloud Kicker caught her in time. "I'm ok, I'm good."

"No, no you're not," Twilight enveloped her shoulder in a violet glow and frowned as she scanned the joint. "You've bruised your bicipital bursa, pulled your deltoideus muscle, and strained your brachiophalicus beyond normal limits." At her words, Volare's brows raised and Dash's eyes widened in a very uncool manner.

"...Twilight, am I gonna die?"

"Wha-oh, no, no, no," Twilight chuckled and wiped her eye with a hoof while Dash blushed in silent fury. "You've simply separated your shoulder. You need to go to the hospital and get it checked out overnight is all. That actually works out fairly well, as the train Volare and I need to catch leaves bright and early tomorrow. He can just stay at my place."

"Holy crap, how long are we staying for, Twi?" Volare asked as he tossed the pads off and searched for the speakerbox, just in case his friend started reacting strangely again.

"Just the weekend, but that's plenty of time for Dash to get treated and for you to meet Celestia, Luna, and-oh, you get to meet my sister Cadance too!" Twilight beamed as Volare returned with his saddlebag. "But you need more than just that bag. Luckily, I've taken that into account too. C'mon, I've got everything ready to go at the Library."

"Wait, right now?" Volare asked as his eyes met Dash's for a moment, but she shrugged helplessly; there was no arguing with Twilight when it came to staying on schedule.

"Precisely. Now hurry, we gotta get you cleaned up," Twilight waved a hoof as she headed for the Library, leaving Volare to say his goodbyes to Dash before Cloud Kicker escorted her to the hospital.

"I, well...damn," Volare sputtered, but Dash merely laughed and gave him a quick, tough hug.

"Don't worry, dude," she smiled into his neck and whispered. "You can make it up to me later, hee-hee. Besides, something tells me my Lieutenant and I could do with a little chat, eh CK?"

"Yeah, no kidding," Cloud Kicker scratched her mane before grinning mischievously. "Though I'd love to hear about your plans to 'make it up' later...maybe even lend a hoof, eh?"

"Aaaand suddenly that trip to Canterlot is looking very inviting," Volare chuckled and returned the hug before releasing her. "Good match, Captain," he flicked her a salute before his brow creased slightly. "You sure you'll be ok?"

"Pfft, you know me, flyboy," Dash puffed out her chest and grinned. "Tough as nails and twice as sharp! You think a little padded stick to the brachio-whatever-you-call-it's gonna bring me down for long?"

"Heh, I'm leaning towards 'no way in hell' on that one," Volare smiled as his worries abated and she hobbled forward to nuzzle him once more.

"Bullseye, Volare," Dash smiled and instinctively inhaled his scent of sweat, dirt, and something she couldn't make out...something almost fiery but too faint to tell for sure. She leaned back and looked him straight in the eye, taking him in for a long moment that made him a little nervous and caused Cloud Kicker to cock a brow and smirk slightly. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me; that's just the way the wind blows sometimes, so don't you go blaming yourself for that, ok?"

"Ok," he nodded and she thumped him in the chest with a grin.

"Good," Dash replied before realizing that Cloud Kicker was giving them a strange look. "Ok, enough talk. Get going, flyboy!"

"See ya when I see ya, I guess."

"You better be ready when you do," Dash smirked before letting Cloud Kicker lead her away. "Oh and if you see the Wonderbolts in Canterlot, don't go fanboy and embarrass me, kay?"

"Ha, I'll tell'em you told me to, in that case," Volare replied cheekily before following Twilight, with Iron Will and Fluttershy in tow while Shae remained perched in her tree, ever the observant predator. Ravenfire smiled after Volare, though she was still a little miffed that she didn't get to find out what was in his saddlebag that allowed him to create music like that. Giving a light shrug of defeat, she took off for the little park she'd come to call home, secure in the knowledge that everypony's issues seemed to be settled for now, while The Weather Team dispersed to their respective homes. Meanwhile, the CMC, who'd overheard the conversation between their older Crusader member and his friends, turned to Pinkie with expectant looks on their faces.

"Uh-oh," the party mare gulped, truly worried for one of the few times in her life.

Midnight, Location Undisclosed...

"My Master wants to know what your plan is, exactly, Agent-croak-oak-ak," Corax's harsh chatter echoed across the dead air of the yellowing fields surrounding the sentinel-like tree he and Agent F were perched within, the Agent settled upon a small cloud she'd pulled down from the sky and anchored to the middle branches of the tree.

"How do you mean?" the Agent cracked an eye and glanced at the large black bird-shaped void in the starry sky above her that served as the only visual indicator that the voice was coming from something other than the chilly air itself.

"It's certainly not to simply stand by, yes? For we know you're quite involved with things in town...perhaps a bit too involved."

"What's that supposed to mean?" the Pegasus' feathers bristled in irritation. "You know the delicateness of this endeavor."

"Yes, yes, of course...we simply mean you may be too involved in the wrong areas-keeroak...your interests invested incorrectly, I believe Nyctos put it." Corax ruffled his wings against the night air before continuing once the Agent produced no reply. "Besides, we thought the aim of everything was to keep them both alive?"

"Look you," Agent F turned to face the leering raven with an upturned lip. "Things are well in hoof, so why don't you just back off and go find a nice garbage can to pick through?"

"Hrmph, you say it's in hoof, but my Master grows impatient...and the Element of Loyalty is more emotionally fragile than we suspected. Perhaps she's not the right-"

"You think I'm not aware of that? As for her being the right one, you leave that judgement to me, the one you set this task to."

"Oh, we all know you're aware," the raven leaped off the branch and landed in front of the Agent. Though the bird didn't have lips to smile with, he was certainly doing his best to re-create quite a nasty little smirk aimed at the Pegasus. "Every wall has ears, every ceiling has eyes, and every tiny, shiny speck in the air observes your every move, you know...there's nothing we're not aware of!" Corax squawked, his eyes a pair of emerald pinpricks peering out of the ebon feathers of his face. But the Agent wasn't flustered in the slightest, and she simply rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck.

"Well then, perhaps you're aware I'm about this close to frying you," she half-growled as she ran her hoof along the cloud, producing sparks of electricity with every light contact she made with the fluff. At the dangerous look in her eyes, Corax backed off with a chattering squawk.

"Tch, whatever," he preened a breast feather back into place before turning back to the Agent, who looked like she'd gone back to sleep until she spoke suddenly.

"So, how goes things with your Master, anyway? Haven't heard from him personally in some time," F reached up and tapped the tiny green gem hanging within her mane.

"Oh well...they could be better," F smiled as Corax nervously ruffled his feathers. "Turns out Jill took offense to some of our male recruits and...well, you know how she likes to play with fire?"

"Yes. What happened, did she burn the place down or something?"

"...Half of it and all of them, yes. We're down to barely a dozen now."

"Ouch, how terrible. How's Nyctos taking it?"

"Methinks the only reason why Jill still lives is because we have so few now...that and Ray stood up to him."

"Did he really?" F cocked a brow.

"Yes, and Nyctos backed off after a moment. Said something about 'later' but I didn't catch the rest."

"Hrm, maybe he's grown a conscience."

"Watch your tongue, nag!" Corax croaked harshly. "But we digress. Tell me this then: why did Volare halt his charge upon the Element of Loyalty today?"

"Because he shows mercy, you rat with wings," the Agent snorted, though the bird simply spat in reply.

"Blech, mercy is a weakness!"

"True, but it does prove that he places her well-being above his own," a sly smile creased the Agent's features. "Deeply enough to be willing to take a lance to the chest without flinching."

"Ah...so you truly think she's his-?"

"The signs are certainly pointing that way, and you and your Master getting impatient and involved too early will ruin things."

"Alright, alright," Corax croaked and bobbed his head in agreement. "We will give you more leeway. In the meantime, you stay here in town. I'll follow Volare to Canterlot and keep an eye on him there. Besides, there is...somepony else I need to speak with there anyway."

"Who?" the Agent cocked her head.

"Keh-keh-keh, let’s just say this pawn fancies himself more of a knight in the grand scheme of things," the Raven chuckled throatily.

"Hmph, sounds rather pretentious."

"Oh you have no idea," Corax spat once more before taking wing and heading towards Ponyville to wait for the sunrise.

"Disgusting bird," Agent F ruffled her wings once more, trying to fan away the scene of musty decay the raven constantly dragged about with him. "Yech!"

October 19th, Ponyville Train Station, Morning...

"Ok, have we got everything for the trip, Spike?" Twilight asked as she, Volare, and the baby dragon approached the train platform on the east side of Ponyville.

"Yeah, I think so," Spike replied, doing his best to count the half-dozen bags Twilight was levitating about her as she trotted, but quickly gave up as everything was inside them anyways. Besides, they'd double-triple-checked them last night, what else could they possibly need? "You got what you need, Volare?"

"Hrm? Yep, I'm good," the stallion nodded and gave a huge yawn as he trotted along, carrying naught but his saddlebag and wearing his scarf and flight goggles around his neck. Everything else he'd need was in the suitcases Twilight was carrying, likely stuffed in there somewhere among the research equipment, reference books, and various other odds and ends. "You got half the library packed in there, Twi. What exactly are we gonna be working on up in Canterlot?"

"Like I said, it's that theory you and I came up with in regards to the planet itself," Twilight repeated herself, giving him the benefit of the doubt as it was rather early and they'd left without any coffee, something neither Volare nor Spike were terribly thrilled about, Volare especially after having to break the habit of sleeping on his familiar sofa in Dash's house--he'd gotten zero sleep as a result and was looking forward to catching some Z's on the train ride ahead. "I found some really interesting evidence up in the Canterlot Library that you've gotta see when we...oh what in the wide world of Equestria's going on now!?" Twilight gaped at the sight of the rather sizable crowd gathered on the train platform. The ponies within it waved in greeting at the sight of them, irritating Twilight who'd been hoping to leave town on time. But at this rate, they might miss the train!

"Whoa, what's with the crowd?" Spike mused as they approached. As if acting as the crowd's de-facto leader, Lyra Heartstrings stepped forward in greeting.

"Oh, heya Volare, Twilight, Spike," the mint-green Unicorn waved a hoof, blushing nervously at the rather demanding expression on Twilight's face. "So, um...some of us kinda overheard you were going to Canterlot today, right?"

"Uh, yep that's right," Volare nodded, still confused as to what was going on.

"Let me guess: you wanna go too for some odd reason?" Twilight asked, doing her best to conceal her irritation. In truth, she was looking forward to spending the weekend with just Volare and Spike, something they hadn't done since the pilot had first arrived nearly two months ago. The more ponies they brought, the more possibilities for something crazy to happen cropped up, and Twilight wasn't about to have that sorta stress on this trip! But to her surprise, Lyra shook her head while maintaining her trademark grin.

"Nope, it's not that we want to go...it's that some of us kinda have to go and since this is the only train heading to Canterlot today..." she waved a hoof in a small circle. "Yeah. So, um, yay?"

"Really?" Twilight cocked a skeptical brow. "Why've you gotta go, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Me? Oh, I've gotta check up on my apartment in the city, plus it's the third weekend of the month," Lyra replied.

"What's special about the third weekend?" Spike asked.

"She works at her job in the palace," Volare recalled.

"Yep!" Lyra beamed. "Plus who better to show ya all the sweet hangouts around the city than yours truly?"

"Lyra, we're really only going for some research, not to paint the town," Twilight quipped.

"Well in that case, I've got some pretty neat human doodads I'm sure both Volare and you might find interesting," Lyra winked while Twilight snorted lightly and nodded; she was still technically researching humans after all.

"Ok, so what about the rest of you?" Twilight waved a hoof at the crowd, and Bon-Bon stepped forward along with Faber.

"I've got to keep an eye on Lyra as well as check in with Fancypants on the sponsorship deal."

"Ah'm goin' ta keep an eye on Bon-Bon," Faber explained. "Ya know, in case she gets accosted by any-"

"In the capital of Equestria?" Twilight cut in before Bon-Bon rolled her eyes and hooked her foreleg around Faber's, shocking Volare and everypony else present.

"He's a little protective of me," Bon-Bon explained tersely, her cheeks aflame and pink.

"Whoa, but you said you guys weren't-" Lyra began before Bon-Bon stuffed her spare hoof in her friend's mouth.

"You believe everything you hear in life and you won't have enough room for common sense in your head, Lyra," Bon-Bon smiled slightly as she leaned against the large Unicorn stallion. "Besides, Faber's a little rough around the edges and could use a little Canterlot culture."

"Ach, rough aroun' tha edges?!" Faber blustered and stomped a hoof. "Ah'm as smooth as silk an gentle as a newborn bunneh rabbit, thankee very much!"

"Even so, you're going and that's that," Bon-Bon nudged him with an elbow and a smile.

"What're Canterlot dungeon's visiting hours again? Cuz I got a sneaking suspicion a trip there's in the future. Call it a big, blue, loud hunch," Spike muttered aside of his claw, bringing a chuckle to Volare's lips and a roll of Twilight's eyes.

"Oh fine...I take it you've got a good reason to go, Octavia?" Twilight nodded at the cellist, who returned the nod with a demure smile. Twilight wondered where Vinyl was for a moment before remembering her worry about Celestia and the crystals...which also reminded her that she had no idea how she'd explain why she was suddenly able to be close to Volare without her body reacting badly. Crap!

"Yes I do. I'm escorting Trixie," Octavia waved her fillyfriend forward, much to Twilight's surprise.

"Yes, well...I just didn't want my best friend Volare going to Canterlot for the first time alone, so..." Trixie shuffled her hooves uncertainly; for some reason or another, she felt a bad premonition in the pit of her gut about Volare meeting Celestia. She wasn't sure why, but this seemed the most likely way to alleviate it. "I mean, I know you're going with him, Twilight. It's just that I'd feel better if I went with him too."

"I'm ok with that, Twi," Volare replied with a grateful smile and laid a hoof on Trixie's shoulder, recalling her story of being Celestia's former student. If he got the chance, he'd like to inquire of Celestia's motives about that. "In fact, I'd love to have her and Octy along, if that's ok with you."

"Oh...I supose that's fine," Twilight nodded, deciding that Trixie would likely be a good help in their research, and that she could pick up a few useful books for the former magician in the Canterlot Library anyway. "Who else suddenly has business in Canterlot?" Twilight asked, conceding defeat for now. To her surprise, the Royal Guards Firetail and Snowhooves stepped out of the group and snapped her a crisp dual salute.

"Wherever Volare goes, we're bidden by Princess Luna herself to go as well," Snowhooves explained.

"Cuz of, you know, the whole Ray and Jill thing," Firetail added and received a smack to the helmet from his superior officer. "What? Figured I'd just be frank."

"Haven't you got any sense of discretion, son?" Snowhooves shook his head. "You think they really need to be reminded of that by having you spell it out? I think they can connect the dots themselves!"

"Just trying to prevent any confusion, Snowy," Firetail raised a hoof defensively, but the older stallion stomped his own hoof in reply.

"Will you stop calling me that, Corporal? I'm sir, yes sir, or Lieutenant. Not Snowy," Snowhooves made a face. "I'm your superior officer, not your buddy."

"Aww, come on old-timer," Firetail tossed a hoof over him and grinned. "You know I'm your best friend in town."

"You're gonna be my best dead friend if you don't knock it off, Firetail," Snowhooves bared his teeth before Twilight stepped up.

"Gentleponies, please!" The Librarian raised her voice and shoved them apart with her magic. "I can't over-rule an order by Princess Luna for no reason, but if you're going to tear the train apart arguing on the way to Canterlot, I'm sure she'll understand if you miss the 8 o'clock express," she gave them a look that brooked no argument, and as one the two Guards straightened up, threw her a quick salute, and fell back next to Trixie and Octavia.

"Whoa, Twi. You sure you're not cut out to be a Princess?" Volare chuckled and took the Librarian's playful hoof to the ribs in stride.

"I'm pretty sure," Twilight smirked and looked over the small herd they'd accumulated. "So, is this everypony that suddenly has business in the city, or did we leave anypony out?"

"Wait a sec!" a scratchy little voice shouted from behind the crowd. The sound of small hooves hammering along the wood of the train platform accompanied the "excuse me's" and "whoops"'s approaching through the ponies gathered before the train. After a few moments, a somewhat frazzled-looking Scootaloo pushed her way out of the crowd and galloped towards Volare, jumping at the last moment and wrapping her small hooves around his neck in a huge hug. "I'm coming too, bro," she declared with a hopeful grin.

"Oh, um, I dunno, Scoots," Volare returned the hug and looked over his hoof at Twilight, but Scootaloo preempted anything the Librarian might have said by letting go of Volare and grasping the end of his scarf with the Crusaders logo on it.

"I'm going to help us represent the CMC in Canterlot," she explained quickly, her gaze alternating between Volare and Twilight. "I promise I'll behave! I'll stay in one place, I'll keep within hoof's reach, I'll shine your horseshoes, and-oh, I'll even walk ahead and announce you guys! Fillies and gentleponies, lend me your ears! Plus I've never been to Canterlot and Volare and I haven't hung out in forever! So can I please, please, please go? Please bro? Please Twilight?" She hit the two ponies with the best puppy eyes and the largest, sincerest smile she could muster. Volare felt his heart melt and he glanced sideways at Twilight with a little smile.

"I dunno...Twilight, you think that's ok?" He picked Scootaloo up and sat her on his back. "You think Canterlot can handle Scootaloo?"

"If I'm not a big enough help, I can go get Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and we could-!"

"NO!!!" half the crowd cried, cutting Scootaloo off and breathing a sigh of relief when the orange Pegasus filly settled back down with a quiet "ok". The last thing they needed was the CMC cooped up on a train for half a day. No telling what might happen if they got bored...

"Ach, lasseh just say yes," Faber leaned in and nudged Twilight. "Ye know, before she comes up with any more "elpful" ideas." He was well aware of what the CMC were capable of after they attempted to help him polish up Claire and nearly caused Faber to lop his own head off in the process.

"Celestia forgive me," Twilight muttered and gave a small sigh. At this rate, they may never get their research done. "Ok, you can go, Scootaloo; but only you."

"Sweet! Thanks, Twilight!" Scootaloo pumped a hoof and looked up as two shadows swooped over them, one pony-shaped, the other osprey-shaped. "Whoa, heya Fluttershy!" Scootaloo said as the yellow Pegasus landed and cantered over to Twilight. "What's up? Here to say goodbye?"

"Oh my, you're going too, Scootaloo?" Fluttershy asked, passing a concerned glance onto Twilight and Volare who merely nodded their confirmation.

"Yeah, Pinkie said it'd be good for me and Volare to spend some time together, cuz...well, we've been kinda too busy to lately," Scootaloo hugged her brother's neck and grinned. "But now we got the whole weekend to hang out! Cool, huh? Hey, what's Shae doing here?" she cocked her head up at the osprey who sat preening herself on the train station roof and keeping a watchful eye cast down on the crowd below.

"Oh, that's why I'm here," Fluttershy turned to Volare. "She must have heard that you're leaving town today because she's been agitated since yesterday's joust. She might wanna go with you."

"Really?" Volare looked up at Shae, well past convinced that this bird knew more than she let on half the time. "That right, Shae?" The osprey paused in her preening, clicked her beak once, and continued on, still watching the activity below. "Huh...well, she's not really my pet, though."

"Yes, she's more of a wild creature who can come and go as she pleases, really," Fluttershy pawed at the station platform for a moment. "Not like anypony could really stop her either way if she decided she was going to go. It's just that if she does go, it'd be better if she was in the company of ponies she trusted instead of flying all over the place in the city and alarming other ponies with her wild presence."

"Yeah, and I'm not about to argue with her, either," Volare chuckled dryly. At his words, Shae cheereked and fluttered downwards, landing next to Scootaloo on the pilot's back and fixing the small filly with an expression somewhere between amusement and annoyance. Volare tensed, unable to remember if she'd been this close to Scootaloo before and unsure what she'd do, or how possessive she might be of him. But after a moment of blinking and beak clicking, Shae briefly nuzzled her face against Scootaloo's as if in affirmation before looking towards the train car and back at Volare. She pinched his withers with a talon before jerking her head towards the train once more, and Volare got the message as the train conductor looked at his watch and leaned his head out the window of the engine.

"All aboard for Canterlot!!!"

"Haha, guess you're going whether I like it or not, huh? Well, guys," Volare turned to the small herd with a shrug and a smile. "Let's get a move on, shall we? Canterlot's waiting!"


Cloud Kicker's House, Several Hours Later...

"Heh, thanks for letting me crash here for the weekend, CK," Dash said as she settled herself on Cloud Kicker's couch and looked around at the Weather Lieutenant's house, realizing that she'd never actually been inside it before. It was a lot more plainly furnished than Dash figured it would be, what with Cloud Kicker's personality and all. A few potted plants here and there, a breakfast nook with a table and a few benches next to the small kitchen, and the lone--albeit rather large--couch sitting in the middle of the living room in which she was situated. A few pictures of family and friends sat along the top of the fireplace mantel which was topped with a few sets of something which caught Dash's eye.

"Checking out my wingblades?" Cloud Kicker asked as she followed Dash gaze. She waved a hoof at the three pairs of blades shining brightly in the mid-morning sun that filtered in through the windows and grinned proudly. "That red-tinged set belonged to my grandmother back in the day, the blue one to my grandfather, and the gold ones in the middle I got from my own days in Westhoof. The older ones are just dulled training blades, but the golden ones'd cut Celestia herself if she so much as looked at'em too long!" Cloud Kicker pumped a hoof and nodded contentedly at the sharpening job she'd pulled off herself on those crazy things years a while back. She hadn't worn them in years, but heaven help anypony that broke into her place in the middle of the night cuz she bet old habits'd die hard when it came right down to it!

"I guess they were all Guardsponies, huh?" Dash mused.

"Every one of 'em, yep," Cloud Kicker nodded and flopped down next to her Captain with a couple of glasses of orange juice. "Want me to cut it with your pleasure, Boss?" she asked as she offered her the glass, but Dash shook her head and took it plain.

"Nah, Nurse Redheart said I should probably stay away from stuff like that this weekend while I recover," she flexed her wrapped-up shoulder with a wincing grin. "You know, in case some sorta weird pain crops up or something."

"Ah, right, right," Cloud Kicker nodded in understanding as they both sipped their beverages in silence for a few moments. "So...um...about yesterday."

"What about it?" Dash asked as her Lieutenant scratched her chin, trying to pick her words carefully before simply giving up with a shrug and going with her gut on this one.

"Do you like Volare?" Her question was answered with a sputtering explosion of orange juice from Dash's mouth before she whipped around and stared at Cloud Kicker with huge, accusatory eyes.

"Wh-who wants to know?!" she began before catching herself and crossing her hooves tightly across her chest, OJ forgotten on the table. "I-I mean no way! Him? Pfft, whatever gave ya that idea?" But it was too little, too late, and nothing in the world short of a hoof to the nose could wipe the sly little grin off of Cloud Kicker's face as she leaned in and poked Dash with her hoof. "It's not what you think, ok? I mean, whatever it is you are thinking is so far from right it's left! CK, you listen to me, you-you, you got it wrong!!!" But Cloud Kicker ignored Dash's snorting breath and flared wings and continued to grin and prod Dash playfully.

"...You like the guy, don't you, Dashie?"

"No I feathering don't! What the hay makes ya think I could give a flying feather about the guy, huh?!"

"Well, for somepony you don't care much about, you're sure getting pretty worked up," Cloud Kicker waved her hoof at her Captain. "I mean, your shoulder is hurt and all and yet you're kinda standing on the back of my couch and shouting at me, Boss." Dash looked down as if suddenly realizing where she was and snorted defiantly.

"So what if I am? I'm a Pegasus and I got the right to perch where I wanna, don't I?" But as the ridiculousness of the situation--as well as the ache in her stressed shoulder--began to mount, coupled with Cloud Kicker's stoic sagely smile, Dash finally gave in with a groan and fluttered back to the couch cushions with a pouting look of irritation plastered upon her blushing features. "You got no proof," she grumbled to herself as Cloud Kicker reached across the couch and patted her on the leg before speaking.

"You think so, Boss?" Cloud Kicker's hoof moved from Dash's leg to her shoulder and stayed there. "Look, Rainbow...I know why you feel like you gotta be defensive about this sorta thing, and-"

"No you don't!" Dash's hoof suddenly lashed out and caught her friend in the chest and glared at her through a brimming sheen of angry tears. But Cloud Kicker's grip never left Dash's shoulder, and in fact tightened a smidge as she forced a supportive smile through the dull throb in her chest as Dash ground her teeth and hung her head. "No you don't," she repeated more softly this time, her breath hitching as she spoke. "Just cuz you know w-what happened doesn't mean you know what it's l-like...so d-don't you say that you know, Cloudy...don't you d-dare say you do, ok?"

Dash's sobbing, yet still half-threatening and defiant request proved to Cloud Kicker what she'd suspected for some time now: that her Boss hadn't let go of what had happened to her over a decade ago, that it wasn't Dash just being her usual haughty self...and that it was still likely influencing every single decision she'd made in regards to stallions, even today. And that fact made Cloud Kicker feel like an even bigger jackass for her incendiary snark about it the other day and explained why Dash had exploded so violently about it.

"Rainbow..." Cloud Kicker's hoof trailed down to Dash's and rested there a moment, at a loss of what to say. But again, after a moment of deliberation, she simply went with what her gut said was best. "I'm sorry. For what I said when I teased you about it the other day. I...I didn't know you...still hurt so bad about it. I'm sorry, really." She felt Dash's hoof tense beneath hers and for a moment believed that she was about to slug her in the nose out of sheer spite; and in all honesty, she wouldn't blame her too much if she did. Instead, the hoof tightened upon her own as Dash took a hiccuping breath and a sigh.

"I'm not gonna say it's ok," she muttered and wiped her nose with her other hoof before forcing a smile to her lips. "But I know you're telling the truth, so...yeah." Dash bit her lip for a moment and raised her gaze to her Lieutenant's. "I just don't know how to shake that bad stuff, ok? So just...please knock it off."

"No need to say please, Boss," Cloud Kicker replied. "And if I hear anypony else talking about it, I'll knock their head in myself."

"Heh, thanks, Cloudy," Dash chuckled and wiped her nose again. "Hmph, damn you, Redheart. Sure could use a nip right now. Meh, whatever."

"Boss," Cloud Kicker hesitated once more, drawing a light hoof to the chest from her friend.

"Cloudy, just spit it out, already. Thought you had some sorta crazy evidence cooked up about me liking Volare or something like that."

"Right, about that and about something else," Cloud Kicker took a sip of her orange juice before continuing. "Why'd you try to use me to get Volare over his taboo and get him laid? The real reason?"

"Uh, um...crap," Dash's shoulders sagged, unable to come up with a good answer, or at least a good excuse. And there was no way in Ponyhell she was going to tell Cloud Kicker why she felt she was hurting Volare at the time. "He needed it?"

"Pfft, in my opinion, everypony needs it to stay sane."

"Heh, some more than others," Dash smirked and nudged Cloud Kicker's ribs.

"Hey, it's like someponies who have crazy metabolisms, Boss," Cloud Kicker nudged her right back. "I just happen to have different sorts of cravings."

"Oh gimme a break," Dash giggle-snorted incredulously.

"Nope, not till you tell me why you wanted Volare to get over his issue."

"Ok, then why'd you seem so high-up on wanting to jump in the sack with him?" Dash countered. "You didn't exactly seem remorseful about it when I caught you guys."

"Hey, I just wanted the headlines in the Ponyville Express to read "Cloud Kicker Becomes First Pony to Bang Alien,"" the Weather Lieutenant framed each word in mid-air with her hooves. "Man, I'd have to like, put that front page under glass or something and hang it over the fireplace!"

"You know what, I almost believe you," Dash laughed, but Cloud Kicker waved a hoof dismissively.

"Nah, in all honesty, I was only doing what I did to help the poor guy out. You know, strike while the iron is hot and all."

"Uh-huh," Dash crossed her hooves skeptically.

"I'm serious! Wait, didn't he tell you what we talked about? Like, why he had a problem in the first place?"

"Nah, he just kinda said he was over it and said not to worry about it," Dash shrugged while Cloud Kicker facehoofed. "What?"

"You're about as discerning as Tom sometimes, Boss. Just cuz he's a guy doesn't mean he doesn't have subtleties too."

"Oops?" Dash smiled weakly. "Oh come on, how bad could it be? He seriously was a virgin and was just being nervous, right?"

"Uh, no...no he wasn't," Cloud Kicker frowned and summed up why Volare had been so squicked-out by having a relationship with a pony, about how his culture raised him to believe that any relationship with anything non-human was evil, and that having a relationship with something non-sentient was akin to theft and rape, and that was why he couldn't bring himself to do it, and why he got so nervous about it.

"Whoa," Dash gaped after she finished. "But wait a sec; we're not stupid animals! Why didn't he see that till you explained it to him?"

"Hard to shake years and years of the same thoughts so fast, Dash," Cloud Kicker bit her lip. "You of all ponies should know that."

"Oh...oh damn," Dash buried her head in her hooves and groaned. "I didn't know. I swear if I'd known, I wouldn't have-"

"Just like if I'd have know, I wouldn't have said what I said," Cloud Kicker cut her off firmly. "There's just some stuff that we bury so deep that it hurts too much to dig up and talk about. We both know about your old wounds...and this is probably one of Volare's."

And I was tearing them open, Dash berated herself. "Cloudy...I can't like the guy."

"Why not?" Cloud Kicker cocked her head curiously. "Didn't seem to stop you before you knew this."

"That wasn't-I wasn't being serious!"

"Uh-huh, sure, Boss," Cloud Kicker reverted back to that smirk from earlier. "Explain to me why you can't like the guy."

"Cuz it's not fair if I do!" Dash replied sharply. "Cuz I just hurt him all the time!"

"So? You seem perfectly fine semi-antagonizing every other stallion around here. Not that I'm arguing of course, cuz it tends to send'em my way," Cloud Kicker caught a fluffy pillow to her grinning teeth in response to that. "Heh, my question is: why treat him differently? Hay, why even care about his feelings? Not like you owe him anything, right?"

You could say that. "It's not that, it's just...ugh!" Dash growled at her prideful inability to put thought to words.

"Rainbow...you could have won that joust today," Cloud Kicker nudged her shoulder pointedly. "But you held up and didn't mow him down. Why? Don't you play to win all the time? Why not take advantage of him and win? Why treat him differently?"


"Is it cuz he is different?" Cloud Kicker offered. "And not just cuz he's from a different planet and used to be a different species, I mean. I'm talking about compared to other stallions in general. I mean, we both know why you don't trust the average guy, right?"

"Yeah," Dash snorted lightly.

"Maybe you see him differently because he's not the average guy," Cloud Kicker leaned back on the couch and put her hoof to her chin thoughtfully. "I mean, think about it. For one, do you see him eyeballing other mares plots and such 24/7?"

"Maybe he's more of a teats-guy?" Dash offered lamely, causing her friend to howl with laughter.

"Hahahaha!! Nah, I don't think so either," Cloud Kicker wiped her eye. "I mean, maybe he's different because that's not the first thing on his mind. Seriously, I think any mare around town would kill to have the guy if he'd open up more. He's got a solid job, good work ethic, and we both know he's good with foals if the recent lack of CMC-sponsored destruction is any indication. Not to mention he's put his life on the line for his friends a good few times too. I mean, he ran into a burning building to save Trixie of all ponies and dove into a storm to save your plot when you got in trouble, among other things."

"Meh, that was a fluke thing," Dash shrugged defiantly. "So he saved me a few times, big whoop-dee-doo. Should I sprinkle some rose petals on my bed and wait for his return so I can repay him or something, now?"

"As fun as that sounds," Cloud Kicker smirked and dodged a swipe of Dash's hoof. "Nah, he'd probably spook and run if you came on that strong. Dash, my point is, I don't think he's driven by the little head, if you know what I mean."

"Haha, yeah I get it," Dash rolled her eyes. "But just what is your point?"

"That he possibly sees you as more than just a piece of tail to get banged," Cloud Kicker offered and this time it was Dash's turn to snicker.

"Pfft, yeah right. He's a stallion and we both know what's always on their mind."

"Yes, but," Cloud Kicker held up a hoof. "I think we've already kinda established that he's different. Oh, here's a wild thought: maybe he even has feelings for you and he's too afraid to act on them, hmm?"

"Seriously?" Dash scoffed, though if their near-kiss the other day was any indication...he didn't exactly fight it... "H-how can you be sure?"

"He made a move on you yet after living with you for over a month?"

"You notice him missing any teeth?" Dash flexed a hoof.

"See, that's the attitude I'm talking about," Cloud Kicker facehoofed again. "You gotta look past him being a guy, just like he's willing to look past those taboos he's getting over. But if you threaten to cram your hoof down his throat if he lets any feelings he might have blossom, then he'll be stuck and frustrated."


"Fillies and gentlecolts, a round of applause for Captain Hamhoof," Cloud Kicker announced to the empty room before throwing a hoof around Dash's shoulders. "Anyway, if he does have feelings, I guess the only bit of the equation missing comes from you and brings us right back to where this all started: do you have any feelings for him?"

"N-no, I don't think-"

"Cuz if you don't," Cloud Kicker tried a new angle, one that more readily appealed to Dash's competitive nature. "Like I said, I know plenty of mares who'd line up to hook up with the guy if they got to know him better. Plus, I dunno if you've noticed or not, but it seems like all the really good stallions around town got drafted into Celestia's Guard after the whole Wedding Fiasco. Heh, you know, that actually sounds like a pretty good perk. Maybe I should become a Princess, eh?" Cloud Kicker said thoughtfully, and Dash honestly couldn't tell if she was joking or not cuz a gig like that seemed right up the Weather Lieutenant's alley.

"I think we're getting off-topic," Dash waved a hoof, but Cloud Kicker seemed lost in a mini-fantasy about being surrounded by all the stallions she could possibly imagine.

"Man...I'd probably lose track of them all," Cloud Kicker licked her lips thoughtfully. "And I'd turn the Throne Room into the VIP Lounge."

"Oookay, if you're gonna get all moist over a buncha stallions, Princess, I'm gonna jet," Dash announced, shattering her friend's blissful fantasy.

"Aww ok, fine...party pooper," Cloud Kicker stuck her tongue out. "I'd have invited you and given you first pick and everything."

"Yeah, not funny," Dash waved a threatening hoof. "Anyway, where were again?"

"A palace of phallus?"

"Before that."

"Right, right, just kidding," Cloud Kicker downed the last of her OJ and regathered her thoughts. "Oh, right, I was gonna say that if you do have feelings for Volare, you'd better tell him soon before some other mare gets to know him better and decides to make a move and beats ya to the punch. And seeing as how he's apparently over his little issue..." Cloud Kicker could practically see Dash's defiant little wall being chipped away as she mulled over the possibility of being beaten in anything.

"Yeah, but...but he said he'd hold back from being with any old pony if it made me feel better," Dash's explanation drew Cloud Kicker's eyebrows skyward. "Said he'd wait till we found him the mare he deserves."

"Wow, who?"

"He uh, didn't say," Dash scratched her mane. "Said there might have been one, but she was way out of his league."

"Heh, oh really? Not sure if he's being modest or just nervous," Cloud Kicker mused.

"Whatcha mean by that?"

"Nothing, I just mean that I might make up wild excuses on the spot too if I was afraid somepony would introduce their hoof to my esophagus if I said what my heart felt about them," Cloud Kicker smiled sagely. "That's all."

"Oh that's just stupid," Dash countered with a snort. "Why would he do that? Why wouldn't he just go after somepony else?"

"Cuz maybe his unspoken feelings are so strong that they're making him hang around no matter what this 'out-of-his-league' mare throws at him?" At her words, Dash's eyes widened in realization and her jaw hung slackly as she wracked her brains for a better explanation.

"H-he can't mean me, I mean...I treat him like crap half the time and he just...there's no way in Ponyhell his feelings could be that strong!" Dash insisted, but Cloud Kicker merely shrugged.

"Who could say unless he says for sure. Who knows, maybe he's talking about some other mare entirely."

"But he doesn't hang out with any other mare except me. Unless he's meeting her late at night or something...but then he'd be-oh, I'm gonna kick his flank if he's seeing some other mare behind my back!" Dash growled and pounded her hooves together. "And I'll beat the hay outta whatever no-account mare of the night he's fooling around with too! Dammit flyboy, you deserve better than street-trotting trash like that!"

"Sounding a little defensive there, Boss...almost like somepony who has feelings for somepony else after all," Cloud Kicker smirked as Dash's face blushed fiery red. She'd trapped herself and she knew it.

"Y-yeah, well so what if I think he deserves better?" Dash crossed her hooves tightly and fumed. "He's my friend and I care about him, ok?"

"Nothing in the world wrong with that," Cloud Kicker smiled and laid her hoof on her shoulder. "And definitely nothing in the world wrong with wanting to do it yourself, Boss. In fact, I'd encourage it."

"I know what you're trying to make me say, Cloudy," Dash grumbled. "And it's not gonna work."

"Heh, just because something's not spoken about doesn't mean it doesn't exist, Rainbow," Cloud Kicker smiled encouragingly. "However, unless you know for sure from his side, we won't know if it's worth more than simply existing in thought."

"I'm gonna look like an idiot if I ask him straight-up, Cloudy," Dash snorted. "I mean, what do I say? 'Hey Volare, I think I like you, you like me too? Oh you do? Cool, wanna go on a date and stuff?'"

"...Uh, yeah, that works pretty much."

"Ugh, you're not helping," Dash groaned in frustration. Why the hay am I so unsure about this?!
...Might have to do with you being the reason why he's stuck here, Dashie.
Ok, you're not helping either.
...Just means you care about his well-being, Dashie. There's nothing wrong with that.
But I-
...Not to mention that, as much as you hate to admit it, you need somepony like him in your life. That you're tired of being alone and covering your uncertainty with bravado and excuses all the time. That's what cowards do and that ain't you! You're better than that!! Am I right? Course I am! And don't you try to argue with me cuz only crazy ponies argue with themselves.
I'm not scared of anything!
...Please. Until you let go and trust somepony like him, you'll never get over it and you know it.
But what if he-
...Do you honestly believe with any fiber of your being that he'd treat you that way, physical threats or not?
I...no, I don't.
...Then take a leap of faith, Dashie! Put your faith in somepony other than yourself and let go of your damn pride for once, cuz it's killing you!

"-trying my best, Boss," Cloud Kicker's voice shook her out of her thoughts and back to the present.

"Y-yeah, I know," Dash wiped her face with a hoof and sighed.

"And as for you looking like an idiot...well, considering the crazy horseapples you've done since meeting the guy, I doubt he'd think much different of you if you asked," Cloud Kicker reasoned. "If he's as nice as we both figure, he'll likely understand if you just open up and explain yourself."

"Ugh, I know, I know," Dash sighed loudly and leaned her head over the back of the couch. "I'll figure it out sooner or later, alright?"

Meh, good enough. "Alright, but you'd better hurry up cuz although he promised he'd hold off...he is still a guy and you can't give him too much credit if some mare gets a wild thought in her head and grinds her sexy tail up against him one of these days," Cloud Kicker smirked.

"Hmph, sounds like something you'd do."

"Heh-heh, could be, Boss. But, if you make an effort to try, I'll hold off on the guy," she raised her right hoof in oath. "Guardspony's honor."

"You dropped out of the Academy," Dash snarked.

"Ok, fine, Kicker Clan's honor. You can't get much deeper and you can take that to the feathering bank," Cloud Kicker nodded firmly.

"Heh, sounds fair enough," Dash smiled, her spirits feeling strangely lifted and invigorated. Perhaps because she finally had a goal in mind, perhaps she realized she was potentially competing against not only the clock, but Volare and everypony else in town at once, and perhaps because...well, because it was more than all that. Perhaps because she was curious to know if he possibly thought the same of her...and it thrilled her a little bit because she was unsure of what might happen beyond that point if he confirmed her suspicions; but unsure in a good way, like trying a trick for the first time. In theory it might work, but in practice...well, that's where one earned their bits, as they say. Time to put up or shut up, Dashie.

"Well, in that case, um..." Dash paused for a moment. "Till I decide what I'm gonna do, how do I get other mares to, um...you know..." she waved a hoof ambiguously.

"Back off?" Cloud Kicker smirked deviously.

"Yeah, without me looking like a..."


"Eh-heh, yeah, that," Dash scratched her head.

"Well isn't that the million bit question?" Cloud Kicker pondered for a moment. "Well, no offense, but subtlety's definitely not your strong-suit, so that's kinda out. Then again, you could just increase his weather workload and make him look like an unavailable workaholic."

"Nah, that's not fair to him, Scootaloo, or anypony else he like spending time with," Dash shook her head. "Plus he's still gotta get his wingpower numbers up, and weather work doesn't exactly get it done like a good old-fashioned workout."

"Why's he gotta get his numbers up?" Cloud Kicker inquired and received a summarized explanation from Dash about Volare wanting to return to Earth to take care of unfinished business, but needing higher wingpower for the stress of the return trip according to Twilight. "Oh, well that makes sense," Cloud Kicker nodded before a thought dawned on her and she grinned at the brilliance of it. "Heehee, I think I know what could work."

"What?" Dash cocked her head curiously.

"Well, you're always talking about kicking his plot, so why not try practical sparring instead?" At Dash's skeptical laughter, Cloud Kicker hastily explained that it helps build good muscle tone, it would definitely keep Volare occupied, and it would also give Dash a chance to learn how his body works. "You know, for possible future...physical encounters," she waggled her eyebrows so violently that Dash was sure they'd leap off her head if she didn't knock them off herself first.

"What the hay's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing, just...you know...if you ever wanted to check him out from different angles, what better way to do so than from a rear hoof-lock over his flank?" Cloud Kicker chuckled impishly as Dash rolled her eyes. "Just sayin'. Plus, it'd be a pretty good way for you to hang out with him without looking like you're holding him hostage, so in a non-subtle way...it's actually sorta subtle. Huh, funny how that worked out."

"You're serious, Cloudy?" Dash queried as she displayed her wrapped shoulder. "You want us to beat the crap outta each other cuz we saw how well that went yesterday."

"Nah, you use safety pads and stuff like blunted wingblades," Cloud Kicker waved a hoof at the blades over her mantel. "Totally safe with a little guidance. You know how to fight, dontcha?"

"Uh...I brawled with some Changelings and punched out Jill a while back," Dash replied with a hopeful grin that merely drew a low groan of realization from the Weather Lieutenant.

"Yeah, this is gonna take some work..."


Author: Oh man, this is about to get good! Place your bets, folks!
Volare: Oh yes, I remember this...and if I remember correctly, the winner's not who you'd expect it to be. :P
Author: Meh, beginner's luck.
Volare: Said the humbled to the victor.
Author: We'll see about that! *tackles*
*Sounds of crashing in background*
Spike: *reading* Whoa, did I get a line in this chapter besides snoring? Sweet! Spike's back in action!

Author's Note:

See how many goofy pop culture reference you can spot in this chapter!

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